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In a compelling exploration of the Israel-Palestine conflict, we dissect the current events surrounding Gaza and the significant implications of recent statements made by prominent figures like Trump. The episode begins with heartfelt listener engagement, acknowledging current discussions while emphasizing the critical nature of grounding our debates in historical context and human experiences. 

As we navigate the rich tapestry of historical narratives, we delve into the complexities faced by both Israelis and Palestinians. The discussion invites listeners to reflect on the severe humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, leading us to question the broader power dynamics at play. In doing so, we confront the uncomfortable realities that many individuals face daily, urging a collective re-examination of the prevalent narratives.

Moreover, the episode sheds light on the impact of leadership and governmental decisions that often overlook the human costs of conflict. With both sides holding legitimate claims to the land, the hosts encourage understanding and empathy over division. 

The conversation raises the question of what a path to peace might entail, emphasizing the urgent need for open dialogue and acknowledgment of shared humanity. Listeners are encouraged to engage thoughtfully with these pressing concerns, as we collectively navigate a complicated landscape. Join us as we seek answers and chart a course toward understanding and ultimately, peace — remember to subscribe, share, and leave a review!

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00:00 - Introduction and Welcome

02:37 - Responding to Listener Feedback

06:18 - Current Events: Israel

12:53 - Analyzing Trump’s Statements on Gaza

26:33 - Historical Context: Roots of Conflict

41:09 - Understanding the Human Impact

56:38 - Perspectives on Each Side and Path Forward

01:11:03 - Religion, Governance, and Their Implications

01:30:48 - Closing Thoughts and Reflections


00:00:00.981 --> 00:00:01.766
I was walking the dog.

00:00:01.766 --> 00:00:07.923
Actually, before we get into that, ken, welcome to the podcast, welcome to the Mick and Pat show.

00:00:07.923 --> 00:00:10.890
I'm Mick and I'm Pat.

00:00:10.890 --> 00:00:11.410
There we go.

00:00:11.410 --> 00:00:16.350
You got to introduce yourself, but thanks for joining us again another week.

00:00:16.350 --> 00:00:18.407
I was very flattered.

00:00:18.407 --> 00:00:27.157
Someone in our little training group, you know, uh, they reached out to me.

00:00:27.157 --> 00:00:30.830
They didn't reach out to me just in the group and as a whole they're like I'm catching up.

00:00:30.830 --> 00:00:32.981
I'm going through the backlog learning the lore.

00:00:33.423 --> 00:00:40.042
oh really, I was like wow, and they're like I'm on this episode I was like it's a good episode, uh.

00:00:40.042 --> 00:00:54.813
And then, with everything, there's been a lot of talks about Israel-Palestine stuff lately in a lot of our circles, just wondering, like, what Trump's going to do and like there's, you know, hamas is saying Israel's got to abide by the ceasefire before we release our hostages.

00:00:54.813 --> 00:01:05.671
Trump, of course, said the thing about, you know, us intervention in Gaza, and I'm not going to put words in his mouth because I've seen mixed things.

00:01:05.671 --> 00:01:07.862
I haven't seen him saying the U?

00:01:07.862 --> 00:01:10.947
S is going to annex Gaza and own Gaza.

00:01:10.947 --> 00:01:14.394
I haven't seen that quote.

00:01:14.394 --> 00:01:16.188
I've heard people saying that's what he said.

00:01:16.188 --> 00:01:37.793
Everything I've seen was like talking about, like essentially going in, providing aid, relief, rebuilding buildings, and then also kind of policing gaza to keep hamas from doing something to destabilize the ceasefire and they are working to relocate a lot of people, like there is a lot of yeah, no relocation and, like the pressure of, like, egypt and lebanon need to accept.

00:01:38.841 --> 00:01:39.343
Uh, what is it?

00:01:39.343 --> 00:01:40.506
Ethnically cleanse?

00:01:40.506 --> 00:01:49.091
Is the word they're using really, yeah, that's no, that's the word that you use when you are of an ethnicity and your nation has been dissolved and that's what they're.

00:01:49.552 --> 00:01:50.301
Isn't that weird?

00:01:50.802 --> 00:01:56.093
ethnically cleansed sounds like such a awful term for genocide, but technically it's a.

00:01:56.093 --> 00:02:04.567
I guess it's like the appropriate term for if you are from somewhere that no longer exists and you need to immigrate to a new nation.

00:02:04.567 --> 00:02:13.725
Um, which is ironic because that's also the language they used for all of the original jews that were migrated, like moved into israel back in the 40s.

00:02:13.725 --> 00:02:26.620
Right that they were ethnically cleansed from europe because they had to, like their original homes and nations were gone, so they had to become a new people and became israel again, which is just, I don't know.

00:02:26.620 --> 00:02:33.222
Maybe we bleep out that because I think a lot of youtube is gonna just think or anti-semitic, or say it say that

00:02:33.263 --> 00:02:35.008
word right, but that's the proper term.

00:02:35.008 --> 00:02:48.264
Yeah, which I was really surprised because that's the term in a lot of government documents too right now that are going out of the dod to like saying like hey, like ethnically cleansed migrants, you have to accept this many.

00:02:48.264 --> 00:02:50.789
Or, like you know, we want lebanon to accept this many.

00:02:50.789 --> 00:02:53.463
You know stuff like that, but I don't know you're.

00:02:53.463 --> 00:02:58.313
You're, of course, our expert with the people on the ground.

00:02:58.313 --> 00:03:00.483
Do you know?

00:03:00.483 --> 00:03:03.108
Is trump saying stuff of like owning Gaza?

00:03:03.108 --> 00:03:07.794
Or I know there is the talk about rebuilding buildings and damaging infrastructure.

00:03:09.262 --> 00:03:17.626
I think that and I haven't been following it that closely so I haven't dug into a lot of extra stuff besides what's kind of been coming through the feeds and stuff.

00:03:17.626 --> 00:03:35.229
It's pretty, I mean it's what Trump is proposing Is Something that will, I mean it'll really mean that Gaza's never the same again.

00:03:35.890 --> 00:03:37.108
Now Help me understand this.

00:03:37.147 --> 00:04:09.319
Break it down for the layman Meaning In you know, over the last, you know, even 20 years, there's been flare ups between Gaza and Israel and wars, but Palestinians in Gaza have maintained their sovereignty is not really the right word for it but they, like, they've maintained their, their, they've lived, they've continued to live there, they've had their own culture there.

00:04:09.379 --> 00:04:12.730
That is where they consider their homeland to be, as they've had.

00:04:12.730 --> 00:04:16.649
You know, they've been there for generations, generations upon generations.

00:04:16.649 --> 00:05:00.369
At this point, and so this is a new and different precedent for you know, really relocating this many people out again, and it's not the first time this type of thing has happened in israel to palestinians, but it is, um, in gaza specifically right now, it's going to be, uh, I mean, yeah, we're talking like millions of people, like getting put somewhere else and so displaced, yeah, and if we're talking the numbers and the millions similar to like how we a lot of people talked about, you know, in america, we said, we've said, over the last four years, we've had millions of you know, undocumented people 20 million right for the last four.

00:05:00.389 --> 00:05:12.944
a lot of people, um, and then now let's take this like on a, on how much tinier these like countries are, like land, even just land mass and capability wise, that are being asked to take on millions of people.

00:05:12.944 --> 00:05:17.244
It's like, um, that I mean I don't even know what the population of jordan is.

00:05:17.244 --> 00:05:19.896
Uh, let's see a little bit for population jordan.

00:05:19.896 --> 00:05:25.971
But I know jordan's been asked to take, I think, two million I'm I'm not sure the exact numbers.

00:05:25.971 --> 00:05:27.824
I need to look at it, but I didn't know.

00:05:27.863 --> 00:05:42.492
While I was looking at it they were using the word millions and it was like, okay, that is a huge undertaking and that means these people don't get to be in their homeland anymore.

00:05:42.492 --> 00:05:49.934
So, jordan population 11.3 million in Jordan.

00:05:49.934 --> 00:06:06.605
So, you know, bringing on even you know, 1 million, that's a pretty big swing on your population and I need to double check how many people are actually being asked to go there in case I'm just completely off base.

00:06:06.605 --> 00:06:15.050
Um, but it's just, uh, that's that's even a bigger deal than 16 million coming into America.

00:06:15.050 --> 00:06:21.548
You know, like for that many people to come into this small portion of proportionally this small the population is, small landmass, um, um.

00:06:22.562 --> 00:06:33.850
and so Trump's words have been pretty, uh, yeah, upsetting to a lot of people because it is kind of like, you know, the same way he's talked about it's the same.

00:06:33.850 --> 00:06:46.855
It's kind of the same like flippancy as talking about making canada the next state or taking over greenland, like as if it's up to one person and one person alone him.

00:06:46.855 --> 00:07:10.668
And that's like you know, I think that's the piece too, that, like that his attitude in some of those ways is what really rubs people the wrong way, where it's like he just comes out and says something like that and as if it's just he's going to decide if he's going to do it or not, yeah, and that's going to be, um, the way it is, you know, like, like, freaking, like pharaoh, like shall it be written?

00:07:10.668 --> 00:07:11.552
So shall it be done?

00:07:11.552 --> 00:07:11.932
You know?

00:07:12.742 --> 00:07:22.129
yeah, I mean, it definitely keeps people guessing, I think and so yeah, well, I was curious what if you had um was there.

00:07:22.129 --> 00:07:29.411
You were saying that some of the guys in the group have been talking about the Palestinian-Israeli issues.

00:07:29.411 --> 00:07:34.184
Was that in relation to any of like our like, to our podcast about that, or was that also just in general?

00:07:34.184 --> 00:07:38.725
They're talking about it and you're wondering what, what they're talking about it, and then there's a lot of.

00:07:38.884 --> 00:07:52.088
I will say this there was a lot of misconceptions about the situation, for sure, so I pointed them to our two israel, palestine episodes to get some like context and just stuff like that.

00:07:52.148 --> 00:08:40.011
But, um, yeah, it is interesting, you know, because it correct me if I'm wrong right here, because I know the Palestinian claim is this is our land, this is our home and you're occupying it, right, but isn't it historically pretty much known throughout, you know, not only like biblical history, but also like archaeological history, as well as like history using like quran and other references of like, like geographical history, like really the, the jews, israelites were really there in that region well before quote-unquote palestinians right?

00:08:40.131 --> 00:08:40.552

00:08:40.552 --> 00:08:50.008
Well, in some ways, yes, but in lots of many other ways, no, and and that's why it's so messy, which would be the even like the word, like now.

00:08:50.008 --> 00:08:59.840
This title was adopted later by Romans, but, like the Philistines were there before the Israelites, they were, yeah, canaanites, amorites, right.

00:08:59.840 --> 00:09:02.489
And so there was people there before they came and took it.

00:09:02.750 --> 00:09:44.089
And so there was people there before they came and took it, and then Israel lived there for not that long on the time scale, you know, where historians say that, like Jericho, some historians say that Jericho was a 10,000 year old city, which is, you know, pretty crazy, like, and so if we're talking about those types of numbers and those types of people, groups there, and then Israel, israelites come in and get established after leaving Egypt, you know, and then the they, even while, even while Israel had control over the land, they still fought over it, like the whole time they were there.

00:09:44.089 --> 00:09:45.945
Their own nation split into, you know, control over the land.

00:09:45.945 --> 00:09:47.450
They still fought over it, like the whole time they were there.

00:09:47.450 --> 00:09:48.153
Their own nation split into.

00:09:48.153 --> 00:09:49.437
You know, judah in the North Israel in the.

00:09:49.496 --> 00:09:49.638

00:09:49.638 --> 00:09:55.826
And then they had um, and then by the time, like Jesus comes around 2000 years ago, they were already an occupied state.

00:09:55.826 --> 00:10:07.160
They'd already been taken over by Rome at that point, or being occupied by Rome, um, and then shortly after that, 70 years later, you know, they're basically the diaspora happens.

00:10:07.160 --> 00:10:18.466
Jews head north and kind of head everywhere out of there and really kind of leave that area for the next 2000 years.

00:10:18.466 --> 00:10:24.385
And even during that 2000 years there were Jews there who maintained in that area.

00:10:24.385 --> 00:10:32.373
But then we have the Crusades pop up, we have Christians and Muslims fighting over the land for you know, three Crusades worth of time.

00:10:35.123 --> 00:10:47.496
And then fast forward another thousand years and we have World War II, zionism movement just before that ramps up.

00:10:47.496 --> 00:11:11.330
And then you have, you know, now, like you were saying, these people and now, after World War II, we need a place to establish them in Israel, and the Jews had already, zionist movement, had already been moving towards establishing, had already been moving towards establishing the reestablishing their claim to the land for the historical land of Israel, before world war two.

00:11:11.330 --> 00:11:18.668
But that really, like, gave that movement, you know, uh, jet fuel to make it happen with having support from many nations.

00:11:18.668 --> 00:11:29.344
And so, yes, um, the Jews were there before other people, but then other people were there before them and the hard.

00:11:29.365 --> 00:11:39.201
The hard part is if you really take the amount and this it's hard because this is gonna make me sound anti-semitic to a lot of people, right, like, like so I'm kind of, but I'm kind of given.

00:11:40.022 --> 00:12:15.849
What I'm doing here is I'm trying to give context and our audience, who would probably more typically be just like, wholeheartedly like, pro-israel, without even any knowledge behind it, I'm trying to give, like the here's, what's going on here, you know, because there are legitimate claims to Israel having this place too, claims to Israel having this place too, um, but at the same time, the the amount of time that they occupied that land, just in the grand scale of things, wasn't that long um to leave and then come back, and so it's uh, um, it's just messy.

00:12:15.989 --> 00:12:38.605
But now, in the biggest part now, I think for me is the fact that now Israel has been established for about two generations, where the people there two to three generations of people there Now it's like those people that's their home too, and like this is where they are, and so there's plenty of room there and plenty of resources there for all these people to live together.

00:12:38.605 --> 00:13:18.471
But when two different groups of people are like, excuse me, really driven by a needing to own a very specific rock, yeah, which is literally like a boulder that's inside of the temple mount or the dome of the rock, now Like it's hard for people to get along when they got to have a religion on that spot, so they're, um, you're not just going to easily have, you know, a bunch of people that coexist subaru bumper sticker rocking around there when they have like the steep stuff.

00:13:18.510 --> 00:13:28.865
And so, yeah, I think is, at this point in time, israel has legitimate claims, both historically as well as now, I mean coming in and establishing themselves.

00:13:28.865 --> 00:13:45.466
Now they have claims and, in the same way, gazans and Palestinians have a historical claim and a right to the place, and then you have groups like extremist groups like Hamas, and then you have groups like extremist groups like Hamas.

00:13:45.466 --> 00:14:16.149
There's some extremist groups on the Israel side of things as well that just don't allow for them to Right and even like that's more, like yeah, like that's the more government agency stuff, and then there's just like there are, like there's extreme, like there's extreme rabbinic and Judaic, like sects and cults yeah, and I was talking about that With a couple of them too, and people who've come in, and Israel, while small, is similar to America In that you have all sorts of different Groups of people.

00:14:16.188 --> 00:14:22.788
You've got your your quote unquote right wing gun toters Over to your left wing.

00:14:22.880 --> 00:14:23.327
Blue hares.

00:14:25.244 --> 00:14:26.581
And you have all the people in between.

00:14:26.581 --> 00:14:37.880
You have people living in kibbutz trying to be just like a peaceful monk, you got people who are politically motivated, people religiously motivated, and so, um, israel itself has a unique culture.

00:14:37.880 --> 00:14:39.283
And then also the.

00:14:39.283 --> 00:14:52.154
For the gazans specifically, the hard way forward that I'm seeing, which is difficult with the, the decisions Trump is making would be around the way.

00:14:52.154 --> 00:14:59.726
What's the way forward now Meaning prior to October 7th 2023,?

00:14:59.726 --> 00:15:03.972
I would you know the things that Trump was saying?

00:15:03.972 --> 00:15:06.015
I would be like absolutely not.

00:15:06.015 --> 00:15:27.633
These people have a right to this, this part, this little chunk of ground where they've really been relegated to and, and you know, occupied within um, even though they routinely stir up BS, for you know their neighbors, um, but now, um, the hard thing now is finding a way forward.

00:15:27.633 --> 00:15:33.369
After the amount of war that just happened in Gaza in a very small area.

00:15:33.369 --> 00:15:43.576
I mean, like I'd say from one what I do, but I do believe Gaza has been just about leveled at this point, and that's because the pictures I've seen from both sides, yeah, and so it's like, well, what now?

00:15:43.576 --> 00:15:46.761
You can't put millions of people back in there leveled at this point, and that's because the pictures I've seen from both sides, yeah, and so it's like well, what now?

00:15:46.761 --> 00:15:49.667
You can't put millions of people back in there.

00:15:49.667 --> 00:15:54.014
Um, you know what's the?

00:15:54.014 --> 00:15:56.830
What's the way, what's the right way forward?

00:15:56.830 --> 00:16:05.590
Now, I don't know what the answer is exactly, but it it's a hard, it's gonna.

00:16:05.870 --> 00:16:18.404
It falls into kind of the same predicament that we have with the Israel Palestine issue in general, which is, um, okay, who should get to live here and who should have to repay?

00:16:18.404 --> 00:16:19.989
Who should have to pay to rebuild it?

00:16:19.989 --> 00:16:20.711
All these things.

00:16:20.711 --> 00:16:23.990
Um, and then you know, is it just going to be?

00:16:23.990 --> 00:16:24.230

00:16:24.230 --> 00:16:33.578
Is Trump's plan, like I've heard people say, you know, just to, you know, basically turn it into the what was the term?

00:16:33.578 --> 00:16:43.327
They were saying Something like the, you know the, like Middle East Riviera or whatever, the Mediterranean Riviera, where it's just going to be, you know, lined with high?

00:16:43.327 --> 00:16:53.567
You know, are they coming in to build hotels, be a moneymaker for the already wealthy investors there, or is it going to be actually something where they establish?

00:16:53.567 --> 00:16:57.931
Are they going to build and establish a place for people to live?

00:16:57.931 --> 00:17:04.051
Either way, gazans and Palestinians are going to get the short end of the stick on it.

00:17:04.051 --> 00:17:10.372
You know they're not going to rebuild the whole place and you know, put in new floors and move everybody back in there.

00:17:10.732 --> 00:17:38.807
Well, right, before we go too much further, because I guess I mean I don't want to have the whole episode, you know, just be this, but it's also really good I have, you know, a couple of questions, right, the first one being is it correct to pretty much then say the claim of Israel's being occupied, or Palestine's being occupied, they're under an occupation?

00:17:38.807 --> 00:17:50.210
Is that, in the context of, if we look at it historically and like what everything leads up to to this moment in time, is that really a true statement, or is it more of?

00:17:50.210 --> 00:17:55.789
These are pretty much two groups that both have claim to the area.

00:17:55.789 --> 00:18:17.285
Some, like alistairians, have claimed to parts of israel, israel's claims to parts of israel in pal, you know, whatever right Like, both of them have parts they want from the other, and what we're more looking at is just like two groups divided that both have a right to the same location and one is winning.

00:18:17.285 --> 00:18:19.609
I'm just going to be frank One is winning.

00:18:20.211 --> 00:18:20.853
One is losing.

00:18:22.540 --> 00:18:34.031
Because that's what it seems like more to me from the outside right is like I I almost see it very similarly to um, what was it, uh?

00:18:34.031 --> 00:18:36.375
Russia's requirement of?

00:18:37.823 --> 00:18:38.304
what was it?

00:18:38.483 --> 00:18:38.904

00:18:38.904 --> 00:18:49.710
Yeah, of like, there's a lot of russians that live in crimea that think crimea is russian, a lot of crimeans who also think it's russian, a lot of crime that live in Crimea that think Crimea is Russian, a lot of Crimeans who also think it's Russian, a lot of Crimeans and Russians who think it's Crimea.

00:18:49.710 --> 00:18:55.972
What it really comes down to is who's going to win when both of them want that same thing.

00:18:56.140 --> 00:19:07.153
Like the same thing and they don't want to share Right, and I know this is like a very simplistic and brutalist approach, but I don't think we're looking at anything new here.

00:19:07.153 --> 00:19:15.069
Like this is the same thing that's been going on in the sandbox for a very long time and that's, that's my assumption.

00:19:15.069 --> 00:19:17.769
That's how I kind of like seeing it.

00:19:17.769 --> 00:19:21.767
That could be totally wrong and I want you to tell me if it's wrong.

00:19:22.261 --> 00:19:37.030
Well, I think the the the hardest thing about answering this whole thing would be like people's view of what's right and wrong is just different, depending on your viewpoint of like there throughout history and throughout now.

00:19:37.030 --> 00:19:43.489
You know there's people who would say um, colonialism, imperialism isn't bad.

00:19:43.489 --> 00:19:46.474
People would say that's, that's abhorrent, you're destroying cultures.

00:19:47.422 --> 00:19:50.328
Um I'm not saying that's right or wrong morally.

00:19:50.328 --> 00:19:51.952
I'm just trying to say like, is that a right?

00:19:52.000 --> 00:19:57.983
assessment of the picture, well, and that's what I would even say now, which is like how did we get all of our borders that we have currently?

00:19:58.044 --> 00:21:00.749
yeah, exactly, it was either through, in rare cases buying land off of other countries yeah, who had taken it from somebody else in the past, or um, conquer, conquest, and so like, and then post-conquest fighting for, you know, back and forth, pushing the line this way and that way and so on, an individual from from taking it from an like a perspective, individual to individual, it's a lot easier to get into the gray areas of who has a right to life and happiness here, who has a right to their homeland, and then as you zoom up and get into, uh, you know, 30,000 foot view mode it's like, depending on your worldview, it's one perspective is, you know, hey, we were here first and this is our land and we should have it.

00:21:01.230 --> 00:21:02.980
And that's what both people like.

00:21:02.980 --> 00:21:04.223
That's what both sides like.

00:21:04.223 --> 00:21:06.089
That's the argument they put forward first.

00:21:06.089 --> 00:21:08.448
Both sides make that same argument we were here first, it's ours.

00:21:08.448 --> 00:21:10.787
It's like well, what's your definition of first?

00:21:10.787 --> 00:21:13.201
It's like no finders, keepers.

00:21:13.201 --> 00:21:16.885
Well, you left it, you left it Now, I found it Okay Now.

00:21:16.885 --> 00:21:26.895
Then there's the other perspective, which would be I took this, I took it, I took it, or like, or I don't care if it was yours, now it's mine.

00:21:26.895 --> 00:21:36.984
And that is a hard, it's a brutal hard way to approach a situation.

00:21:36.984 --> 00:21:42.950
But from what I see from history, that is what happens, right or wrong.

00:21:42.950 --> 00:21:46.612
What happens is someone comes and says I took this, it's mine now.

00:21:46.612 --> 00:21:53.076
Almost like that scene from the Daniel Day-Lewis oil movie.

00:21:53.076 --> 00:21:53.616
What is that?

00:21:53.616 --> 00:21:54.678
There Will Be Blood.

00:21:56.339 --> 00:22:05.027
Yes, your milkshake's over there, but I put my straws over here and I drink it up.

00:22:06.147 --> 00:22:08.528
Yeah, yeah, and exactly it's the.

00:22:08.528 --> 00:22:09.609
I drink your milkshake.

00:22:09.609 --> 00:22:11.592
And in that scene you'd say who's the bad guy?

00:22:11.592 --> 00:22:12.952
Oh, he is Like he's bad.

00:22:12.952 --> 00:22:21.521
Is he though, but at the same time, I mean, he does bludgeon him with a bowling pin, but like yeah, his adopted son, not his adopted son.

00:22:21.542 --> 00:22:23.848
He bludgeons the corrupt preacher.

00:22:24.611 --> 00:22:27.105
Oh, yeah, yeah, Yep, yep.

00:22:27.105 --> 00:22:28.984
But just all that to say.

00:22:28.984 --> 00:23:07.342
I kind of have my own personal opinions and I can't even hardly get them out clearly because they're so in some ways convoluted or like sure, or just like I've spent so much time thinking through them but would be, um, both sides in their own right and in their own mind have legitimate claim, yep, and now it's like so, uh, gaza in in particular, we have a, they're kind of one of their.

00:23:07.342 --> 00:23:20.378
Their ruling government was Hamas and they attacked and then they got the poop kicked out of them, this time big time, more than ever in the past.

00:23:21.260 --> 00:23:23.124
Um and Hamas.

00:23:23.124 --> 00:23:30.798
Who's responsible for the um, the civilian deaths, the women, women, children, the displacement?

00:23:30.798 --> 00:23:42.691
Well, hamas has to accept their hand in what they did to their own people.

00:23:42.932 --> 00:23:43.071

00:23:43.375 --> 00:23:45.282
They made a decision.

00:23:45.282 --> 00:23:50.646
They didn't do it good enough to get the milkshake from the other guy.

00:23:50.646 --> 00:23:58.651
And now the other guy came in and just threw their milkshake against a dumpster they just like they didn't even.

00:23:58.651 --> 00:24:01.218
They didn't even steal the milkshake, they just crushed it.

00:24:01.218 --> 00:24:07.148
So israel also has um as a government has um.

00:24:08.938 --> 00:24:26.346
You know their own part to play, and so so does Hamas, and so it's just like it's like if I throw rocks at your house and then turn around and run into mine, I should not be surprised if you throw rocks through my window.

00:24:26.346 --> 00:24:30.424
I might, depending on how much I've upset you.

00:24:30.424 --> 00:24:30.655

00:24:30.655 --> 00:24:34.335
Let's say, I threw a rock and it went through your window and hit your kid or something right.

00:24:35.242 --> 00:24:41.521
I shouldn't be surprised if you're kicking in my door right, and that's what the hard people a lot of people would say to like the Hamas have to be like.

00:24:41.521 --> 00:24:45.123
Well, I threw rocks at your window and then you drove through my house with a bulldozer.

00:24:45.123 --> 00:24:45.872
Yeah, it's like.

00:24:45.913 --> 00:24:47.138
Yeah because I'm sick.

00:24:47.138 --> 00:24:48.083
It wasn't like.

00:24:48.083 --> 00:24:51.967
It's like you threw a rock through my window and it killed my dog.

00:24:51.967 --> 00:25:01.579
I'm driving a bulldozer through your house because you'll never live here again and you'll never be able to kill my next dog right, that's a simplification.

00:25:01.619 --> 00:25:11.642
I'm sure there's not a lot of people who like me referring to them as dogs um, yeah, no, but yeah, and so I think that the um it is like it's a matter of perspective.

00:25:11.642 --> 00:25:22.511
From a 30,000 foot view, I think it's not that difficult, but if we get into the lives of individuals it gets very rough, very fast.

00:25:22.832 --> 00:25:26.836
It is and I agree with that wholeheartedly.

00:25:26.836 --> 00:25:35.436
And I will say, you know, mick's personal opinion is that you know, if I was sitting with two individuals, right it would be.

00:25:35.436 --> 00:25:37.961
I think you both have valid claims to here.

00:25:37.961 --> 00:25:43.199
Both of you have valid claims to this to be to be here.

00:25:43.942 --> 00:25:50.618
I'm not going to say like to own it, I'm not going to say to build it or destroy it or you know whatever.

00:25:50.618 --> 00:25:59.940
But I'm going to say you both have valid reasons to be present in this space and, and like you know, occupying it.

00:25:59.940 --> 00:26:05.650
If you can't agree on that, then you need to figure it out.

00:26:05.650 --> 00:26:09.279
That and like and it's not like you need to, I'm telling you you need to.

00:26:09.279 --> 00:26:29.189
It's like that's just the natural result and I, I would prefer it if they could just accept and shake hands and be like yeah, we both have real reasons to be here, you do your thing, I'll do mine, uh, but I know that's like incredibly over simple, right, right.

00:26:29.234 --> 00:26:29.997
Because then, is that a?

00:26:29.997 --> 00:26:32.903
Is that a two-state solution with a line down the middle?

00:26:32.903 --> 00:26:36.251
And you look inside that side versus, like I don't think, every other house.

00:26:36.393 --> 00:27:02.939
I always, I always thought that was ridiculous I always thought there should just be one block of land and let it be a, you know, democratic representation right um and I I agree from an american perspective, being that like because we've got a road, we've, we are not um we don't decide who gets to live in one house, based on Democrat, republican or Christian Muslim or or something you don't even get to pick.

00:27:03.760 --> 00:27:26.532
You know, like, like Italian, or you know if you're we don't do that anymore, right, we used to, right, yeah, but so, like in this case, the hard part here is to where, to the, let's say, somebody, like some big mediator, comes in like America, and says, all right, you two play nice, you know, get along, coexist together.

00:27:26.553 --> 00:28:01.455
Yeah, the hard thing is there's people working on both sides whose ultimate goal is to see the other group annihilated, you know, and um, and so in this case, because of power, wise, I'd say, if the, if the tides were turned in a lot of ways too, uh, if the, if the, if the, yeah, if the scripts were flipped on like who had the power in the population, it would be the same thing going on, except people would be like, you know, uh, college liberals would be, uh, waving a flag about free israel.

00:28:01.455 --> 00:28:19.433
Um, but, um, the, the power, what I, what's scary for me, is the, the powerful player is israel, and today, today, and they will like it.

00:28:19.433 --> 00:28:22.459
If the thing was all right, everybody, play nice, live together.

00:28:22.459 --> 00:28:41.922
Still, in 50 years from now, there would be less gazans, less palestinians, less ara, less Arabs living there through many different means, because there is an agenda and an ultimate goal to you know, to have it and for.

00:28:42.394 --> 00:28:43.539
Israel to be a Jewish state.

00:28:43.539 --> 00:28:49.105
I mean you cannot be a citizen in Israel without being Jewish.

00:28:49.105 --> 00:29:02.906
Without being Jewish in a lot of ways, as far as there are some exceptions, but by and large, it's your blood in your veins and so that's where, from the American perspective, we're like wait blood in your veins.

00:29:02.906 --> 00:29:10.666
We've kind of moved past a lot of that, but for them, and for Palestinians, or Arabs too, this is still a very strong thing.

00:29:12.355 --> 00:29:17.019
Yeah, and that's what I was going to say is like the big difference is like, yes, we have what we think should happen.

00:29:17.019 --> 00:29:18.222
Right, we have what we prefer.

00:29:18.222 --> 00:29:21.222
Like hey, you two both have equal claims, get along.

00:29:21.222 --> 00:29:23.742
And if you can't get along, figure it out, sort it out.

00:29:23.742 --> 00:29:35.131
The issue with that is that they're like Israel is is a religious government, just like a lot of the other nations are Muslim government governments of Islam.

00:29:35.131 --> 00:29:36.395
Right, it's so.

00:29:36.395 --> 00:30:00.221
Like the fact that it's a Jewish government and Palestine is a Muslim government Essentially, I think, kind of means like the real solution is both of them being dismantled into a non-religious, separated government to take in this place, which I don't think that's our job either.

00:30:00.884 --> 00:30:05.265
Right, I'll say that like it's one of those things like where I don't think we have any role in it.

00:30:05.265 --> 00:30:15.506
Now, I do think like I've heard the argument of like, well, you know, the Biden admin sent an insane amount of weapons and money over there to Israel.

00:30:15.506 --> 00:30:18.464
Those weapons and that money was put to use to level Gaza.

00:30:18.464 --> 00:30:25.087
So maybe we do have some responsibility to rebuild the buildings and offer aid and assistance.

00:30:25.087 --> 00:30:26.579
And I was like you know what.

00:30:26.579 --> 00:30:30.083
I'm not even going to argue against that.

00:30:30.083 --> 00:30:37.048
I kind of think, like I'll be honest, if, like US, bombs were flying over, let's flip around.

00:30:37.229 --> 00:30:37.409

00:30:37.474 --> 00:30:48.443
Let's say, if you know, russia gave some bombs to Mexico and Mexico was like yeah, we're going to use these on the US and we were the ones that provoked the war with Mexico.

00:30:48.443 --> 00:30:54.146
And then Russia was like, shit, those bombs really worked and wrecked the us quite a bit.

00:30:54.146 --> 00:30:59.086
Hey, us, we feel kind of bad that we we did that and they just annihilated you.

00:30:59.086 --> 00:31:01.703
We'd like to offer some aid relief.

00:31:01.703 --> 00:31:06.676
I'd be like, yeah, you better kind of pay up because you kind of have a little bit of liability here.

00:31:06.676 --> 00:31:18.769
So I don't know, I I don't think it's our responsibility, but I can see where it's perhaps the right thing to do to offer that support.

00:31:19.751 --> 00:31:24.527
Right, the hard thing are we supporting it or are we enforcing it?

00:31:24.527 --> 00:31:29.224
Or are we like coming in and now it's like we're taking both your milkshakes.

00:31:29.365 --> 00:31:30.868
Yeah, you know what I mean, yeah.

00:31:31.419 --> 00:31:35.900
From a standpoint of, you know, america saying all right, we're taking over gaza.

00:31:35.900 --> 00:31:41.656
Uh, gossans, you couldn't get your crap together, and israel, you couldn't handle this either.

00:31:41.656 --> 00:31:45.506
So it's sit down you know, yeah, everybody sit down.

00:31:45.526 --> 00:31:55.261
We're gonna come take care of this now and, uh, profit, you know yeah, you know, and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if that's at all what plays out, because we don't have a religious government.

00:31:55.261 --> 00:31:58.617
Our government's not a christian government, and I don't think it should be either.

00:31:58.617 --> 00:32:00.643
I don't want a christian state.

00:32:00.643 --> 00:32:02.227
I don't want a christian nation.

00:32:02.796 --> 00:32:18.900
A christian, the idea of a christian nation is uh oxymoron yeah it's like, yeah, that it's antithetical, like the whole point of of being a Christian is going out, and if you were living in a nation where everyone was Christian, there'd be nowhere else to go but out.

00:32:19.461 --> 00:32:19.641

00:32:19.941 --> 00:32:25.044
And, like a lot of people, I know their immediate knee jerk response is like well then you should quit your job and go to another country.

00:32:25.064 --> 00:32:44.694
I'm like no, because I live in America and America is not a Christian nation and there's plenty of non-Christians around me for me to go out to and witness, a disciple, and there's a difference between saying, and I will say we are a nation rooted in Judeo-Christian values, values, but that does not mean that's what we are and then you know there was.

00:32:44.694 --> 00:32:54.426
And at the same time, though, how does the rest of the world see this when, like Trump, just stood up like something called, like the department of faith or something I mean?

00:32:54.626 --> 00:32:56.608
no, it's not real, come on is that real?

00:32:57.009 --> 00:32:58.191
I gotta look it up, look it up.

00:32:58.191 --> 00:33:14.109
You know it's hard because I'm gonna get off the facebook page, exactly so much, so much stuff's just coming off of memes, but, um, it was something like something about the something of faith, all these people praying around him, um, and uh, white house faith office.

00:33:14.810 --> 00:33:18.963
Yeah, ordered the creation of the white house faith, the new white house office.

00:33:18.963 --> 00:33:23.580
All right, I gotta go to the wikipedia and start going through this, so we'll see if it's corroborated.

00:33:23.661 --> 00:33:36.411
You tell me if I'm right or wrong here, but basically what it appeared to me like was, you know um basically establishing, you know um a little bit of thinning up the differentiation between church and state.

00:33:36.411 --> 00:33:58.380
Lots of people praying over President Trump in the Oval Office, which I personally think is actually beautiful If genuine or authentic, but then, at the same time, I don't want to see Christianity in the name of Jesus weaponized, just like we've seen a couple other times throughout history and so well hold on.

00:33:58.441 --> 00:34:03.361
I will say this I'm gonna stand that majority of the crusades were good and people get the wrong.

00:34:04.061 --> 00:34:08.681
Incomplete perspective of the crusades and I and I guess I'm like, I'm even but I have seen it weaponized.

00:34:08.681 --> 00:34:13.594
You're talking about nazis, I'm, uh, I'm talking about um big and small examples.

00:34:13.594 --> 00:34:27.867
I could say like uh, indigenous people thrown into christian schools yeah, spanish spanish inquisition um uh, you know kind of dark, manifest destiny dark ages, catholicism, you know.

00:34:27.867 --> 00:34:32.465
Uh, what was the, the thing called where you'd pay your way out of purgatory?

00:34:32.465 --> 00:34:33.657
What were those called the?

00:34:33.717 --> 00:34:34.630
penances or something.

00:34:34.652 --> 00:34:56.688
Yeah, yeah, you know, like that's where, like when Martin Luther wanted to separate out, because you know the Rome and Christianity had become so tightly combined, you know, and then you could go to now where you have someone like maybe Joel Olsteen, weaponizing the name of Jesus or God, so that you can have, you know, a bigger house.

00:34:56.688 --> 00:35:04.085
So the yeah, and the Crusades too and I don't think the Crusades were all bad either, I agree.

00:35:04.085 --> 00:35:07.766
I think that there's I think they've gotten a bad rap over the years where you can go.

00:35:09.094 --> 00:35:11.280
Like the Children's Crusade, was just a tragedy.

00:35:11.280 --> 00:35:12.661
I'll say that the Children's Crusade.

00:35:12.681 --> 00:35:12.922
Do you know?

00:35:12.943 --> 00:35:15.126
I'll say that the Children's Crusade Do you know that one?

00:35:15.126 --> 00:35:22.864
I don't know about this Literally just a whole group of children that left Europe To go fight their own crusade and was blessed by the Pope.

00:35:22.864 --> 00:35:26.795
They all died well, well, well Before they got to Constantinople.

00:35:26.795 --> 00:35:32.500
They had, like, no real adults with them and it was like thousands of children, that is.

00:35:34.811 --> 00:35:35.456
You know what we should do?

00:35:35.476 --> 00:35:46.338
let's just have like one or one episode where I just go through every crusade because I, I, think the crusades are one an unreal amount of history like the crusades, you use what's crazy?

00:35:46.338 --> 00:35:55.025
The crusades and the uh uh genghis khan were happening at the same time and that's a lot of war.

00:35:55.025 --> 00:36:00.384
That's a lot of war and we've never seen a mobilization like that.

00:36:00.384 --> 00:36:10.195
Pre-industrial revolution Right Like that was the most unreal mobilization of forces in history and it happened at the same time, and I think we should go through the Crusades.

00:36:10.394 --> 00:36:14.503
I think that also the respect's got to be given to old saladine.

00:36:14.503 --> 00:36:15.927
Saladine bro, he.

00:36:15.927 --> 00:36:28.208
I mean as far as uh um and I some interesting tidbits I'll bring up when we talk about the crusades too, about uh reverence towards christianity too, of saladine, but the um, which is kind of interesting, but the let me.

00:36:28.228 --> 00:36:31.722
Let me just say this too um, I think we could go through this.

00:36:31.722 --> 00:36:38.266
I'm looking at the white house establishment of the establishment of the white house faith office.

00:36:38.266 --> 00:36:41.400
Educate me, are you ready?

00:36:41.400 --> 00:36:41.719
I could.

00:36:41.719 --> 00:36:43.443
We can go through it section by section.

00:36:43.443 --> 00:36:46.396
Um, it's, it's not super long, but it's like a good.

00:36:46.396 --> 00:36:47.237
It's a good read.

00:36:47.659 --> 00:37:00.168
I guess my main, my main wonderment is is it like um all faiths or just it's all faiths, it's all faiths it specifically outlines several times that it is.

00:37:00.688 --> 00:37:03.856
You know about all faith and communities and what is it?

00:37:04.398 --> 00:37:04.617

00:37:04.617 --> 00:37:05.340

00:37:05.340 --> 00:37:06.201
What's it?

00:37:06.201 --> 00:37:07.163
You know?

00:37:07.163 --> 00:37:09.166
Yeah is it the next?

00:37:09.166 --> 00:37:10.748
You know, uh, is it?

00:37:10.748 --> 00:37:21.001
Is it the combining of the, the you know, like, like r and the Pope, and like you know what's the purposes, you know, would we be curious of assist faith-based?

00:37:21.161 --> 00:37:41.096
entities, community organizations and houses of worship in their efforts to strengthen american families, promote work and self-sufficiency and protect lit religious liberty.

00:37:43.119 --> 00:37:48.576
So it's that's the that's the goal now that verbiage, I feel like I could get behind the outline.

00:37:48.576 --> 00:37:49.318
You know what I mean.

00:37:49.318 --> 00:37:53.815
And then you got like but then let me, let me dive in yeah section one policy.

00:37:54.677 --> 00:37:59.668
Uh, these entities, faith-based ones, um, their organizations, houses of worship, worship?

00:37:59.668 --> 00:38:08.724
Uh, they serve individuals, families, communities, through means that are different from those of government and with capacity effectiveness that often exceeds that of government.

00:38:08.724 --> 00:38:12.884
These organizations lift people up, keep families, solve problems at the local level.

00:38:12.884 --> 00:38:40.795
Executive branch wants faith-based entities, community organizations and houses of worship, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to compete on a level playing field for grants, contracts, programs and other federal funding opportunities, which is important, bro, because just recently it came out that USAID was funding a ton of like left leaning liberal, like Christian podcasts and Jewish podcasts there was like a Christian podcast.

00:38:41.215 --> 00:38:45.860
With these two pastors, they had gotten over $500,000 of support from.

00:38:45.860 --> 00:38:51.972
Usaid just spitting out heresy pretty liberal heretical stuff, you know what?

00:38:51.992 --> 00:39:04.219
I mean, and since we, you know, I mean and, uh, um, uh, and, and since we, uh, you know, I guess, if you listen to the episode before this, we talked briefly about us, uh, usaid, usaid, as we, as I guess we're supposed to be called.

00:39:04.219 --> 00:39:11.646
Whatever they're saying, I don't know if they're walking back to aid part or not, but because it's just an acronym, as we learned last, uh as I learned last time.

00:39:11.646 --> 00:39:15.391
But um man, stuff has been coming out still, it's not stopped.

00:39:15.411 --> 00:39:16.215
It's not stopped.

00:39:16.215 --> 00:39:17.581
Unreal what that money was going to.

00:39:18.375 --> 00:39:21.478
And this was.

00:39:21.478 --> 00:39:27.306
I think USAID was basically just the new CIA.

00:39:27.306 --> 00:39:30.409
As far as their ability, to.

00:39:30.934 --> 00:39:58.909
PSYOP and control, because there were certain things that happened where the CIA couldn't do as far as their ability to psyop and control, um, because there was certain things that happened where the cia couldn't do as much as they used to be able to do, like during, you know, vietnam and cold war era assassinations, but then they were and that stuff was kind of kiboshed but anyways, usaid had no um, uh, basically it's not had very much oversight or like they can do a lot of things just without the president saying so.

00:39:59.650 --> 00:39:59.951
That's all.

00:39:59.951 --> 00:40:01.057
Yeah, it was really.

00:40:01.057 --> 00:40:03.485
They had a lot of discretion on what they sent money to.

00:40:03.485 --> 00:40:16.969
Efforts of faith-based communities and the other organizations they are really important for revitalizing communities.

00:40:16.969 --> 00:40:31.101
The other organizations they are really important for revitalizing communities, strengthening the family, and the federal government welcomes opportunities to partner with such organizations through innovative, measurable and outcome driven initiatives committed to ensuring that all executive departments and agencies honor and enforce the constitution's guarantee of religious liberty.

00:40:31.101 --> 00:40:33.742
This sounds good to me so far.

00:40:37.594 --> 00:40:39.242
Amendments to executive orders.

00:40:39.242 --> 00:40:40.481
There's a couple amendments here.

00:40:40.481 --> 00:40:55.923
It's released about specific executive order references throughout years Substituting White House Faith Office for White House Office of Faith based in Community Initiatives or White House OFBCI office for White House office of faith based in community initiatives or White House OFBCI.

00:40:55.923 --> 00:40:57.614
Each time it appears in those orders.

00:40:57.614 --> 00:41:01.452
So I think there's already a White House faith office in existence.

00:41:01.452 --> 00:41:16.266
It appears to be from previous departments and items and that now, like there's an executive order put by Bush I guess, equal protection of laws for faith-based and community organizations.

00:41:16.266 --> 00:41:24.048
There was one from Obama fundamental principles and policymaking criteria for partnerships with faith-based and other neighborhood organizations.

00:41:24.048 --> 00:41:30.532
So it seems like these are all executive orders that are being amended or included in this new office established or included in this new office?

00:41:30.733 --> 00:41:33.460
Established, yeah, but anyways.

00:41:33.481 --> 00:41:56.400
So here's some ones I'm just going to go past the sections and just go into, like the, to the extent permitted by law, the office shall from time to time consult with and seek information from experts and various faith and community leaders identified by the White House Faith Office, including those from outside the federal government and those from state, local and tribal governments.

00:41:57.244 --> 00:41:57.664
That's pretty cool.

00:41:57.664 --> 00:42:32.557
They will be focused on including the sorry a broad range of areas in which faith-based entities, community organizations and house of worships operate, including protecting women and children, strengthening marriage and family, lifting up individuals through work and self-sufficiency, defending religious liberty, combating anti-Semitic, anti-christian and additional forms of anti-religious bias, promoting foster care and adoption programs in partnership with faith-based entities, providing wholesome and effective education, preventing and reducing crime and facilitating prisoner re-entry, promoting recovery from substance use disorder and fostering flourishing minds.

00:42:32.557 --> 00:42:44.302
They get to make recommendations to the president through the assistant to the president of domestic policy, convene meetings with representatives from the Centers for Faith and other representatives from across agencies as appropriate.

00:42:44.302 --> 00:42:54.985
Advise implementation throughout federal government of those aspects of administration's policy agenda aimed at enabling faith-based entities to better serve families and communities.

00:42:54.985 --> 00:43:06.902
So it seems like it's just pretty much going through over and over how to coordinate and consult and essentially just like having a panel of religious advisors across various religions.

00:43:07.123 --> 00:43:07.545
You know what I mean.

00:43:07.545 --> 00:43:13.123
But then like a little devil's advocate on there being like the, the Satanist who gets to be on the panel.

00:43:14.175 --> 00:43:17.045
Personally, I don't think you should listen to any of these guys.

00:43:19.259 --> 00:43:27.628
No, let's see If, just if I was to put myself in some other shoes while you read that what were the two that got mentioned by name?

00:43:27.815 --> 00:43:33.708
Anti -Semitism, anti-christian and other anti-religious biases Right.

00:43:34.396 --> 00:43:38.467
So, number one, an ally.

00:43:38.467 --> 00:43:41.925
Number two, the main faith going on in the country.

00:43:41.925 --> 00:43:48.047
Number three, the token phrase to keep everybody happy Inclusivity.

00:43:48.047 --> 00:43:54.362
So meaning back to kind of what we're talking before, with this israel situation being okay.

00:43:54.362 --> 00:43:59.387
So, um, is this the fourth crusade, you know?

00:43:59.387 --> 00:44:10.387
And just in a, in a way of um, a white collar, the white collar, fourth crusade is going okay.

00:44:10.387 --> 00:44:20.586
I'm doing things like establishing my faith-based office around jews and christians and and here's the deal, personally, I like that.

00:44:20.586 --> 00:44:21.327
All right.

00:44:21.327 --> 00:44:23.838
You know I'm pro anti-semitism.

00:44:24.139 --> 00:44:27.268
I won't like it if it's just jews and christians, I'll say that I want.

00:44:27.268 --> 00:44:33.202
I want government to hear from everybody, because the government serves everybody, not just jews and christians, right, right.

00:44:33.362 --> 00:44:44.342
But then if I'm going like super personally to pat, I'm winning at that statement, it honestly feels good to win for once.

00:44:44.342 --> 00:44:51.418
But so you know, like you know what I'm saying, like just to be said, like yeah, like okay, yeah, that caters straight to me all right, I get what you're saying.

00:44:51.800 --> 00:45:09.440
I I don't view it as a crusade like thing yet, because I haven't seen a call to a war yet right, and I, and I when I'm saying, pat likes, what he's seeing is not, um, not the trump taking gaza piece, the uh the america, the faith-based thing saying jews and christians, you're protected.

00:45:09.440 --> 00:45:11.623
I'm like like, hey, I win at that, I guess.

00:45:14.215 --> 00:45:31.579
I don't see Trump taking Gaza, yet I don't see it as a hostile takeover of the US government occupying and taking Gaza, yet I see it as, from all I understand and from what I've read and heard so far, I'd say both of you need to sit down, continue to play nice, because we're waiting to.

00:45:31.579 --> 00:45:46.003
If you break the rules, we don't get the hostages back, and if you break the rules, I have to slap you pee pee and I'm not going to help rebuild anything For sure you know what I mean, and it's like that's what it honestly feels, like it feels like someone came in and was like enough's enough.

00:45:57.534 --> 00:46:06.135
And, yeah, that and I think the enough's enough piece is the part where, like, I've talked to some people about this and people who are heavily invested in, like, this region and they're just like, and people who would generally be like maybe palestinian leaning in the in this thing and just been like not offended by trump's stuff.

00:46:06.135 --> 00:46:10.923
Now, lots of palestinian leaning people, like pro-palestinian people, are offended by it.

00:46:10.923 --> 00:46:26.804
But there's other people who kind of like the realist piece, being like all right, yeah, it's a ceasefire, daddy's got to step in and it's time to spank some butts and clean up the room.

00:46:27.215 --> 00:46:35.606
Because, let's be honest, if Little Pat 1 was dogging on Little Pat 2, because Little Pat 2 did something to Little Pat 1 was dogging on Little Pat 2.

00:46:35.606 --> 00:46:37.655
Uh-huh, because Little Pat 2, you know, did something to Little Pat 1.

00:46:38.215 --> 00:46:43.465
I'm trying to think of a quick one Like stomped on his toes or you know, broke some Legos or whatever.

00:46:43.485 --> 00:46:52.748
Oh yeah, you'd probably let Little Pat 1 do a little bit of correcting to Little Pat 2.

00:46:52.748 --> 00:46:57.282
Right, and then you'd probably be like, oh, oh, he's like actually hurting him, it's.

00:46:57.282 --> 00:46:57.824
This is excessive.

00:46:58.025 --> 00:47:05.489
both of them are sitting down and breaking it up it's great example where, so in my house, there is a rule, yeah, about spitting on people.

00:47:05.489 --> 00:47:07.394
Wow, that's insane.

00:47:07.394 --> 00:47:08.637
You have children?

00:47:08.637 --> 00:47:13.804
Yeah, because, uh, and I'm trying to grow men here, right, yeah, yeah.

00:47:13.804 --> 00:47:33.748
And so the rule is, if someone spits on, I'd say this the the first rule is if you spit on somebody, expect to get hit, and then the second rule is if somebody spits on you, you can hit them, you're allowed to hit them.

00:47:42.135 --> 00:47:42.677
Now I'm trying to also.

00:47:42.677 --> 00:47:45.905
We are at an age of a lot of, like you know, sticking your tongue out and Is that spitting?

00:47:45.905 --> 00:47:46.465
Is that spitting?

00:47:46.465 --> 00:47:46.766
Or the?

00:47:46.766 --> 00:47:47.027
There's a?

00:47:47.027 --> 00:47:48.056
You know that's a spit, yeah, exactly.

00:47:48.056 --> 00:47:55.349
So I come in to the house last night Babysitter's there.

00:47:55.349 --> 00:48:16.583
I'm coming in and as I'm coming in, I hear screaming, I hear some hitting, some bareback open hand slapping, and I hear the five stars, the kind of timid babysitter, being like oh, don't, do not hit boys, boys, why are you doing that?

00:48:16.583 --> 00:48:17.224
Do not do that.

00:48:17.224 --> 00:48:24.146
And then I just come in with my, with my boots oh bro, there's enough team and they both just like.

00:48:24.186 --> 00:48:30.501
They just both like they stand up and littlest pat goes.

00:48:30.501 --> 00:48:36.989
He spit at me and I say, and so I look at it, I'm like all right, all right.

00:48:37.090 --> 00:48:43.967
And then the other one runs over you know little pat and he's like he said he was gonna kill me.

00:48:43.967 --> 00:49:04.143
So now we've just broken like two major rules, which first of all, that means one we had a three-year, a not quite three-year-old, saying I'm gonna kill you, and then we had big brother spitting on little brother, this is great, this is great and so this is some real uh east of eden shit going down.

00:49:04.164 --> 00:49:14.978
So I said so I said you go to your room, yeah, and you go to the corner, because they share a room, so you can't both send them to their rooms and uh, we worked it out.

00:49:14.978 --> 00:49:16.641
We figured out who did what first.

00:49:16.641 --> 00:49:26.896
I did not physically discipline them, we had to talk about it, but I was just like it was.

00:49:26.896 --> 00:49:39.070
Now we're boiling down a, you know, 70-year to 2,000 to 6,000-year problem to one siblings of a five-year-old and a three-year-old.

00:49:40.414 --> 00:49:50.704
But, um, we had to uh separate them out and uh talk about it, come together, forgive each other and then move on.

00:49:50.704 --> 00:50:03.775
Um, both people had made offenses, had made offenses.

00:50:03.775 --> 00:50:06.222
Both people had, um, uh, both people had legitimate gripes about what the other had done to them.

00:50:06.222 --> 00:50:10.894
And uh had to, had to uh work it out and had to have some other influence in there.

00:50:10.894 --> 00:50:24.023
And you know it's like and you know someone who's maybe hard israel uh supporter or hard palestinian supporters you know uh doesn't like to hear the way I'm talking about it, but yeah, I'll cover.

00:50:24.043 --> 00:50:45.936
I'll cover you, bro, but but both sides got to do it differently that's why the thing is like I started off by defending the gossan side of things um and not defending terrorism, whatever all this stuff right, but I'm defending, I, I can defend that side, or, if someone comes on from this, I can defend the other side too, and I can, you know.

00:50:46.217 --> 00:51:15.902
and that that being because, um, both sides honestly sorry to hear it, but both of you aren't doing it right, and that's like the hard truth that both sides are just pointing fingers, instead of like this acceptance of hey, he spit in my face and he said he was going to kill me.

00:51:16.496 --> 00:51:31.027
And then we started going at it Right which hey, in this house, if you spit at somebody, you're going to get hit and threatening to eliminate somebody permanently.

00:51:31.027 --> 00:51:34.623
We don't take that lightly, as maybe one group has done to the other.

00:51:34.623 --> 00:51:36.923
Yeah, we're not taking that lightly either.

00:51:36.923 --> 00:51:37.934
Yeah, we're not saying that lightly either yeah.

00:51:37.934 --> 00:51:41.141
And so both parties.

00:51:41.141 --> 00:51:43.327
This is hard.

00:51:43.327 --> 00:51:48.034
Both parties have proven themselves incapable of governing this part of the land.

00:51:48.295 --> 00:51:52.827
This is why I've said from the first time we talked I don't support one or the other.

00:51:52.827 --> 00:52:01.905
I empathize with both and if you recall, my support where I stood was like I don't think we should be sending weapons to Israel.

00:52:01.905 --> 00:52:22.161
I think we should be offering, like relief aid, triage, aid right To both sides, cause, honestly, if we had our people doing triage in Palestine, on Gaza, and some Israel strikes took out some of ours, I bet the strikes would stop real quick.

00:52:22.914 --> 00:52:24.447
That's true, you know what I mean.

00:52:24.996 --> 00:52:28.481
I'm just saying like now, yeah, that means you got to put American lives in harm's way.

00:52:28.481 --> 00:52:39.597
But I'm just saying, if we're going to be offering aid, I think that's the aid we should be doing, because no one's butt puckers up more than when there's an American in the crosshairs and everyone's like do I really want to do this?

00:52:39.597 --> 00:52:42.965
How, how sure am I want I want to do this anyways?

00:52:42.965 --> 00:52:58.489
Um, that's where I've always stand, and you know, pat, to to your statement there, you know I could care less what anyone thinks about.

00:52:58.789 --> 00:53:04.043
No, you need to be like if you're Christians, you need to be hardline Israel, no matter what, to the day you die.

00:53:04.043 --> 00:53:09.775
And no, if you're Christians, you need to take the plea of the underdog or the you know, the people being occupied or victimized here.

00:53:09.775 --> 00:53:13.400
Like hardline Palestinian, I'm like look bro, I'm not taking either.

00:53:13.400 --> 00:53:14.222
I'm not taking either.

00:53:14.222 --> 00:53:19.829
Both of them temporary, like freaking dust in the wind.

00:53:19.829 --> 00:53:22.215
It's blown away.

00:53:22.215 --> 00:53:29.681
And if there's anything that I can see like coming out of this conflict, is that like we're getting closer to the end of it.

00:53:29.681 --> 00:53:33.585
Now, let me just say this too let's totally pivot Right, all right.

00:53:34.224 --> 00:53:35.686
With the latest things that Trump's doing.

00:53:35.686 --> 00:53:37.547
Are you thinking Trump's antichrist?

00:53:37.547 --> 00:53:40.710
Because that's the latest thing that a lot of people are like running their mouths.

00:53:40.710 --> 00:53:51.925
They're like he's the antichrist and I'm just like all right, guys, come on Freaking, relax, relax, like, listen to yourselves before you get all worked up over a nothing sandwich, right.

00:53:52.105 --> 00:53:58.119
Which it's funny, because Now maybe I'm saying that to you.

00:53:58.119 --> 00:54:24.768
Yeah, what I will say is that um, it's a uh, the christ left us some real catch-22s on uh and after the antichrist, on the antichrist bit being um, be vigilant for the end of times, be looking out for it, yeah, but he will deceive like all of you, and you're all gonna love him yeah, and you won't know when I'm coming back.

00:54:25.289 --> 00:54:34.326
So it's this catch-22 being um throughout all of the since jesus ascended, right, we could say.

00:54:34.326 --> 00:54:39.998
His followers or people who've studied him would say oh yeah, the end's coming next year.

00:54:39.998 --> 00:54:44.106
Like, I heard that caesar is tearing down the temple.

00:54:44.106 --> 00:54:45.436
Yeah, that's the, that's the.

00:54:45.436 --> 00:54:46.478
That's the worst thing I've ever seen.

00:54:46.478 --> 00:54:49.065
Or lots of history, lots of history.

00:54:49.065 --> 00:54:51.460
Okay, oh, hitler, you know that.

00:54:51.460 --> 00:54:52.742
That that guy, it's.

00:54:52.742 --> 00:54:53.625
It's the end of times.

00:54:53.625 --> 00:54:54.306
This is horrible.

00:54:54.326 --> 00:54:59.047
The whole world's I would have 100 thought hitler was the endichrist and the world was over right, right, yeah.

00:54:59.108 --> 00:55:10.661
It'd be like yeah, so yeah, and justifiably so, and then you could march it down this, this, that and the other, and then, and then the pickle being, he said look for it.

00:55:10.661 --> 00:55:13.204
And he said you're not gonna know.

00:55:13.204 --> 00:55:14.847
Yeah, what am I supposed to do with that?

00:55:14.847 --> 00:55:15.750
I don't know.

00:55:15.750 --> 00:55:19.476
But but I will say I don't think trump is the antichrist.

00:55:19.476 --> 00:55:26.847
Um, I think that, um, because then there's are you sure?

00:55:27.068 --> 00:55:28.456
well, he was injured in the head.

00:55:28.456 --> 00:55:31.021
What if he says he's rebuilding the temple?

00:55:31.021 --> 00:55:32.945
Then what will you think um?

00:55:33.387 --> 00:55:55.108
that that's where what I will say is anytime a major political figure gets involved in the Holy Land area, it's worth investigating and being vigilant around what's happening here, whether we're talking the you know the end of it all or just big world events coming our way.

00:55:55.108 --> 00:55:57.130
The end of it all or just big world events coming our way?

00:55:57.130 --> 00:56:03.061
And so I don't think Trump is loved enough and beloved enough to be the Antichrist.

00:56:04.103 --> 00:56:07.202
His approval rating's gotten higher though he's at a 70%.

00:56:07.202 --> 00:56:10.221
Isn't that crazy, trump, at a 70% approval rating?

00:56:10.735 --> 00:56:11.378
It is pretty crazy.

00:56:11.478 --> 00:56:17.215
I mean that is insane, I don't even think I approve of 70% of what that guy says or does.

00:56:17.275 --> 00:56:27.280
But I'm'm like that's pretty nuts and for how much he seems like people think, for how much people scream about how he's the worst person to ever walk the earth.

00:56:27.280 --> 00:56:33.862
I'm like dang 70's a lot, so going off of those stats, hey, you might have to be careful.

00:56:33.862 --> 00:56:35.260
Lots of people love him.

00:56:35.260 --> 00:56:43.739
Um a great deceiver I don't know, elon musk I don't think so too autistic to deceive.

00:56:43.960 --> 00:56:50.221
Well, like you know, like uh, but you know I was thinking about this the other day for myself.

00:56:50.221 --> 00:56:56.559
I was going, okay, um, what is you know?

00:56:56.559 --> 00:57:18.686
As far as um know, all the end time stuff goes, um, there is a lot around it and there's some people who think you can usher it in and some people who are just like, yeah, you gotta like just wait, you know bro people who are like we can force things to occur because God's told us enough that we can force it.

00:57:19.054 --> 00:57:21.503
I'm like where do you get off?

00:57:21.503 --> 00:57:26.387
Where do you get off that you think you could remotely?

00:57:26.387 --> 00:57:27.416
That's like to me.

00:57:27.416 --> 00:57:35.679
I'm like, okay, if you believe in God, you believe he created the universe as it is, let's start small.

00:57:35.679 --> 00:57:45.603
Move the earth off its axis and if you can do that, let's move up to like displacing a sun from its solar system.

00:57:45.603 --> 00:57:49.237
All right, once you do that, let's try to bring about God's will.

00:57:49.237 --> 00:57:50.719
You know what I mean.

00:57:51.280 --> 00:57:54.507
Because it's so immovable to me, which I agree with.

00:57:54.507 --> 00:57:57.782
And then it'd be like well then, I'm just never going to pray for anything in my life.

00:57:57.802 --> 00:58:00.347
Well then, I'd be like well then, I'm just never going to pray for anything in my life.

00:58:00.347 --> 00:58:01.630
Well then, I'd be like well then, you don't read scripture.

00:58:01.630 --> 00:58:03.114
Right the scripture says the prayers of a.

00:58:03.114 --> 00:58:03.936
What is it?

00:58:03.956 --> 00:58:15.907
The prayers of a righteous man are heard Right, and so then it'd be like, all right, well, I'm righteous and I want you to come back, yeah yeah, no, for sure, there's dance baby.

00:58:17.710 --> 00:58:18.110
No, definitely.

00:58:18.110 --> 00:58:37.262
But I think that the I think every generation has had people who think the end is near, and the end is always nearing, because it's kind of the same thing where people will be like everybody's or like for an individual basis, going everybody's.

00:58:37.262 --> 00:58:48.295
You know, basically just everybody's going to die and everybody's getting closer to dying, you know, like that's like yeah, okay, that's true, but are we talking for the humanity?

00:58:48.295 --> 00:58:52.300
We're talking two years or 2 billion years.

00:58:52.320 --> 00:58:53.561
You know like I don't know, yeah.

00:58:53.880 --> 00:58:56.844
You know, but All right, trump, go ahead.

00:58:56.844 --> 00:59:14.123
If I was going to pick someone who is existing right now.

00:59:14.123 --> 00:59:18.360
I mean, the thing about Elon that freaks me out is like the Neuralink stuff and his power, but at the same time, I don't think the antichrist around right now.

00:59:18.360 --> 00:59:19.583
Um neural link, I think is freaky.

00:59:19.583 --> 00:59:22.436
Um connecting all of everything you know like.

00:59:22.436 --> 00:59:27.668
Basically, like some people thought that barcodes were the mark of the beast, yeah, have you been to Hobby Lobby?

00:59:27.668 --> 00:59:28.818
Have we talked about this on here?

00:59:29.340 --> 00:59:36.065
No, but I remember I did read about when barcode barcodes first came around and people thought have you been?

00:59:36.106 --> 00:59:39.257
to hobby lobby lately, not in like the last two months, all right.

00:59:39.257 --> 00:59:42.384
Well, um, that's funny.

00:59:42.384 --> 00:59:45.557
I've been there like once in the last like seven years.

00:59:45.557 --> 00:59:46.943
But that's fine, two months, all right.

00:59:46.943 --> 00:59:49.235
So you probably noticed I love hobby lobby, okay.

00:59:49.235 --> 00:59:54.266
But so when you leave there, is there a barcode or is there just a price and they punch it in?

00:59:55.197 --> 00:59:56.639
and then they tell you what you owe.

00:59:56.639 --> 01:00:02.862
Hobby lobby, christian uh base organization barcodes came out.

01:00:02.862 --> 01:00:04.188
They're like we're not doing it.

01:00:04.188 --> 01:00:05.233
That's mark of the beast, shit.

01:00:05.233 --> 01:00:07.001
Nope, we're just sticking with our thing.

01:00:07.001 --> 01:00:09.514
Which what's crazy to me is from a business owner perspective.

01:00:09.514 --> 01:00:11.739
I'm like how they don't have any skews?

01:00:11.739 --> 01:00:18.610
They have no skews, they just have prices on things yeah, bro, how do you keep track of inventory at?

01:00:18.650 --> 01:00:19.074
the end of the day.

01:00:19.074 --> 01:00:21.143
Oh, come on, man, they don't keep track of inventory.

01:00:21.143 --> 01:00:24.021
I know Bed to fucking lobby, lobby.

01:00:24.081 --> 01:00:28.001
I know I was like oh my god, but anyway, it's like they're like no barcodes.

01:00:28.001 --> 01:00:29.579
Here's how I know they don't.

01:00:29.699 --> 01:00:33.744
I grabbed the wrong size of a piece I needed for an airbrush.

01:00:33.744 --> 01:00:40.195
I was for airbrush.

01:00:40.195 --> 01:00:43.085
I was like, oh crap, this is the wrong size and the lady had already entered it in.

01:00:43.106 --> 01:00:43.847
She's like just go swap it out.

01:00:43.847 --> 01:00:45.494
That's how I know there's no track of inventory, no for sure and so.

01:00:45.494 --> 01:00:49.425
But even those people to be so extreme as to be like barcodes are the mark of the beast.

01:00:49.425 --> 01:00:51.201
People like cell phones the mark of the beast.

01:00:51.201 --> 01:00:57.760
Credit cards the mark of the beast, like okay, neural, linking yourself, that's kind of we're getting some that's kind of up there.

01:00:57.760 --> 01:00:59.304
Like compared to barcodes.

01:00:59.324 --> 01:01:00.246
We're getting close.

01:01:00.246 --> 01:01:05.800
I would say this though Imagine this, neuralink, yeah, let's say, majority of the world has it.

01:01:05.800 --> 01:01:12.827
Yeah, I think Neuralink is the most likely way the whole world could witness Christ return at the same time.

01:01:16.677 --> 01:01:25.280
If you're limiting his glory'm just kidding sure, if he's returning as a single person and a single place right.

01:01:25.320 --> 01:01:29.237
I think that's a way to do it right, because for a long time people were like, how are they going to do it?

01:01:29.237 --> 01:01:34.960
And then there was like live television and everyone's like wow, this could be it, like this could be the technology.

01:01:34.960 --> 01:01:41.000
And then it became like instant live viewing on your phone, now neural link in your freaking brain.

01:01:41.179 --> 01:01:51.856
You could just view through your eyeballs this is true, so all that he works he works, he works all things, yeah, he works on all things, so he works on all things, brother.

01:01:51.856 --> 01:01:57.219
That's what I'm saying it's like so for the, for the good of those who love him, so that evil ass neural link he might use it.

01:01:57.219 --> 01:01:57.780
I don't know.

01:01:58.039 --> 01:02:00.985
I honestly though, what if Neuralink turns out to not be evil at?

01:02:01.126 --> 01:02:03.309
all I know, it just freaks me out.

01:02:06.115 --> 01:02:08.244
Would you still do this podcast if I got it, so it could fix my eyeballs?

01:02:08.264 --> 01:02:11.260
Well, the problem is at that point, what would we even be talking about?

01:02:11.260 --> 01:02:11.842
You'd just be like.

01:02:11.842 --> 01:02:21.358
You'd be like what are we talking about?

01:02:21.358 --> 01:02:27.056
That'd be cool, you know, like it's just like ripping out all this I just think it'd be unreal if I could get rid of craig.

01:02:27.597 --> 01:02:32.025
We could finally get rid of craig you have to do something about him.

01:02:32.025 --> 01:02:33.548
He's starting to stink.

01:02:33.548 --> 01:02:35.219
I have to change his clothes.

01:02:35.219 --> 01:02:41.360
Put another bucket of water down the hole that's, that's for real uh okay all right, here's.

01:02:41.480 --> 01:03:19.188
Here's some things that I was talking to these guys, right, and some of these guys are like total kooky heads and you know who you are and you know I love you, but they did, some of them did say some things that were like, hey, you want to know some crazy shit, though, because I, I will say this I do believe that, unfortunately, when you have a religious, or when you have a religion take the place of a government and then you now you have a very dangerous environment for immoral individuals to justify immorality, because it falls under some you know.

01:03:19.315 --> 01:03:20.842
They can justify it through that religion.

01:03:21.396 --> 01:03:31.186
Yeah, they can try to, you know, force it through the lenses of that religion, right, which is of course what we saw with, you know, catholicism and you know the Holy Roman Empire for sure.

01:03:31.367 --> 01:03:39.393
Right, we still see that today now with the Pope and like how divided the Catholic Church is over the most recent Pope's decrees with the Pope and like how divided the Catholic church is over the most recent Pope's decrees.

01:03:39.393 --> 01:03:58.228
But I mean, there are some evil, evil shit that Israel has done in the past and I well, I won't, don't, I won't say he's Israel, mossad and Israel's government has done, and they've done it through trying to use Judaism and the you know divinity of being God's elected as justification.

01:03:58.228 --> 01:03:59.661
And here's something that's crazy.

01:03:59.661 --> 01:04:01.119
I was checking this out.

01:04:01.119 --> 01:04:41.103
Did you know, apparently Jeffrey Epstein on more than one occasion told people he was a Mossad asset and that he was essentially recruited by Ghislaine's father, who was a Mossad agent, and that the whole Maxwell and Epstein kind of process of getting people and having them commit lewd acts with children was so Mossad would have blackmail on, like you know, powerful people and senators and stuff around the world?

01:04:41.742 --> 01:04:43.865
yeah, isn't that I did not know about.

01:04:44.530 --> 01:05:24.630
I don't know about that piece, but I, I'm, I'm not saying the Jews are creating kiddie porn, right, but I am saying like, if that is true which we will hopefully find out in this, you know this presidency but if that's true, that certainly is a dangerous, dangerous place to put your people as a whole, who call themselves, you know, under the name of Judaism, right, you could do insane damage, irreparable damage that won't be healed or forgotten for perhaps decades.

01:05:24.630 --> 01:05:56.103
You know what I mean, like, because I mean it's it's enough for, like, catholicism can hardly, um, really do anything other than an attempt to ignore the you know, essentially shaming of how many pedophiles are in the, in the cloth, right, and yes, it's a, it's a minority, for sure, right, I would, I would not be surprised if the amount of pedophiles that make up, you know, the, you know Catholic leadership, is sub 1%.

01:05:56.282 --> 01:06:00.268
Or like equal to percentage of pedophiles in general, in general, yeah Right.

01:06:00.610 --> 01:06:09.471
Um, but it's just that those individuals, because it happens, and it's happened enough that it becomes something very difficult for that whole people group to overcome.

01:06:09.813 --> 01:06:10.074
Oh yeah.

01:06:10.255 --> 01:06:16.983
And if that came out, bro, like if that was true, that would do so much damage to those people as a whole.

01:06:16.983 --> 01:06:17.445
You know what I mean.

01:06:17.445 --> 01:06:22.697
You already have a lot of haters that would do so much damage to those people as a whole you know what I mean who already have a lot of haters, Already have a lot of haters.

01:06:22.697 --> 01:06:26.126
Yeah, there's another one that I found this is more just interesting.

01:06:26.126 --> 01:06:42.940
Satanism started by a guy who his parents were immigrants from Israel and he was born in Chicago, but his name was Anton uh Levy Levy.

01:06:43.677 --> 01:06:46.887
And he started like church modern, the modern church of Satanism.

01:06:46.887 --> 01:06:50.838
Yeah, like in 1940s oh yeah, cause there's some older.

01:06:50.838 --> 01:06:53.025
Oh yeah, yeah, no, no.

01:06:53.045 --> 01:06:56.684
I'm talking like the who he's known as, like the modern father of the church of Satanism in the contemporary.

01:06:56.684 --> 01:06:56.965
On on their.

01:06:56.965 --> 01:07:01.481
But I'm talking like he's known as, like, the modern father of the Church of Satanism in the contemporary On their website, on Wikipedia and stuff like that.

01:07:01.481 --> 01:07:12.221
Yeah, the other guy, though, who co-did it with him was a like director of psyops in the US Army, and he was the co-founder of Satanism.

01:07:12.221 --> 01:07:14.447
Isn't that bonkers?

01:07:16.579 --> 01:07:18.208
It's the craziest thing about what you're saying.

01:07:18.228 --> 01:07:19.255
It's not surprising.

01:07:19.295 --> 01:07:24.146
Yeah, I didn't know I didn't know about it, but it's just like oh yeah, now what?

01:07:24.166 --> 01:07:26.864
I'm saying I'm not saying that jews created satanism.

01:07:26.864 --> 01:07:35.579
I'm just saying that guy happened to come from a jewish family and he denounced judaism and all that when he made the church of satanism modern satanism.

01:07:35.699 --> 01:07:39.092
But him, he, his parents, came from modern day israel.

01:07:39.375 --> 01:07:51.536
Yeah, right, and we have american psyop maybe sorry, that might be a mistake they might have fled okay, and immigrated to the us during that time, because that, because 40s, that's pretty misogynist.

01:07:51.737 --> 01:07:52.599
Yeah, okay, I was.

01:07:52.599 --> 01:07:59.583
If it was like he wasn't a masad agent, I'm not saying he was right, but I was like, if it was like okay, I was wondering if it was like further on.

01:08:00.224 --> 01:08:01.007
It's just ironic.

01:08:01.047 --> 01:08:17.966
Yeah, it's interesting and I mean so the Epstein stuff, I mean yeah, because Robert Maxwell he was and he was his name was actually something else.

01:08:17.966 --> 01:08:19.902
He had like a super European name.

01:08:19.902 --> 01:08:36.725
Ghislaine Mackwell's dad had a super European name and he kind of he was in the army, then he fled and then he changed his name and then he got his kind of prominence.

01:08:36.725 --> 01:08:46.661
And then he got his kind of prominence and then, you know, was essentially a it's widely believed a Mossad agent, I mean, and then and had a mysterious death himself.

01:08:47.121 --> 01:08:49.322
Yeah, he just was found floating in the ocean.

01:08:49.322 --> 01:08:54.405
Yeah, so his name was Ian Robert Maxwell Born.

01:08:54.405 --> 01:08:57.186
Jan Ludwig Hyman Benjamin Hawk.

01:08:57.726 --> 01:08:58.347
Yeah, that one.

01:08:58.787 --> 01:09:02.951
That yeah, czech-lithuanian-born British media proprietor, politician and fraudster.

01:09:03.570 --> 01:09:03.810

01:09:05.072 --> 01:09:06.752
After escaping Nazi occupation.

01:09:09.555 --> 01:09:17.867
What I've always wondered about is, like, could I become such a stinker that a government wants to employ me for lots of money?

01:09:17.867 --> 01:09:24.626
Because, like, like, there's these people like him, epstein, um, and then.

01:09:24.626 --> 01:09:44.801
But then you could go through the line of drawing a blank on just others who like, or in general, like cia assets and people who are just like they're, just governments are just employing, like the, the stinkeriest people because they're, they're in the know, they're cutthroat, they've got information.

01:09:44.981 --> 01:09:49.340
No morals, they'll lie no morals All the way down to like.

01:09:49.340 --> 01:09:51.305
You're on the streets.

01:09:51.305 --> 01:09:54.203
Fentanyl dealer is your is your C.

01:09:54.203 --> 01:10:05.020
All the way up to like CEOs of of fortune 500s are involved in, like the cia, like okay, this like anyways.

01:10:05.020 --> 01:10:06.203
I don't think I could.

01:10:06.203 --> 01:10:14.817
When I've wondered about it briefly in the shower, when I have my shower thoughts, I'm like I couldn't make it happen now that could I for the life.

01:10:15.097 --> 01:10:16.100
Here's why I couldn't do it.

01:10:16.100 --> 01:10:17.925
Yeah you gotta.

01:10:17.925 --> 01:10:25.407
You gotta sleep with people, huh I'm not good at that you must be good at it.

01:10:25.407 --> 01:10:27.756
You did it right three times at least that's.

01:10:28.015 --> 01:10:29.219
All it takes is three times.

01:10:29.238 --> 01:10:42.083
Yeah, my goodness um, yeah, no, I, that was the one thing I always saw, you know, like in the movies, right, and I'm like damn bro, all these CIA chicks and all these CIA dudes have to sleep with people.

01:10:44.176 --> 01:10:47.043
Sometimes they're freaking gross, you know.

01:10:47.043 --> 01:11:12.784
It's like you see the CIA agent asset and she's sleeping with some really fat Eastern European dude and he's some corrupt politician and some you know former USSR nation, yeah, and the dude sleeps with like 10 prostitutes a day or like a week, right, and it's like not on your life.

01:11:12.784 --> 01:11:14.943
Am I getting an STD for the freaking mission?

01:11:14.943 --> 01:11:25.054
Like I can't think of anything at poor enough that I get an std that's true, but also I think that I can't if you're like you have to stop.

01:11:25.094 --> 01:11:26.461
You have to get the nuclear launch codes.

01:11:26.461 --> 01:11:29.595
You must sleep with them to get know where the codes are to stop, like world war three.

01:11:29.595 --> 01:11:31.457
By the way, he has gonorrhea.

01:11:31.457 --> 01:11:32.759
I'd be like, fuck it.

01:11:32.759 --> 01:11:36.882
Okay, we all go out together, call fred, smoke them.

01:11:36.922 --> 01:11:53.837
If you got them, yeah we know fred's into that yeah fred, yeah, no, but the um, I mean, and I think even besides just the general mindset of that, the person who can do all that, I can't do all that, not even close, not even close I'm more.

01:11:53.917 --> 01:11:54.759
I'm more of a.

01:11:54.759 --> 01:11:57.422
You know um?

01:11:57.422 --> 01:12:00.426
Who's the actor that plays Michael Scott?

01:12:00.426 --> 01:12:03.131
Again, steve Carell.

01:12:03.131 --> 01:12:16.610
I'm more of a Steve Carell and get smart kind of spy, like still a virgin at 40, just recently lost 100 pounds, having a lot of information in your head and getting lucky.

01:12:16.587 --> 01:12:16.757
I like it.

01:12:16.757 --> 01:12:17.155
That movie is great though.

01:12:17.131 --> 01:12:17.944
Just having a lot of information in your head and getting lucky.

01:12:17.944 --> 01:12:20.740
Yeah, I like it.

01:12:20.820 --> 01:12:21.882
That movie is great though.

01:12:21.882 --> 01:12:22.645
That movie's a good one.

01:12:22.645 --> 01:12:23.386
It's a good one.

01:12:23.386 --> 01:12:23.887
I watched it.

01:12:23.887 --> 01:12:26.001
Mace Windu hadn't seen it.

01:12:26.001 --> 01:12:27.359
We watched it like a month ago.

01:12:27.359 --> 01:12:34.448
It's good and it just made me think where'd the PG-13 movies go, the good ones, the PG-13ers?

01:12:34.448 --> 01:12:39.377
The real good ones I think those are.

01:12:39.377 --> 01:12:40.640
They died with marvel, yeah and yep, and kind of like.

01:12:40.640 --> 01:12:42.085
Uh, like, like gaffigan, jim gaffigan.

01:12:42.085 --> 01:12:48.467
As far as comics go, you know, like now I'm not putting up there with like the greats, but just being like he became?

01:12:48.609 --> 01:12:50.194
I think I think he became too political.

01:12:51.658 --> 01:12:56.157
Well, yeah, but but I mean like old, get old school gaffigan, meaning like I could watch this with my grandma.

01:12:56.157 --> 01:12:57.903
Oh yeah, and it's real good.

01:12:57.903 --> 01:13:01.204
Yeah, you know, that's all you know for movies.

01:13:01.204 --> 01:13:03.360
It's like, hey, I want to watch this with my grandma.

01:13:03.360 --> 01:13:25.497
I'm a seven-year-old, but oh yeah, I think, for when it comes to we covered so many things to, we covered so many things.

01:13:25.497 --> 01:13:33.417
Mostly, you know, we're talking about the human condition and how we have this thing going on, which is huge powers, huge big groups of people, Um, and then all the way down to your individuals, who are going to individual to you know.

01:13:33.417 --> 01:13:51.372
And then all the way down to your individuals, who are going to individual to you know, make a decision to you know, whatever, Sleep, with the asset over to the individual who doesn't know where they're going to sleep that next night because governments are like I could be that.

01:14:02.095 --> 01:14:02.395
I could do that.

01:14:02.395 --> 01:14:03.056
Grow a beard out, you need to be.

01:14:03.056 --> 01:14:06.525
You need to be uh, you know a questionably caucasian or arab man sleeping in the streets panhandling for money with your little monkey?

01:14:06.525 --> 01:14:08.329
Yeah, I'd be like deal.

01:14:08.329 --> 01:14:10.199
Yeah, I can do that for years.

01:14:10.199 --> 01:14:13.269
Just don't make me sleep with anyone.

01:14:13.269 --> 01:14:19.792
Yeah, I know, I'm only gonna kiss my wife no, for sure, um and then.

01:14:19.811 --> 01:14:25.356
But I was kind of talking about like the gauze and you can't find, like they got nowhere to sleep that night oh, you know, just like.

01:14:25.396 --> 01:14:35.363
Oh, I see, now I've made it a joke and I've totally, I've totally disenfranchised and undermined the moment no, no, no, but I just thought we have.

01:14:35.363 --> 01:14:41.185
What we're dealing with here is some just like I legitimately thought you just meant like if the cia wanted me to be homeless, right?

01:14:41.185 --> 01:14:41.386

01:14:41.506 --> 01:14:43.442
I, I could see where you could.

01:14:43.442 --> 01:14:54.978
I was bringing all the way back to an hour and 40 minutes ago, you know it's like yeah, but the um, uh like with our, we're dealing with big old ass governments and individual people.

01:14:55.619 --> 01:14:58.546
Individual people are part of the problem too.

01:14:58.546 --> 01:15:05.967
They're making individual decisions at high levels, right, and so, um, yeah, I think it is scary.

01:15:05.967 --> 01:15:36.923
Some of the, some of the, some of the stuff that trump's saying I think is scary and hurtful and nerve-wracking for people and, at the very same token, um, it's been a year and a half since this war started, this specific war, not even speaking to a whole litany of other conflict issues and conflict um, and so we'll see how that goes over there.

01:15:37.083 --> 01:15:51.105
He's, he's bitten off a lot and we I mean there's what 200 executive orders right to get into I think this is all a distraction, so it's a lot less of a big deal when we get greenland, yeah no kidding which I'm honestly like.

01:15:51.105 --> 01:15:57.965
If we get greenland buying land, bitches, I'm buying land in greenland hell yeah.

01:15:57.965 --> 01:15:59.368
Why do you think we'd buy greenland?

01:16:00.088 --> 01:16:10.274
um, oh, baby, yeah, yeah, oil, and uh you can nuke russia real fast we can nuke russia real fast from alaska.

01:16:10.576 --> 01:16:10.936
That's true.

01:16:10.957 --> 01:16:14.265
It's faster from alaska than it is greenland I don't know, I was looking at the map.

01:16:14.265 --> 01:16:16.743
You can get the pointy top of greenland.

01:16:16.743 --> 01:16:19.435
You can like you can get over the top real quick.

01:16:19.454 --> 01:16:20.921
That's not how the earth moves.

01:16:20.921 --> 01:16:37.577
Earth goes East, like the reason the sun Rises east to west, right, because the earth moves towards the east and so it's shorter to go from Alaska and let the Rotation of the earth Let it get to us Accelerate your rocket.

01:16:37.577 --> 01:16:41.323
If you go from Greenland and let the rotation of the earth let it get to us Like, let the rotation of the earth accelerate your rocket, coriolis stuff.

01:16:41.617 --> 01:16:47.804
If you go from Greenland, it's actually harder to go up over the top of the earth, which it is.

01:16:47.804 --> 01:16:59.400
It's like less distance, right, but you're fighting like two dimensions of movement, right, going up and over as well as a spiral.

01:16:59.400 --> 01:17:01.877
That's true, and it'd be easy to be off by a little bit.

01:17:01.877 --> 01:17:07.337
Now no one's up there, so it's like okay if you miss only santa and his workshops up there.

01:17:07.438 --> 01:17:09.746
No kidding, I guess oil is.

01:17:09.746 --> 01:17:11.672
Yeah, oil makes sense you just gotta.

01:17:11.733 --> 01:17:13.416
It's literally probably gonna be one of those things.

01:17:13.416 --> 01:17:29.145
If we get greenland, it's gonna be one of those like everyone's gonna be able to buy like six acres and like the lucky one in a hundred that buy, that buys that land, will have some that's gonna have like oil or like where the pipeline's gonna run through.

01:17:29.145 --> 01:17:35.585
Dude, I swear, like if it's something silly, like six acres for 10 grand, hell yeah, hell yeah.

01:17:35.585 --> 01:17:54.786
Bro, then I'll just go out there and you know we'll build, we'll drop, we'll drop little uh um shipping containers out there and build a little shipping container house I flew over greenland once and I was really I was terrified why just open snowy?

01:17:54.865 --> 01:17:55.167

01:17:55.167 --> 01:17:59.893
It's mountain-y, snowy, just like nothingness.

01:17:59.893 --> 01:18:03.082
For a very long time I was like holy smokes.

01:18:03.082 --> 01:18:12.527
This is, like no wonder, the classic thing where you learn it was Eric the Red or whoever came from Iceland and named it, or Leif Erikson or whichever one did it.

01:18:12.694 --> 01:18:15.024
Named it Greenland to throw off people from his treasure.

01:18:16.858 --> 01:18:26.025
I heard that he named it that to get people to come with him the next time like hey like come to greenland that's probably true like leave iceland, you know, yeah, and come to greenland.

01:18:26.025 --> 01:18:30.920
And so they went from iceland, which isn't nearly as bad as greenland and they get to greenland.

01:18:30.939 --> 01:18:32.403
they're like what the hell is this?

01:18:32.403 --> 01:18:40.527
Yeah, true, but um, I, flying over it I was like I just I felt, I just saw the empty vastness and I felt tiny.

01:18:40.527 --> 01:18:42.860
I felt tiny in myself.

01:18:42.860 --> 01:18:50.261
But I guess, if it gives you some oil shares, not a bad idea, not a bad investment plan.

01:18:50.261 --> 01:18:53.663
Like 50,000 people live in Greenland.

01:18:53.984 --> 01:18:57.784
Yeah, and it's like 45 of those are in this one town and it's giant.

01:18:57.805 --> 01:19:00.734
But then you like zoom in on Google Earth on Greenland, you're like, oh, like 45 of those are in this one town and it's giant.

01:19:00.734 --> 01:19:03.061
But then you like zoom in on Google Earth on Greenland, and you're like, oh, that's why there's only 50,000.

01:19:03.061 --> 01:19:05.466
There's only like 50,000 places to live.

01:19:07.869 --> 01:19:12.045
Anyways, hey, ken, thanks for joining us, appreciate you.

01:19:12.045 --> 01:19:19.421
This episode became primarily an episode on how things are wrapping up in Israel and Palestine, and that's okay because it makes sense.

01:19:19.421 --> 01:19:32.475
It's kind of like a you know, these things come in threes right, so that's a good thing yeah, yep, and I think we'll see some, I mean, over the next couple months years.

01:19:32.534 --> 01:19:33.396
We got to see some.

01:19:34.479 --> 01:19:39.900
There's going to be stuff changing over there yeah, it'll be developing, but hopefully this is the conclusion of this conflict.

01:19:40.341 --> 01:19:52.429
Yeah, the ceasefire holds yep, because I originally remember my original estimate was on this war no I was like they're cleaning it up in like three weeks.

01:19:52.429 --> 01:19:53.176
What did I say?

01:19:53.176 --> 01:19:54.600
I don't remember.

01:19:54.600 --> 01:19:55.904
All right, I'll listen to it.

01:19:55.904 --> 01:19:57.315
I don't know if you threw one out there or not.

01:19:57.336 --> 01:20:11.033
You might have said longer and uh, I hope I was right, just to be right, and you wrong yep, yep, um, but uh, it's lasted quite a long time um, yeah, well, hey again, thanks for joining us.

01:20:11.073 --> 01:20:12.095
Folks, we appreciate you.

01:20:12.095 --> 01:20:14.644
Leave comments like subscribe, all that stuff.

01:20:14.644 --> 01:20:16.068
Tell us how wrong we are.

01:20:16.068 --> 01:20:26.694
Honestly, we prefer you to just, you know, leave reviews on spotify and then like comment on youtube with uh, why we suck in, or whatever.

01:20:26.694 --> 01:20:27.658
You know stuff like that.

01:20:27.658 --> 01:20:36.123
Um, interesting enough, there's a couple people who I saw left comments and the comments got deleted I did you notice that I deleted one comment?

01:20:36.123 --> 01:20:36.585
Oh, you did.

01:20:36.645 --> 01:20:39.676
Okay, all right it was for a guy, it was a bot.

01:20:39.676 --> 01:20:48.597
Um, I know you're trying to wrap up the show, but it was for a bot that was pointing people towards, like this book.

01:20:48.597 --> 01:20:55.457
A guy wrote about the female orgasm hell yeah, and I'm not talking about that, and but it was a scam.

01:20:55.457 --> 01:20:56.399
It doesn't work.

01:20:56.399 --> 01:20:59.462
Anyways, deleted that comment.

01:20:59.462 --> 01:21:02.186
Bad information from that guy, bro dude, that's funny.

01:21:02.186 --> 01:21:04.069
There might have been other comments that went down.

01:21:05.716 --> 01:21:06.039
I don't know.

01:21:06.039 --> 01:21:17.426
No, there was just some more stuff that were on other videos and I can't tell if the people deleted them or if YouTube was like that's too, not PC, oh yeah, yeah, but anyways, we appreciate you.

01:21:17.426 --> 01:21:21.530
Thanks for joining us, and Pat till next time.