00:00:02.024 --> 00:00:07.363
How many of the true brewing beers did you guys go through there's?
00:00:07.384 --> 00:00:07.866
quite a few.
00:00:07.866 --> 00:00:09.407
Those are all ones we've tried.
00:00:09.407 --> 00:00:11.227
Well, those are the ones we've tried together.
00:00:11.227 --> 00:00:12.964
I have several more that.
00:00:13.384 --> 00:00:17.614
I've ventured on my own Is that eight, probably.
00:00:17.614 --> 00:00:20.007
Those have all been done on the show Nice.
00:00:20.007 --> 00:00:21.704
I like how they're all demonic.
00:00:22.285 --> 00:00:22.486
00:00:22.486 --> 00:00:23.689
No, dude, they're not demonic.
00:00:23.689 --> 00:00:24.289
Yeah, they are.
00:00:24.490 --> 00:00:25.193
They're darker.
00:00:27.862 --> 00:00:29.268
Not a big symbol guy huh.
00:00:29.268 --> 00:00:32.124
Chapel of ghouls.
00:00:32.466 --> 00:00:33.188
That's not demonic.
00:00:33.188 --> 00:00:33.969
You think that's evil?
00:00:33.969 --> 00:00:40.033
That witch coming out of the water, siren, the siren, and we're rolling, we're in it.
00:00:40.100 --> 00:00:43.603
That doesn't make it demonic, that just makes it evil.
00:00:43.924 --> 00:00:45.488
They're all evil Gothi.
00:00:45.488 --> 00:00:52.045
The only one that's not, I think, the only one that I'm like Blood Axe is that evil.
00:00:52.045 --> 00:00:56.588
I think it's pushing evil, but I like that golden sword one.
00:00:56.588 --> 00:00:56.969
What's that one?
00:00:56.969 --> 00:00:57.792
I can't see it from here.
00:00:57.792 --> 00:00:58.432
Skull Seeker.
00:00:59.904 --> 00:01:00.667
Yeah, that's pretty brutal.
00:01:00.667 --> 00:01:02.226
Is the sword going through the skull?
00:01:02.609 --> 00:01:03.252
Yeah, never mind.
00:01:03.252 --> 00:01:04.376
And there's a sword going through the skull.
00:01:04.397 --> 00:01:05.602
Yeah, never mind, they're all Dude.
00:01:05.602 --> 00:01:07.227
The Nazareth is not demonic.
00:01:07.620 --> 00:01:14.748
That's just like a wasteland traveler, that's true, you mean the yeah, but he's like the gas mask guy.
00:01:15.189 --> 00:01:15.391
00:01:16.283 --> 00:01:18.400
The post-apocalyptic gas mask?
00:01:18.420 --> 00:01:21.129
Are you the kind of guy that thinks that horror movies are not demonic?
00:01:22.322 --> 00:01:23.727
What do you mean like not demonic?
00:01:23.727 --> 00:01:34.802
There are definitely horror movies that are like around demons horror movies are demonic I mean, I've never felt possessed or anything by one, but I do.
00:01:34.802 --> 00:01:39.251
I do enjoy horror movies a lot yeah, I I think they're cool too.
00:01:39.412 --> 00:01:45.477
I just don't watch them anymore because they scare you, because they're demonic yeah, I, I, I too have.
00:01:46.078 --> 00:01:50.046
The only reason I watch horror movies is for the show.
00:01:50.046 --> 00:02:06.132
I do it for the kids, sure, but um, I don't, uh, I don't engage them because I agree that I think they now, I think occasionally not that big a deal and certain ones they're just bad for your soul, but I'll do it for the kids here on the show.
00:02:06.233 --> 00:02:08.445
You know I'm saying sure I get what you guys are saying.
00:02:08.445 --> 00:02:11.383
I guess I've just never felt that way when it comes to horror movies.
00:02:11.383 --> 00:02:24.771
I feel that way more when it comes to like brutal true stories that are like just I feel awfully like jaded and nihilistic about like a hotel Rwanda.
00:02:24.771 --> 00:02:44.768
I honestly don't think that one is that, no, but I definitely think like there's a, there's like a vein of films that I feel like are just purely glorifying the like consume everything, give nothing and accept you die alone in a tub.
00:02:44.768 --> 00:02:46.271
Sure, you know what I mean.
00:02:46.271 --> 00:02:56.612
Mm-hmm, I almost would say this I feel grosser watching most like autobiographies than I do horror movies.
00:02:56.953 --> 00:02:58.074
All right, Because I also.
00:02:58.074 --> 00:03:00.598
I just Because they get into the gross detail of these people.
00:03:01.381 --> 00:03:16.692
Well, I filter out horror movies that I think are just like if a horror movie, if a horror movie's purpose is purely like shock factor, body horror, gore sure it doesn't one, it doesn't scare me, it just is like unsettling and I'm not interested in it.
00:03:16.692 --> 00:03:29.140
But like horror movies that are legit, like metaphorical or even like based in truth, like that, I think, is like I think, it's exploring a deeper, I think.
00:03:29.342 --> 00:03:40.947
Yeah, it's like a more man yeah, it's a more human like a thing for me, and I guess it's also one of those things like I remember being a kid and having nightmares, right, and I just had terrible, terrible nightmares, terrible night terrors.
00:03:40.947 --> 00:03:44.544
I couldn't watch horror movies as a kid because I was just like I wouldn't sleep.
00:03:44.544 --> 00:03:46.728
I couldn't handle the fear and the anxiety.
00:03:46.728 --> 00:03:54.718
I just remember someone telling me, I can't remember who, but they're like oh, you're in, you're in total control in your dreams, like you can.
00:03:54.718 --> 00:04:00.942
The things in your dreams are only scary because you give them the power to be scary and like you can have authority over that stuff.
00:04:01.022 --> 00:04:04.911
And I was like, okay, I'll try that and sure enough, that's like 100, true?
00:04:04.911 --> 00:04:15.659
Um, if you can develop the uh, like actual, I would say like habit of being self-realizing your dreams, right.
00:04:15.659 --> 00:04:29.101
Same thing, I think, applies to like truly like the most darkest evil, like which is like spiritual warfare, right, and I think I truly believe spiritual warfare is a hundred percent real.
00:04:29.101 --> 00:04:38.302
I truly believe I have seen, you know, evil, twisted things that I wouldn't, I don't even know like.
00:04:38.302 --> 00:04:44.382
The term spirit is right, because I truly view like spirit as like a human soul that goes on to an afterlife.
00:04:44.382 --> 00:04:50.033
Right, like things that are like, have no purpose or have no place, being on the same plane of existence.
00:04:50.180 --> 00:04:54.466
It's like supernatural, I would say yeah, I would say like I'd say ghouls.
00:04:54.466 --> 00:04:59.449
I'd say I'd seen some fucking ghouls in my day.
00:04:59.509 --> 00:05:03.810
All right, Some, some, some demons, scooby-doo term I think I've heard all week.
00:05:03.870 --> 00:05:12.668
Well, because you say demons and immediately the connotation's religion, right, which all three of us are very devout Christians, right.
00:05:12.668 --> 00:05:23.303
But I think if you describe it in like I would say I don't necessarily believe in quote-unquote, well, I shouldn't say that I do believe in ghosts.
00:05:23.303 --> 00:05:33.279
I do believe that there's a very thin narrow margin for ghosts to occupy in, and I believe that's contextualized in scripture.
00:05:33.279 --> 00:05:41.588
Right, it's the, it's the ritualistic summoning and calling upon, just like um Saul does when calling.
00:05:41.627 --> 00:05:42.028
00:05:42.189 --> 00:06:23.348
Yeah, but I don't believe in like a soul that isn't somewhere else, that is just roaming earth, but I do believe in like malicious and also benevolent supernatural beings that will at times occupy like our material plane and I, whether that, whether you want to be scripturally based on it, say like demons and quote, unquote devils, depends on you know, if you discern like there's only one devil and then there's a bunch of demons, right, there's a lot of variation of definitions here.
00:06:23.348 --> 00:06:39.255
And then of course, angels or other celestial creatures, right, other celestial beings like, um, you know, angels is grouping, of course, a ton of like the seraphim the cherubims, stuff like that right, it's so.
00:06:39.317 --> 00:07:12.173
It's like one of those things, like I believe in all of those and I believe I've seen examples of each to a degree more so that darkness evil and I've also believed like it is through my awareness of like faith and like how those things are, like what the rules are around those things, is why I feel like I don't fear them or and I feel comfortable watching things about that, like I don't watch it out of like the oh, this isn't real, this is just fun.
00:07:12.500 --> 00:07:16.627
Or out of the oh, man, if, maybe we should summon a demon to test it.
00:07:16.627 --> 00:07:28.985
Like none of that stuff, right, but it is out of like, that thing of like perhaps like I've heard it phrased by a more spiritually wise man than I, but he phrased he's like there's a degree of like.
00:07:28.985 --> 00:07:31.745
Do you watch other people's?
00:07:31.745 --> 00:07:36.663
You might watch it like a movie about people hunting because it helps you relive the hunt.
00:07:36.663 --> 00:07:41.749
Or you watch like a movie that's an overlapping experience because it helps you process or relive that.
00:07:41.749 --> 00:07:45.310
I genuinely think like demonic horror and stuff like that.
00:07:45.310 --> 00:07:57.350
There's a degree of that that I find almost like not comforting but just maybe cathartic and like yeah, dude, that's real and that happens and like that provides validity to.
00:07:57.350 --> 00:07:59.663
I feel like some, my experience is the experience of others.
00:07:59.744 --> 00:08:08.572
Maybe you view it through a different lens than just someone sitting there who wants to be scared, like like people who just love the scare, that sort of thing, sure I do enjoy.
00:08:08.591 --> 00:08:13.209
I do enjoy the feeling of like, I like, okay, they, they, they nailed it.
00:08:13.370 --> 00:08:39.623
I believe this is real and there is a there is an excitement to that, but I it's been forever since I've been scared you know, or I settled, by no means would I say that there's like there's a lot of horror movies that are like good films, sure right like they're well made, they're well written, like not taking that away from it all, but uh, I like look at it like when you do things you're opening, you're opening spiritual doors.
00:08:39.643 --> 00:08:41.587
Yeah, right, yeah, that's like.
00:08:41.587 --> 00:08:44.206
And to say like all right, well, if you're in control, then you can do it.
00:08:44.206 --> 00:08:45.620
That's like all right, well, if you're in control, then you can do it.
00:08:45.620 --> 00:08:49.167
That's like saying like I can smoke crack because I'm in control.
00:08:49.167 --> 00:08:59.527
You know, like I'm just going to try it because I know that after I'm in control, like I got this crack.
00:09:02.384 --> 00:09:05.855
Okay, I mean, I'm not even going to lie, I'm not even going to disagree with, not even gonna disagree with you.
00:09:05.855 --> 00:09:13.826
Sometimes, when I'm like like there's this movie that came out called uh, uh, what was it just recently, I can't remember.
00:09:13.826 --> 00:09:30.337
Um haunt, though I don't see it demonic haunt is, like, I think, schlocky entertainment like I do think there's a lot of horror movies I enjoy because they're just like very schlocky, entertaining, like classic run for your life from a serial killer to dean's point, he's just.
00:09:30.639 --> 00:09:45.846
He was using the, the umbrella term that we would use, like when you're engaging in putting, letting the portals of your soul, which are your eyeballs, engage in naughtiness and or destructive things, demonic in that of like horror movies.
00:09:45.846 --> 00:10:02.256
It's just meaning it's like, yeah, you could be like, yeah, the exorcist, demonic, haunt, slasher, whatever, but like sure to your point being, if I'm assuming right, was like overarching, like this is just a a thing you got to be careful about putting into your soul.
00:10:02.256 --> 00:10:03.500
Yeah, yeah you're opening.
00:10:03.520 --> 00:10:09.520
You're opening spiritual doors and in the same way I would say, like pornography is the same that was well, that would be.
00:10:09.581 --> 00:10:15.361
My other is like I've never felt guilt watching a horror movie and I've never felt shame or something from it.
00:10:15.361 --> 00:10:38.559
I have left like asking questions or perplexed, but I still avert my eyes from any kind of nudity and I out, I go out of my way to not watch like films that are heavy in like sexual content, right, just because I do feel like that is opening the door to allow myself to be like spiritually tempted to watch pornography or something like that, right.
00:10:38.559 --> 00:10:53.465
But like, if I watch a horror movie, I feel no temptation to engage in any thing other than a thought experiment of you know what does God's word say about that you know X, y, z thing?
00:10:53.465 --> 00:11:02.712
Or, honestly, like even for a lot of other horror ones, it's just more of like I see them as like creative what's the term?
00:11:02.712 --> 00:11:06.499
I guess I just see them as like a creative expression that is like borderline enjoyable.
00:11:06.499 --> 00:11:07.139
Creative what's the term?
00:11:07.139 --> 00:11:10.352
I guess I just see him as a creative expression that is borderline enjoyable.
00:11:10.352 --> 00:11:13.467
Some people would say that at a good old classic porn film.
00:11:13.931 --> 00:11:18.970
No, no, you're right, I'm not denying that I'm not going to deny that, king Dong.
00:11:23.628 --> 00:11:24.370
No, no, that's a good point.
00:11:24.370 --> 00:11:28.321
We watch Portrait of God.
00:11:28.321 --> 00:11:29.263
Um, bro dude, uh, no, no, that's a good point.
00:11:29.263 --> 00:11:29.604
Um, but I let me.
00:11:29.604 --> 00:11:30.205
Yeah, we watch portrait of god.
00:11:30.205 --> 00:11:30.625
Yeah, and that was.
00:11:30.625 --> 00:11:31.648
That was a scary short film.
00:11:31.648 --> 00:12:07.745
It was a scary short, but I don't see that as like yeah, uh, uh, evil thing to like open and like can take, take part, and I see that as like a, as like a appreciation of like wow, this is a very like, this is a very well done film with a very eerie point to it that I am not gonna like invest anything, I'm not gonna be like wow, actually, yeah, god is an evil, malicious creature, but I see it and I'm like, damn, that was like really well done, like that, the concept was very well executed yeah, and I think that one.
00:12:08.144 --> 00:12:10.529
What's demonic is whatever just came out of your dog.
00:12:10.529 --> 00:12:12.254
That that is.
00:12:12.254 --> 00:12:15.592
That is a wretched dog fart right now that I'm experiencing.
00:12:15.592 --> 00:12:20.125
No, dude, that's a dog, but anyways, like some beef liver dog fart.
00:12:20.164 --> 00:12:25.193
it's like beef liver and duck jerky Last time I almost got executed.
00:12:25.193 --> 00:12:31.291
Well, because you cracked one of these on a bruiser review before we did the thing.
00:12:31.371 --> 00:12:34.645
That's true, and if you guys haven't noticed, there's three of us here.
00:12:34.807 --> 00:12:35.889
Oh yeah, Sorry Dean's here.
00:12:36.070 --> 00:12:37.613
We got Dean in the house Dean's back.
00:12:37.613 --> 00:12:39.511
He's our number one guest.
00:12:40.035 --> 00:12:41.243
It's been a while On attendance.
00:12:41.243 --> 00:12:44.509
You know it's been a while On attendance you know it's been a while since I've been here.
00:12:44.529 --> 00:12:45.311
I mean outside of.
00:12:45.311 --> 00:12:48.254
Did he go by Wayne?
00:12:48.254 --> 00:12:49.076
He did go by Wayne.
00:12:49.076 --> 00:12:51.025
Outside of Wayne, you're my favorite guest.
00:12:51.025 --> 00:12:55.309
Wow, Wayne ranks number one, just because Wayne's Wayne bro.
00:12:56.041 --> 00:12:57.787
Yeah, but also we got Mr Paul.
00:13:00.059 --> 00:13:01.702
Okay, I mean Paul's cool too.
00:13:01.702 --> 00:13:07.812
Right, paul's also awesome, but I'm not like lifelong friends with Paul like I've been lifelong friends with this dude.
00:13:07.831 --> 00:13:09.894
That's true, I hear you, I hear you, I hear you, but the—.
00:13:10.159 --> 00:13:13.149
This guy just immediately knows what to do when he comes on the pod.
00:13:13.220 --> 00:13:14.505
He just knows to get in the groove.
00:13:14.505 --> 00:13:19.527
Yeah, we didn't even say we were starting the show, because welcome to the Mick and Pat Show folks.
00:13:19.527 --> 00:13:21.750
Little bit of audio for you.
00:13:21.750 --> 00:13:25.294
We're just having a conversation about some, you know, little porn.
00:13:25.294 --> 00:13:29.168
Yeah, porn and angels, um, and demons, um.
00:13:29.187 --> 00:13:36.172
I wonder what youtube will do with like what the ai will do for our description as we talk about that.
00:13:36.172 --> 00:14:07.662
It's like a little like rom, jeremy, like cherub, um, no, but the I think what I was going to say was, in the context of this, like would be, you know, all things in moderation, right, yeah, and then that, just that blanket phrase, and then also like the age of someone, of their ability to deal with it, and so I do think of like engaging the topics and the things, especially that horror movies bring up.
00:14:07.662 --> 00:14:16.407
Um, I don't think it's good for very for, like, young people to watch them and, to, and to consume like excess amounts of them.
00:14:16.548 --> 00:14:19.681
I don't think you're also appropriate for, like an adult, to consume excess amounts of them.
00:14:19.681 --> 00:14:36.316
And because we can like you to your point, you're saying I know this is a movie and I can appreciate it for its storytelling, its deeper message and all these things, versus like 12-year-old watching the Exorcist.
00:14:36.316 --> 00:14:37.697
I don't know.
00:14:37.940 --> 00:14:41.009
Maybe they can't appreciate it or understand or comprehend what's going on.
00:14:41.260 --> 00:14:48.745
Same thing as, like some people might say like hey, you're 42, smoke the j, sure, sure, hey, you're 10, what don't smoke the j?
00:14:48.846 --> 00:14:54.408
you know what I mean, like give me the best or first horror movie you saw best or first dude.
00:14:54.488 --> 00:14:56.921
I can't even remember the first one because I couldn't finish.
00:14:56.921 --> 00:15:13.684
I would say like quote, like borderline, the first horror movie I ever saw, that I watched the whole way through and I know you're gonna laugh at this, but predator dude predator, predator is like at like third grade predator made me go from like oh yeah, this movie's awesome.
00:15:13.684 --> 00:15:14.708
It's an action movie to like.
00:15:14.708 --> 00:15:18.910
It's out there in the woods bro.
00:15:19.172 --> 00:15:27.710
The first predator predator movie that I saw was actually alien versus predator, which was not that good, but it was still great as a kid.
00:15:27.750 --> 00:15:28.885
It was awesome as a fifth grader.
00:15:28.966 --> 00:15:31.787
Yeah, and sure you know I didn't see any horror movies till high school.
00:15:31.787 --> 00:15:34.500
Pirates of the Caribbean was like 16, 17 at that point.
00:15:34.500 --> 00:15:39.330
Pirates of the Caribbean, actually, I will say that would scare me.
00:15:39.409 --> 00:15:41.686
That would scare me bad when I was a kid.
00:15:41.686 --> 00:15:43.586
The zombies.
00:15:44.087 --> 00:15:45.662
Yeah, would scale to be bad.
00:15:45.662 --> 00:15:48.371
When I was a kid, okay, when I saw how old the zombies yeah, the, particularly the monkey, the monkey one, all right.
00:15:48.371 --> 00:15:48.833
So I was, so we did.
00:15:48.833 --> 00:15:50.119
We watched pirates of the caribbean.
00:15:50.198 --> 00:15:56.660
Yeah, what, how old I mean I was, oh, six, maybe, yeah, so like I was like sixth grade, fifth grade pretty young.
00:15:56.921 --> 00:15:59.467
Yeah, now I, we watched that movie.
00:15:59.467 --> 00:16:08.215
I guess you could say as the first horror movie, because when he sticks his hand into the moonlight, yeah, oh yeah, and that turns into a skeleton, that's the first time you go.
00:16:08.215 --> 00:16:23.102
This isn't just a disney movie, you know, like this is like I've been used to pocahontas and snow white, you know, and whatever dude, I had nightmares of them coming up out of the tub yep, yep, like because they come out of the water when they climb on the boat.
00:16:23.183 --> 00:16:24.567
yeah, and, and they're just like yeah.
00:16:24.667 --> 00:16:31.828
And that scene where they just they're at the end when they're ambushing, yeah, and they're just walking as skeletons.
00:16:31.828 --> 00:16:46.250
Yeah, I mean, because I was fairly young, that might classify as my first horror movie, because also remember when the monkey comes out as a skeleton, as a jump scare, yeah, that got me so bad and I watched this with my parents and I did.
00:16:46.250 --> 00:16:54.807
You know, I might have been a sixth grader maybe it's a little too old for this I was like fifth or sixth grade, but I was like dad, like I was worked up.
00:16:54.807 --> 00:16:56.270
He laid in bed with me.
00:16:56.270 --> 00:16:57.894
Oh yeah, yeah for sure.
00:16:57.894 --> 00:17:01.500
Also, I had a curious george stuffed animal.
00:17:01.500 --> 00:17:04.903
Oh, yeah, it was like know, it was over on the wall.
00:17:04.903 --> 00:17:06.344
Curious George is tainted now.
00:17:06.344 --> 00:17:09.267
Well, my dad couldn't resist the opportunity.
00:17:09.267 --> 00:17:13.490
No way, we're like say, and we're talking and.
00:17:13.529 --> 00:17:24.157
I'm all calmed down and then he grabs the monkey and out of the corner of my eye he goes and I lost my mind, dude, and I mean he got me so bad.
00:17:24.157 --> 00:17:27.580
He thought it was hilarious.
00:17:27.580 --> 00:17:36.609
Well, he did for about half a second till you realize like, oh, like that was funny for an adult and I feel bad for what, like I was put in the moment, vinny.
00:17:36.630 --> 00:17:44.683
so, personally care being, I'm gonna go with first horror movie that came out in 2003 actually, so if you saw it in theaters you were like third grade yeah, okay, okay.
00:17:44.703 --> 00:17:52.486
So I wasn't, yeah, because I was young enough that my dad laid down on my bunk bed with me, kind of like you know, but then he got me with the monkey.
00:17:52.486 --> 00:17:55.770
Oh, I remember that to this day.
00:17:55.770 --> 00:17:56.394
That's funny.
00:17:56.394 --> 00:18:10.250
And then it wasn't until high school that I started, you know, like mostly watching those movies so that you could hopefully like hold, hold a girl's hand or like you know yeah we'd get together as a group of all of us high schoolers, and you know scare them.
00:18:10.590 --> 00:18:15.929
I think the first one I actually saw like I I saw jaws way too young.
00:18:15.929 --> 00:18:17.111
I don't remember it at all.
00:18:17.111 --> 00:18:23.960
I think I saw it like before I saw as my brain was still at the age of development where it could like black, block things out.
00:18:23.960 --> 00:18:26.285
Yeah, so like my mom, because my mom said that I the age of development where it could like black, block things out.
00:18:26.285 --> 00:18:29.451
Yeah, so like my mom, cause my mom said that I was terrified of taking a bath or swimming in the pool.
00:18:29.451 --> 00:18:33.810
Afterwards I have no recollection of any experience of being afraid to get in the tub.
00:18:33.810 --> 00:18:35.046
That's how you know you did something wrong.
00:18:35.180 --> 00:18:37.362
You're like damn it Like.
00:18:37.362 --> 00:18:38.063
Do you like like?
00:18:38.202 --> 00:18:41.548
my mom and she swears like I was scared as I'm like dude I.
00:18:41.548 --> 00:18:46.694
I can remember the first time I watched that movie with my grandfather in sixth grade when we rented it.
00:18:46.694 --> 00:18:55.903
But the real first horror movie I think that I saw was with my grandfather and he was like let's rent the birds.
00:18:56.928 --> 00:18:59.506
Oh yeah, I watched that with my great grandfather.
00:18:59.506 --> 00:19:00.781
Got me dude, dude.
00:19:00.781 --> 00:19:02.071
I remember I was watching it.
00:19:02.133 --> 00:19:03.039
It's a black and white movie.
00:19:03.039 --> 00:19:05.084
You're like classic, boring black and white movie.
00:19:05.084 --> 00:19:10.421
Then a jump cuts to the dude with his eyes pulled out and the birds pecking in his skull.
00:19:10.421 --> 00:19:19.403
You were like, oh dude, the image of that guy's eyeless face with birds eating his like brains was that hitchcock.
00:19:19.403 --> 00:19:28.019
Yeah, in in like black and white is so seared into my brain like I can see it clear as day.
00:19:28.059 --> 00:19:35.486
Still, I don't think I've seen that movie actually dude it was a decent movie, yeah, and what's crazy about it is it was like one of the first apocalyptic movies.
00:19:35.486 --> 00:19:40.704
If I told you this, I'd be like here's the story and it's in black and white, old-timey movie.
00:19:40.704 --> 00:19:46.134
It switches to color at one point, yep, yep, but like just to be like old movie.
00:19:46.134 --> 00:19:47.402
You know, here's the deal.
00:19:47.402 --> 00:19:49.527
What's it called the birds.
00:19:49.527 --> 00:19:54.766
It was just like listen blackbirds, just like come to a town and like attack people.
00:19:54.766 --> 00:19:58.474
You'd be like not scary 1963.
00:19:58.474 --> 00:20:01.000
Yeah, you'd like not scary, but it was.
00:20:01.000 --> 00:20:01.981
It was scary.
00:20:01.981 --> 00:20:02.542
It scared people.
00:20:02.542 --> 00:20:05.647
I remember, I remember I watched it with my great-grandfather and my mom.
00:20:05.647 --> 00:20:08.332
It freaked me out, got me pretty scared.
00:20:08.332 --> 00:20:24.101
Yeah, and if we're going with other uh, other scary, like because of age, I did my mom which funny is my mom, like conservative christian, protected me from a lot of things, um, but what's funny is she just didn't realize.
00:20:24.101 --> 00:20:30.327
She sat me down by myself and I watched jurassic park when I was five see I, I was same age.
00:20:30.628 --> 00:20:35.163
Yeah, no horror, no fear at all saw, just pure amazement, pure wonder.
00:20:35.163 --> 00:20:39.721
Yeah, I was like, oh, dinosaurs are cool, like I, people screaming as they're eating.
00:20:39.721 --> 00:20:41.550
I'm like that's fine, yeah, I I was.
00:20:41.651 --> 00:20:42.434
I wasn't ready for that.
00:20:42.434 --> 00:20:43.259
They're hungry, it's okay.
00:20:43.460 --> 00:20:56.352
I wasn't ready for the for the real people being eaten when I'm supposed to be watching barney you know um for real I remember, like it, it was within that like two hour runtime of that movie.
00:20:56.352 --> 00:21:03.589
Whatever its runtime is, I went from being a I love construction trucks, I love twack.
00:21:03.589 --> 00:21:06.134
Toes To like these are dumb.
00:21:06.134 --> 00:21:09.826
Give me dinosaurs, give me dinosaurs, give me dinosaurs and army men.
00:21:09.826 --> 00:21:14.789
So dude, I literally just entertain myself with my dinosaurs eating army men.
00:21:15.230 --> 00:21:15.811
For decades.
00:21:15.811 --> 00:21:21.946
Yeah, yeah, four to seven decades, we don't know yet it's still going, actually.
00:21:22.200 --> 00:21:24.126
I'm still entertaining myself with that.
00:21:24.126 --> 00:21:28.579
Actually, it's just, I do it with friends now, and every friday night it's called dungeons and dragons.
00:21:28.579 --> 00:21:33.092
But like, um, no, dude, I love those movies.
00:21:33.092 --> 00:21:58.030
I will say all right to your point, though, dean, my favorite horror movie, those are like the first ones I can roll my favorite one, though, is a very, it's a very dark movie it's, but it is very much on the spectrum of like spiritual warfare reality, um, and I'd say I'd say it's tied for two.
00:21:58.050 --> 00:22:00.035
There's one that's called where evil works.
00:22:00.035 --> 00:22:01.522
That is like a.
00:22:01.522 --> 00:22:02.726
They're both foreign actually.