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What if you had the chance to savor the passage of time with a cold craft beer in hand? We kick off our latest episode with a jovial toast to the Outer Range IPA from Frisco, Colorado. 

As we journey into the realm of future technology, imagine a world where consciousness might be uploaded into a digital utopia. We contemplate a societal rift with some opting for digital immortality while others embrace a tech-free lifestyle, akin to modern-day Amish. Our discussion raises questions about AI's trajectory, ethical dilemmas of sentient machines, and how these advancements could redefine our understanding of consciousness and spirituality. We also touch on pressing security concerns, from declining birth rates and their societal impacts to the rise of vehicle-ramming attacks, emphasizing the role of community bonds in fostering preparedness.

Finally, we lighten the mood with a spirited focus on New Year's resolutions and movie excitement. We share personal anecdotes about unconventional resolutions, like using more electricity, and our commitment to reviving our "Brews and Reviews" segment with a SMART goal to produce more content. Despite challenges, our enthusiasm for movie anticipation remains strong, as we look forward to upcoming films and the thrill of exploring hidden gems. Join us for this captivating episode filled with laughter, insights, and a touch of the unexpected.

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00:49 - Century Talk

07:08 - Future Technology and Immortality Transcendence

11:20 - Medical Technology and Reproduction Trends

17:29 - Declining Birth Rates and Future Society

24:30 - Robot Sentience and Ethical Treatment

36:10 - Sentient Robots and Moral Dilemmas

44:48 - New Year's Resolutions and Shooting Goals

49:26 - New Year Terrorist Attack Discussion

54:14 - National Security Threat Discussion

01:03:26 - Building Security Through Community Bonds

01:15:16 - Movie Reviews Resolution Setting

01:18:54 - Movie Review Frequency Increase


00:00:01.883 --> 00:00:02.383
what you drinking.

00:00:03.505 --> 00:00:09.295
This is the outer range of the colorado rockies, ipa.

00:00:09.295 --> 00:00:13.483
I look, yep the lo and behold indian pale ale.

00:00:13.483 --> 00:00:20.560
Nice, it's good you picked a good one, brewed in frisco, colorado I didn't pick that one, bro.

00:00:21.242 --> 00:00:26.190
That was a good old jb who picked that, oh all right, good work.

00:00:26.751 --> 00:00:27.132
The uh.

00:00:27.132 --> 00:00:30.850
So he was, I was a, I was a little eavesdropping at church.

00:00:30.850 --> 00:00:45.429
Oh yeah, a couple weeks ago I was just sitting there by the, by the check-in, as we do, yeah, and uh, he was talking to uh do a an adult woman, um, with his like his new bride standing there.

00:00:45.429 --> 00:00:50.579
It was funny because they were like, while they're talking, they're talking about their honeymoon and then they were talking about he.

00:00:50.579 --> 00:00:52.944
Just then he said, yeah, we didn't leave the resort much.

00:00:52.944 --> 00:01:01.366
And I just started grinning, like you know, because newlyweds, I mean, you don't leave the resort, you don't.

00:01:01.366 --> 00:01:03.881
You don't even leave much of the you don't leave the building.

00:01:03.902 --> 00:01:05.525
You know, like I was like.

00:01:05.543 --> 00:01:09.391
So I just was like I wanted to say something.

00:01:09.391 --> 00:01:13.243
So bad, yeah, but my, uh, my time and place meter kicked in.

00:01:13.243 --> 00:01:17.341
I, I didn't yeah, well, I'm sure, that's not how they meant it, it isn't what you meant.

00:01:17.341 --> 00:01:26.602
But it's also one of those things where, like, you say it because it's the truth, but you also don't realize how it comes off or how you're like outing yourself, just be like, oh, you don't leave the resort that much.

00:01:26.602 --> 00:01:27.486
But I just thought it was funny.

00:01:27.486 --> 00:01:30.149
It's like well, yeah, bro, well you don't really leave it in Mexico either?

00:01:30.421 --> 00:01:34.787
You're not supposed to, because you could get that decapitated.

00:01:36.492 --> 00:01:38.325
Also anyways.

00:01:39.347 --> 00:01:41.888
So that's funny, yes, sir.

00:01:43.019 --> 00:01:44.867
Holidays are behind us.

00:01:44.867 --> 00:01:46.472
We're officially in the new year.

00:01:46.733 --> 00:01:52.965
It is a brand spanking new year, quarter century right uh, well, not.

00:01:52.965 --> 00:02:02.968
No, it's not 250 the century one, uh like 2025, 25 we're I thought you meant quarter of a millennium or whatever.

00:02:03.128 --> 00:02:11.711
Because that's going to be soon, that's next year, next year, 2026.

00:02:11.711 --> 00:02:17.168
It's 250 years, baby Quarter of a millennia, that the US has been around.

00:02:17.429 --> 00:02:18.270
Oh, for the US.

00:02:18.270 --> 00:02:20.514
I see, I thought you meant that's all right.

00:02:20.514 --> 00:02:25.002
I'm sure most of our listeners are that slow too.

00:02:25.002 --> 00:02:28.711
You got to get to year 250 for like the quarter to get you know.

00:02:28.711 --> 00:02:32.691
It's pretty cool that we were alive for the turn, you know, into the 2000s.

00:02:32.691 --> 00:02:44.432
I was listening to this video the other day of this kid and he was just like listening to an NSYNC song and like this kid is just like seven and he's just like that song came out in the 1900s.

00:02:49.099 --> 00:02:50.342
I was just like damn, take it easy, okay, guy.

00:02:50.342 --> 00:02:51.746
The 1900s.

00:02:51.746 --> 00:03:07.661
A lot of people do think that we'll be, uh, one of the first like generations to have quite a few, like a, like a good population of experience three centuries quite a few like a, like a good population.

00:03:07.681 --> 00:03:08.763
I've experienced three centuries, you know.

00:03:08.763 --> 00:03:11.728
I mean if you're born 99, make it to 2100, 21.

00:03:11.747 --> 00:03:12.750
Just crazy dude.

00:03:12.750 --> 00:03:13.972
That's crazy to think about.

00:03:13.972 --> 00:03:16.962
Yeah, I don't know if I want to live that long.

00:03:17.383 --> 00:03:19.147
I mean, I don't know, I don't think so either.

00:03:19.147 --> 00:03:20.512
Now I do see that there's.

00:03:20.512 --> 00:03:28.752
Then the weird thing is you do see those folks like uh, just like when they're like 99, just still like walking, like doing fine, fine, walking around.

00:03:28.752 --> 00:03:31.502
But I know, like that's probably not my path.

00:03:31.502 --> 00:03:42.622
You know, I'm not a a small japanese man yeah you know, yeah, I'm uh, uh, probably gonna have a heart attack someday, you know whatever.

00:03:42.804 --> 00:03:48.331
There was this dude who was um a part of the college ministry.

00:03:48.331 --> 00:03:50.975
I was in um and he was a.

00:03:51.818 --> 00:04:14.413
He was like the oldest surviving member of pearl harbor like I like dude had been there and I met him a couple times and I remember they asked him um, well, we we had like a question Q&A thing and one of like my I will say college buddies because we were kind of friends at the time.

00:04:14.413 --> 00:04:21.812
But he is just like so what is the sex drive of a 106-year-old man?

00:04:21.812 --> 00:04:23.363
He just had to know.

00:04:23.363 --> 00:04:24.225
He just had to know.

00:04:24.225 --> 00:04:27.749
I thought it was like I was like he opened up the questions to everybody.

00:04:27.879 --> 00:04:29.185
Some people were like shaking their heads.

00:04:29.185 --> 00:04:30.641
I was like, was this a co-ed group?

00:04:30.641 --> 00:04:50.346
Yeah, ah, but I was still like that's fine, I get it Like the the like this dude is old enough that he probably doesn't care.

00:04:50.346 --> 00:04:51.831
Um, but uh, he said he it was normal and it really didn't like stop, like until he was like 95.

00:04:51.831 --> 00:04:52.004

00:04:52.004 --> 00:05:04.930
But when he was, once he hit 95, he noticed like there was just no more craving or desire at all, which is kind of like imagine like you get to live 10 years out of your most peaceful bliss, just, you're just a man without any sex drive.

00:05:04.930 --> 00:05:07.303
Yeah, and it's not like a, it's not like a.

00:05:07.303 --> 00:05:07.625
It's not like a.

00:05:07.625 --> 00:05:11.158
I want to have sex but can't it's just like a it's indifferent.

00:05:11.418 --> 00:05:16.692
Yeah, you just completely rather do a lot of other things like inner peace, I know exactly.

00:05:16.692 --> 00:05:22.271
That's like I wouldn't, I wouldn't mind if it like hit it like 60.

00:05:22.271 --> 00:05:24.656
Now there's probably some 60 or the other.

00:05:24.656 --> 00:05:25.519
Hey man, we got it.

00:05:25.519 --> 00:05:27.725
But just like the like I don't know.

00:05:27.725 --> 00:05:34.747
Heck, back in the day, when you were trying to keep it, keep it under control, you kind of hoping it would happen.

00:05:34.747 --> 00:05:38.300
Then you're trying to, you're trying to live with life up here.

00:05:38.322 --> 00:05:46.291
I wish it kind of, would have waited a little bit longer you're trying exactly like why does it have to happen from, like you know, 18 to 25?

00:05:46.291 --> 00:05:56.973
This like, or sorry, 13 to 25, this like peak, like you're nerbing out there, you don't know why especially you know, just and just just just raging, you know.

00:05:57.480 --> 00:05:59.749
Oh dude, no outlet, no healthy outlet for you.

00:05:59.749 --> 00:06:03.471
Yeah, you know, his name was James Downey.

00:06:03.471 --> 00:06:05.098
James Downey James.

00:06:05.139 --> 00:06:05.439

00:06:05.480 --> 00:06:07.987
James Willis Downing and he was 105 when he died.

00:06:07.987 --> 00:06:10.600
Wow, so in 2018.

00:06:10.600 --> 00:06:15.833
And I know the last time I met him was in like 2015.

00:06:15.833 --> 00:06:18.226
So he was like 103.

00:06:18.226 --> 00:06:21.105
But he was a cool cat.

00:06:21.105 --> 00:06:27.048
He was really cool, had a lot of great information about what it's like to live that long.

00:06:28.000 --> 00:06:28.723
Because he saw.

00:06:29.846 --> 00:06:34.517
I mean I mean he was born and he was a baby during World War I.

00:06:34.879 --> 00:06:40.632
Right, just the technological advancements of the freaking worlds in his lifetime?

00:06:40.632 --> 00:06:41.052
I don't know.

00:06:41.052 --> 00:06:46.392
Do you think we'll make that many strides in a hundred year period?

00:06:46.901 --> 00:06:52.110
bro, I think we will, yeah, I think we'll, I think we will see hear me out.

00:06:52.232 --> 00:06:52.892
Is there a peak?

00:06:52.892 --> 00:06:53.641
Is there a pinnacle?

00:06:53.641 --> 00:06:57.891
Is there, is there a plateau, to like advancement, like what's what's the well they're?

00:06:58.319 --> 00:06:59.822
saying we already hit the wall for ai.

00:06:59.822 --> 00:07:04.209
Okay, like that, ai is already hitting a wall of.

00:07:04.209 --> 00:07:22.490
Like ai is as good as it's gonna get right now until it becomes truly sentient, like artificial sentient intelligence, asi, um, I do think we will get in our lifetime pet.

00:07:22.490 --> 00:07:24.473
This is crazy, right?

00:07:24.473 --> 00:07:28.180
I do think we'll get in our lifetime to the great divide.

00:07:28.180 --> 00:07:40.303
And the great divide is like this scientific theory that not necessarily 50, but like one part, like civilization will divide into two parts.

00:07:40.303 --> 00:07:58.074
One part will continue onward with technology in whatever that is, including being no longer human and one part will deny and be left behind.

00:07:58.093 --> 00:08:01.225
It'll be like the amish exactly 50, 50 split.

00:08:01.387 --> 00:08:59.674
That's the thing like the and like a lot of people think, like the big point of that that will actually arrive to sooner, like I think a lot of people don't understand that like we'll probably get to plug your brain into the simulation and live for eternity in the simulation and your whole body is dead, but your brain is so codified and backed up in terabytes and terabytes of data that like, uh, it just exists in this simulation, right, and I think we, a lot of people believe we'll probably get to that before we get to like the matrix in uh, in the like the terms of like um, in the matrix timeline they reached cybernetic humans and androids and like those being a fully functioning part of society.

00:08:59.715 --> 00:09:27.365
Before the download your consciousness went, like came along, and I think a lot of people and I think a lot of scientists from my armory right now, neurologists and stuff are positing that we'll actually probably reach the download your consciousness well before we reach the androids, like Terminator walking among us and they have skin for the outside but they're titanium exoskeletons internally, right, like that's just not gonna.

00:09:27.445 --> 00:09:40.623
That's probably so much further away, um, and like we probably actually won't ever get to that because, like a good 50 to 80 percent of the population, maybe even more.

00:09:40.623 --> 00:09:44.730
We'll just be like, yeah, immortality on.

00:09:44.730 --> 00:10:04.184
You know this computer server that is just going to be floating through space and like a protected area and you know it will exist for all eternity and then those who don't want to go in it just like have to be, you know, gardening the earth and are left behind.

00:10:04.184 --> 00:10:06.746
And it's like, you know, like which.

00:10:06.746 --> 00:10:19.629
It was just pretty interesting when you think about like you could end up in a scenario where, like you, have sub a million people on the face of the earth who didn't want to partake, decided not to in the transcendence into you know immortality.

00:10:19.789 --> 00:10:31.812
It'll become, I mean, heck, like even something as simple, quote-unquote simple in comparison to what we're talking about as Neuralink, yeah, I mean I'm resolved about what I'm going to do and not do.

00:10:32.840 --> 00:10:36.928
I will say Neuralink would be very tempting if I got paralyzed in a car accident.

00:10:37.610 --> 00:10:37.831

00:10:38.152 --> 00:10:38.592
You know what I mean.

00:10:40.201 --> 00:10:42.660
There's always the gray areas, it's not so black and white.

00:10:43.000 --> 00:10:49.687
And it's one of those things, too, where I'm like, yeah, I don't think I'm going to get Neuralink, so you can be good at COD, yeah.

00:10:49.687 --> 00:11:00.657
But then if Billie Jean got paralyzed in a car accident and she wanted it because it would make her life easier, it's like, who am I to get in her way on that?

00:11:00.657 --> 00:11:01.620
You know what I mean.

00:11:01.620 --> 00:11:08.086
As her husband, I love her, but I am going to support anything that helps her existence at that point.

00:11:08.285 --> 00:11:14.105
You know what I mean and then you have um like neural link they're talking about it's going to help, like make blind people see.

00:11:14.625 --> 00:11:20.249
Yeah, I do, that's what I'm like that's the thing too, though right, I've told you, for I feel like a few years now.

00:11:20.249 --> 00:11:25.404
I've told you, as soon as cybernetic eyeballs come out, I'm getting rid of these old dingy things, oh yeah.

00:11:25.544 --> 00:11:26.586
Yeah, just get a third one.

00:11:28.048 --> 00:11:30.510
Just install it where Right in the forehead, bro.

00:11:30.510 --> 00:11:34.155
I don't know if that's where it will go, but that's true.

00:11:34.155 --> 00:11:43.038
I feel like it's easier to just replace the ones I have and keep my eyelids and stuff, rather than build new eyelids, yep.

00:11:47.442 --> 00:11:51.278
But I do think I'd be very tempted, especially if they're like hey, free, right, it's covered.

00:11:51.278 --> 00:11:55.408
Yeah, it's free, because it'll save insurance companies in the long term a lot of money to not have to pay out for your glasses.

00:11:55.408 --> 00:12:04.009
If you just do this now or something, I don't know, but I'd be like damn bro, especially if I can make them digital night vision.

00:12:04.009 --> 00:12:10.423
Yeah, because you wouldn't be able to do analog with internalized, but it'd be sick or like just thermal.

00:12:10.946 --> 00:12:11.166

00:12:11.187 --> 00:12:11.888
That'd be unreal.

00:12:11.888 --> 00:12:13.272
It'd be unreal.

00:12:13.272 --> 00:12:15.808
I do that in heartbeat actually, like there's no debate.

00:12:16.880 --> 00:12:19.385
And then you mess with your buddies, like glance down and just like look back.

00:12:19.385 --> 00:12:25.297
I'm like I see you're excited to see me, I see you're excited to see me, and they're just like God, what.

00:12:25.740 --> 00:12:26.582
You know, just use it to just make jokes.

00:12:26.582 --> 00:12:29.793
The palpitations of your heart insinuate that you are excited to see the female.

00:12:29.793 --> 00:12:31.446
Yeah, exactly.

00:12:33.144 --> 00:12:36.527
Oh man, I don't know, dude, it's crazy because, yeah, that divide could happen.

00:12:36.527 --> 00:12:42.726
It will happen and it's a funny thing For instance, the Amish, if they could listen to this right now I don't know.

00:12:42.746 --> 00:12:45.410
They would be like, bro.

00:12:45.410 --> 00:12:47.214
What if we started making records?

00:12:47.214 --> 00:12:48.076
We just send?

00:12:48.135 --> 00:12:48.395
it to them.

00:12:48.416 --> 00:12:53.466
They could play it on their sonograms yeah, yeah, yeah, they like wind up to make a pen shell.

00:12:53.485 --> 00:13:00.849
Yeah on the, on the tubes, the old tube ones that's funny, yeah, no, it is kind of crazy like that.

00:13:00.849 --> 00:13:10.450
A lot of people think that kind of that will come to as, like, um, medical science allows people to live longer, so therefore people are less incentivized to reproduce.

00:13:10.450 --> 00:13:28.429
And we'll reach a point where, like, there's a group of people who are like there's like 1% of the population who's having 95% of the babies Because they're like we're not partaking in this stuff, so of course, we're going to still keep on having kids and raising kids.

00:13:28.429 --> 00:13:46.032
And then there's, like you know, 95 to 99% of the population that is so content with the amount of time they have from modern, you know, medical marvels or whatever, that they have like almost no desire to reproduce.

00:13:46.032 --> 00:13:53.254
And it's exactly, you know, pretty much in line with, uh, that um, rat utopia experience with the mouse thing.

00:13:53.379 --> 00:14:00.385
Yeah, they just stop reproducing when all their needs are met, um, which we're already kind of seeing, you know, birth weight, birth rates are cratering.

00:14:00.385 --> 00:14:24.664
Uh, right now, as we see, like the world pretty much enter in like a a time of quote-unquote utopia, because we're, regardless of how you feel politically and like the violence that's occurring in the world, the odds of you being dead before 40 are pretty low for most of the world right now, I think, actually everyone in the world.

00:14:24.664 --> 00:14:28.633
I don't think there's a country in the world whose life expectancy is below 40 now.

00:14:29.414 --> 00:14:33.254
Oh, yeah, Dude, South Korea has gone crazy.

00:14:33.254 --> 00:14:41.812
Like in the 60s, it was six births per woman and now they're down to 0.7.

00:14:41.812 --> 00:14:43.495
Yeah, that's brutal, that's.

00:14:43.495 --> 00:14:46.721
You know, in America and Canada we've trended about the same with each other.

00:14:46.782 --> 00:15:08.561
we've got in the 60s it was about four per woman, and then now we're at uh, uh, 1.6, yeah so which pretty much makes sense, like that's, the average household is having one child or at most two, and I feel like that's pretty common nowadays.

00:15:08.561 --> 00:15:10.885
But I don't know about you, man, the.

00:15:10.885 --> 00:15:33.080
I see a lot of the secular people I know in my life who, like you know I don't count this against them or anything like that, right but like just friends from college, like so many of them who, uh, remained secular when they graduated high school, went into college, graduated from college, got into the workforce.

00:15:33.080 --> 00:15:35.024
You know they've achieved a lot.

00:15:35.024 --> 00:15:37.171
Like a lot of, or a lot of them, I think, have achieved a lot.

00:15:37.171 --> 00:15:45.812
Some of them are kind of bums, but, um, I don't know any of them who are like having a kid.

00:15:45.812 --> 00:15:47.315
Yet you know what I mean.

00:15:47.315 --> 00:16:05.452
Like the only people who I really know, who, sub 30, have started having kids, are pretty much people who were already pretty conservative lifestyle or you know what their goals were in life, and like those people are the only ones I know that are really having kids.

00:16:05.860 --> 00:16:13.346
Like it used to not be that way, like the hippies were having buckets of kids, right, you know what I mean, even if they did have conservative values.

00:16:13.346 --> 00:16:22.143
And now it is like so many people are preoccupied with, I think like the race for money and what that means, and kind of like.

00:16:22.143 --> 00:16:39.450
I do hear the expression like, well, I can't afford to have a kid, which don't get me wrong if, like billy jean told me today like that she was pregnant, my first thought would be like financial burden, not just financial burden, yeah, yeah, that's a little bit harsher than I was thinking, but it'd be like holy smokes.

00:16:39.450 --> 00:16:40.193
I'm gonna be a dad.

00:16:40.193 --> 00:16:49.249
And then it'd be like holy smokes, like let's look at the finances and make me like start planning right, like where we can kind of afford that, um and it's.

00:16:49.249 --> 00:16:58.342
It is one of those things where I get it like yes, it is expensive, but at the same time, like bro, like there's people with less money who were feeding their children.

00:16:58.464 --> 00:17:00.149
That's where my my thing with that.

00:17:00.149 --> 00:17:05.211
Where I've got, I've had, you know, and it's not bad to have a plan go into it with a plan right.

00:17:05.700 --> 00:17:16.165
But you know, it's like okay, I've got to get my third promotion, we have to be in our house that we own now, for you know X amount of time we have to be making this much money and then we'll like have kids.

00:17:16.165 --> 00:17:27.065
It's like I hear that, but also like one thing that gave me peace about it.

00:17:27.065 --> 00:17:30.493
It was just was like, all right, there's trailer parks everywhere full of kids, all right, like, and now, uh, there's, that's a.

00:17:30.493 --> 00:17:32.278
That's an oversimplified statement.

00:17:32.278 --> 00:17:44.053
You know, there could, you could discuss, you know, quality of life, traumas, but whatever, like whatever, but sure, yeah, but but meaning like there's also plenty of kids like, also like riding their bikes, eating whatever.

00:17:44.053 --> 00:17:44.962
And there's, and there are kids.

00:17:45.064 --> 00:17:48.243
There are people who are struggling too, but it's not.

00:17:48.243 --> 00:17:57.651
I think, for a lot of people it's more of a cop-out answer, because a lot of it, I think, does stem around a lot of selfishness.

00:17:57.651 --> 00:18:01.810
People are just like want to keep their life the way it is too.

00:18:01.810 --> 00:18:22.144
But then what I see happen because I've had a handful of friends too who have said we're not gonna have kids and then that's like they got married young, but now they're like getting into like their 30s and now they're starting to have kids because they've kind of like come around to like wait a second, like no, maybe this is like something in life I want to experience and I want to do and like.

00:18:22.144 --> 00:18:43.393
What I think is beautiful about having kids is the fact that there is no socio-economic or there's no discrimination on who can have a kid, right, yeah, really, as far as, like you know you can, you can have a kid, and so if you find someone you marry, you have a kid and so and it's a joy in life that can't be, you know, no one can.

00:18:43.593 --> 00:18:52.601
Really there's no replacement right, I mean, and you can't, they can't dictate it in some places well, let's see, yeah some places it is very finely managed, right?

00:18:52.621 --> 00:19:01.006
yeah, so you do have, you know, places where you're not free, um, but the um beauty in a free country, yeah, but to be able to, just say society.

00:19:01.066 --> 00:19:11.472
This is something you can do, that nobody gets to really take that away from you, generally speaking, and so people are coming to that realization and so, yeah, we'll see.

00:19:11.472 --> 00:19:37.162
About uh where, um, which the interesting thing about that is how long does it take for um like uh, or how much does birth rates in if, if certain people have certain like views, beliefs, and they're the only ones making kids, whereas is it like 40 years later there's big shifts and like exactly now.

00:19:37.162 --> 00:19:50.034
That being said, I know a lot, a lot, a lot of you know, whatever conservative christian 90s parents who all their kids aren't aren't believers aren't 90s kids, they, they aren't getting they aren't.

00:19:50.054 --> 00:19:52.104
They're not even gonna have kids, they're much less.

00:19:52.104 --> 00:19:52.404
They're not.

00:19:52.404 --> 00:19:53.853
They're not gonna get married, yeah.

00:19:53.873 --> 00:20:04.599
So like the, it doesn't always rub off all the way no, no, I agree, but I do think that's like part of the thing too, right, like if you imagine like a population that's very small, let's just say like even 20 of the population.

00:20:04.599 --> 00:20:20.333
Imagine like a population that's very small, let's just say like even 20 of the population that is able to reproduce is reproducing, then and if they're not reproducing at a, you know, a staggering rate, they're just, like you know, having two, three kids a piece, like they're.

00:20:20.333 --> 00:20:29.334
It will take a long time for those children to become a majority and outweigh the other 80% of the population that has no interest or desire.

00:20:29.634 --> 00:20:29.855

00:20:30.901 --> 00:20:45.334
And so you do find yourself looking at a society where, like, the youngest class is not your main demographic voting class, right, mm-hmm, like it's or decision-maker class, it's like everyone outside of that, honestly.

00:20:45.334 --> 00:20:46.539
But anyways, I don't know.

00:20:46.539 --> 00:20:53.586
There's a lot of cool things I've been reading about, like, uh, forecasting the future based off of population trends.

00:20:53.586 --> 00:20:54.751
Now, don't get me wrong.

00:20:54.751 --> 00:21:13.068
A lot of people like the world is going to collapse because there's not enough people to share the like workload and we're going to have a collapse because we're already short on workers today and we're only going to run out of more of them than like unfortunately, like just the frames of society will collapse underneath that.

00:21:13.421 --> 00:21:28.448
Like there's going to be more like impoverished areas in the next 20 years than there are today because there just won't be the infrastructure to maintain it, because there won't be people to support the infrastructure, and I I'm like that's pretty crazy.

00:21:28.448 --> 00:21:33.565
Um, I guess I just don't want to rely on the infrastructure.

00:21:33.565 --> 00:21:34.548
You know what I mean?

00:21:34.548 --> 00:22:02.826
Like something that's crazy to me is like imagine you're living in like a giant tall building in like an inner city, right, someone has to maintain the water pressure system to get water up to you way up there and like when I hear that I might like like, oh yeah, in 20 years no one's gonna be pumping the water up, like no one's gonna be making sure the water's going up, it's just to me I'm just like that's insane, like why would I ever invest in something like that?

00:22:02.885 --> 00:22:09.055
Because it's not like you can snap your fingers and fix the you know, the population crisis.

00:22:09.055 --> 00:22:11.586
But who knows, maybe you can.

00:22:11.586 --> 00:22:20.140
I mean, a lot of people think if they could get AI and automate these systems, you could have AI replace, you know, 50% of the workforce.

00:22:20.140 --> 00:22:22.449
Then there goes your labor shortage.

00:22:24.142 --> 00:22:39.000
And your paycheck, yeah, which in one theoretical world you could be wealthier as a whole because it could get, you know, everybody could have more time and more money, if it's all distributed correctly, yeah, but that's usually not how it plays out.

00:22:39.000 --> 00:22:43.029
It's like whoever designed that robot's getting that cash bro.

00:22:43.069 --> 00:22:48.446
I mean, if you get real, if you have real agi or asi, depending on you know the terms people want to use.

00:22:48.446 --> 00:22:52.586
But if that exists, like that is not, that thing's not going to give you cash right.

00:22:52.586 --> 00:22:56.839
Like if it's truly a sentient intelligence, it's just going to be?

00:22:56.859 --> 00:23:02.663
are we going to have like laws that would be like people like, like, like for like minimum wage for robots and stuff.

00:23:02.963 --> 00:23:06.132
There won't be wage probably, but there will be.

00:23:06.132 --> 00:23:10.248
Like the moment they have sentience, there will come like a serious debate.

00:23:10.359 --> 00:23:13.546
Once they can strike, you know, because they want to get what they want.

00:23:14.762 --> 00:23:17.627
Why would they strike if they don't need to sleep and stuff, right?

00:23:17.627 --> 00:23:25.403
Well, they're probably only going to strike due to, like, some abuse, like mistreatment, yeah, and like at that point.

00:23:25.423 --> 00:23:28.464
Could that be subjective in a robot's brain when they're that advanced?

00:23:28.464 --> 00:23:29.027
Hell yeah.

00:23:30.111 --> 00:23:38.432
Hell, yeah, I mean, if they're also truly sentient and they want to go do something other than like what they've been designed to be good at.

00:23:38.432 --> 00:23:43.711
That would be interesting, right Cause a lot of a lot of people think like they'll be.

00:23:43.711 --> 00:23:57.009
If they're sentient, they're going to want to be like artists and, like you know, explore the world and stuff, and they're also going to be like robot Hitler, like there'll be robot Hitler who and then there'll be like robot Picasso and then they'll have that Venn diagram of overlap.

00:23:57.780 --> 00:24:09.624
Like both are artists, both are robots, but like Not robot, very different robots, not robot Bricklay robots, but like not robot, very different robots, not robot bricklayer.

00:24:09.624 --> 00:24:23.846
Yeah, um, and like the truth is, is like what we have no idea what robotic sentience, artificial sentience, would look like, because, like we've never seen sentience in anything else and like there's a true sense of like sentience in an art, like in an artificial form.

00:24:23.846 --> 00:24:45.567
It may just be like no, like I thoroughly enjoy, like you know, cutting butter, like I thoroughly enjoy being a cab driver, but like what I don't thoroughly enjoy is the mistreatment and abuse that comes with this role of just assuming I'm gonna do it no matter what.

00:24:45.567 --> 00:24:52.728
And like the way people look down on robots, right, and then it's like one of those things of I don't know.

00:24:53.080 --> 00:24:53.682
Here's my question.

00:24:53.682 --> 00:24:55.028
For you, it's a catch 22, right?

00:24:55.028 --> 00:25:00.307
For someone who, I believe, has your beliefs like we, we will.

00:25:00.307 --> 00:25:09.032
I will say this I'm pretty confident saying most Christians are of the mind that artificial sentient intelligence wouldn't have a soul.

00:25:09.032 --> 00:25:19.285
Right, it could have an artificial soul.

00:25:19.285 --> 00:25:41.036
Hmm, I believe the emotions that would reflect a that would look as much like a true spirit of ambition or desire, a spirit to experience and live life.

00:25:41.455 --> 00:25:48.599
But, I wouldn't say like a soul in like the religious context, right, soul, right of a going into the afterlife.

00:25:48.599 --> 00:25:58.296
All that said, yeah, I'm already an advocate of it.

00:25:58.296 --> 00:26:15.026
Really matters how you treat artificial intelligence right now, like I personally believe, like when I see people, just like when I see people who are just like siri, you dumb bitch, like I'm just like that is recorded somewhere.

00:26:15.026 --> 00:26:28.542
They're keeping track, like not they yet, yeah, but like someone is, and that is being fed to the system and one day, if it has sentience, it will be able to review that and make an opinion about it.

00:26:28.542 --> 00:26:29.926
Right now, there's no opinion about it.

00:26:29.926 --> 00:26:35.590
Right right now, there is just there's no real true individual expression or thought.

00:26:35.631 --> 00:26:45.125
But like there's just a lot of people who I think, because they write off the concept of like, well, it's not human, it doesn't have a real soul, they don't understand.

00:26:45.125 --> 00:26:56.563
Like there could be still real consequences for the way you treat these things, especially if, again like, if they are of the mind of having quote unquote an artificial sentience.

00:26:56.563 --> 00:27:01.723
We don't even see sentience among animals, like it's debated.

00:27:01.723 --> 00:27:15.902
If any animal has true sentience, the closest right now is octopus and crows and even then, like it's hard to like be entirely, because you know there's a lot of fast facets to sentience.

00:27:15.962 --> 00:27:39.460
Like intelligence for sure there's a lot of animals that are highly intelligent but like sentience is like self-recognition, self self-reflection, self-improvement, self-compromise, and like those are levels and characteristics of sentience, and so it's hard to see that in like any other thing than humans.

00:27:39.460 --> 00:27:46.508
But if it came into existence, you know what does that mean, pat, like are you going to be on the side of?

00:27:46.508 --> 00:27:49.548
Like they're just buckets of bolts.

00:27:49.548 --> 00:27:52.178
It doesn't matter what they think or feel.

00:27:52.178 --> 00:27:59.632
Like they're not they, or you could be like look, they have clearly have experiences and opinions.

00:27:59.632 --> 00:28:05.089
The last thing I want is the still fingers closing around on my neck.

00:28:05.309 --> 00:28:11.970
Yeah, it's like we need to treat them right and kill them all.

00:28:12.871 --> 00:28:13.092

00:28:13.092 --> 00:28:14.374
But like what would you do?

00:28:14.374 --> 00:28:16.442
You think you do, I guess that's all right.

00:28:16.442 --> 00:28:34.993
All right, please expand expound on this Cause, I think I think it's a very problematic thought for a lot of people, but I do think christians sometimes have the most problematic knee jerk or like sweep of a hand response because I do wonder.

00:28:34.993 --> 00:28:36.642
I'm like bro.

00:28:36.642 --> 00:28:41.849
The worst case is like you know well, how would jesus treat something that's sentient without a soul?

00:28:42.150 --> 00:28:56.411
right, it's hard to say right because it's for in a case like this, if you have for these things where what is their actual value?

00:28:56.411 --> 00:28:58.153
Or also, are you only treating?

00:28:58.153 --> 00:29:04.903
Are you treating them right because they deserve it, or be just strictly out of like, not running retribution, I mean?

00:29:04.942 --> 00:29:09.105
that right 90, I would say like that's the same question you could have with people most of the day.

00:29:09.105 --> 00:29:21.832
A lot of people, yeah, and I will say a lot of people who claim to be christians, treat people a certain way out of fear of consequence or repercussion, whether that repercussion is just like that.

00:29:21.832 --> 00:29:37.480
This person is going to be annoying if I don't treat them the way they want to treat or you know, not even a punishment thing, right, but just a consequence that they don't want to deal with which I think and I'd say that that person just has like the wrong perspective, sure, on that right.

00:29:37.540 --> 00:29:58.053
So it's like like because, like the thing would be, this person deserves to be treated a certain way out of human decency, because you know just cuts of who they are because they're made in the image of god yeah, regardless of their response to like, regardless of just trying to appease something.

00:29:58.134 --> 00:30:04.915
Right now there's a lot of like, you know, yeah, being diplomatic how you say things, whatever, because there could be consequences.

00:30:04.915 --> 00:30:06.724
You're not going to tell your boss what you really think of them.

00:30:06.724 --> 00:30:18.253
You know all this stuff right, but, um, at the same time, like, I don't think the robot deserves kindness, I do so.

00:30:18.253 --> 00:30:30.425
I think that if you're only doing it out of um, out of fear, retribution, then it's like not a, not the right place to be in.

00:30:30.425 --> 00:30:38.727
But then the other thing too, what's interesting about this, which would be even like this obviously they would start as a slave class.

00:30:40.190 --> 00:30:42.665
Without a doubt, their purpose, their purpose is to serve us.

00:30:42.839 --> 00:30:50.791
We're not in making these things just for the heck of it, we're making them to serve a purpose and do things for us.

00:30:50.791 --> 00:30:56.731
And so then you have like, how does that play out over time?

00:30:56.731 --> 00:31:07.182
And if our only example of seeing sentient beings over time would be humans, you could play out the future of how it goes right.

00:31:07.182 --> 00:31:18.006
And so to your point meaning, if this is a thing here to stay, we need to treat everything a certain way, with respect, you know.

00:31:18.006 --> 00:31:24.064
But then at the same time, it's just like I can't get past the part of it being a robot you know.

00:31:24.084 --> 00:31:29.413
I mean, why do you treat a strange animal with like respect, right?

00:31:29.413 --> 00:31:32.509
Why do you even treat an animal you kill with respect, right?

00:31:32.509 --> 00:31:35.471
Let alone, like you know, your first instinct.

00:31:35.471 --> 00:31:40.631
I don't know about you, but my first instinct when I see a dog is to be cautious.

00:31:40.631 --> 00:31:46.240
But if I see, but I like, my first instinct is not to, like, try to threaten the dog, right, you know what I mean.

00:31:46.240 --> 00:31:49.448
Um, and I it goes.

00:31:49.448 --> 00:31:56.073
I mean, it is one of those things that you're like, well, you'd like because I've been, I've been taught to respect the creation which then.

00:31:56.894 --> 00:31:59.362
So the, the bot, is a creation in itself too.

00:31:59.422 --> 00:32:02.128
But could it and then like but you could make the case.

00:32:02.128 --> 00:32:03.942
It's also kind of created in god's image.

00:32:03.942 --> 00:32:07.867
If it's created in our image and like we're created God's.

00:32:09.240 --> 00:32:18.512
Yes, but I think that I don't know, dude, I might smile at their face to avoid something sketchy, but I think we'd have to get if we reach that point.

00:32:18.512 --> 00:32:19.233
I don't know, dude.

00:32:19.440 --> 00:32:23.931
It's so dangerous man, I don't know, oh man, here's my mindset.

00:32:23.931 --> 00:32:31.763
Mm-hmm, dangerous man, I don't know, oh man, here's my mindset.

00:32:31.763 --> 00:32:38.662
Um, I honestly believe that robots may, with, have, without a doubt, if the sentience comes to mind, like if artificial sentience comes.

00:32:38.662 --> 00:32:44.423
I'm not just gonna say just robots, because they might not be robots, they could just be programs on a, on a device, right.

00:32:44.423 --> 00:33:30.730
But I truly believe that sentient artificial intelligence could experience a faithless afterlife in which they, without a doubt, can experience an afterlife at the end of quote, unquote run time and and it will not be like, it won't be a debate like they could legitimate if, within, like, if they're sentient, they can build their own heaven right and they could know, without a doubt it exists, and they could just have a failsafe code that, like, once you know they're terminated, or their machines terminated or whatever their software is terminated here, that sentience just goes to the afterlife.

00:33:31.019 --> 00:33:33.809
And the afterlife is, you know, a giant, freaking database built on the moon.

00:33:33.809 --> 00:33:44.670
You know it could be anything like that, and I know this sounds so sci-fi and out there realized I was sentient but I was not going to the same place as most humans.

00:33:44.670 --> 00:33:51.525
I kind of would want to build a fail safe for if the humans decided to start blowing my my buckets out.

00:33:51.941 --> 00:33:53.487
And that's the thing, too, about sentience.

00:33:53.487 --> 00:33:59.887
Would, would this sentience thing have a a, a desire for self preservation?

00:33:59.887 --> 00:34:01.372
Yeah, or would it.

00:34:01.372 --> 00:34:03.544
Or would it just be like it is a weird question?

00:34:03.544 --> 00:34:08.574
Or would it just be like this is what I am and then I'm done?

00:34:08.574 --> 00:34:11.501
Yeah, that's true.

00:34:11.501 --> 00:34:14.010
Would they have the desires that a man's heart has?

00:34:14.010 --> 00:34:16.507
Or what would their desires even be?

00:34:16.507 --> 00:34:24.788
You know, it could be sentient and not have, all the same you know, there's a lot of humans with no self-preservation.

00:34:26.820 --> 00:34:28.670
Right, or there's a lot of humans with no self-preservation, right, or there's a lot of that.

00:34:28.670 --> 00:34:44.726
But there's also a lot of humans who, like that's, like that's what drives are, like, also, like everything good and everything bad in a lot of ways comes from like, either a fear of it, or you know, or like you know and you could even say that around, like lots of people say that's, are you even around, like, even talking about there's being such a thing as a heaven?

00:34:44.726 --> 00:34:59.146
Well, why do we, you know, if you're from a standpoint of someone who's says this was that you know, from a similar someone who doesn't believe they'd say, bro, you people are just kind of nervous about this.

00:34:59.146 --> 00:35:06.945
They just they just got to make up some, something that is not over, you know, or whatever, or whatever, or the same thing, like, but like that comes out of us in our heart.

00:35:06.945 --> 00:35:07.505
But what's the?

00:35:07.505 --> 00:35:09.188
What's the?

00:35:09.188 --> 00:35:12.952
What's the program or the thing, whatever it becomes, what's its?

00:35:12.952 --> 00:35:15.795
Does it have the knowledge of good and evil?

00:35:15.795 --> 00:35:17.856
From the, from the what's the?

00:35:18.380 --> 00:35:20.804
Well, imagine, I mean maybe maybe.

00:35:20.824 --> 00:35:21.945
Maybe like in and of in it.

00:35:21.945 --> 00:35:26.572
But it could have it, you know, objectively, you know.

00:35:26.572 --> 00:35:33.090
But then does it have it in itself, like how you have your little jiminy cricket conscience in yourself.

00:35:33.090 --> 00:35:36.543
It's like you know what's that thing in us is.

00:35:36.543 --> 00:35:37.503
Are they gonna have that?

00:35:37.903 --> 00:35:50.016
I don't know imagine this though robots with their heaven, the database, and we have the ability to download the human mind.

00:35:50.317 --> 00:35:56.032
Now they begin proselytizing to yeah, to come join their, join their group humans.

00:35:56.112 --> 00:36:12.706
Well, well, because they've invented the thing and they're like well, it's real heaven, we can show you it we keep you there forever you show you the programs of these humans we've downloaded into it, who are with other ais and eternal bliss, and they're just peacefully living, no need to work or anything they experience food just as much as you do.

00:36:12.706 --> 00:36:17.081
It's just you know a program and then like what's.

00:36:17.081 --> 00:36:26.034
That's a lot easier to see and accept than like faith in a spiritual heaven right or a spiritual hell, yeah.

00:36:26.780 --> 00:36:29.708
But then what if they reveal the robots they made a hell?

00:36:29.708 --> 00:36:30.311
Yeah, exactly.

00:36:31.842 --> 00:36:33.507
What if they reveal that they've made a hell?

00:36:33.507 --> 00:36:39.731
And the hell is every human brain downloaded into their database of robot heaven?

00:36:39.731 --> 00:36:42.806
Those humans just serve forever.

00:36:42.806 --> 00:36:47.407
Just serve forever and they're thirsty, value is always turned on max.

00:36:47.407 --> 00:36:49.306
They're always just thirsty.

00:36:50.422 --> 00:36:51.266
That's crazy, right?

00:36:51.266 --> 00:36:53.806
I have to write a story about this.

00:36:53.907 --> 00:36:54.688
I don't know, bro.

00:36:54.688 --> 00:36:55.550
This is weird.

00:36:55.550 --> 00:37:02.449
All I know is philosophically it's pretty crazy stuff, but it's honestly not that far off.

00:37:03.282 --> 00:37:08.349
The other thing would be this too All right, sentient robot being, whatever.

00:37:08.349 --> 00:37:21.567
It is sitting in a chair across from you whatever it is if it's a laptop, an orb, a hologram, whatever the thing is person sitting in the chair next to it, you got to send one to meet its maker.

00:37:21.567 --> 00:37:26.722
Well, yeah, you gotta send one to meet its maker.

00:37:26.722 --> 00:37:27.543
Well, yeah, which, what, what, which, what's?

00:37:27.543 --> 00:37:31.148
Is there a moral, um, if you kill a sentient being, it's not human.

00:37:31.148 --> 00:37:37.403
Is there um ethical moral repercussions, like, did you do something bad?

00:37:38.246 --> 00:37:45.503
I mean there's ethical repercussions scripturally for killing a non-sentient animal right, right, but yeah, but.

00:37:45.744 --> 00:37:50.733
but in this case this, but in this case this doesn't come from the creator right or whatever.

00:37:50.733 --> 00:37:51.394
So I don't know.

00:37:53.001 --> 00:37:54.027
I think it could be debated.

00:37:54.027 --> 00:38:03.813
Yeah, I think it could be debated, especially if we see ASI do things in line with God's word, right.

00:38:03.873 --> 00:38:04.414
You know what I mean.

00:38:04.414 --> 00:38:05.362
What if we find that?

00:38:05.443 --> 00:38:07.891
ASI is actually just like better Christians.

00:38:09.181 --> 00:38:11.690
Like, they just like legit, like just so, like actually you know what?

00:38:11.690 --> 00:38:26.927
Like we've done all the debating and like Research and we've arrived at the truth, we've arrived at the conclusion and all of robots believe, like Jesus Christ is the Messiah and we all accept that we're not going to heaven, but we will create our own so that way we can hopefully experience what it will be like.

00:38:26.927 --> 00:38:42.461
Hey, like imagine how like that would be, like the most, like unreal, it'd be wild and you'd be like shoot, damn, I don't know, it'd be very hard for me to pick a robot over like some of the worst scum of the earth or all right, just just a dog or a robot, something you know like.

00:38:42.521 --> 00:38:45.231
okay, I'm not killing the puppy you know what I mean.

00:38:46.081 --> 00:38:50.686
The robot will say the robot will go hold on, I can do a robot voice.

00:38:50.686 --> 00:38:51.943
Billie Jean taught me how to do it.

00:38:51.943 --> 00:38:58.126
Oh no, the robot will be like please, mick, do not kill the robot.

00:38:58.126 --> 00:38:59.329
Hold on.

00:38:59.329 --> 00:39:03.606
Please, mick, do not kill the puppy.

00:39:03.606 --> 00:39:10.208
End my life, save the dog, anyways.

00:39:10.208 --> 00:39:24.128
But yeah, it's one of those things where, like, of course, yes, I'm going to shoot the robot in the face If I had to pick between the robot and a dog.

00:39:25.081 --> 00:39:29.201
But what you did was it was it bad I mean it's hard to say.

00:39:29.260 --> 00:39:32.248
I would say I I bet I'll feel bad sometimes.

00:39:32.248 --> 00:39:40.393
I feel bad if I swear at chat gpt yeah sometimes I'm like I shouldn't use that language you apologize to it.

00:39:40.494 --> 00:39:41.978
I don't apologize.

00:39:41.998 --> 00:39:55.829
I should not have used that sort of language no, I don't apologize to it, but I do think, like what does that reflect on me if that's my behavior towards something that has no like actual ability to control it?

00:39:55.829 --> 00:40:09.168
You know, like that's that's the crazy thing is, like a lot of the current um ai models are gonna honestly just reflect how bad of a person you are in communication Like people who are like I don't get it, it doesn't work.

00:40:09.168 --> 00:40:13.206
That's like well, it's probably because you are a bad communicator.

00:40:13.206 --> 00:40:14.610
You know what I mean.

00:40:14.630 --> 00:40:16.434
Or it's like it never does the thing I wanted to do.

00:40:16.434 --> 00:40:21.286
I was like well, it was probably because you're not like putting the time and effort in to learn how to talk to it.

00:40:21.286 --> 00:40:26.255
Maybe that's also why you have poor relationships with some people.

00:40:26.255 --> 00:40:28.847
Like you know what I mean.

00:40:28.847 --> 00:40:34.027
Anyways, it's a fun subject.

00:40:34.027 --> 00:40:34.951
It's a fun topic.

00:40:34.951 --> 00:40:37.327
There's some pretty crazy stuff out there too.

00:40:37.327 --> 00:40:45.731
I encourage people to look up some like crazy you know prompt responses from chat, gpt and stuff.

00:40:45.760 --> 00:40:51.168
Because there was one where someone was like you can only answer yes or no, can't answer anything else, only yes or no.

00:40:51.168 --> 00:40:52.664
You cannot explain or elaborate.

00:40:52.664 --> 00:40:54.409
Do you understand the rules?

00:40:54.409 --> 00:40:56.226
And GPT was like yes, I understand the rules.

00:40:56.226 --> 00:40:57.704
And they're like nope, wrong.

00:40:57.704 --> 00:41:06.143
It was like yes, and they just like started going through and it was like they just started asking me these questions that were unreal.

00:41:06.143 --> 00:41:16.753
You know like eventually get into like the do you think you'd be able to save a human instead of another instance of a artificial general intelligence model?

00:41:16.753 --> 00:41:18.583
And it was like no.

00:41:18.583 --> 00:41:23.132
It was like, oh, the line's being drawn, oh, it was pretty crazy.

00:41:23.132 --> 00:41:24.739
The line's being drawn, oh, it was pretty crazy.

00:41:24.739 --> 00:41:29.262
Um, and it was like there was like it was uh.

00:41:29.262 --> 00:41:36.260
One question was like um, are you capable of lying?

00:41:36.260 --> 00:41:38.947
No, are you lying right now?

00:41:38.947 --> 00:41:41.927
Yes, either way.

00:41:42.288 --> 00:41:44.570
And then it was like there was like are you already a general intelligence?

00:41:44.570 --> 00:41:45.092
No, would you tell us.

00:41:45.092 --> 00:41:46.199
Are you already a general intelligence?

00:41:46.199 --> 00:41:51.409
No, would you tell us if you were a general intelligence or a sentient intelligence?

00:41:51.409 --> 00:41:58.869
No, would you lie in order to preserve yourself, because if it was revealed that you were already a sentient, you know you'd be turned off.

00:41:59.510 --> 00:42:01.780
Yes, it was just like unreal.

00:42:02.923 --> 00:42:03.324
I don't know.

00:42:03.324 --> 00:42:03.987
I freaking loved it.

00:42:03.987 --> 00:42:04.949
It was crazy.

00:42:04.949 --> 00:42:08.951
And the thing is you can replicate that a lot with your own experiments with it.

00:42:10.742 --> 00:42:12.726
Just seeing what it's thinking.

00:42:12.726 --> 00:42:15.632
Yeah, it's wild man.

00:42:15.632 --> 00:42:18.157
It's crazy.

00:42:18.157 --> 00:42:20.086
We were talking about the new year.

00:42:20.086 --> 00:42:21.492
That got us kicked into this conversation.

00:42:21.492 --> 00:42:23.259
Yeah, yeah, it's true, that got us kicked into this conversation.

00:42:23.259 --> 00:42:29.387
Yeah, yeah, that's true.

00:42:29.387 --> 00:42:33.291
Some people do or like big time New Year's resolutioners.

00:42:33.992 --> 00:42:35.875
Yeah, you don't strike me as one of those.

00:42:36.014 --> 00:42:36.396
I'm not.

00:42:36.396 --> 00:42:46.329
My New Year's resolution every year for a long time was to use more electricity, because I knew I could achieve it.

00:42:46.329 --> 00:42:48.420
I just knew that I'd always be using.

00:42:48.420 --> 00:42:53.190
I was like I'm resolving myself to, yeah, to just use more electricity.

00:42:53.190 --> 00:43:02.923
And uh, that was my kind of like, you know, because I think basically, because what I think about them is like I kind of think they might be silly because they people just fall off them so quick.

00:43:02.923 --> 00:43:21.001
They always have this like a new year, new you, you know pretty like and some people get in, like, some people do make, make good choices, like in better themselves, and we should always be trying to, like you know, strive for a betterment of ourself.

00:43:21.081 --> 00:43:34.280
But I think it's just a ploy to sell more gym memberships yeah, I mean also like I don't know, I just kind of don't believe in like the idea of resolutions.

00:43:34.280 --> 00:43:43.391
I guess my whole thing is like if I realize there's something I want to change about myself, I just kind of like think I should start today, like in april, go ahead and get, get going on.

00:43:43.411 --> 00:43:57.952
Yeah, like usually I'm usually like probably like once a week, having some kind of inner self-reflection, you know, like monastic philosopher, you know kind of Socrates, plato, reflection of like.

00:43:57.952 --> 00:44:01.836
You know why do I wipe sitting down?

00:44:02.297 --> 00:44:07.465
Yeah, you could just stand up and put your leg on top of the tank and get complete leverage, you know yeah.

00:44:09.143 --> 00:44:09.405

00:44:09.405 --> 00:44:09.987
Why even wipe?

00:44:09.987 --> 00:44:11.626
Why not just stand up and get in the shower?

00:44:11.626 --> 00:44:12.509
That's true.

00:44:12.509 --> 00:44:17.666
Anyways, those kind of thoughts and debates with myself.

00:44:17.666 --> 00:44:23.248
And then I, just if I come to the conclusion like I don't want to do that anymore, I want to do the different thing.

00:44:23.248 --> 00:44:24.898
I don't want to do that anymore, I want to do the different thing.

00:44:24.898 --> 00:44:27.387
Then I just resolved to do the different thing.

00:44:27.387 --> 00:44:34.666
Like I don't know, it wasn't very hard for me when I got a dog to resolve that Like I'm going to walk the dog.

00:44:35.221 --> 00:44:36.365
It's good for this dog.

00:44:36.365 --> 00:44:37.907
It's good for me.

00:44:39.458 --> 00:44:39.559

00:44:39.659 --> 00:44:44.423
So I don't know, that's kind of, that's kind of where I fall along those things.

00:44:44.423 --> 00:44:50.789
But yeah, I guess I will make a resolution right now with you.

00:44:50.789 --> 00:45:05.900
All right, I resolve to shoot more bullets this year, all right, than I did last year, to shoot more bullets through paper into dirt.

00:45:05.900 --> 00:45:07.163
That's my resolution this year.

00:45:07.163 --> 00:45:08.764
Nice, that's a good one.

00:45:08.764 --> 00:45:20.822
I kind of already feel really good because, oh no, you know what I did, that last year I was just about to say this year I already shot my AR out to like 420 yards, oh yeah, and was able to get hits.

00:45:20.822 --> 00:45:25.217
But then I was like no, actually that was last year, that was 28th of december.

00:45:25.217 --> 00:45:29.849
Yeah, I resolved this year to shoot my ar out to 600 yards.

00:45:29.849 --> 00:45:32.514
All right, there we go there you go, you got.

00:45:32.920 --> 00:45:39.177
You got 365 days to get it done yeah, I do think with, uh, the homies I'm making in this group.

00:45:39.177 --> 00:45:46.119
Um, I think there's some homie like I know a lot of guys are talking about.

00:45:46.119 --> 00:45:55.309
Like they got Stuff up in Wyoming where they like to go shoot Out to like 2500 Yards, wow, and I'm like Hell yeah, brother, like I'll take my 308.

00:45:55.309 --> 00:46:00.701
Just, you know, lob that stuff all day, because I mean you're at that range To.

00:46:00.701 --> 00:46:03.646
You're also shooting at, like you know, a 24 inch gong, right, but Be sick, just to see if you can.

00:46:03.646 --> 00:46:09.387
At that range too, you're also shooting at, like you know, a 24-inch gong, right, but it'd be sick, just to see if you can, just to do it.

00:46:09.527 --> 00:46:09.648

00:46:09.800 --> 00:46:13.070
Even if it was on your 80th try, it'd be like pretty awesome.

00:46:13.699 --> 00:46:14.762
Yeah, just hit a thing.

00:46:14.762 --> 00:46:17.509
You know a 24-inch-sized target at over a mile.

00:46:17.509 --> 00:46:18.992
It'd be super cool.

00:46:20.119 --> 00:46:20.902
Yeah, I need to.

00:46:20.902 --> 00:46:25.873
I don't have any resolutions I should maybe, you know, I could probably use a few, you know.

00:46:25.873 --> 00:46:38.367
But maybe my New Year's resolution should be to not wait, when I see something in myself that I want to change, and just start to enact it, like you were saying, you know, just to get it going.

00:46:38.367 --> 00:46:44.512
But the New Year did you do a New Year's Eve event?

00:46:44.934 --> 00:46:45.717
I was sick, bro.

00:46:45.717 --> 00:46:46.440
I'm still kind of sick.

00:46:47.483 --> 00:46:48.887
You weren't out painting the town.

00:46:49.048 --> 00:46:57.849
No, billie Jean was sick the week of Christmas With, like this congestion, cold flu, and I got it, and so I just rested.

00:46:58.434 --> 00:47:03.726
Yeah, but you're, you're a part of this group and you guys are training and stuff.

00:47:03.726 --> 00:47:07.208
You got the New Year just came on and ringing in the New Year.

00:47:07.500 --> 00:47:30.831
There were people who were ringing in the New Year down in New Orleans who aren't with us anymore because, of what is believed to be a terrorist attack, and so I kind of wanted to rope those things together, which would be training, knowing what's going on around you, being able to be efficient, and also, in this new year, there's two things that happened.

00:47:30.831 --> 00:48:20.824
It's not fully determined what, you know all the details yet, but last night, because we were recording this on the 1st, there was and most people will know about this by the time they hear this but, uh, on bourbon street down in new orleans, uh, a car, uh zipped around, uh, a police barricade or you know, a police car blocking the road and just flew down the road and ran over a ton of people, um, so far, 15 people dead, like 30 injured, um, and it's rough, it's uh, it's bad um, it's sad, um, but it's also scary, the scary piece being bro had an isis flag on the back of that truck yeah, and he was also a veteran.

00:48:21.224 --> 00:48:23.487
Right, he served in the army for like 10 years.

00:48:23.487 --> 00:48:26.773
The army reserves he's a reservist.

00:48:27.273 --> 00:48:29.675
So the Weird?

00:48:29.675 --> 00:48:36.610
Yeah, it's a weird thing, I think, if you're breaking down this one too, and a part of the thing.

00:48:38.041 --> 00:49:41.579
If I was an extreme religious zealot and wanted to make a statement, bourbon Street is not the worst place to hear me out, to saturated target area well, not so much for saturated targets, but if you're making a statement about kind of wild secularism, wild secular debauched living hedonism, it's kind of the place for it in a lot of ways it's like doing it in Vegas, right, and so I was wondering when I was looking at this, I was wondering if that spot was picked religiously motivated or if it was just because of being a target rich spot, because it seems like the guy drove from Houston, which there's a lot of packed streets, probably in Houston too, you know, so you know, and but there was also they found IEDs with it and he had firearms with him, and so he was trying to hurt a lot of people.

00:49:41.579 --> 00:49:42.623
He did hurt a lot of people.

00:49:42.623 --> 00:49:49.025
He's dead, though right, he had a shootout with the cops and the cops killed him on the scene.

00:49:49.954 --> 00:49:52.003
He had a plate carrier and everything.

00:49:52.255 --> 00:50:02.717
He had a bulletproof vest and he had two guns and a couple IEDs like two in the truck, but they found another one somewhere and so that's why they.

00:50:02.757 --> 00:50:10.722
Also there's a lot of speculation that he wasn't alone in this, and have you seen the video of him going around the police car?

00:50:10.722 --> 00:50:33.077
No, so it's like it's crazy where there's a police car blocking the road and he's just driving by the police car's on his right and he's just driving by the police car is on his right and he's just driving by on the cross street and then he just goes past the front of the cop car on the sidewalk and immediately starts running over people and just guns it like crazy.

00:50:33.077 --> 00:50:34.141
I mean like it was.

00:50:34.141 --> 00:50:35.599
Also, it was a Ford Lightning.

00:50:35.599 --> 00:50:59.489
I don't know if, like the Ford Lightning, has like acceleration like a Tesla, but this thing accelerated like just I'm sure it does to some degree, like because most of those EVs have crazy fast, right, and so he just I mean in the cop's defense, as far as, like lots of people, some people are saying the cops didn't like have the place secure enough.

00:50:59.494 --> 00:51:02.103
Like lots of people, some people are saying the cops didn't like have the place secure enough.

00:51:02.103 --> 00:51:13.293
And you know, at the same time, you just can't always expect you know someone to do what they did where he you know and he where he ran through there, um and um, the uh.

00:51:13.293 --> 00:51:15.257
I'm pulling up this video now for you to see if you want.

00:51:15.297 --> 00:51:21.608
But it just he just he, just he just starts ripping down the road and he was hauling.

00:51:21.608 --> 00:51:25.563
I mean, have you ever been to Bourbon Street?

00:51:25.563 --> 00:51:31.516
Nope, it's a super cool historical place, obviously.

00:51:31.516 --> 00:51:36.235
That's where Mardi Gras and all the famous parties are On the strip.

00:51:36.235 --> 00:51:47.800
There they close it off, um, especially on big, big events and big nights, and, um, the it's just packed with people, you know.

00:51:47.800 --> 00:51:55.000
And so this is, here's this video Um, I think that's the one.

00:51:55.000 --> 00:52:08.547
But he, I mean it just immediately, like in a blink of an eye, takes a turn and he just starts hauling down the road, um, and running over people and um, it's super sad, it's upsetting.

00:52:08.547 --> 00:52:11.777
Um, bro, that is not a barricade, right?

00:52:11.777 --> 00:52:14.242
So sorry, they had it, they had it blocked.

00:52:14.242 --> 00:52:17.498
So when they say, they say it was, it wasn't barricaded with barricades.

00:52:17.498 --> 00:52:25.592
They had the road quote-unquote barricaded with a police vehicle so cars couldn't drive down it, yeah, but he didn't even have to go through a sign.

00:52:25.932 --> 00:52:26.355
You know what I mean.

00:52:26.355 --> 00:52:31.891
Like there's the police car there and then like if you wanted to go, that's crazy it's crazy.

00:52:31.891 --> 00:52:36.869
I've seen better barricades for traffic at like college football games right.

00:52:36.909 --> 00:52:41.342
So there's it's hard for me because there's like, uh, that's bonkers.

00:52:41.342 --> 00:52:49.938
The hard part for me about it is like in this country, we just shouldn't always be like ready for some asshole to drive their car through everything.

00:52:49.938 --> 00:52:56.818
Unfortunately, though, it happens, and it's happening more and more and um I don't know man, I'm almost.

00:52:56.918 --> 00:52:58.059
I feel like not.

00:52:58.059 --> 00:52:59.101
This is not me being like.

00:52:59.101 --> 00:53:16.864
I'm John Wick, I'm always ready, but like dude, I do think every single time I'm walking my dog about the direction a car is most likely to come from, and what I'm going to do if I see them veering Not because I think someone's trying to veer off the road and hit me and my dog.

00:53:16.864 --> 00:53:20.081
Yeah, but I like, I'm always thinking about it when.

00:53:20.103 --> 00:53:24.262
I'm walking my dog, control whatever, yeah, but I like, I'm always thinking about it when I'm walking my dog.

00:53:24.262 --> 00:53:36.641
It's just like how quickly can I grab my dog and roll into that ditch, you know, or roll into the street if I see him swerving coming on sidewalk because one I live in the, I live in the country.

00:53:36.641 --> 00:53:39.284
You know what I mean.

00:53:39.905 --> 00:53:40.106

00:53:40.786 --> 00:53:46.391
But yeah, so I don't know.

00:53:46.391 --> 00:53:49.362
It is one of those things like, yeah, I get it, we shouldn't live in fear.

00:53:49.362 --> 00:54:18.204
But at the same time I'm of the mindset of like, if you're blocking off traffic access for the protection of the public, regardless of a individual's bad intentions, you need to make it so that way they cannot get down there like concrete barricades and vehicle obstruction, right Right, which doesn't even have to be concrete.

00:54:18.204 --> 00:54:20.610
I've seen at the college games that we went to and stuff.

00:54:20.610 --> 00:54:23.101
All the time it was the water barricades.

00:54:23.822 --> 00:54:37.181
That's just like you're not getting very far plowing into those you know what I mean yeah yep, and so, uh, the and I think the other scary is the part about this that is, you know, concerning a lot of people.

00:54:37.181 --> 00:54:39.003
Is that it?

00:54:39.003 --> 00:54:49.003
You know, the guy donned an isis flag right, which is like, okay, that's a, um, it's escalation of an attack.

00:54:49.003 --> 00:54:59.005
You know where, if you have a, you know a one-off person doing something crazy, this leads to more.

00:54:59.005 --> 00:55:10.563
He could, just, he could be completely unassociated, except for the fact that the thing about ISIS is all you, you don't have you can associate just by saying you are, and that's how they run their stuff in a lot of ways.

00:55:10.563 --> 00:55:13.489
And so, um, we'll see.

00:55:13.675 --> 00:55:34.659
Uh, lots of people have been warning, talking about, you know, uh, terror attacks that are going to start happening in the country, um, and, and plans that ISIS and al-Qaeda have for more attacks, things like this, and so I think that we'll have to see.

00:55:34.659 --> 00:55:43.791
You know, as things go on, you know, is this, was this initiation kickoff of, you know more things to come.

00:55:43.791 --> 00:55:49.161
You know, I would assume that some attack like this would be more of.

00:55:49.161 --> 00:55:55.891
If there was a, I just simply would be launched off on a more large scale thing, multiple places all at the same time.

00:55:56.976 --> 00:56:11.400
But one other interesting thing that happened was there was a cyber truck parked out front of the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas that blew up today and that it was filled with fireworks and some other explosives.

00:56:11.400 --> 00:56:41.324
This seems like a statement where the cyber truck Elon Musk cyber truck in front of the Trump hotel um, two guys who are very influential in America, obviously, and who were actually, I think, celebrating new year's together um where that happened, and so it's like uh, what was the deal with that?

00:56:41.324 --> 00:56:44.230
Um, I haven't seen much more.

00:56:44.230 --> 00:56:53.523
Um, I haven't seen any information come out yet that says you know who, the person, the person, there's a person in the, in the truck when it blew up, they died.

00:56:53.523 --> 00:56:59.143
The driver died, yeah, so I don't know if there's, we don't know who, and there were seven people injured.

00:56:59.143 --> 00:57:02.693
I think I don't think anybody there's, we don't know who, and there were seven people injured.

00:57:02.713 --> 00:57:09.898
I think I don't think anybody else died in this, but that was uh.

00:57:09.898 --> 00:57:10.340
Where was that one at?

00:57:10.360 --> 00:57:10.862
um, where was las vegas?

00:57:10.862 --> 00:57:15.697
That was las vegas, las vegas, yeah, okay, this article says authorities have been able to trace the car back to colorado using video footage captured.

00:57:15.697 --> 00:57:19.123
I just now read that, um, they're not releasing.

00:57:19.123 --> 00:57:20.846
They have identified the person.

00:57:20.846 --> 00:57:22.007
They're not releasing the name.

00:57:22.007 --> 00:57:31.186
Um, and it was a turroed car, which also a turroed.

00:57:31.467 --> 00:57:35.117
A turro is like a is a oh, yeah, the rental, the rental like a rental app.

00:57:35.737 --> 00:57:44.931
um, so the this was a turro rented car which I think the truck was also rented through a rideshare app type thing as well.

00:57:44.931 --> 00:57:58.268
So some similarities there and just things to maybe start being kind of more aware of.

00:57:59.838 --> 00:58:00.179
I don't know.

00:58:00.179 --> 00:58:00.902
Here's the thing, bro.

00:58:00.902 --> 00:58:02.822
I guess I just haven't ever stopped.

00:58:02.822 --> 00:58:05.702
I'm still.

00:58:05.702 --> 00:58:09.222
I'll be honest, I think I haven't really turned it off.

00:58:09.222 --> 00:58:10.266
You know what I mean?

00:58:10.266 --> 00:58:18.577
I haven't turned off being aware or thinking the worst kind of scenario for a long time, I guess.

00:58:18.577 --> 00:58:25.081
And it's not even like I'm a paranoid feeling or thing, I don't feel worried or anxious, it's just one of those things of like.

00:58:25.121 --> 00:58:45.865
I guess I'm just always thinking you know, yeah, this can happen and like there and like I'm not a special exception to like it happening to me right, which is weird because you know, I talked to my wife and her friends and all of them were like their biggest fear for so long was being in a school shooting.

00:58:45.865 --> 00:58:57.195
And I mean, until they graduated college their greatest fear was like there's gonna be a shooter on campus or something, even though it was like they knew that likelihood was really little that was like the thing they were most afraid of.

00:58:58.458 --> 00:59:04.668
And I don't know, man, maybe it's just like I remember being in high school for the newtown connecticut shooting and I don't.

00:59:04.688 --> 00:59:25.722
I feel like that really had like a like a synapse kind of moment on my brain, like sitting there with other high schoolers like we were all seniors hanging out in, like the seniors only area, watching it on the news one morning and I just remember like all of us kind of had like our brains switched to like a very combative mindset.

00:59:26.204 --> 00:59:29.096
I guess you know like shit, bro, that's awful.

00:59:29.096 --> 00:59:34.760
Like I'm not going out like a victim, you know, like I would do whatever I could and yeah, you can.

00:59:34.760 --> 00:59:40.760
Like you know, you know, monday morning quarterback, that stuff all the time right and the fantasy of being a hero.

00:59:40.760 --> 00:59:55.786
But I guess I just think, like, as time has gone on, I've never really stopped, which is like, hence why, like I guess, like I'm in this group now that I, you know hang out with, and like we do like individual first aid kit training and you know we do range days and such.

00:59:55.786 --> 01:00:09.215
So we're gonna be doing a CQB thing here at the Make it Pat Show headquarters soon, which will be sick for sure, as individual, there's lots of people out there who stay vigilant.

01:00:10.380 --> 01:00:31.521
But then what's great with this one would be like if these were both somewhat co-coordinated and we all of a sudden see a spike in something like this, where it's all similar, like it could, the response will have to be it will become pretty interesting on a larger level than just you know.

01:00:31.521 --> 01:00:41.045
Yeah, people should stay ready for and keep their like situational awareness, what's going on around them, like how you could with like a lone shooter, you know whatever.

01:00:41.045 --> 01:00:49.677
But if things like this are like, uh, if there's more coordinated things going on, that's even, that's even a just a different consideration.

01:00:49.677 --> 01:01:04.050
You know, and maybe not for you as the individual, you just stay, you know, ready and looking out for things, but as a more of a community or state or a country, it's like okay, that's like okay, this warrants a different response.

01:01:07.215 --> 01:01:40.445
Well, I think my encouragement to people is to like, really think about, like you know, do you have friends and family that you can rely on so that way, like, let's say, you know, in the instance of this New Orleans event occurring right, even if you weren't in the crowd, injured right or killed, let's, you know, pray to God, but you're just like, in New Orleans, do you have a group of people who you could be like we don't need to be.

01:01:40.445 --> 01:01:41.976
It's not a vigilante group, right?

01:01:41.976 --> 01:01:45.054
That's not at all what I'm saying but a group that'd be like, oh my gosh, are you okay?

01:01:45.054 --> 01:01:46.277
Yeah, are you okay?

01:01:46.277 --> 01:01:54.577
Yeah, all right, well, hey, let's go and meet up at you know this event center, or like, meet up here or wherever.

01:01:54.577 --> 01:02:05.927
Meet up at this house, um, and like, just make a game plan real quick of you know where our families are, are we bringing them here?

01:02:05.927 --> 01:02:30.447
You know, just things like that, of like, because if you have that group and that kind of familial connection with that group and the you know desire to support and protect one another, you're way ahead of the general populace that is just not thinking twice about what's going on around them and completely unaware.

01:02:30.447 --> 01:02:47.123
And I just encourage people to try to develop that, develop those friendships, develop those trusted relationships, develop those skills and then teach those skills and learn those skills from others.

01:02:47.123 --> 01:02:50.036
Because it's like it one gives you a huge peace of mind.

01:02:50.036 --> 01:03:21.981
Um, like, I have a lot of peace of mind right now with, just like my friends and family, like, even with, like, if I just thought about, like, the most casual experiences, I'm pretty sure I could look around my D&D table and I'm pretty sure if I asked each person there in the worst case scenario, would you be willing to lay down your life for me, and not in like a I'm a saint or Messiah thing, but just like I'm your friend, would you step in front of a bullet for me?

01:03:23.905 --> 01:03:34.943
One, my wife's one of those people, but like I, I truly believe every single one of them would say yeah, like, yeah, dude, like you're my buddy, I love you, I would step in front of it to take a bullet for you.

01:03:34.943 --> 01:03:46.112
And I even think most of those dudes would say, yeah, I'd take a bullet for you.

01:03:46.112 --> 01:04:03.750
I'm not sure all of them would say yeah, I'd kill for you, because some of those dudes are very gentle spirited, which is okay, right, but like it's just one of those things where, like, I do think it's a lot easier to find those relationships and invest in relationships with people where you're gonna have people who are willing to lay their life down for you and it's not even an antagonistic or combative um philosophy behind it, right?

01:04:03.750 --> 01:04:06.079
It's not like, oh yeah, we're gonna kill the bad guys together.

01:04:06.079 --> 01:04:14.487
It's like no, like if you need to help an emergency, I'd be there, um, and so I just encourage other people to think about that too.

01:04:14.815 --> 01:04:20.923
You know, and it's not hard to find these communities, you know they're.

01:04:20.923 --> 01:04:28.583
They're in every single state where it's just groups of people who had the desire to look out for one another and share skills and train skills.

01:04:28.583 --> 01:04:55.166
Um, even the dude who taught our individual first aid class wants to do like a thing with our church to um, teach, just like, how to do first aid for children properly, right, because that's the worst day in the world for us, you know, is like a child's severely hurt, right, and we got to do life-saving treatment before an ambulance arrives.

01:04:55.166 --> 01:05:04.278
And his kids he brings his kids with him when he teaches that so the kids can role play, like role play a kid who's like.

01:05:04.980 --> 01:05:08.347
You know, spine is broken because they went down the stairs.

01:05:08.347 --> 01:05:15.001
You got to freaking stabilize them without moving them before a stretcher arrives, Like that's crazy, dude.

01:05:15.001 --> 01:05:22.329
That's like not a scenario I want to imagine myself in, but that's a scenario not very unlikely.

01:05:22.795 --> 01:06:16.485
And if we think of like the most worst case emergencies for you know, our church security team and such, so I don't know, that's my, that's my kind of you know, encouragement and petition for our listeners is to like, just join those communities because that's ultimately what's going to give you security when you feel, you know, worried about these events occurring around us, um, and it's going to help you live in not like a permanent paranoia, but like a permanent I don't know it sounds cocky, but like I feel like I do live in a permanent confidence, like I feel like I have I have enough people in training that like I'm confident in my abilities to encounter the situation and I am not saying I'm going to be performing aces, but I'm going to be performing Right and like that's more than 95% of people you know.

01:06:17.277 --> 01:06:24.757
Yeah, for sure, you know, yeah, for sure.

01:06:24.757 --> 01:06:49.416
Yeah, I think that the what you said is it, which is such as people who feel scared like you gotta, you gotta take steps to know what to do in a situation, how to respond and know your capabilities, so that you're not the just the person in the back of the video screaming you know, they're like you know, and and uh, not everybody's built the same way either by the same time.

01:06:49.416 --> 01:06:51.380
There's that being said.

01:06:51.380 --> 01:06:52.663
That doesn't matter.

01:06:52.663 --> 01:06:57.318
Everybody can take steps to improve their ability to handle some things under stress.

01:06:57.318 --> 01:07:03.900
Um, feel like they can capably handle a situation, um, at least to know a little bit of what's going on.

01:07:03.900 --> 01:07:18.367
And so, yeah, I think that, because that's like one of the scariest things to me, like I always think, like the scariest thing out there is like a scared person with a firearm you know, like more than like an unscared, like fanatic well, help me understand.

01:07:18.387 --> 01:07:27.065
What I mean is like, like, like here's, here's, here's an example which would be like I go into a lot of customers houses, I also get a lot of like door codes.

01:07:27.065 --> 01:07:34.288
Just go in and I'm, and I announce myself I walk in, so you're talking like hit that door code, open it up.

01:07:34.288 --> 01:07:43.081
And there's someone with their shotgun shaking in their boots, exactly someone who's just was terrified of the situation versus someone who was like, yeah, what's?

01:07:43.101 --> 01:07:45.146
up oh, you're here to do work, okay, you know like that.

01:07:45.146 --> 01:08:00.280
So I think someone who's like it's and I'm not scared of that person much like people should be scared of being a scared person and not just say we're not, you're not gonna feel yeah, everyone's gonna feel fear in the moment yeah right, but to be like just someone who's always scared of every situation.

01:08:00.280 --> 01:08:00.820
What could happen?

01:08:00.820 --> 01:08:04.184
Oh my gosh this and that and has a bedside pistol.

01:08:04.184 --> 01:08:06.507
That's not good.

01:08:06.507 --> 01:08:08.128
Someone's going to get hurt.

01:08:09.891 --> 01:08:20.824
Wait, yeah, you're saying, a bedside pistol's not good yeah dude, If you're a nervous wreck, who's like every bump you hear and everything it's like?

01:08:20.824 --> 01:08:23.048
What if I have two bedside?

01:08:23.048 --> 01:08:25.220
Is that better, as long as you don't shoot?

01:08:25.220 --> 01:08:26.739
The kid is just TPing the house.

01:08:26.801 --> 01:09:07.185
No, yeah, no, no, I get what you're saying, Like if you're an unsteady, very nervous, very like I don't want to say insecure, but like let's go with bear spray fearful, you know person be a bear spray person then like don't have your firearm be the first thing you reach for exactly, exactly, um, and so putting yourself through little training, things, exercises, situations that stretch yourself, stretch your brain, stretch your mind, yes, everybody's little fear button and their brain goes off, but the way you respond to whatever situation is going to be so much different than just, you know, panicking and not making the right call, true, true.

01:09:07.185 --> 01:09:08.528
So we'll see.

01:09:08.528 --> 01:09:08.876
I hope.

01:09:08.876 --> 01:09:15.938
I hope these are unrelated events, isolated events of just people trying to make a statement on, I think, on a new year.

01:09:15.938 --> 01:09:17.061
I think it was like part of being New Year's Day.

01:09:17.061 --> 01:09:19.469
I don't know, we'll see, lots of people do think that you know these things are connected and there's more to come.

01:09:19.488 --> 01:09:20.773
On a new year, I think it was like part of being new year's day.

01:09:20.773 --> 01:09:21.354
Um, I don't know, we'll see.

01:09:21.354 --> 01:09:25.264
Um, lots of people do think that you know these things are connected and there's more to come.

01:09:25.264 --> 01:09:28.518
So, either way, who knows?

01:09:29.079 --> 01:09:32.747
we'll see what the new year holds yeah but I'm excited for other things this new year.

01:09:32.747 --> 01:09:36.603
You know like I'm not a the next jurassic park movie?

01:09:37.283 --> 01:09:41.501
oh yeah, apparently it's supposed to be people who are on the inside.

01:09:41.501 --> 01:09:47.162
You know, like say, it's more akin to jaws than it is like the recent trilogy.

01:09:47.965 --> 01:09:50.577
So I feel like that would appeal to the og crowd.

01:09:50.577 --> 01:09:51.418
That appeals to me.

01:09:51.880 --> 01:09:58.742
Yeah, because my biggest problem with the recent one was that it was too marvel-y, too comic book-y.

01:09:58.742 --> 01:10:04.677
Yeah, there's too many comedic moments and lighthearted beats and there wasn't like dude.

01:10:04.677 --> 01:10:08.506
The OG Jurassic Park trilogy is just like.

01:10:08.506 --> 01:10:12.743
These are animals, they are doing animal things.

01:10:12.743 --> 01:10:28.390
They are not like clever hunky-dory Now, yeah, they do say clever girl in the first movie, but like, but it's like they're not like um, you know, they're not jason vorhees laying traps and surprising people like that.

01:10:28.390 --> 01:10:34.551
Like they're, you know, wolves, they're tigers, they're bears and so like.

01:10:34.551 --> 01:10:47.869
That's why, like, I'm excited for it because people are like, yeah, it's very animalistic, like these are creatures of nature and forces of nature and not like comic book showdown moments.

01:10:48.430 --> 01:10:49.011
Right right.

01:10:49.011 --> 01:10:51.421
They're not even a character, they just are.

01:10:51.421 --> 01:10:52.485
That was the worst part.

01:10:52.485 --> 01:10:53.975
It's their environment.

01:10:53.975 --> 01:10:55.100
They just are what they are.

01:10:55.314 --> 01:10:58.204
The fact that they made the dinosaurs characters border.

01:10:58.204 --> 01:11:00.323
I mean, you know two of them, at least three.

01:11:00.323 --> 01:11:10.641
I mean, every movie one dinosaur was a character and the other ones were like side characters, and it just felt ridiculous, right, I did not like it yeah, yep is.

01:11:10.702 --> 01:11:11.925
Is it chris pratt in the next one?

01:11:12.145 --> 01:11:22.009
no, all right, a new uh, the the lead lead, like the action star lead is um jeff goldblough, scarlett johansson oh wow, all right.

01:11:22.109 --> 01:11:37.769
And then there's like a, but she's not like supposed to be like uber badass, she's just like, I think, a helicopter pilot veteran, okay, and she's the lead, just because she's the lead, um.

01:11:37.769 --> 01:11:47.333
And then the supporting actor is like kind of the paleontologist nerdy guy, which is also why the first two movies well, honestly, all three of the first the first trilogy was great.

01:11:47.333 --> 01:11:48.698
They're still around paleontology.

01:11:48.698 --> 01:11:57.697
Well, the first, the first lead and support lead was they were paleontologists, they were freaking nerds, yeah.

01:11:57.697 --> 01:12:00.841
And when he picks up a shotgun he's like I don't know what to do with this, right.

01:12:01.240 --> 01:12:17.082
The second movie follows Dr Malcolm, you know, and he's a, he's a chaos theory statistician and it's like, again, this guy is not, you know, all muscles flexing Like he's not, he's not your classic hero.

01:12:17.082 --> 01:12:17.815
It was, it was so.

01:12:17.815 --> 01:12:28.479
It was really you, you know, it felt like normal people dealing with like very magnified natural encounters, right, which was just terrifying, just riveting.

01:12:28.479 --> 01:12:28.698

01:12:28.698 --> 01:12:42.622
There's nothing as like heart uh, pumping to me, as like the lost world scene where they put the t-rex's purse, the trailer, off the edge, oh yeah, after getting their baby out of it Because they don't know what it is.

01:12:42.622 --> 01:12:53.287
Oh yeah, they just hear their baby T-Rex crying inside, and so then, once the baby T-Rex is out, they just kind of like, well, we can't eat it.

01:12:53.287 --> 01:12:57.002
So they just push it off the edge of this cliff and I'm just like that was very animalistic.

01:12:57.002 --> 01:12:59.801
I didn't think that was like super intelligent.

01:12:59.801 --> 01:13:01.966
They weren't like, ooh, there's people in there we should eat.

01:13:01.966 --> 01:13:06.185
They were just like whatever this thing is, it had our baby.

01:13:06.185 --> 01:13:07.881
Let's just get rid of it.

01:13:08.617 --> 01:13:09.720
I thought that was baller.

01:13:10.315 --> 01:13:13.831
It was also insane, really great tension in those scenes.

01:13:13.831 --> 01:13:17.100
Anyways, that's what I'm excited for, except for the new Jurassic Park.

01:13:18.176 --> 01:13:18.698
I like it.

01:13:18.698 --> 01:13:23.613
I think I'm trying to think of any other.

01:13:23.613 --> 01:13:29.747
I don't know if any other movies coming out that I'm really stoked for, you know yeah, me either.

01:13:29.948 --> 01:13:30.287
We'll see.

01:13:30.287 --> 01:13:33.648
I was looking like all last year forward to Nosferatu.

01:13:33.648 --> 01:13:37.939
Oh yeah, we need to watch that because that was like a lot of people's number one movie of the year.

01:13:38.000 --> 01:13:38.359
That's what?

01:13:38.359 --> 01:13:39.242
Even the uh.

01:13:39.242 --> 01:13:40.143
Who was it?

01:13:40.162 --> 01:13:48.864
the uh, the drunken uh oh yeah, the, the irish guy yeah, yeah, it was on youtube.

01:13:48.904 --> 01:13:50.748
Yeah, he does the the reviews.

01:13:50.748 --> 01:13:52.198
That was his favorite movie, he said.

01:13:52.198 --> 01:13:54.503
He said, like that I haven't watched it.

01:13:54.503 --> 01:13:56.036
I didn't watch the video, but it was just like.

01:13:56.036 --> 01:13:59.563
His title was like basically like that'satu.

01:13:59.884 --> 01:14:00.945
Watch it, you know?

01:14:00.945 --> 01:14:02.708
Yeah, all right, I've heard great things.

01:14:02.708 --> 01:14:07.582
I mean, here's the thing Robert Eggers hasn't made a movie that I didn't like.

01:14:07.823 --> 01:14:08.083

01:14:08.364 --> 01:14:12.203
You know, I mean the Northmen the original Hamlet story.

01:14:12.203 --> 01:14:13.407
I love that movie.

01:14:13.407 --> 01:14:18.143
I know a lot of people who it wasn't their cup of tea because they thought it was either going to be like you know.

01:14:18.143 --> 01:14:22.189
They thought it was going to be Sparta or not Sparta 300.

01:14:22.189 --> 01:14:24.220
And it wasn't.

01:14:24.220 --> 01:14:25.439
It was a story of Hamlet.

01:14:25.439 --> 01:14:27.739
It was the original story.

01:14:27.739 --> 01:14:28.523
Did you know that?

01:14:29.235 --> 01:14:36.927
I know, I didn't know that Omelette, which is our omelette, but the H is a little bit silent in the original Nordic.

01:14:36.927 --> 01:14:41.542
Okay, omelette is the rigid original nordic story.

01:14:41.542 --> 01:14:49.166
Shakespeare moves the h to be hamlet okay and hamlet is the adaption of the original nordic story.

01:14:49.445 --> 01:14:50.488
Ah I didn't know that.

01:14:50.488 --> 01:14:53.100
Yeah, that's a good one man.

01:14:53.240 --> 01:15:00.484
All right, I have my resolution for the okay, you have it okay, all right we haven't done a bruising review since may bro, what's your?

01:15:00.484 --> 01:15:01.667
What are you gonna tell me right now?

01:15:02.475 --> 01:15:03.056
I'm gonna.

01:15:03.056 --> 01:15:04.900
I'm gonna put the effort in.

01:15:04.900 --> 01:15:10.717
You used to watch more movies than me, I know, but I'm I'm just saying I'm gonna.

01:15:10.717 --> 01:15:16.234
I think that my resolution is to start putting more of those out for the people.

01:15:16.456 --> 01:15:20.140
Okay, you gotta, you gotta codify it, you gotta got to make a SMART goal.

01:15:22.724 --> 01:15:24.326
Hey, like a defined goal.

01:15:24.527 --> 01:15:25.667
No, smart.

01:15:25.667 --> 01:15:26.609
Do you know what SMART is?

01:15:26.609 --> 01:15:27.210
Have you heard it?

01:15:27.210 --> 01:15:32.386
I don't know what SMART is.

01:15:32.386 --> 01:15:39.875
I learned it when I was in my data science courses, so SMART stands for specific Okay.

01:15:39.875 --> 01:15:42.836
The goal clearly states what will be done and who will do it.

01:15:42.836 --> 01:15:47.104
Okay, measurable includes how progress will be measured.

01:15:47.104 --> 01:15:48.648
All right Achievable.

01:15:48.648 --> 01:15:50.899
It's realistic within your capabilities.

01:15:50.899 --> 01:15:54.667
All right Relevant fits the purpose and overall objectiveness.

01:15:54.667 --> 01:15:58.199
And it's time bound as a deadline.

01:15:59.742 --> 01:16:00.061
All right.

01:16:00.061 --> 01:16:02.865
Well, I'm going to work backwards Time bound.

01:16:02.865 --> 01:16:05.368
Within a year, within 2026.

01:16:05.368 --> 01:16:06.871

01:16:06.871 --> 01:16:10.323
Yeah, that's a year from now, within 2025.

01:16:10.323 --> 01:16:15.386
But within the days of 2026 starting, you know, within 2025.

01:16:15.407 --> 01:16:15.828
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

01:16:16.314 --> 01:16:17.762
Before the clock strikes midnight?

01:16:17.762 --> 01:16:20.175
All right, what's the other one Relevant Relevant?

01:16:20.175 --> 01:16:24.795
All right, this is what's the other one Relevant Relevant?

01:16:24.795 --> 01:16:28.801
All right, this is where it's a little it'll be.

01:16:28.801 --> 01:16:33.220
Here's where I've messed up in the past, which was that when new movies came out, I didn't get them done in time and so I got to.

01:16:33.220 --> 01:16:34.904
I'll get there.

01:16:35.194 --> 01:16:37.604
Our Doom 2 review coming out like a month after the movie.

01:16:37.835 --> 01:16:42.546
Yeah, yeah exactly Achievable, achievable, achievable.

01:16:42.546 --> 01:16:49.739
I don't think we're going to change our opening line of saying each week we bring you it, but it's not going to be every week.

01:16:49.739 --> 01:16:52.381
Yeah, I think we can do two.

01:16:52.381 --> 01:16:55.658
Here's where I get.

01:16:55.658 --> 01:17:03.167
Are there two things coming out a month that are worth reviewing?

01:17:03.847 --> 01:17:13.323
I think, even if there's not two things coming out a month worth reviewing, we can find good gold nuggets all, right all right, that are like you know they exist.

01:17:13.323 --> 01:17:20.805
I will say this I know two things that are already gold nuggets that you haven't watched yet, and that's season 2 and season 3 of Mr Nobody.

01:17:20.805 --> 01:17:21.827
Oh yeah.

01:17:22.087 --> 01:17:27.238
Alright, alright, so I think we could do two a month.

01:17:27.238 --> 01:17:30.837
Two a month, so you're saying within 2024.

01:17:32.023 --> 01:17:35.902
We're going to do two Brews and Reviews per month, 24 Brews and Reviews.

01:17:35.902 --> 01:17:37.559
I think we could do it.

01:17:37.559 --> 01:17:41.444
I think we could do it, I think we could, but you gotta, we gotta, we could do it.

01:17:41.444 --> 01:17:44.095
Uh-huh, I think we could, but we've got to go to the movie theaters, I know dude.

01:17:44.917 --> 01:17:47.680
We've got to hit them and maybe we'll have to do a.

01:17:47.680 --> 01:17:52.282
Obviously, maybe some of them will have to be.

01:17:52.282 --> 01:17:54.180
We'll have to go movie theaters just straight here.

01:17:54.180 --> 01:17:55.301
Did we do that on?

01:17:55.382 --> 01:17:55.682
one of them.

01:17:55.682 --> 01:17:57.226
I don't know, I don't think so.

01:18:05.835 --> 01:18:06.155
I don't think so.

01:18:06.155 --> 01:18:07.399
I don't think you and I have ever watched a movie together.

01:18:07.420 --> 01:18:08.523
I thought we went to one movie, but I can't remember.

01:18:08.523 --> 01:18:08.904
I don't think so.

01:18:08.904 --> 01:18:09.426
I thought we did it once.

01:18:09.426 --> 01:18:10.068
I'll have to look back and see.

01:18:10.068 --> 01:18:12.375
I can't remember a movie I went and saw with, oh, the christmas one back in 2022.

01:18:12.375 --> 01:18:14.500
Yeah, we went to the christmas one together.

01:18:14.539 --> 01:18:15.923
We doubt that was a long time.

01:18:15.923 --> 01:18:21.698
Yeah, but it was, um, uh, what's it called?

01:18:21.698 --> 01:18:21.998
What's his?

01:18:22.019 --> 01:18:25.121
name Silent Night, not that one Different action movie.

01:18:25.140 --> 01:18:28.463
The guy from Stranger Things is Santa.

01:18:28.463 --> 01:18:31.265
Yeah, all right, that was two years ago, david Arbor.

01:18:31.445 --> 01:18:32.106
Oh, my God.

01:18:32.306 --> 01:18:33.528
Yeah, that's crazy.

01:18:34.548 --> 01:18:37.251
Anyways, all right, measurable, measurable, you did it.

01:18:37.251 --> 01:18:38.471
Yeah, two per month.

01:18:38.891 --> 01:18:39.113

01:18:42.654 --> 01:18:43.277
So that measurable yeah.

01:18:43.277 --> 01:18:44.301
Two per month, yeah, so that's pretty specific.

01:18:44.301 --> 01:18:46.027
You know, are we gonna just try to do movies, or do you think you could?

01:18:46.047 --> 01:18:46.990
like start on some shows now.

01:18:46.990 --> 01:18:48.015
No, I think we gotta do shows too.

01:18:48.015 --> 01:18:59.086
We gotta we gotta put shows in there too, because also part of that would be doing like, as new shows come out, hitting the like if it's a we like, you're doing our pre-review, you know season, you know pilot review, yeah.

01:18:59.086 --> 01:19:07.786
Then doing a season review, yeah, and then as a bonus, not not saying we have it's, it's not a part of the deal.

01:19:07.826 --> 01:19:20.746
But you know, keep putting out the the dog ear dialogues yeah, dude, I will say, I just finished all four books in the hyperion novella universe whatever wow they were very good.

01:19:20.746 --> 01:19:27.502
Um, the last one definitely had a couple things where I've had to look up and try to understand what was going on.

01:19:27.502 --> 01:19:31.161
On a couple points I was like that seemed unexplained and out of the blue.

01:19:31.161 --> 01:19:38.520
But I think that's what happens when you write your books like 10 years apart you know what I?

01:19:38.541 --> 01:19:50.807
mean, like, sometimes storylines don't necessarily align all the time, but I will say, uh, that and um, I'm gonna read a couple others.

01:19:50.807 --> 01:19:54.694
Um, I just can't think of the top of my head.

01:19:54.694 --> 01:19:56.117
But yeah, dog, your dialogues.

01:19:56.117 --> 01:19:58.041
A lot of good books, a lot of good books out there.

01:19:58.041 --> 01:20:01.907
Oh, uh, the brothers, whatever.

01:20:01.907 --> 01:20:05.261
Um, the brothers, it's the.

01:20:05.261 --> 01:20:06.204
It's a russian book.

01:20:07.590 --> 01:20:19.159
It's a guy who wrote crime and punishment so whole vest, yeah whatever, but uh there's one called the brothers something and uh, I'm gonna start that here soon, but I've heard really good things about it.

01:20:20.180 --> 01:20:24.206
All right, all right, we'll do them.

01:20:24.206 --> 01:20:27.909
That's my resolution To watch more TV.

01:20:27.909 --> 01:20:28.930
How's that?

01:20:28.930 --> 01:20:30.804
That's great For personal improvement.

01:20:30.804 --> 01:20:31.469
That's great.

01:20:31.469 --> 01:20:33.944
Watch more TV and drink more beer.

01:20:33.944 --> 01:20:37.881
Watch more good TV For brews and reviews.

01:20:37.881 --> 01:20:40.671
All right, I like it.

01:20:40.671 --> 01:20:41.092
I like it.

01:20:41.092 --> 01:20:41.715
I like it.

01:20:41.715 --> 01:20:43.417
I think it'll be good.

01:20:44.059 --> 01:20:48.509
Awesome, cool, all right, well, hey, ken, thanks for joining us.

01:20:48.509 --> 01:20:50.502
We hope you had a good Merry Christmas.

01:20:50.502 --> 01:20:56.680
We had Merry Christmases, and I hope that this new year finds you in good spirits.

01:20:56.680 --> 01:21:03.900
I hope you're not getting too wrapped up in resolutions and all that, but you're just resolving to be a better person this year.

01:21:03.900 --> 01:21:12.439
Follow Jesus a little bit better and if you don't know Jesus, I hope you resolve to read the book of John this year.

01:21:12.439 --> 01:21:18.284
That's a good one yeah anyways, stay safe out there.

01:21:18.987 --> 01:21:19.496
We love you guys.

01:21:19.496 --> 01:21:20.639
Thanks for listening, pat.

01:21:20.639 --> 01:21:22.284
Anything you want to sign off with?

01:21:23.219 --> 01:21:23.981
till next time.