Who wouldn't want to own an Annie Ann's pretzel shop or kick back on an island with their own personal zoo? This episode finds us, your hosts Mick and Pat, daydreaming about such opulent delights. Of course, it's not all fun and games - we also grapple with the complexities of setting boundaries in friendships, especially when beliefs differ. We uncover how to protect our peace without compromising respect and understanding.
Ever thought about the estrogen levels in your favorite snacks or the best way to navigate the delicate task of manscaping? You're about to discover a whole new world! We offer a hilarious yet insightful breakdown of these topics, from the phytoestrogens in your go-to veggies to the safety of razors over electric trimmers. And yes, we cover the nitty-gritty details of applying shaving cream correctly for the ultimate manscaping experience.
So, buckle up for a roller-coaster ride of laughter and learning with Mick and Pat!
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You're gonna regret that later.
Mick:You laugh like a monkey.
Pat:That uh snap it into a slim gym right there.
Mick:Hey, bro, don't be saying that, don't be ousting me on the pod. What if the owner of these gyms listens?
Pat:That's true, since, you see, you've helped her down from the neighbor, sometimes late at night. You gotta do what you gotta do, get into a little hungry and you cave to your human appetites.
Mick:Your most inner desires, which just happened to be a gym.
Mick:Not a fat gym.
Mick:Slim gym A slim gym.
Pat:Dude, I ate a slim gym. The other day that was so crunchy it was. I mean I didn't eat the whole thing because the first bite, I mean it was like it was ancient. I don't know how long it takes for a slim gym to get this crunchy, but, dude, it was like eating a dog treat.
Mick:I don't think slim gyms get crunchy dude. I don't think that's a slim gym.
Pat:That's what I'm saying, dude.
Mick:I bet the package seal was broken and it just dried out it was crunchy. Dog food, bro. Dog food, yeah, that can't be good for you.
Pat:So many packaged foods, but does it taste good? It's funny how the cashew cookie bar with like healthy quote unquote healthy packaged foods. It's like the worst they make them taste, the more you believe it's healthy for you, even though it's still basically as bad for you as a Snickers bar Might as well. Just gone for the Snickers. Wait a second. Are you kidding me?
Mick:No, dude, this is great. Oh, I think this is meant to fill you up, though it's a nut bar, a Lara bar.
Pat:No, a lot of our original real fruit.
Mick:Turn down the music a little bit. Sorry, it's a Lara bar. Original real fruit and nut bar to ingredients Cashew and cookie. I don't think so. Cashew and something else. I gotta say it tastes pretty good.
Pat:Yeah, the Lara bar. So those ones that have estrogen in them, they make your Are you for real? Yeah, there was some rumor going around around some kind of bar at one point. Oh, it was the back, when there was cliff bars. It was like the main bar out there. Then the Luna bar came out, but there was like a, like a, because they're marketed towards women.
Mick:There was a shitload of soy in it.
Pat:Well, but there's also a rumor that like it actually like mess with your estrogen levels and all this stuff, and so we're staying away from them.
Mick:I don't want to speak out of ignorance here, but I'm pretty sure I remember like there's some kind of vegetable that has an insane amount of estrogen in it, like or plant, like I don't know. I don't want to say like I can't remember what it was, but I just remember I found it out when I stopped eating it because of the amount of it was like I think it was like snap peas or something like that, because I loved them, and then I just like read online and like, yeah, snap peas have like measurable milligrams of estrogen in each one.
Pat:I'm just like what it's like you eat a bag of snap peas.
Mick:You just took like like dosage of like transitioning estrogen. Yeah, I was like, okay, I'm done.
Pat:My nipples have felt so sore. I've been eating this health snack. So, talking in a higher pitch voice, you end up like Robert from Fight Club. His name was.
Mick:Robert Paulson.
Pat:Robert Paulson and he lactated because he was a was the backs, where he was a football player, that he'd gone too heavy on the Roids and it messed him up.
Mick:And then the withdrawals made his body overcompensate with estrogen or something right.
Pat:And he started. He started lactating.
Mick:We have some huge boobs, meatloaf yeah.
Pat:You know his name's Mealof. That was the actor. Oh, yeah, yeah, the musician.
Mick:All right, which plants? Oh sorry, I shouldn't just say plants which vegetables. I have high amounts of estrogen. What do you think is the most female vegetable?
Pat:I don't know, not the eggplant, because I only use that and when I'm texting as a specific phallic emoji yeah, yeah, two more friends.
Mick:I bet you're right Highs with estrogen and naturally is flax seeds. Not a vegetable right, but a seed, then soy, of course, but then peaches have a lot of estrogen in them. Then garlic is another one, but the vegetables with the highest, richest amount of phytoestrogens, which is plant based estrogen the cabbage and collard greens. Collard greens is like a blanket term. I feel like you need to have a more specific name for it, because collard greens is. That's not just one vegetable right. Isn't that mean like a medley of greens?
Pat:No, it's a vegetable.
Mick:Really, yeah, I didn't know that Whenever I've had collard greens at a restaurant, it was like a medley of stuff Mushy green peas. No, it wasn't just mushy, it was like a little bit of lettuce, some other veggies.
Pat:I don't know. That's because the lady who cooked them was probably not from Alabama.
Mick:Brussel sprouts are also really high in estrogen. So there you go. That's bad news, because I love brussel sprouts. I also like broccoli. Anyways, I don't know in this podcast the beginning, but I'm just gonna say it now. Hey everybody, hey Ken, welcome to the Make a Pat Show. I'm Mick and Pat's sitting across from me and it's been a minute. I think it's been what? Two weeks since we recorded last. Yeah.
Pat:Yeah, yeah. Two weeks had a fourth of July celebration vacation. I was out of town, so now we're back in it and hoping to get back in the rhythm. We've had a couple breaks and so we've been talking about all of our great big plans solving all the world problems at the headquarters here for the Make a Pat Show.
Mick:I don't know about world problems but, solving my problems. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, we're pretty excited we got we're playing on a launch in the YouTube channel here pretty soon and throwing videos up, which backlog of all of our podcasts will be available on YouTube. I found a pretty cool idea for doing a web page on a pod hub. No, I keep on saying that and I know it's not right.
Pat:Pod host, pod pod page, Pod page yeah.
Mick:This seems pretty cool A lot of a lot of tailoring and it allows to do essentially like their version of Patreon and have like what's called Supercast members, which are people who are like you know you're, they're donating to, you are subscribed and you get access stuff. It'll be pretty cool because we got all our merch designs just completed recently and now that Pat's back in town and I'm back in town with no big there's no big trips on the horizon right now, right.
Mick:Yeah, so we can just kind of heads down get some shirts, get some stickers, maybe some hats all set up for our kid out there, and then you know, I feel like a good move would just be make it cheap for Supercast fans. You know something? Like if you support us monthly or whatever get an. X amount of discount on the store, X amount of discount on affiliate links, which is also cool because we have our first affiliate partner that's finishing up the paperwork and contracting. you know all the stuff they want us to say and They'll be sitting in our way soon, which?
Pat:the legal jargon we have to say. Yeah, those guys like their legal jargon.
Mick:They are lawyers, so I imagine they do enjoy a job.
Pat:Yeah, the uh, um, oh, that's I was just thinking of. Uh, how previously on this podcast I've said that I never met a lawyer. I've liked.
Mick:I never would have guessed that our first affiliate would have been a law firm, but that's what it'll be.
Pat:Never know.
Mick:Stay tuned.
Mick:And no it's not Frank D Azar, the strong arm, it is Well yeah it's not Frank D Azar for a hundred percent, or what's the other one that's like just always the bald guy with glasses that looks like kind of like Jewish. He's like he looks like he looks honestly like um, the guy who played the uh uh, the bad guy in the Iron man three. But he wasn't really the bad guy, he was an actor.
Pat:Oh, I don't know. I know he was talking about, I can't remember that guy's name. There's also Hoyser and Hoyser for a while. Which one of those? It was a son and a father and the father sorry bro, but he's. He's freaking cross-eyed, which is fine, but like when you're watching a commercial at 10 am in the morning, I'm the prices right, and a guy comes on cross-eyed telling you to hire him for like for legal services.
Mick:I was like I bet he does it just like better call Saul. Does you know stuff to get attention?
Pat:Oh yeah, he is like you bet I don't know what he was doing, but you got to be a killer lawyer to like, overcome that and, like you know, be making clientele, making money. Yeah, I think it was Hoyser and Hoyser he was, his eyes were. I was like I don't even know if he can read the paper I send you. I'm not sure, but we better be careful.
Mick:Actually, you might want to think twice about dropping the names of law firms. He had us roasting them because of anyone in the world, they're the most likely to sue us for roasting.
Pat:Oh yeah, for real, because they have all the right terms for it, for defamation and all this stuff. Like one time there was a one of the guys we've already mentioned you might not know who it is, but it was one of the one of these guys who did a golf tournament and my friend was there and they kind of like I forget exactly how it went, but he kind of did something, something along the lines of didn't clean up something or just kind of left it behind to someone, like held him on it, and he was just basically like. He looked at him and he's like he said this pretty much verbatim was I'm rich as shit, I don't have to it just walked away.
Mick:I hate that no dude so much Because, like the thing that I've noticed, have you ever met someone that's actually Ridiculously stupid, wealthy like I'm talking, like Tens of millions of dollars at least? Yes, I have found that those people Don't really see themselves above Mediocrity and doing usual day in, day out, work, right, like they're. They put the grocery cart back, right, you know they. They pump their own gas, right. It's the wealthy people that have yet to hit that real, like, real, like Absolute, like FU money. You know what I mean. Like they're still in the place where, like, they say FU but they don't really have the FU money yet Because, like, if you really did, if they, if you really messed things up or something, like they could go to court or jail over it. The people who kind of read the place where they're like, nah, sorry, you know, the people who are in the place were like oh man, I'm so sorry that I hit your car here. Here's like a check for 50 grand. I just don't want to get into that For 50 grand. I just don't want to deal with the hassle of like doing a court date and all that stuff. Are you okay? No one's injured? Cool and, like you know, they don't even, like they didn't even total your car. Like you know, they just hit the bumper and they're like I just don't want you, I don't want anyone to call me and say, like they need more money yeah, it's 50 K, you know whatever. Like people who have that kind of money they can throw away, and then all that like they seem to be like the most polite kind rich people, people who aren't quite there yet, mm hmm. But they always act super rich and always better than you, mm hmm. You know, they're just like one bad stock market day from like not being that rich, not being able to be that cocky.
Mick:Yeah, I guess I've heard it was like people who do manual labor, work like blue color jobs of, like plumbers, electricians, things like that. They say, like the difference between wealthy and rich is that wealthy people, they know about my kids, they, you know, offer me food and a lemonade when I'm at their place and I remain professional Right the whole time. Rich people don't talk to me. They don't want me to talk to anyone and they just want me to come in and do the job and they want me to know that, like they are above speaking to me, he's like and the rich people maybe have a net worth of $10 million, the wealthy people are 50 to 100 or more billionaires. Right, it's just like the dynamic, the difference in the way you treat people at that point. Yeah, yeah.
Pat:I think there's, and you obviously get all sorts in all those categories. But there's something too about like for people who aren't all about the money but they're all about the service or the product or that sort of thing, whatever is, even whatever state you are, whether you're a state or a small service company owner, all the way up to you know buying and selling. You know Walmart, as you know you're like, yeah, today we're selling Walmart. You know that big of a deal. It's the people who are. You can be money minded, but not money focused or money ruled, you know, whereas you have, like, the people who are a slave to the, to the dollar. Yeah, and so then, a lot of people who are a slave to the dollar. I wonder if there's something where they hit, where they just can't break through because of that, because they're focusing on the wrong stuff. You know, and it's funny, some of the some of the poorest people I've met have been the most ruled by money and the most or the most content about money. And same with some of the rich people I've met have been the most ruled by money or the most content. But yeah, your mode, people can smell your motives, you know.
Mick:I think so. Yeah. Speaking of which, I would just pack my pockets full of snacks and hopes you would break and comment. You haven't commented on that at all. Well, I was.
Pat:I was, I was, I was, just like I kept on pulling them out one at a time, Like you laugh at this one. I have been laughing. I was going to shave you of, like you know who's not doesn't have a few money, old Mick, because he just pulled out three Slim Jims, a couple of Fig Newtons and a Lara bar we talk about. He's getting there, though. He's getting there.
Mick:But you want me to pull out like for a real shit yeah.
Pat:Yeah, just but the uh. I want you to call a private chef and have him cook you something in studio.
Mick:That is actually a goal that I want to achieve is have my own cook Yep. I want to have that seems like such a waste of money, because I do enjoy cooking, but I also just want to get to the point where I get afford to have someone cook for me. Yeah, whether it's like a batch thing and they just do it in the beginning of the week, yeah.
Pat:And some people like want to be a private chef for somebody and just like provide awesome food all the time. So college tones, almost all these sororities and fraternities here have private chefs yeah, and some of those people probably really like their job. They're making cool stuff. But okay, so if you had God money, the FU money, like we're talking like $1 billion, it just it does. It's. It's not an issue. You know, whatever it is, it's not like you know I don't.
Mick:I don't have to do anything anymore. My money makes more overnight in my sleep on dividends than I could spend in like a month.
Pat:Exactly. So what are some of the things you would have Like for me? Here's one of the things that is on my list I would have an Annie Ann's pretzel shop in my house, in your house, and it would always be ready and it'd be in a section of it of my house where, whenever I'm walking down there, just You're going to have all those strangers in your house every day Making that food. Yeah, dude, and you, just you just walk over there and there's always an Annie Ann's pretzel on demand and it has that wonderful smells coming out of it.
Mick:What about making? Making money from it, making revenue from it?
Pat:These are no, these are like I said. These are my Annie Ann's pretzels for me and my guests. This seems so unrealistic, bro.
Mick:I don't think Annie Ann's would agree to that. I think I think the city would come and say, hey, this is out of code, you can't have this restaurant inside your home. You have to essentially make your whole house lower level mall duplex and then the upper level apartments.
Pat:Yes, and I would. This is what I would have in my, in my house you say you say shut up, I've paid the mayor off Shut up. Here's a hundred thousand dollars. Shut up, Go away. I want to have my Annie Ann's pretzels on demand. That's what I would. That's one of the things on my list that I definitely have.
Mick:Wow, yeah, I was just. This is how you can tell I'm poor, right? This is how you can tell I'm not wealthy, right? I was just thinking, in like layman's terms, of like guns. I guess, though, I should be really thinking like tanks. You know, I I've never really wanted a tank or a plane or anything like that military wise for the sake of shooting it, but I've always just thought it would be cool to have a tank to like just have it on display and like you know, kind of the same reason of having a dinosaur skeleton. I guess, if we're at this point where we're talking about a few money, I'm talking about getting a full on Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton.
Pat:I don't even care if it's a real one In the atrium of your home when you walk in.
Mick:Yeah, first thing people see. Yeah, or I think I'm trying to think food wise man, and the only thing I can think of is like going back to like a chef, like I'd probably go into. I'd probably go to like a different restaurant for every meal three times a day for 30 days, yeah, and wherever I had the best food, I would just go poach that chef. Be like, I would like you to cook for me forever. Yeah, you know what I mean.
Pat:I think that'd be awesome. I think that I would maybe go become a dictator of a small country, you know, and you could just have a zoo.
Mick:What country could you get for a billion dollars?
Pat:It's gotta be a couple out there.
Mick:Yeah, take all your money away, bro.
Pat:I'm just saying you go out there and you could just be the king of your little. Maybe I'd have an island, the zoo, I don't know.
Mick:Like Jurassic Park.
Pat:Yeah, yep.
Mick:I think I would like to have like, if like okay, all right, Are we talking about like? No moral stuff too Like if I didn't have morals.
Pat:You can keep your morals.
Mick:No, I could see. Here's what I do. Like if I didn't have morals, I would definitely create like an animal flight club. Oh yeah, like I would just start importing bears and gorillas and just like letting you know. Super shady with all the other billionaire clubs I'd be like, hey, we don't do the kids stuff here. Like that's not this kind of billionaire club. Million bucks Now I would make it cheaper. $100,000 buys you a ticket to come and sit on the ring side to watch the Silverback fight of Grizzly Bear. And yeah, that's like that's the first round, that's like the warmup fight.
Pat:What's that show that came out during COVID? Squid games yeah, squid games. You're getting into the Squid games, just without the human loss of life.
Mick:Honestly, I would probably love to do like something like the most dangerous game. Like just not like actually like having to kill someone, right Right, but like playing the game with, like I don't know, it'd be fun. It'd be fun to do like essentially just a dealt tag. You know what I mean. Like get 10 people out of my island and be like, welcome to my island. It is 80 square miles.
Pat:And you'd put on like the biggest, most real, like dungeons and dragons, like scenarios.
Mick:No, no, no, no, no. I mean that'd be cool, but like I'm just straight up talking about like you have till like last three days out here with only the supplies provided you which you know, they'd all get like a tiny little backpack with like minimum bear first aid kit, satellite radio for emergency if they're injured, and then like nothing else is like if you survive, you will win 10 million dollars. Well, if you survive, if you're the last one not caught, you'll win 10 million dollars. However, if me and my like, I'll just like you know, wave my hand, if me or my portly small English young men here, and they'd be all like these fat school kids, catch you with our nets and like we just have net guns, we catch you, will riddle, cool you, we won't hurt you, we just rid of, kill you. And then you have to go be a substitute teacher and like the most inner city London school where they just like, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, well, you can't understand anything they're saying, like that's their punishment.
Mick:And then it's like but if you?
Pat:if you escape like 10 million dollars.
Mick:I think it'd be like I think you get spicy, bro, because here's the thing Like, if you have that kind of money, you can live without the 10 mil. Those people though, even though I'm not trying to kill them, even though the little like you know interns I have aren't trying to kill them, yeah, I think they'd kill each other for 10 million dollars. You know what I mean. I think it would get very bad, very quickly, yeah, but it'd be sick, it'd be cool, it'd be hilarious, bro, can you imagine, like a inner city slang fat English kid running you down with a net gun?
Pat:He just like I missed a mic.
Mick:I think I've seen one from broke, so for that.
Pat:You just have the dog nappers from 101.
Mick:Dalmatians coming after him. It's gonna be so funny. It definitely would.
Pat:Another thing I would have every day Brand new pair of socks. Yeah, we are talking about this. The rich guy, you know who every day was a pair of new socks and a pair of underwear, I would do the undies. I wouldn't have to, but like the feeling of putting on new socks every day Because you don't wear underwear anyways, never know, never know.
Mick:Bro, what you do? The socks over the instead of the underwear. The I would do fresh, clean underwear every single day. So, you get nuts wet.
Pat:Come on, yeah, so the clean you have. A washed pair of underwear feels the same to me as a brand new pair, where it's like.
Mick:No, there's a different way they they hold the beans bro, like fresh, fresh box or briefs, really like there. You know the brand, like you know your brand and you know you love it because of the way it holds the beans, the way that they're brand new cups, the beans the have.
Pat:There's a, this is true, but the socks man, I do love them. I've been trying out a new pair of underwear. They're called. It's the Duluth Trading Company.
Mick:Yeah, they make really good undies. Yeah, I haven't ever had him, but I've heard that they that they're very comfortable and they don't overheat and the waistband doesn't wear out, all that jazz.
Pat:Yeah these are called the armachillos and they're very supportive. They have. These versions are called the bullpen. There's a little area for you to be supported within. Hell yeah it keeps you from chafing all that.
Mick:Dude, did you ever get the Duluth pants that are like made so for squatting so you don't pinch your nuts when you stand back up?
Pat:No, no, do they work?
Mick:I've never. I've never had a work card in my life, so I'm not a blue color person. I've never done that in normal pants, but no, dude, you've never squatted deep down like a deep low squat, to like look under a cupboard and then like, as you stand back up Like your jeans, just pinch your nuts on one side against your leg or something.
Pat:No maybe I'm not as gifted maybe I'm.
Mick:Maybe they are trained to dude, I don't have really big dangly nuts. I feel like it's not that hard to get your nuts pinched.
Pat:I've pinched them on stuff, dude I almost pinched, pinched, my, what like the laundry machine.
Mick:What do you mean on stuff I do I like sit down at a park bench and it goes between slats. What do?
Pat:you mean by pinched? The other day, dude, I almost, I almost castrated myself with a cock gun. It was incredible what a cock gun, a cock.
Pat:I closed it and it pinched my inner leg. Dude, I jumped like a tiny little girl and I was like I was jumping around and my co-worker was wondering what was going on, thought I was making a big deal of it. When I got home that night I had a giant, big old bruise on the inside of my leg. Got me in the soft meat.
Mick:There's not a lot of how could you castrate yourself? It was an inside of your leg.
Pat:Upper, upper inside. No you know like an arch. Yeah, yeah, yeah, inch away from the business.
Mick:I got it Okay and so the you know, let's be real here. Do you shave your nuts?
Pat:There's only one right answer. There's. There's this. I think there's a whole multitude of answers. All right, do you trim your nuts? There's also different areas. You manscape your nuts. I do some manscaping new man's on occasion. Oh nice, it's not routine.
Mick:All right, I do. I do it like probably once every couple weeks. He's got a man, here's my thing. People think I'm a psychopath. I've met dudes who think I'm absolutely insane, and then I meet a couple guys. Ever once in my life we're like dude, I do the same thing, like the exact same routine, and I Just don't get how anyone doesn't do it. Once you sorry to our listeners out there who don't want like some vivid imagery?
Pat:about to get.
Mick:I just want, I just want homies to know the routine and know that it's safe to do. You know you're not gonna hurt yourself. Well, you can hurt yourself. Yeah, if you're, I I'll tell you this. I've never cut myself with a razor, only with an electric trimmer. The extra more will electric trimmer grabs that. Choose it up. Dude, like you gotta be careful, you gotta get taught. Okay, all right, do you want to go on those? And for all those who don't want to hear this, skip ahead. Oh my god, it won't take long. I'll probably be five minutes. So here's, here's the businessman, here's what. Here's how I do. It right, I Start with an electric trimmer on a guard, right, and I just start going around on a long guard to get everything trimmed out, uneven, yeah. And then I go back, no guard. Mmm and I just trim lower to about like maybe Eighth of an inch, right yeah, and I'm just like I never let the metal of that electric razor touch the skin because it I mean it's it cuts you quick. Oh yeah, and it's like you ever seen. I'm trying to think of a very good comparison here.
Pat:I really can't think of anything. That's a good comparison here. I've never seen someone like okay, no, no, yeah, like every year you ever see someone clip their nuts.
Mick:It's like that, no, no. So you know, like a vacuum cleaner, mm-hmm. And then like, as your hand gets close to vacuum cleaner, there's like the differential pressure and then it goes. Yeah that's what happens with electric razor and your soft nut skin, like you do. You still want that getting pulled in there and you have to keep a safe barrier. Yeah, um, and there's a lot of veins down there, so like any cut is scary yeah. But then after I trim that low to like an eighth of an inch, mm-hmm. I. No, no wax but imagine, like you know, this, this right here for those that aren't home.
Pat:They can't really see right but like I got, I got like my.
Mick:Knuckle here underneath my shirt. It's kind of stretchy I.
Pat:I pull that nut skin real tight over one nut, so it's just like it's just a like, just the ball, and then the skin pulled tight around it and then I take my special Harry's razor.
Mick:mm-hmm, is it Harry's? It might still be Harry's, and I just use the Harry's razor and shaving cream and just go across that nut till it's glossy smooth and I just pull more skin off like that off but like more skin over. You know until, like I get another Harry's section. And I just do that and it's it honestly looks Really satisfying, you know what I mean. Cuz then like you get to the point where it's like almost polishing and your nuts Dude cuz. Like after like a couple, like you got shaving cream in the razor. That after a couple you look down and you wash the shaving cream. Wait, you're like damn, I can see my reflection of those like so anyways, there you go. That's, that's how I do it. Some people think I'm insane for putting a Like a you know four blade of razor close by, but I feel like that's safer than the electric razor. The electric razor is the only thing that's ever cut me.
Pat:Yeah, just you better not sneeze while you're doing it, or cough, but the sometimes I do without my glasses on.
Mick:Oh my god.
Pat:Life is a highway, bro. It's dangerous. Yeah, I'm so glad that I just started sharing this podcast with my grandmother.
Mick:No, that's why I said like skip ahead, you know, but you know you don't do that. You don't, you don't. That's not your method. No, how low do you go? I've? Do you get real low in my life? I go down and low in my life.
Pat:I've used the same method you you just described vividly yeah. I'm not afraid of the of the real blade respects. Yeah, I use a Bear Grylls survival knife. No, but the listen right. Sometimes you got to take care of yourself, be hygienic yeah anyways, my last billionaire thing.
Mick:If I had all the money in the world, I Probably a runway like my own private runway.
Mick:I think that'd be pretty bitchin. Oh for sure. Well, I just being able to take off and land whenever you want.
Mick:That'd be sick.
Pat:I agree, I would have multiple runways and helipads somewhere on a boat. Yeah, mm-hmm, yeah, man, so that I could go check on my cattle. Yeah you know we say or go to the beach, yeah the Hi. You said you had a question.
Mick:Yeah, speaking of which, which is, you know, I know I don't actually usually say that for things that are related. That's just my transition to totally irrelevant subject. Dude, I think I'm experiencing something very new in life. What's that? I Think I'm gonna break up with a friend. Oh no, and I don't think I've ever done that before man, I don't think I've ever felt like man. This friendship is just not, not good for me anymore. This is not a life-giving friendship. Yeah, and I think I gotta, I think I got to set up boundaries, and those boundaries are inevitably hey, man, we can still hang out, but I just don't want you to talk to me. You know I mean it's kind of it's kind of weird, but like I I don't know. I just kind of wanted to hear your thoughts on that because I've had friends who were like I've had friends that like weren't super close, mm-hmm, and you know, weren't you know, speaking, you know, to our Christian audience out there, the Bible is very clear about being careful with being friends with non-believers and how much you know you stake you put into those relationships, mm-hmm, and you know how much. How much influence you give in your life and how much yeah which, like, certainly I'm not here to say, like you can't be friends with non-believers Not at all, like I think you should be in order to you know, love them as Jesus does. But there's definitely, I think, supposed to be boundaries. I think, well, all of my friends who aren't believers, I've always felt like I've had a good enough distance between us that, whatever they said anything negative about Christianity, or whenever they went on a trade of something that I just don't believe in but you know they're just going off on like a whole political tangent or Whenever they said something mean because they were upset with me, I don't think I had a lot of value Place in those relationships that, like I ever, it ever really upset me. I think I'd be like oh man, that wasn't really nice, I guess I yeah, I don't know if I really want to hang out with them this next week, or at school or, and you know, outside of school, whatever, and then with like friends that are believers. I've always felt very comfortable going to them and be like, hey man, you heard my feelings. Or hey, I apologize for hurting your feelings. That wasn't God honoring. You know, in the way, like I got upset at you. Or hey, man, I feel like you. You know you really went on a trade there and you said some things that hurt my feelings, offended me, and because we are both believers, I felt like we had it agreed upon, like this is what we do as Christians, as, like we go to one another with grievances. As for forgiveness, and forgive freely, mm-hmm, and Try to be better, and like let that be a thing that improves the friendship.
Pat:Mm-hmm I.
Mick:Got a friend now who a couple years ago, he just would. He would just Go on and on and on about all these doubts he was having about Christ and God, and he's a pastor's kid, um, and he was just like he would. He would only Ramble on these long Things of like how he was upset and like doesn't know if he believes in God. How can God be real if there's so much evil in this world. The things he's seen and I get it, the dude's seen a lot of stuff and it's been right, like comfortable, but he never once ever opened the door for like what do you think, man? What are your thoughts on this? And like I've always just tried to be very patient in those situations, like I'm not gonna tell this person, like what I think the answers are, unless they want to know, because most of the time when people are just venting like that and just Get in and out, a lot of the times it's like they don't really need you to tell them. Well, man, like we can, I can explain it to you why God is still good Even though there's evil in the world. I'm happy to sit and have that conversation Right and like most people would ask you when they want to hear that, right, they're like hmm, I don't know, man, what do you think? Like, I'm really wrestling with this and I don't, I don't know if Jesus ever even existed. Was Jesus a misogynist? You know, like all these things that, like you know, they hear, and there's, you know, the deconstruction of Christianity or whatever. Mm-hmm, usually there's conversations, right, right, let's do just. He's never, it was never a conversation, it was always. This is what I feel. And don't you think it's bullshit about this and don't you think, like XYZ and how, that's like kind of contradictory, and it was, it wasn't even. Actually, don't you think it was? Just, I think this is Contradictory. And then by the end of the conversation, it'd be really late. He's like all right, I'm going home, I bet, cool, like I just sat here for three hours quiet, mm-hmm. And then, by, just, you know, I continued praying for him and then he, he ended up walking away for the faith completely. So, you know, I don't believe in it anymore, mm-hmm, maybe he believes in the high power, but he doesn't believe in Christ to save your God, his father, you know, and then Went through a really nasty divorce, mm-hmm. And then and I was trying to be in their support him for, and all that and it. I don't know man, it just seems like ever since, as things have gone on, I've realized pretty much our friendship exists as him venting about something to me, mm-hmm, and then it's just like it makes me sad, makes me depressed. When he gets angry or when he says things like Earl's insults at me, mm-hmm, I'm just like dude. That really hurt my feelings. I think it's because I still view him Like the, the stake in the relationship Mm-hmm, as a brother in Christ, mm-hmm, and that I like that we could go to each other and be very transparent and honest. But that's just not what it is anymore Because, like, I can't ask him to hold himself to the same accountability that I could ask you to, right, and I shouldn't expect it, right. And it's just gone to the point now, like, where I realized I was really sad and depressed Right before fall through July because he had just gone on a trade, you know, just over text messages about kind of Make us some accusations that hurt my feelings, and probably some of them are valid, right, like you know, we need to be open to criticism and Acknowledging where we might be falling short in character, right, and I was like dude, why does this make me so sad? Why does this make me so depressed? And it's really. I really feel like this is the only guy that I get upset and bent on a shape about. When he, when he's mean or when he's, you know, says mean things, I feel like the rest of my friends. I feel pretty comfortable going to him and be like, hey, dude, that hurt my feelings. Can we resolve this? Can we talk about it? Um, I just realized I don't have the right boundary set with him, you know, as now, as a non-believer and stuff. Um, so I've kind of, I'm kind of breaking that friendship off and I've been brainstorming like how to go about it and but I've never done it before. You know, I'm really just going to be like, hey, man, we can still hang out. We have a lot of overlapping friends. I'm still happy to help you, like if you ever want to switch job fields, you know, if you want to look at, like, applications for my company or whatever. Um, but I'm going to ask that you don't really text me that like we have a boundary set here of you know, we interact just like we do with our other friends where we only really interact when we're all hanging out as a group and stuff Um, or in only text, when we're really scheduling or within a group chat. Because I've just realized like most of the time you're just venting and yelling and frustrated about something that I really don't agree with you on, and I just sit here and listen to it and then you get upset at me about stuff that hurts my feelings. I just think it's not healthy for me anymore. Man, I'm sorry to hear it like say that, but like I just don't. I think it's the right move. And I'm just kind of I want to hear what your thoughts are, cause I haven't had anyone to kind of process this with either. You know like cause I don't really know anyone else who has had to, you know, dump a friend who's had to like break up with their homie.
Pat:Yeah, cause most in most cases is just like there's just natural drift. You just you fall out of touch, whatever and they just become like a person you see on social media or something whatever. If they're remaining in your circles and if they're a toxic person it's a sometimes they I guess you have to pull the plug on it, especially if it sounds pretty one sided Does that sound like you have a relationship. I realized looking back at your whipping boy of Christianity form.
Mick:Well, I go through our messages, you know, and most of his messages are always blown up about something that he's upset with politically or he's like he uses a lot of. You know, this is a lot of inflammatory language, I think. Right, and you know he's. I don't think he's a bad guy by any means, I think he's a great guy, but he's really quick to like throughout pretty harsh judgments, Like you know, if you said like oh, I really like this actor or speaker or something like that, then he'd be like I'll do, that guy is such a like fascist cook, Right, yeah, and it's just like what the hell.
Pat:You know what he tweeted in 2010?
Mick:Yeah, it is. It is like that sometimes.
Pat:Well, no, I don't know what he tweeted in 2010, but I still like to watch him in an action movie.
Mick:And the times I've tried to like talk to him about stuff be like, hey man, I think you might have the wrong idea here, or hey dude. Actually this is how I kind of see that, just immediate, like I don't want to listen to that. I don't want to listen to a bunch of old guys discuss something. That is totally stupid. You know like it's just like okay, man, I don't think you get it. I don't. I'm a friend and I love you and I'm happy to sit and listen to you, but like I don't agree with you, right, like we don't see eye to eye on these, on this stuff, um, and like I've just been praying and asked, like hoping that, like he would want to ask you know, like he'd want to be like, well, what's your opinion on this, right? So I could be like, well, dude, actually I'd appreciate it, you know, if you kind of cooled off, because I happen to believe in that, you know, or I happen to think that that is a good thing, right.
Pat:With people like this it's classic too, where basically, because they're so self-righteous, they don't give anybody else a platform to speak on, and then also you're just immediately vilified for anything, and then there's no um responsibility on them to allow for a conversation or dialogue. You know and then if someone's just so jaded and so full of hate, it's not.
Mick:it's and it's weird man. It's cause, like, when it's in a group setting not a hateful person, right, not a jaded person, but it's like only over one on one messages or texts, or like one on one convivial. So I feel like he really lets himself loose about, like being pretty pessimistic or something, yeah, which is, you know, which is why I think like, I think he's a great guy, I think he's a good dude at heart. Yeah, and I just need to set that boundary of like, hey, dude, I just don't, I don't want to be a part of this anymore, right? Like I just don't want to talk about any of this stuff and I don't really want to. I don't like the way I feel after you go on a diatribe. Yeah, and it's not because I feel like anything you said was valid. I just feel like you're trying to like be mean and like you're not aware, like I feel like you don't care enough to ask if, like, if I'm offended by that, you know, right, cause yeah, this person would, I'd assume, get offended.
Pat:gets offended about all sorts of stuff and would be offended if you offended them you know like but then? But it has no yeah, it has no no ability to see, see the street both ways.
Mick:you know, yeah, which is weird too, cause, like I feel so comfortable speaking freely around like other Christians, because I feel very comfortable with, like if I've said something that offends them, I feel like they always come to me and be like I don't know, man, if I agree with that actually, and like we have a conversation about it, because I feel like we can meet in that middle without getting very heated and stuff, and we're like non-believers. I'm usually just like I don't really see the point in telling them like oh, I disagree and that offends me and it's because they don't believe, right, right, and so I never really put a lot of stake in like correcting them or trying to get them to see what I see. I always would rather just like, rather than tell you, I disagree with your view on God, how about we just hang out and I'll buy you lunch, you know, or I'll, like I'll grab you a beer and we can sit and talk about like something actually of value to your life and I can pray for you in that, you know, or something like I could do something like life giving rather than doing this, and like it's just now like that this relationship has gone from two believers to a not. I feel like I'm just like trapped in, like waiting for permission, like I would with a nonbeliever, but also like deeply hurt because this because I think of him still is like a brother in Christ, you know.
Pat:Yeah, so.
Mick:I don't. Have you ever dumped a friend in, have you ever? Or have you just kind of ghosted?
Pat:I've had to have hard conversations and stuff around also, like kind of like had to redefine the relationship, the DTR you know, but then like the the re DTR around you know, like where there's I Guess I can this case it sounds like I'm gonna say something right to be like these topics, beliefs and politics, like I'm not gonna engage in those with you. We can talk about other stuff, you know like if you text me about this stuff, I'm not gonna respond. If you want to go see a movie, sure you know like. But like because you don't Value the relationship we have, enough to had to be a two-way street like. I'm not gonna put my time and effort into like, just just letting you be a hateful person, yeah, you know it's kind of weird too, because I've any other like people.
Mick:I've kind of go sit or like stopped hanging out with mm-hmm, where people who I thought were like bad influences, mm-hmm like Wanted me to always either drink or we're always smoking weed and never like Never really respecting my request to like hey, man, can you not smoke weed when we hang out? Because it kind of kind of could like Endanger me in my career. I get secondhand. I right with you know, mm-hmm being it being federally legal, mm-hmm and um, people who, like that, just like you know, are bad influences and not like willing to like Respect those things we're. It's very easy for me to like, just alright, I'm gonna let this go right, you know, because this is clearly not gonna be. You know, I feel I feel tempted to do things that I know are not honoring to God and stuff, mm-hmm, and like the truth is, with this dude, like I can't think of one thing that we have done that wasn't like just good, like Good, okay, time, you know not that, it was always like I don't want to say fellowship, because he's not a believer, right, mm-hmm, but like he's never been like hey, dude, let's get shit faced tonight. Or hey, man, can we just like trip-ass it? Or, you know, hey, man, let's go to strip. It's never been anything like that. So it feels a little like more like damn, I'm really just like, my feelings are just hurt and it feels like the final straw, yeah, and that feels kind of wimpy. But at the same time I just I'm thinking, I'm like I feel like guys need to know that it's Okay, like it's okay to just be like hey, you know what? We don't click, mm-hmm. We used to, we don't anymore. Yeah, and for my own Like mental health and not letting our friendship, like because that dude it ruined like two, three days, like I did not have a great fourth of July because I was just still bummed, I was still sad, I was like, damn man, I really hate the way he said. That Really hurt my feelings. I still feel like I want to have a shower argument playing it back over my head a million times Mm-hmm, and it's a dumb text message, right, and I should be happy to hang out with my like in-laws, my wife, for fourth of July. I'm just bummed, yeah, and it's just not worth that man, it's not worth that kind of cost. Yeah, I don't know a friendship that is worth that. Like I love my friends, but I can't think of one friend that I'd like I'd rather keep you around and be sad when I'm trying to have good quality time with family. Right, because you were mean to me.
Pat:You know, yeah, yeah, for me I've reclassified a few people and my life is where it's like I don't call them brother anymore, like you're my friend, sure, yeah, you're my buddy, but I don't call you brother, because that for me that's where the yeah, that like they don't get to have that place anymore, and then it's sad, but then, but it ends up being healthier to To reclassify, you know and it's like and so, and I guess I've never told somebody, that's just straight up. So I don't know how you go about it, yeah.
Mick:I know right it's like.
Pat:And here's the deal to you with something like this, you can Whatever you say. It's not gonna be received. Well, because it's gonna? Because guess what? Now you're the judgmental Christian.
Pat:And so you're.
Mick:You're damned if you do, damned if you don't which is why I'm gonna try to be like look, man, it's not about you being a bad Influenced in regards, like trying to Tent me to do anything, or like you're always trying to like put me in a situation where you know I'm having to pick between being goody, two shoes or compromising Mm-hmm. So really, just like You're like, you're mean, like I'm not gonna like lean on Christ at all, of like a I feel like God it would is telling me that this isn't glorifying to him. I'm back, do you look? I just don't like the way you talked to me, in the way it makes me miss out on time with others. Yeah and that's just gotta put some boundaries here. But the thing I think that makes me sad about it is like he thinks that we're really really close friends. Mm-hmm, he's mentioned to me several times, especially like after talking about, like you know, just some of the experience experiences have gone through. He said like I really appreciate how close of friends we are, how you guys were like here for me and helped me kind of through the process, hung out with me and gave me community. I'm like dude, I'm also happy for that. Mm-hmm the same time, I don't think we're as close of friends. I don't feel as close to you as I think you feel does or to me because I feel like you don't know me.
Pat:I'm right. Yeah, or at least respect you either.
Mick:Yeah, you know, so Kind of sad thing, man, but I feel like it means you should talk about that so that way, because I think I think ghosty, no homie, is just Bad, honorable.
Pat:Yeah, there's no integrity in it, Mm-hmm and I think the Honestly it'll be freeing like there was. I had a relationship with it. It just like tore me up a woman.
Mick:You said no one relationship with a dude.
Pat:Yeah, you know, and it was just like things went sour and it just like tore me up for a long time was like you know, and I like in a effective, in a way that I didn't even know I could be affected by that, because you think you just like Brush it off. But, like you're saying, where it wrecks days at a time and it was just like, all right, like this can't, this has to be put into a different box, a different classification, mm-hmm, that's where it's gonna sit.
Mick:I don't think I've ever felt that way until I was literally with I Realized not even time with my wife and family like is making me Forget about it.
Mick:Like it's, it's so. We need to say, right, it's silly, but it's just like does feel like a breakup. Like does feel like you got to dump the chick.
Pat:Yep, yep, yeah, you and you aren't doing him any favors by like Just letting him have a place where he can just Be an ass, an angry ass, you know which is again like To his credit, like when we're on all a group.
Mick:One of the nicest dudes right, you know I mean yeah, but anyways, what about did you? Do you and that guy ever kind of reconnect as friends again? Or is it just like you just remain acquaintances?
Pat:But at this, point, we just remain acquaintances.
Mick:You know, like you know, and that's could be in the same room and hang out and talk and stuff, but like it's not the same like level of yeah not the same trust, not the same connection?
Pat:for sure, yeah. And so it's like man, I'm a brother, you're, you're, you're a friend. You know, if someone asked me, your friends was good, yeah, it's my friend. Yeah, you know that's Pooey, it is makes me sad on a not sad note. Mm-hmm.
Mick:I forgot what I was gonna say, sorry there's something about space that I was gonna bring up tonight, about something from the new James Webb telescope, but I couldn't recall it.
Mick:Oh, on a kind of Light note, or like a at least this is good news note. Right, yeah, someone did the math for the Decompression submarine, the Titan sub, that exploded, oh yeah, so I did the math and they didn't feel anything. Hmm, it got hotter than the surface of the Sun inside that submarine when it imploded, my god, and the pressure and Material was made out of was made out of carbon fiber.
Mick:So the pressure from the water rushing in, the pressure from the submarine imploding, a Shrattin, all of the carbon fire, fiber breaking, because when carbon fiber breaks it's not like metal ripping or denting right, when carbon fiber breaks it like shatters, you know it's needles. Yeah, all that combined with the heat, the medical term that is being used by doctors and people who know sub stuff, and all that math. Well, Mm-hmm. Toothpaste oh my god, like instantaneous, just toothpaste. It's still like a lot of people like I don't know why they're spending money doing searches for any Remains there's no remains right, like you found pieces of the sub. That's all that's gonna be there. You might find a tooth not even but like good luck.
Pat:Not even you might find a Filling you know, you know hotter than the surface of the Sun.
Mick:Yeah, cuz it was like it's the. It's the fact that there's pressure inside and you know, air mm-hmm gas that has nowhere to go, and you can see this happen with like mantis shrimp. Oh yeah. I pump their cars and there's like the boom, the little spark. Yeah, because they create a vacuum and the water comes back in to fill that hole so quick that it explodes, right, but yeah, it's essentially happening. So I kind of they're like just know that, like they at most had an alarm and only one person, like only the dude who was piloting, probably was like that's not good and it probably wasn't even like a full thought it was like that's, and then it was over, wow.
Pat:Because it was piloted by a Xbox remote. Not even I mean, it was not golf.
Mick:Yeah, Xbox remote, which the issue a lot of people are saying is like look, we have billion dollar submarines that are piloted by Microsoft Xbox controllers. That's totally fine. In fact, those controllers are so advanced in technology there's a reason they're still 60 to 100 bucks a piece. Mm. Hmm, the issue was that they were using a wireless controller. That's what.
Pat:I was going to say, because everything was Bluetooth. And I'm like, bro, there was zero manual controls and it's Bluetooth. Yeah, guess what? I've been on the surface of the land, of the land and in my surface of the land in my and my phone won't connect to my car, which it connects to all the time. Yeah, and then it won't connect and I was just like what the hell are they doing? All they had in there was to do that. It was two old school monitors, you see them screwed into the bulkhead, that part of straight. I was like I would never let anybody screw me into anything that you can't get out of. Even if it was floating, they would have been dead. Even if it was floating, they couldn't get out. Oh my God, Horrible, horrible. Has anybody ever been hit by a mantis shrimp? Like any jackass guys, you can watch guys get punched by them. They're like it doesn't kill you, yeah, but yeah, but I'm sure it's like worse than a bee sting. Yeah, you bleed.
Mick:I watched the guy. He caught one and it landed in his kayak, oh, and it started punching him in a punched and tore his wetsuit and, like you, could see a good amount of blood coming out of his wetsuit.
Pat:Wow, that's incredible. They put those things on sushi.
Mick:I don't think so. I don't think he was trying to catch it, I think he just reeled it up. You know, man?
Pat:Man, wow, the. I was reading some of the emails from the. The inventor of the sub with like an engineer and the engineer was just like carbon fiber has an expiration date. Yeah, all that stuff. And then he even threw in there like engineers, like do not find it ironic with the argument you're making, is the same argument they used on the Titanic? Yeah, I know, oh man, sad story.
Mick:You're going to see the Titanic. Yeah, it's pretty sad, but it's like I mean again, I feel like I would have been way more sad and like, OK, it doesn't matter that I'm sad, People died.
Pat:That's what matters.
Mick:That's unfortunate, but I would have had a lot, like a lot more grief over it, I think, if it was like, yeah, they like strangled each other because they knew they were going to run out of air and they were just sitting at the bottom of the seabed hoping someone would come rescue them, right For 96 hours. Right, yeah, like that is hellish. The idea that all of them probably had no idea. They were just looking at the monitors like wow, and then it was over, that's, you know, that's, that's a better.
Pat:That's good, yeah, and it's slowly filling with water. You know that's. But oh man, the and you know it is a deal Extreme explorers Been dying since the beginning of time. That's just the name of the game. On some of that stuff, If you're going in whatever prototype thing in 2000 BC or prototype thing in 2000 AD, you're you're getting risky.
Mick:Well, ironically, a buddy of mine told me this ironically, one of the dudes the Titanic expert that was on it Probably would have been the first people called in the event of this situation happening, because they would have been like. They would have asked like well, can you help us map out, like and understand where everything's at and where they're like, most likely to be debris, and like what the currents are? Right, Because the dude was an absolute like renowned world expert on the Titanic and where it's at and the environment around it, and so like I thought that was kind of very ironic, and do you know how much it that?
Pat:what was the name of the that? What was the name of the? The credit and the Titan. Do you know how much the Titan cost to build?
Mick:I don't know. They said they spend over a million dollars a year in gas to get the ship out there and then run the fuel to operate it and then, like, use the crane to pull it in and out. I know tickets to ride were 100 K right, that's.
Pat:I'm just one like.
Mick:They said they, the company was never in the black.
Pat:Yeah, yeah, I feel like the vessel itself, though, was just not very complex, or I don't know.
Mick:Yeah, I'm under engineering, there's a lot of college interns I think is what they said like a lot of college intern engineers that does like that. They'd asked to design it and build it.
Pat:And I think too that the, the viewport capability was so crappy it was not worth it. Yeah, you were. Most of the time you were spending was looking at the monitor screen. Did I want to do from up here?
Mick:I can't imagine what price tag I would pay to do that. I don't think I'd do it for free. To look through a four inch hole and sit on my cross-legged on my butt for eight hours to go down and come back up on it. You know, I just, I just I can't imagine like, yeah, you get to say you did it, but it's like I don't know. I'd much rather save my money to go to space. You know what I mean? Like be one on the the passenger rockets that are coming out. There is a, there is. It did give me going down a deep dive though of like luxurious niche tours, oh yeah, and have you heard about this blimp that is being built and designed and the tickets are two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. It will go from Africa to the Antarctic and back and like five days or something. Huh, can only, it can only supposed to be very luxurious, supposed to have like a chef and a bar, and has like six cabins, each designed for a couple, so it's only like supposed to have like 12 passengers at most. Yeah, and it's like five hundred K starting, and I was just like saying that's crazy, but that'd be pretty bad ass. Like the whole bottom, like there's a lot of it, that's glass bottom, oh, wow. So you like look down through the glass as it's flying over.
Pat:That's cool.
Pat:I've just been anti-blimp since, like the.
Mick:Hindenburg Dude, I'm, I do. I think blimps should come back. Yeah, I would do a blimp cruise in a heartbeat. Hmm, like I love normal cruises. Hmm, it's such a great experience.
Pat:Hmm. That, all that, but in the air, would be hella sick Elvis impersonator up there and eating some all you can eat Sushi.
Mick:Have you ever been on a cruise ship?
Mick:Doesn't it just melt your brain that that thing's floating in the ocean and how like there's auditoriums. It's wild, it's mind boggling.
Pat:It is crazy the there's some people who, if you do it right, you can like when you retire, it's cheaper to just cruise cruise. Yeah, they just cruise hop around.
Mick:We met a lot of those people.
Mick:When we went they had been like on over 80 cruises and they were just jumping from ship to ship last minute because that's the cheapest Going in the seats.
Pat:Yeah, hmm, it's crazy. The I would like to. I wouldn't mind flying a plane out of the bottom of a blimp, like Indiana Jones.
Mick:Dude speaking of that.
Mick:I heard the first, not the first one. The news one sucks. I heard it is not good, it was oh you saw it.
Pat:I did, I went and saw it.
Mick:I just heard it was like I heard it made the crystal skull look fun.
Pat:I think I, yeah, it's, it's what it's what it is. You know, what do you mean? I haven't seen it. I mean I've only watched a couple of reviews. Yeah, it's just that I had really low expectations going into it. Like I was like going into it, I was like if he cracks his whip and it plays D to D, d I'll be happy, like that was like that's where I set my expectations in order to have a good time with it. Yeah, because, yeah, no, it was. I think I liked it better than crystal school, but really, but it's, you know, the last time I saw crystal school in theaters when it came out, yeah, you know, like, I just saw this one in theaters when it came out.
Mick:You know, the next time we're going to see it, probably never, yeah you know, dude, I'm a firm believer that if crystal school didn't have the huge like alien plot in it, like if it was just subbed out for something else crystal schools being, you know, supernatural artifacts that's totally fine, yeah, Like. But just like the alien plot I think really didn't fit or work well. I think the CGI was not the best, especially like the chase through the jungle with the giant buzz saw truck, but the rest of that movie I think works pretty well, Like. I really enjoyed the whole, like greasers versus jocks.
Pat:Oh yeah.
Mick:Seeing and, like you know, the, the stuff that was practical in that movie I thought was great the Mayan or Aztec temple, lincoln temple, where, like they're having to worry about, like the natives protecting it and like they're just all, like no holds barred, trying to kill everybody. I thought that was cool. Yeah, like that felt really temple of doom stuff. You know the rest of it like that movie. I think if you just sub out the aliens works really well.
Pat:I think this one's similar in like the. I don't even know what they're trying to get when they, when you, they rely on too much CGI because there's like, also like.
Mick:I heard. The first, like 30 minutes is like CGI Harrison Ford face that is D aged and it didn't. There's way better YouTube D aging than there is in that movie I heard yeah.
Pat:And the problem would be watching it on a movie theater screen. If you watch it on a TV, you'd be like like that's, you'd still see the see where it's jacked. But like watching it on that big of a screen, that many like it was, it was like a full shot of his face, just right there. And it's like, and I think they thought, if anything too is like, think about how far AI's come in the past 12 months yeah, they were working on this way before and I think they rely on that too much as a gimmick, that would be cool. And now it's like I can D age stuff on my phone, you know, or whatever. And then so it's. It wasn't as cool or a wow factor as it would have been two, three years ago maybe. And then the other part, uh, we rely on too much CGI. And then when the artifact stuff gets too weird, too far out there, we're like, and I'd say you know, the stuff with the Holy Grail and the stuff with the, with the Ark of the Covenant, maybe it wasn't too far out there, you know, it just was kind of it was. It just had mystic elements. It was awe inspiring.
Mick:Yeah, yeah, exactly Like when it really shows like dude, this crusader still here. This is, oh my gosh, yeah, like this is nuts. It's just incredible. And so then the those pieces, they, they relied too much on CGI they relied too much on.
Pat:Then the other thing that I think is really cool is that it's like CGI they relied too much on, uh, and then any time you bring in time travel stuff, it just gets weird. You know, and they did, they actually didn't. They didn't do because it's the dial of destiny, right, it's this thing, and so, like they, they didn't do it. There's not like like, there's like time hopping thing that they do throughout the whole movie or whatever. But just like the um, they relied too much on the artifact. Just like the crystal school thing where it was just like eh, you know, that's Okay. Then there was like this one reveal where they tried to be it. Just lots of stuff fell flat in it.
Mick:You know, and then.
Pat:So, like I said, I just put my expectations on seeing Indiana Jones crack his whip, and I got it.
Mick:Nice, you know, yeah, yeah, I get that. I don't think I'm going to watch it Like I don't think I've really just it all. Yeah, not like out of protest, just like. Yeah, I don't really think it warrants a bruise and reviews episode or anything.
Pat:Because I think the thing about the crystal school, it came out so it came out so long after the other ones that the nostalgia factor was awesome. You know, just like and then like, oh he has a son and all you know, all the stuff you know, and then, like the nostalgia factors in this one just weren't, as it's like we already got that in the last one you know. So, yeah, aren't he?
Mick:That's that Well what do you think? I feel like this is a good up. I think so. Wrap it up.
Pat:Yeah, we covered a couple of different things.
Mick:Covered a lot of things. Oh yeah, had some comedy, had some serious discussion and advice. Oh yeah, I feel pretty good about it. I hope our kid out there are enjoying it and I hope we can get to the next phase. I hope you all are in the zone and ready for kind of this next phase as we're moving into it, doing a lot of rebranding, changing a lot of the episode titles to keep them in like a sequential order. So if you know you want to watch stuff in order, it will still be in order. But we're going to try to search engine optimize the titles for you know, as we learn we kind of figured out hey, apparently the numbering your episodes isn't good for distribution, so doing a little bit of rebranding on that, but everything else will still be in order. We got a bruise and reviews from the vault coming out this week about the terminal list and thoughts on that. So stick around for that, but that's pretty much all so well. More updates for you next time.
Pat:Yeah, till next time.