Pop a tab and pull up a seat, because Mick and Pat are pouring out the latest suds and insights – and trust me, you'll want to hear this. As we dissect True Detective's Night Country and swig on the distinct tang of Trve Brewing's Buried Sun, we're not just quenching thirsts; we're cracking cases and flavor profiles wide open. Mick's journey to the Trve Brewing taproom left him with more than a few Belgian brews; it gave us trucker hats teetering on the edge of brewery flair and metalhead cred, and a taste for the sour side of life that's as unexpected as the plot twists in tonight's series critique.

Navigating the labyrinth of True Detective's fourth season, we're untangling threads of narrative choices, character arcs, and the delicate subject matter that left us as chilled as the caverns of Tsalal. But first, we're sipping on sours that range from apple-crisp revelations to the comforting familiarity of sour candies.  Grab your favorite brew and let's wade through the highs and lows, from the complex to the controversial.

As the credits roll on True Detective's Night Country, we find ourselves at a crossroads – where storytelling meets disappointment and the taste of a well-crafted beer can sometimes surpass the flavor of a finale. And if you're craving a Trve Brewery creation, we're the hookup you need, just a message away from sharing the excellence of Colorado's finest. So let's raise a glass to the beers that shine even when the show's light dims – this is Brews and Reviews, where every sip and scene is served raw and real.

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00:00 - Brews and Reviews With Makin' Pat

13:26 - Sour Beer Tasting Discussion

19:17 - Beer Review

31:02 - Mysteries Uncovered in Ice Caves

37:57 - Plot Analysis of Immortality Microorganism

50:42 - Mystery Unraveled in "Salal" Community

01:00:19 - Critique of Character Development and Plot

01:05:04 - True Detective Night Country Review

01:13:17 - True Brewery Beer Recommendation

Speaker 1:

We ride together, we die together. Bad boys for life. Get busy living. Fuck that busy diet. Gang first last. Please don't entertain. Oh, you're not entertained. Welcome to Brews and Reviews with Makin' Pat. I'm Mick and I'm Pat. In each week we sit down with you, degenerates to pretend we're certified Ciceroans and Cinephiles.

Speaker 2:

That is right. So grab a cold one and join us as we review true brewing buried sun and true detective Night Country, season 4, part 6.

Speaker 1:

And if you've been with us before, you know what time it is. Release the Kraken.

Speaker 2:

I always try to get it pre-kraken. I get it when it's the cracked and then it cracks. It goes full kraken.

Speaker 1:

My rules go crack after the kraken.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, I know I'm trying, that's what I'm trying to crack too, but I'm trying to.

Speaker 1:

You were a little early on that I'm trying to get my finger under there and then it I pre-krak. A little too excited.

Speaker 2:

Woo, I forgot that was going to taste like that.

Speaker 1:

Wait, what do you mean? You've never even had this.

Speaker 2:

I forgot that it was a sour beer. I just wasn't ready for the tartness. It was good.

Speaker 1:

Buried Sun is a sour from true brewing which, ironically, when I went down to their taproom this weekend, one of the reviews said that it was a great place if you love sour's. But if sour's aren't your thing, skip it. And I was like what. I've never even had a sour from them.

Speaker 2:

And so they said, wait, skip it if. If sour's aren't your thing, skip the whole brewery.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was shocking, because I think I guess I mean the review was written like over two years ago, right, so I wonder if they were way more sour heavy at one time, because we've never had a sour by them, yeah, and all their other beers been just rippers, yeah dude, which I will say. This weekend I also I sent Pat a video not a video picture of two, four packs from true, saying, hey, which one should we review for the finale? And he picked this one buried son. And then I also bought just the other one to drink myself called neon. What was that called Neon? Yeah, whatever, it was like neon horror or something like that, but it was a. It was another, say son, it was way better than siren. Really, I thought siren was good but, dude, this one was like knock my pants off, all right, delicious, good. And then I had some a big Belgian guy and they had one in house that's like just there, Like it's like in a, it's a bottle, it's a big bottle, right, like it, I don't know, 18 ounce bottle or whatever. And it's called dead monk. Oh wow, and it's super good. I bought their double Belgian and then I bought the quadruple Belgian Nice, I haven't tried that one yet, but they're both dead monks and they're there. The double one was amazing, I think, just as good as anything new Belgian has put out for like Belgium, like Belgium. So all I said I got, went to the tap room and got some pretty sick stuff and got this dope shirt it is dope shirt into a pat. I've been waiting all night because I got used something to do. Oh no, yeah, bro, did you? Yeah, I did. I didn't want to. We've been hanging out for a while tonight, but I didn't want to give it to you without being recorded.

Speaker 2:

Is this some true brewing undies Just like some metal undies.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude. No, bro, it was like all right. So it was a balance of like I already told you this, but there was a lot of stuff at the tap room that I was like that's pretty cool, but like I'll never wear that in public because I'm not that hardcore, like metal wise. Yeah, like I like metal music. To some, like I like some metal music, I would say but I'm not like enough of a metalhead to just like be repping some of their like really outgoing metal stuff. So I also try to get some of the tasteful that you would wear, that's not just like super loud. So I got you, I got you this hat bro, I got you their trucker flat bill.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I like this thing.

Speaker 1:

And there was that one, and then it was in a couple of different colors of the stitching, but it was like neon orange and neon green. I was like that looks a little bit too much like a monster. Oh monster. And I don't think you really want to be walking around with a monster.

Speaker 2:

Because what is this font like this? I've this slasher font, or something it's called something like that, but I like it. Love a good trucker hat. I'm going to wear this to lead worship on Sunday. Hell yeah, dude, heaven yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think I actually might do that. Be sexy If anyone else recognize game. Recognized game, oh yeah, dude. But I got the six shirt of a night like a badass medieval, like fantasy, dark fantasy night sitting on a keg of ale drinking a beer, and it's a true brewing black night shirt and it was pretty sick and I could. I could see myself wearing it for D&D, so that's why I got it and I would wear this to the gym. I don't think it's like, I don't think it's cringe, no it's not.

Speaker 2:

It's not too like loud or too metal. I think it's fine. I think it's good. I'm going to put this thing on right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do you wear flat bill?

Speaker 2:

I couldn't remember they didn't have any non flat bills, I'll say that I do wear a flat bill, but I put the little, I put a little bit of, I put a little curve in it. That's fine. I mean, it's a trucker hat too, it is. Oh, I got to go one more, one more.

Speaker 1:

You got a whole head of hair there, though. Yes, thick head.

Speaker 2:

It's got a little out of control. There it is. That's the size.

Speaker 1:

You look like the drummer in a metal band right now.

Speaker 2:

Oh my goodness. Well, thank you for my hat. You're welcome, you're welcome man the can. The can, surprisingly or not, matt Black can, with some rowdy dope art on it.

Speaker 1:

They do have cans that aren't Matt Black down in Denver. All right, but they're like standard 12 ounce cans, okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like these things. So we've got buried sun, mixed culture, sour ale and for our can art here. We've got in the background, I'd say like a full moon, but also maybe like it's water, like a little bit, like a little bit of water in the background and the moon could be full moon or a little bit of water. What do you think? It's a little bit of both.

Speaker 1:

I think it's. I think it's uh, I don't know. Part of me just thinks it's just background. Yeah, like you know how some of the other cans just have a shape. Yeah, like it's just a diamond or triangles and triangles. Part of me just thinks is like it's just an aesthetic background. I could, I could see it definitely being water ripples. I think it could be also the reflection of a setting moon rising moon, Something like that Little purple.

Speaker 2:

It's shiny, but we've got a disturbing figure on here. It is a goat man with a staff and it's a goat skeleton wearing a robe and he's holding staff and he's standing up in a coffin.

Speaker 1:

Kind of looks like a the guy that ferries you across the river Styx.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Stygian, what's that called?

Speaker 2:

Did you pay him? In Greek, lore, you pay him to two pieces of money, and that's why they put money on your eyes. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

They called like the Stygian, not ormen. But you know I'm talking.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Stygian ferryman.

Speaker 2:

That's what I think. You know. It gives me ferryman vibes Definitely also with that. So like I feel like that is water and moon in the background but in this case, his ferry would be a coffin, and it's a. It strikes fear into my heart. And so I think that that is what they're going for. Like we said, it's a sour beer, 5.7 ABV, and when I turned to read about the content, it was blank. No true troubadour hops or malts or anything like that. It's just blank. So maybe they're keeping the. They're just keeping it 100% on wraps. They don't want people to know what they're putting in here.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if there's like if sour recipes are more tightly guarded, because a mixed culture sour to me makes me think that is like all right. So can you give me the breakdown? I already know this but I guess might not know the background of like how do you make a sour beer?

Speaker 2:

You, just you set it out and make it get sour, no what?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All right, I'll break down to it, because I know how it's made.

Speaker 1:

So sour beers are almost always made by taking wine cask, like the giant wine fooders, or what they're called, in their like you know, 20 foot tall oak, or I guess they're not always made out, but most of the time they made out of oak.

Speaker 2:

Looks like a giant, weird shaped whiskey barrel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's what the wine is like left to firm in. But after you do that for like 20 years they kind of get worn out and you can't ferment wine in them anymore very well. But someone realized you can make really crazy yummy beer in it. So they buy those fooders and they pour the beer in there to culture and the cultures that exist in this wood in these fooders are like very desirable sometimes to get a very unique sour flavor out of. And you can win an insane amount of money when you submit your like sour or, say son, to a lot of competitions to kind of like do this stuff, which is like why lawfully is so successful, for New Belgium was like it was like their first, like like big sour winner abroad. So all I said I imagine it's a closely guarded secret of like where their wine barrels are coming from, what is being cultured within that. You know what other yeast they're mixing on with that to get this, get this flavor.

Speaker 2:

So they're keeping this recipe on wraps. They don't want us to know which is fine because it tastes good.

Speaker 1:

Wow, this is my first sip. That's what I want from a sour. Yeah, that's why I gave that reaction when I took that sip, I was like I didn't know if it was positive or negative reaction.

Speaker 2:

It was that like that, that warhead reaction. You know, the saliva instantly was Wow, I'm so good. I love that and I picked this one where you gave me the two choices, because, like one, it was a sour and we hadn't done it before, we hadn't done a sour from this brewery. But then also I was like I felt like this can was just so in the vein of you know, true detective. Yeah, night country stuff with the skulls and things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's a wow, that's really good. Um well, uh, as everyone knows, push it through your teeth test. I'll explain it while Pat takes a sip here.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I can do it for the whole time you explain yeah, you can. I'm like drooling everywhere with this sour. All right, so push through your teeth test.

Speaker 1:

Take a sip tablespoon amount into your mouth and then you let it roll over the back of your tongue, uh, down by between the sides of your molars, and then you switch it side to side across those molars and then you let it pull in front of the tongue, put your tongue against the roof of your mouth and push your tongue forward, pushing the beer through the front of your teeth, just like you're hearing coming from Pat right now, and that should aerate it to give you a lot of flavor and help find what, whatever individual notes might be in the beer. So while I do mine, pat, tell me what you taste.

Speaker 2:

It tasted sour, but I'm trying to see what the it actually was. By the end of the taste it was less sour. I felt like I was just getting more of the whatever, whatever wine cask it's been in. That's the flavor just felt whiny. You get that. The sour flavors went, the sour concentration went away and more of the flavors were popping through. What?

Speaker 1:

do you think? Well, I'll say this I'm not a big wine guy, I don't like wine, but I definitely think that there is a. Honestly, close your eyes, imagine that taste on your tongue. I just been into a granny apple, bro. That's a like granny apple to a T, I think, like from beginning to end, especially after the swish test. Yeah, because it's that sour in the beginning, but then it is that crispy, sweet and I think that's exactly what it tastes like. Maybe that's why I like green apples so much. I hate red apples.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I can eat green apples like candy all day. I can eat them until I get sick Wow.

Speaker 2:

The. I agree it's all green apple. That's what they're doing right there.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if there's. I'm trying to wonder if there's much more in there like flavor-wise.

Speaker 2:

That is like looking at it, it really does look like apple juice, like like sour is due this way more, when you pour them you know they don't look like your other beers. It's like you can tell this is, you can tell a sour when it's been poured a lot of time.

Speaker 1:

It just looks a little thicker, I think maybe for lack of better more to describe it. Yeah, it does have like an apple caramel color to it. It's gosh dude, I'm just really. It's not that it's a bad taste, by any means, man. It's just that is the overwhelming taste I get. So, yeah, I guess I don't even know if I have any more notes on the flavor, it's a sour. It's sour Like, but it's not the most sour. In fact I would say it's less sour than freak or frike. Do you remember that?

Speaker 2:

freak yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, From Odell's the raspberry cherry sour.

Speaker 2:

I think it's a little less sour than that one, but, like now, I'm trying to find any other taste and that's really all I can find in. There is just but it's not like cidery. No, it's not cidery at all, not apple at all. Just Wait it is apple. But not, not apple in like apple cider, not like fermented sugary. Yeah, no, it just tastes like a after taste of a green apple.

Speaker 1:

What do you genuinely feel generally feel about sour, Like yeah, I mean, I'm a sour fiend. It's very hard for me not to enjoy one I like the vinegariness of them, maybe that's actually, I don't know. I've never had a lot of apple cider vinegar. What do you think? Is it kind of?

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I would, and I've had apple cider vinegar before, just like straight up, like a shot of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and that is not something you want to like a sip on.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I said that there's no cider bit to it, but there's just sour green apple and for sour beers for me, I think that I could maybe take them or leave them in general Like if there was really I know. So it's like I like to enjoy one, like I probably have, like maybe for a year, okay, you know, just like two of those being on this show, right? So like I don't necessarily, if I see, if I see it on the menu, like I just very quickly go past it so wow. But it's not that I don't like them, I just they don't, they don't get to me like they get to others.

Speaker 1:

No, and you know what. That's okay, man, that's all right, because I'm the total opposite. If I stop and pause and debate getting a beer when I'm out to dinner, when I see a sour beer on the menu, especially if it's one I haven't tried, which I know is weird, because all people are like dude, why would you ruin your appetite with something sour like that?

Speaker 2:

Cause I definitely don't think sour beer and steak go together, right, but I don't know, and I think I do like them, like it doesn't ruin my meal, but I just I stopped my investigation at the word sour. I don't read who made it, where it's from, what the rest of the name is, and it's just like if I'm in the mood for a sour, then I which is very rare then I'm just getting it All right. Yeah, so that's how it's going. For Otherwise it's like um, we just. It just keeps on going down. My eyes just keep going down the menu.

Speaker 1:

So I guess, then I guess I would imagine your review of sour is usually more critical. Like they got a, they got a little bit of further to go before they can, like, earn their, earn their room in your repertoire of beer you might drink.

Speaker 2:

I think so and I think, just in my mind, I don't think of them as beer, even though they are beer. Like if I'm like, if my plan is like to go get a beer that doesn't pop into my head, Kind of like this is a stretch. Like if you're like heading out to go get pizza and then you're like you get a calzone, Like it's really is pizza folded in half Right, like it's, beat Like it's beat Like. That's what it is Like in my mind. I've never like it, just I have in my that's how I categorize them. There's some different places, even though it is beer, so sometimes I'm like a sunny day, spring day. I'm thinking to myself that sour beer sounds kind of refreshing right now.

Speaker 1:

Sounds nice. Yeah, no, they definitely are a seasonal, more seasonal beer, I think. Right, like, definitely more enjoyable in the summer. Um, well, I guess we'll balance out here. You know, just cause whatever review you give it, it's got an uphill battle to get that. For me, sours Sours are like the opposite of IPAs. It's almost it's almost impossible for sour not to get a thumb up. For me, like, you got to really script the sour recipe to make me not enjoy it. Um, but you know, this is it's tart. It's got a really balanced overall flavor, I think to me, like from beginning to end, especially like the thing I love about Sours is that they taste different on each part of my tongue and I really enjoy that a lot.

Speaker 2:

And as you drink them. Yeah, like the first two sips are way different than like your last.

Speaker 1:

So all I said uh, and I'm probably just, you know, I'm just being my kid's self I loved sour candy.

Speaker 2:

You know what?

Speaker 1:

I mean, so much is so. These just taste like free dessert, you know. I'm you know I'm um. So all I said, pat. What do you? What do you think you're going to give buried son by? True, it's true, you're going to finish strong here, dude. Are they going to finish strong or are they dropping the?

Speaker 2:

ball. Well, I am going to give them a one thumb up. You're giving it a one thumb for sour beers. In my experience, I think that the one like the this when you drink this, you say this is a sour, this is good beer. All right, we're heading the right direction. The other thing that the one thing about that I'm it's really pushing it up to there for me is drinkability. I think that there are a lot of sours that are just like I almost like make my stomach hurt after like a few sips, or like they're just like too much to handle, like it's just really like a some some sours really just need to come on a beer flight that has like a bunch of other types of beer and then a like flight sized sour is like really as much as you can handle that just because it is so sour, just so intense. Yeah, like almost like drinking like a glass of wine, like you wouldn't just pour a pint glass. Yeah, full of wine. Yeah, you know, like you'd enjoy like a five ounce taster of several different kinds. Right, and so I think this does fall into, like the drinkability factor of like you can, I can have a mug of this. You can have a mug of it as we are right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I, you know, pat, I'm going to agree with you. I'm giving them a one thumb, and I'm only giving them a one thumb because I enjoy sour so much that it's very hard to get to the two thumbs for me with sours, you got to be almost, you got to be very unique and have multiple different layers of flavors, rather than just the straight tart, you know, or the you know, the straight fruit, and so it's really good. It definitely stands out amongst Sours and I would say, like a lot of people, like I think it online they listed as a Well, the Kansas mixed culture sour ale, but I think online I've seen it listed as a farmhouse sour, which is like the next step up from a saison usually, and I think, if I remember correctly, it usually goes like in rank of like sourness, tartness, like saison, farmhouse Gosa and then I don't know where everything else falls. Right, those are the ones.

Speaker 2:

I'm most familiar with and some of those upper ones are Probably more. The ones are like you go for on the sip, like, on like a sipper route like or that's usually sort of serve smaller Like because the farmhouse is, I think, to be too like. I think of like a couple people I've known who've like made. They make like blueberry wine at their house and stuff like that sort of like something about this does have this, like this thing. I feel like this would be in.

Speaker 1:

I think it's got a weedy flavor to it. Maybe it feels a little bit.

Speaker 2:

It just feels like it would be in a cask down in a cellar, yeah. But someone might pull out like, yes, you know, it wasn't, like, it wasn't necessarily brood by, like Somebody using a microscope and some like something that they shipped over for seventy thousand dollars from France.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, no, you're right.

Speaker 2:

You know like what's the, the big barrel called you in the fooder, the fooder. You know like. You know $70,000 fooder like those, get in that range right like so like versus like. This is more of like.

Speaker 1:

You know, just me, mom, in a good way and it does have that like home Grown flavor kind of to it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're just. The true people right now are just like ripping their hair out. They did brew this in some freaking hundred thousand dollar food or anyways, I like it a lot.

Speaker 1:

I give it a thumb, pat gives it a thumb, so two thumbs up here from the Mickey Pad show. That puts it at about a Excuse me three point seven, five out of five rating, which is a really great review for a beer. Honestly, in updating our beer reviews on untapped Mm-hmm, I I'm happy with how strict we've been because it for some for a while there I'm like man, we just gave out too many thumbs ups Mm-hmm. And then I look through a lot of them like, oh dude, actually we've given out way more.

Speaker 2:

No thumbs Mm-hmm than anything else, and I was thinking about this. There may have to be a, a Like, a card we can pull sometime, which is the three-thumber, not per person meaning not, no, not, not like something that's off the charts, meaning Lots of times. We're both gonna give a one thumb and we're never gonna give a two thumb. But really a beer is kind of in the the three thumb I'm collective right and it's kind of hard to get there just just from, like you know it, has to be one of the two of us who loves it. So we may have ever, ever, every once we'll have to be like I don't know, or is this? A is Like we have to give it a one point five each. You know what I mean, because we're never gonna get to the. The three thumb is just a hard thing to reach that is.

Speaker 1:

That is You're right. You're right. No, I hear what you're saying. That's actually a good call. We should consider that so. Um well, all right, delicious, excellent. I can't wait to pour my second one so that way I hopefully remember less of true detective night country Pat. Oh, true detective night country man. I hope they made a lot of money. Apparently they did did. Apparently they made a ton of Of buckaroos. It was like the most streamed in thing on a Most streamed in like tuned in thing on HBO of all time of all time. Yeah, which is so freaking hard for me. I gotta imagine those numbers are inflated somehow.

Speaker 2:

It's gotta be Russian bot farmers more than Game of Thrones. That's what I'm saying. I don't know. I don't know even for like, even honestly, like season premiere of a house of dragon, like something like that you think would bring in more yeah than this yeah, but so We'll get to this at the. I'll bring that back up at the end that the most people tuned into it because I think I'm just Outlier or something. I don't know what's going on. But anyways, are you bitter? Are you jaded? I'm not bitter and jaded I'm just. I'm just beat down, I guess, and just I just apathetic.

Speaker 1:

How about this? How about let's see if you're bitter and jaded after I tell you this. Do you know what the rotten tomato score is amongst critics for this show?

Speaker 2:

Rotten tomatoes. I'm gonna give it a three Because it's a 10. It's out of 10. Rating on rotten tomatoes.

Speaker 1:

No, it's a. It's a percentile out of 100%. Right, so it's a 30% you think it's got a 30% on rotten tomatoes for the season. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that the eye like that, the that the critic rating is gonna be like 80, 90% and then the rotten tomatoes are gonna hit it with like the 35, 40 true detective season one.

Speaker 1:

The Critics give true detective season one and 91% Okay, which is a certified fresh rate rating they give. Audience gives it 88%. All right, so pretty. They agreed right, yeah, yeah, everyone was like this again. Everyone needs to go back and fix their season two reviews for real because season two is so good. But season two has a 47%, 85% by critics and a 25% by audience. Audience was, I think it was just. You know it was. It was a knee-jerk reaction was too high. It was a knee-jerk reaction.

Speaker 2:

Do you think that lots of audience members knew it wasn't gonna be a continuation of the story?

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think that's what threw us all off.

Speaker 2:

I was like I waited for Woody Harrelson.

Speaker 1:

The whole like your first two episodes. Yeah, I caught on. You know. Season three 84% from critics, 53% from audience. Okay, which I find it kind of surprising. I thought season three would have higher audience scores just because it's usually regarded as the best. One Night country is rated as 93% by critics, 2% higher than season one, 61% by audience. Hmm, some of these critics, bro. This is why I'm mad. This is why I'm mad, not not because that's because some people enjoyed it pandering, fart knockers, but dude, it's like what some people say about this season. People are saying that this is the best conclusion, the best finale the series has ever had. People are saying that this corrects any small errors that the season one made and it makes a flawless, like perfect season, like correcting where season one missed. That Isn't this like. Are you, is it part of you? Like, what the fuck did they watch?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I, I don't. I think it was pretty unoriginal finale and Unoriginal conclusion in some ways as well, as like the parts that weren't original. I mean that doesn't say the parts that were original weren't good, like the originality wasn't good and the Unoriginal was just played out to some of the, some of the pieces of it. So like.

Speaker 1:

The originality in my eyes is just like the parts that felt original, felt ripped off from season one, like word for word quotes from season one that they just gave to other characters. My goodness, I'm gonna look through here through a couple of ones, but I want you to start, go ahead, do the episode what, what it was about, and let's start kind of doing just a breakdown of what happened. Yes, then we could get into our beef with it.

Speaker 2:

So after this plus and we will get into some more We'll start getting into spoilers and things, but at this point you shouldn't be listening if you haven't just watched it yeah, this is or if you're just like. Also, maybe there are people at this point who are watching who are just like I'm not gonna watch it. I just want to hear what you have to say and I'm not going back in there because you guys say that it's not worth it. In part six Danvers and Navarro they finally start detecting by going into the ice caves in Salol. It's the last episode of the season and so many questions remain. Who is she and what does it mean that she's awake? Where's Clark, who killed the scientist? What did Holden tell Navarro? Which person was hold?

Speaker 1:

Oh, the kid holding the kid yeah, hold me, can tell the Navarro.

Speaker 2:

So you know, in this season or in this episode, yeah, basically they're just kind of Solving the case pretty fast pace at the end and, as you'd expect, and it's a wrap up, a good mystery, good crime show. You know, the pieces fall together at the end but these pieces Except for you to decide if there were much pieces at all at the end to tie together or not, or if they just gave us a conclusion. I love how it started off, with them Snow caving, spelunking, just completely unprepared.

Speaker 1:

No rope, no, no pitons, just no, nothing yeah just nothing like and Super dangerous.

Speaker 2:

And after all the talk of how dangerous it is out there, too they're just like and and, at the same time, the caves weren't that dangerous like they should have had, some like crevasses. They almost fell in, as there's lots of cool, there's lots of cool things in nature out there. They could really add to your Storytelling and could add a lot of conflict to characters just by the landscape, instead of this weird fake cave, weird fake ice cave. And so, yeah, it just kicked off, with them in the cave Searching for you know the answers and Searching for the message. Yeah, the message exactly. And they found Another spiral, another spiral, the surprisingly not they found the spiral which was was it a dinosaur?

Speaker 1:

No, I think it's supposed to be. It had us, I thought it had a skull. Now a lot of whale skulls kind of look like dinosaur skulls, yeah, but I noticed when they were zooming out it was like not just one skeleton in a spiral. Hmm, it was like a ton of fish skeletons, like tiny fish too. Oh it was like a bunch of different kind of bones and it looks like, okay, it looks like they got sucked down in a Vortex and then froze all of a sudden. Ah, which to me I'm just like what? The that's the fucking Spiral dog these.

Speaker 2:

That is like a hallucination of, you know, matthew McConaughey in season one that like, haunts him and follows him around and has become a Colt symbol for child molesters. Mm-hmm, huh.

Speaker 1:

That's the spiral.

Speaker 2:

All right, that's the best you got hey and the crutch of the spiral throughout the whole shit this whole season has just been, I Think. Also, here's what happened, I think, with the spiral. We know that this wasn't even written as a true detective show and they had to tie it in to make it true detective, and so they just took the spiral, but then they latched on to it and didn't stop with it, like they could have had it in the show like two, maybe three times throughout to tie it together, but they just went all all out with it and it didn't even mean anything in the end. Mm-hmm, all it meant was where caves are dangerous.

Speaker 1:

It was just like yeah, so we saw this skeleton in the cave and that's, I guess, the most sketch part of the cave, which also doesn't make sense because that's exactly where the scientists established their lab, you know, like right under that skeleton. It's like oh, that's the most sketch part of the cave, mm-hmm, seems like the scientists would know not to build their lab there, mm-hmm, but continue on the lab.

Speaker 2:

Is there an?

Speaker 1:

underground ice lab which we realized like oh so the ice caves lead right to Salal like right to it and who do they see in this Lab?

Speaker 2:

yeah, they find Clark. Finally, the guy, the guy we've been waiting for, the guy who I thought was supposed to end up Fought. He was supposed to show up dead in episode three.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did think he was gonna show up dead sooner.

Speaker 2:

You know, but nope, cuz he was the ultimate murderer, right in the end kind of.

Speaker 1:

I mean yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, they were kind of like putting this thing on him. Like you know, he did take the final breath from her. Yeah, right, like I don't know yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, they didn't want men to be innocent in any way, shape or form. And, and he, couldn't have.

Speaker 2:

Just, I Don't even know what to say about it, man, they, they capture him, yeah, I mean. Yes, I mean they take. So the they find Clark and they take him and now they're gonna get all the answers We've been looking for, right, yeah. And so they take him and they ask him a question and before he could even answer I love this part of it they like, they like, ask him this question before he could even answer, they just start duct taping the airpods into his ears of the video of the screams of his dying girlfriend.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was just like Answer our fucking questions. She's like shut the fuck up. What the hell like my wife and I Billy Jean, I remember was just like what. They didn't even let him answer.

Speaker 2:

They just start just instantly, just torturing him with this super traumatic event that he happened in his life. Yeah, and so then we start to see some flashbacks and some uncovering of what happened in In the caves and how Annie died and these things. And I Was surprised or was I not surprised at all that there was no mystical, supernatural thing or EMP like high-tech thing Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa that shut off the phones.

Speaker 1:

Whoa, whoa, whoa, it was literally voices in the borrows head from the spirit.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, I'm not getting into that part yet. No, I'm talking about the, just the, the spookiness of, like the cell phones turning off and all those things right. The, yeah, it still makes no sense. The EMP turn off? No, no, what happened was he stepped on it barefooted, that's all it shows him. Crunch the phone, and that's why the video stopped. Oh, with. Annie K right, and yes, they never explained why in the first case, with the first video, when the Solol guys go missing, why everything shut off. But we do Get our big answer about that, like what's going on with the phones? Which was he stepped on it?

Speaker 1:

which was I was right. I was like that didn't look like the power went off to me, yeah, whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, exactly so like. So also her. She was wrong about the her hunch, so she wasn't right about her detecting which led to. That's why she can. That's big part of why she continued and didn't give up. The case was because she was like look at this video. The power went off. There's more to the story. Did you notice the Navarro's cross in Danvers hair when she was trying to?

Speaker 1:

sleep may know, since, either because what, what the hell? Also, who like feels a chain in their hair and Pulls it out and it's not their necklace or anyone necklace as they recognize it Just is like, oh, that was in my hair. And then just throws it away and rolls over and goes to bed like what. I'd freak this shit out. I'd lose my marbles if I pulled a straight up cross Gold chain necklace out of my hair that I didn't recognize. I'd be like, oh, this is some grunge. There's gonna be hands coming out of the back of my head at any moment now.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so like I don't, I wasn't. I don't know what the what, the deal Is, what? That was the point of that in episode two, or whatever, we saw in Navarro had heard her cross necklace and threw it out.

Speaker 1:

From it was her mom's, from her mom's toss it out of the car right and for some reason it was in Navarro's hair. I don't know, like any reason, why that was significant in any way shape or form did it show, and how did it show back up?

Speaker 2:

Was it the same thing or not? What's the point of it?

Speaker 1:

I think it might have just been you use why. It makes no sense. Oh, we wanted to show that Dan versus also also capable of hallucinations and like this spiritual Proximity stuff whatever, it's not just Navarro and it's like okay, why would the hell would she dream of that? Of a woman she never met in that cross necklace? Why wouldn't she hallucinate about something to do with her kid? I don't know I was. I just was like dumb, I was like a stupid, didn't even give it any more thought afterwards.

Speaker 2:

I was like that's so dumb and then Navarro goes to turn on the generator. She flips it a couple times. You saw it, creepy lady show someone behind over shoulder. The street light or whatever which it wasn't also like for, if it may, if it was Navarro's Hallucinations, she wasn't looking over there, exactly like it makes no sense.

Speaker 1:

What is it?

Speaker 2:

So was there more going on to this or not? I?

Speaker 1:

Think so. Part of me thinks that Somewhere on the editing room floor it got cut out. But there was evidence that the cleaning ladies were there, were there with them then.

Speaker 2:

I thought that that would make sense.

Speaker 1:

I thought the cleaning ladies were there and they were the ones who cut Clark free and let them go outside. Right, because what we find out after this is the Clark's dead. Yeah, we find out during this turn, trying to turn the power back on Clark ran outside and froze just the way the scientists did, except for he was fully clothed and we knew he wanted to kill himself. He said just kill me or let me do it To Navarro. But Navarro claims she didn't let him go. When Danvers kind of interrogates her about it, I was like that was our one witness who was confessing everything that happened, told us the scientists killed any K and it was just one of those things like okay, so like someone's here and let him go. And this is where we'll get our confrontation, with what I've suspected all along, blair being one of the culprits or, like you know, it was ironic Billy Jean was talking to me about on our way up to our weekend trip this weekend and it was just ironic that, like you know, I said it's the inversion everything's women. It's gonna be a woman cult. It's gonna be a woman cult. Was like the cleaners and stuff. That's exactly dude, what it was at the end of it was like, except inversion on the inversion.

Speaker 2:

Their cult, not a cult not a cult was a good thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they weren't a cult of Sedna I was wrong about that, but they were a cult of Female mob justice against perceived wrong. Yeah, and Holy smokes, dude, I got, I got plenty to say that, but anyways, yeah, we see, we get all this, like through flashbacks, this background exposition dump of like how the scientists killed Annie cuz she somehow Snuck into the lab and started breaking their ice core samples. Their ice core samples really did contain the micro Organism that they had found that would help end the disease in aging. Mm-hmm and Annie was like mad because they were using pollution from the mine to make it easier to mine for that. And this just showed me that Ysalao pez is a flippin dunce like dude. Here's the thing. If she had only directed the show, I'd beg hey, it's not on her, she directed it, let's go see who wrote it. She wrote it too and she was very proud of it that she wrote this. And I was like do you know how frozen organic material, like how would you be able to mine that with pollutants? Tell me, how does pollution make it easier to mine some? Oh, because Chemicals make it ease the ice softer. Ice softer you mean melt, so you mean it would melt it and possibly damage the microorganism with the pollutant chemicals. Like In what world? Like in like this is one thing I've seen on the reddit everyone just be like hey, as someone who works in a lab, what the fuck? Where it takes like childhood level science education to understand like oh, yeah, if I poured oil on this Petri dish and probably would ruin it, right, you know just like what? Like what? And you ask a nine thing to be like that's the crux of like the scientists, of like Pollution. We wanted the mine to pollute the ice more, so we could excavate these materials more.

Speaker 2:

And Annie found it out and Destroyed the Immortality microorganism we were researching and here's the deal generally speaking, we can Dispend a lot of belief, suspend it. Yeah, there's a space, has been a lot of belief for good stories, good storytelling and stuff too. So it's like here's the deal the gloves are coming off now and everything it well, and like here's my thing I was a defender of the show, like I thought.

Speaker 1:

See, I thought episode one was good. I saw a lot of people need kind of knee jerk reaction, bash it for At the time they're like, oh, it's gonna be woke, it's gonna be woke as hell, this agenda. Yeah, I was like I'm not really getting the woke vibes right now In, like people who people are, won even cops or law enforcement experience. We're like dude, they would never allow a police officer or state trooper in Alaska to have those kind of piercings and stuff like that. I'm like, yeah, you know you're right, but like Most of no one in the world it really like has disbelief about that. When you think about like small-town, middle of nowhere, policing like you, just take what you can get the funny thing too about.

Speaker 2:

That is kind of well as far as like a High horse of that being like you do realize your two sleeve tattoos only got popular like ten years ago. You would have gotten a hired either like social standards yeah like bro you it's fine.

Speaker 1:

I don't think you can be a cop without a full sleeve tattoo these days nowadays, yeah, right, okay, if you're, if you're a cop, you have to have a sleeve tattoo. Yeah Now, but like it was, there was just like a lot of stuff that I did look past, but it went in just as like adding up and then, like you realize, like here's the thing, the plot doesn't hinge on Navarro Having tattoos and piercings. Right, it really does hinge on scientists using pollution to thaw the permafrost so they could Study the samples faster. The fountain of youth. None of that makes any sense. Like here's what I would have believed more If the mine funds our state-of-the-art research equipment, we will look the other way, towards the pollution, as long as the pollution doesn't interfere with our ability to collect samples. Wow, I just said that off the top of my head and that would have fixed Probably 10% of my yeah, that probably would have fixed 10% of my beats with the finale, but anyways, we get that. We get that background. Scientists kill her. Clark helps, put her out of her misery. In the end I'm kind of like a. He's trying to like, be merciful and cover her up, but then she kind of panic screams and grabs onto him and he panically Reacts and starts trying to smother and just tell her to be quiet and I think he's just finally used to coming to like I just want this to be over. And he's snapped, like he snapped and he's just like this is a nightmare. I just watched the love of my life get murdered by my friends and I was powerless to do anything and and, oh, she's still alive, but like, and she's not making, she's not gonna make it. So it's like all right, what do I do? So, all that said, that's the confession we get and Then, you know, the power goes out. He goes out and dies in the snow. Danvers goes after Navarro because they kind of have like a Honestly the best acting of the whole season. Danvers tells Navarro to shut the hell up about talking about her seeing visions of her dead son, mm-hmm. And Danvers pretty much says go and kill yourself. Walk out onto the ice, mm-hmm. I'd rather you do that than say anything more to me about my dead kid, mm-hmm. And then she has like a come-to-come of Jesus moment, wake up from being cold and goes looking for Danver. I mean Navarro Goes out in the ice trying to find her follower, falls through the ice because she sees a hallucination through the ice of her son.

Speaker 2:

That Dread my. That made my Heart stop for a second, just like my straight dad instinct like just the hands underneath that I was just like, even though I knew what it was, yeah it, literally my heart stopped. Just this like yeah, that kind of that mean they gave me a jump also because, like in my, like, micro processing in the moment too, be like you can't get them out of there.

Speaker 1:

No way dude dead now without something to really break that ice Unless you just whack it In this negative 40 degree way, unless you just punch it with a flashlight, I don't know what. I don't know what she hit it with, yeah, but anyways she falls through the ice and just as we're I mean, we know she's not gonna die, but, just as you know, looks like she's gonna die Navarro reaches down, pulls her up, gets her in there Confidence, her shared close-death trauma. Danvers opens up and says tell me, please, tell me what my son said Mm-hmm Navarro's like he sees you and it's cheesy, corny, but it's also sweet and like. I guess I think that would emotionally hurt, like Not hurt, but like emotionally affect me deeply. If someone told me like Mm-hmm, if they were like, oh, I've been talking to your dead kid and I was, I'd be pissed. But then if, like, all they had to say was like he just wanted to say that he sees you, mm-hmm, and I'd be, I'd be pretty emotional about that. But anyways, they warm up, the storm stops and they start heading back into town Canonically not canonically, but realistically. Oh Sorry, I actually I skipped it a whole bunch. I'll double back. They took a salal truck, which made a lot of sense because their cars would have been out. Where they broke through the ice, originally into the caves, mm-hmm and Billy Jean caught that and I was like, oh yeah, good, good, kind of new thing right there, is that like? They're like they didn't go back to their cars, they took a salal truck from the salal garage. Meanwhile, though, peter Pryor he's with Rose Agano Breaking through the ice and this was the best part of the season finale to me was he had a pickaxe having to pickaxe a hole through the ice While Rose Agano watches, and he was getting flashbacks of the story that Hank had just recently gone over again with him. If I'll, hank saw him, saw Peter fall through the ice. It was chipping away at the ice downriver to reach through and grab Peter as he flows, float down the stream, and Peter was so little he didn't really remember it well, but his dad remembered it really well. It was a very emotional moment of like just a father's like I'm gonna save my boy, you know and to see like the dichotomy of him doing this now to bury his father. Mm-hmm, it's really dark and sad. Yeah, like it was super dark and sad it was, but it felt in vain with true detective, I guess yeah you know I mean like that grimness and more bit morbid morbidity. Yeah, I did, but I thought that was that really kind of pulled out my heartstrings. Even though you know, like it's not something I personally relate to by any stretch of the imagination. I did find it like a very like emotional parallel. Back then at Salal, before they leave, danvers and Navarro Something the Nevarro says, something in Danvers is like oh the hatch. Holding the hatch, she goes and pours this I think it's iodine, I'm not sure what it is, but they, she pours it over this, over the hatch, and then they hold a black light over it and they look at the Handprints and I come, not sure what I'm looking for. Sure enough, what do we see?

Speaker 2:

the shocker, I Don't think that's the shocker.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we see Blair's hand and that's like the detectives piece together what we've known for five episodes now. That's when they take this a lot truck to go and confront the cleaning ladies Mm-hmm and dude, this is this is the best part of the freaking episode.

Speaker 2:

With, there's miraculously more and more people showing up in the cloud car. I thought it was a clown car. I was like how many people in this damn house?

Speaker 1:

No dude. Well, here's how I knew. Was it the like first couple? They showed that walk into the kitchen. Mm-hmm, they showed outside from looking out the window from a different trailer. Hmm. So it's like all the cleaning ladies in that, all the single women in that community. It's like a.

Speaker 2:

It's a commune of single women and it was New Year's Eve. Yeah, they may be there together for a party, but it's still so funny, like during the like interview and story talking process more than one people just kept walking in. It was as if, like, they should have been in there already. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

They just kept walking in yeah, walking in, they confront Blair and I can't remember the other woman's name, I don't really care, because I mean she wasn't really a great actress, she was alright. She, I couldn't tell if they wanted her to come off as like righteous or justified or just as like Creepy. I couldn't tell. Yeah, she just, essentially, they tell her like hey, we saw Blair's handprint, do you want it? We have some questions for you about what happened. Would you like to like open up about you know, the events that occurred? Those were pretty sure you were there and had something to do with it, and then so then she just starts. She's like, well, I don't really know about that, but you know, I don't even remember how she portrays it. She's like if it was a story, the story might go something like this and I'm just like what the fuck is going on. And she confesses that her and what I call I call this this is game for Reddit.

Speaker 2:

This is like the best comment.

Speaker 1:

I saw in the finale like thread, people just rose to the finale. They're like oh dude, so long team six.

Speaker 2:

I was like Mops and hunting rifles people like.

Speaker 1:

There's other people who like yeah, crab team six and I was like no dude, so all team six is hilarious.

Speaker 2:

That's great.

Speaker 1:

So so long. Team six of like a dozen cleaning ladies and local native women of the community. Just, they're the ones that cut the power to Salal right after Clark has his seizure and said she's awake, and somehow cutting the power also turns off all the cell phones and stops them recording. And then they go in room by room with shotguns Beat up and then March the scientists out at gunpoint into the back of a truck, they drive them out into the middle of nowhere, tell them to strip down and then they tell them to run off into the snow While they fold their clothes up for them and she says like she wanted them, and if she didn't want them they would have been able to come back and get their clothes. And again it's just like who the fuck is she? Yeah, someone once said it was Annie and Clark and the most cringe line of the season finale he's like she is Annie before she was born and after she died. Yeah, time is a flat circle. I'm like, oh no, they didn't just say that line, dude, they didn't just say that line for such a pointless, like non-related example, mm-hmm and for like why did ever?

Speaker 2:

why did four or five people hear that in their head? Yeah, she's awake.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that made no sense, bro. Yeah, so they confess to that and they say that she, whoever she is, ate their fucking dreams from the inside out and spit up their bones. And, bro, I honestly felt like that was Issa Lopez looking me in the eyes and like, yeah, you, judd, you know your dreams for true detective. Fuck you and fuck your dreams. You, white man. And I was just like. I was just like dude. This this is literally is a little bit as be like I hate you. It's so I ruined the thing you like the most. Just like I was just sitting there, I was like this sucks, dude, like this, this is awful. I don't even have like I don't even have a bone in my body angry enough to like do anything about it other than just to Go to Reddit and read funny comments. I was just like I'm hurt, I'm let down. Yeah, you got away with it, congratulations. And they all clapped like yeah, because at the end, what's, what's Navarro and Danvers do, bro? Nothing they, you're like hmm, so you murdered all those guys? Well, hmm, we just came to inform you, since they were your employers, that you might want to know that the case has been closed. Friends, ex-deemed. It was a slab avalanche that killed them, uh-huh. And then they get up and walk away and just cover this whole murder. We go to mob justice, because here's the biggest thing here, here's what the subtlety of the scene where all of them are walking in a house tells me. Hmm, and we see, danvers have, I think, a reaction that like whether Issa Lopez wanted to feel this way or not.

Speaker 2:

She had to drop the case or they're not making that's it.

Speaker 1:

That's the problem, though, with vigilante mob justice. Is that, where does it end? Where?

Speaker 2:

does it stop?

Speaker 1:

Because if it's just like, okay, you guys, we get why you did it this time, but who's to say you're like, well, we do that time and the police can stop us and the mind's not shut down, by the way. No, the pollution still happens like who's to stop you the next time you decide someone needs to die?

Speaker 2:

right At the very end they brought up the tongue again which no answer with no answer. It's like they brought it up like to tie up the loose end and then just left it open. End it like so.

Speaker 1:

Well, it doesn't even make. How could the cleaning ladies put it there? If the tongue was still in Annie's mouth when Hank moved it. So then, if the tongue was there and Hank cut it out afterwards, then he had the tongue. Yeah, so then why would Hank plant it?

Speaker 2:

years later just drop it. Why did?

Speaker 1:

he keep the fucking tongue in the freezer for so long.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean? Yeah, and how could he possibly done it like? So it just was like, because that was such a big like, creepy, gross like kickoff to the whole show. Yeah, just to have no Explanation, no payoff and like.

Speaker 1:

What the tongue showed us in the episode one was that it is likely that the person behind this crime Is serious for thought right and has been really, really planning this in his Miles ahead of these detectives right now. Yeah, that's what it tells us as an audience, and what we find out is like no nothing there was like a, like a.

Speaker 2:

There was like a Crime of passion that killed a girl and then, in response, a mob killed the dudes. Yeah, that's it. There's no like. That's it. That's the mystery.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like that's the whole thing, like that kind of happens, like all the time, like like a crime of passion happens. It doesn't make for good to be somebody re and then a couple people react to that I'm justice, vengeance right. And it's just like and that could be a good story, but that wasn't this store. How would this story was set up to be, and so I don't get it it was.

Speaker 1:

It was not good. And the worst thing here's my least favorite part about the whole thing is that there isn't a very strong illusion that at the end of this, danvers in a bar go their separate ways. Danvers Smooth things over with their daughter Leah. They move, leaving Ennis Mm-hmm, kind of. It's assumed that that's what happened post that interview. Right Is that they leave Ennis? I think maybe that's a stretch. Maybe they don't leave in this, they're just traveling somewhere. But it's alluded to that Navarro makes a good choice to kill herself and walk out and die on the ice like her sister Mm-hmm, in that she's a ghost at the end standing on the porch with Danvers Mm-hmm, because the clothes she's wearing in that, or the same clothes she was last seen walking on into the ice, mm-hmm and Danvers doesn't look at her when she's on the deck right.

Speaker 2:

So it's not like she's like like Danvers can see her Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

And so it's like it's like this illusion that like suicide is, it's glorified, like somehow it's a glorified thing that you should kill yourself yeah, it's a good hey, no, no, no, if you feel like you should kill yourself and it's a good choice, I'm like that is the most insane thing I've ever seen. To be like, oh, this is the good ending. Yeah, I Don't get me wrong. Yes, we see the glorification of self-sacrifice, the glorification of Lane one's life down to save others. Right, classic scene starship troopers. I'll hold him off. Go, come on, you bugs, get some, like they're called over to you. Self detonates the nuke on his chest Yep, blows up the bugs yeah, I guess technically suicide. I mean, his legs were split open, yeah, he was a goat anywhere. And he detonates a bomb to kill a bunch of bugs with them. That it's not. That's not a glorification of suicide, that's a glorification of self-sacrifice. Intrude detective at glorifying Navarro, not sacrificing herself, actually Rolling over and covering up the murders Mm-hmm, just like they covered up their other murder, mm-hmm. And then walking out of the ice to kill herself. And I was just like what the fuck? Dude, this is like, this is gotta be some of the worst message and you could tell people with mental health Mm-hmm, I don't know. How do you feel about that? Let me know if you feel like I'm reaching out because I was really trying to be like, maybe that is not what they're saying.

Speaker 2:

No, I feel like the same. No, I kind of feel the same way. I feel like the message was that she ended up, you know, killing herself, especially because at first it was like, oh, maybe she just walked off, like into, like her future life away from here but, then it shows her with With Danvers at the end, but in the way you said, where it's like that's because she, she's goes, because the way she's talking to during the interview is saying like how she, like she's still with us, just like how, just like how they always refer to the dead in that town of being with them. They also at the end they totally kind of Just, they haven't done it throughout the show at all, but they just rip off the interview scene that they have with, like Matthew McConaughey in season one, like the camera angles, the setup or her having like a snarky Smirky but like good response to the interview, like I don't do you see that part, did you?

Speaker 1:

feel that was like.

Speaker 2:

Yeah like, oh it's, it's true, detective again, but they're just like.

Speaker 1:

Crushing, there's crushing it along. Now they're doing the interviews. Yeah, now they're doing the interviews for the last five minutes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so then I don't. I thought it was a, it was bad, it was poorly executed. I think it was super poorly executed. The only person who really should have died the whole show was Danvers daughter. And the fact that we didn't get that the other side is so bad, but the like yes, Kayla came around and realized pizza, great guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but yeah, it's at the end. Those just like your daughter's, just like I Don't know, like I don't even know why they showed her at the end. Yeah, she's not even part of the story. They forced her into the story.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, okay, so We've been going out for a while and I want to make sure we hit the biggest Things I hear coming out of the community, hmm, so I think there are a lot of things we feel too right. So I kind of got Like one of them that I saw here a comment on red. It was just like they literally ruined Pete's life for no reason. Mm-hmm, because, like they did all this and had him doing this investigation and all just to cover it up in the end. Mm-hmm, and like if they had, just, if Danvers had just been like, oh, this is a bad case, I'm just gonna not pick it up, we'll let, like you know, the other police department handle it with more resources. Mm-hmm, pete's dad would be alive, pete's marriage would be more intact. Like it's just like absolute Crazy how Danvers and Navarro ruined Pete's life this season. Yep, and like actively like, like did it. It wasn't like Pete, you really, you really screwed yourself on this one. It was like Danvers, really like Navarro, let me down. So I kicked her off the floor. So don't let me down, peter. It was just like holy shit, hey, chief, I got to go home. No, you're gonna stay here on a work hard all night, okay, chief, you know? I mean, it was just like stuff like that that. I just was like, dude, these people are right. They totally like it was pointless what they did. They ruin Peter's life for nothing. The other one was just like Some of these other stuff, like I've seen posts that are like when you confess to six murderers, but it's okay because you're a marginalized group, I'm just like, yeah, what, like what an insane thing to like be telling people like, in any way, shape or format, this could be.

Speaker 2:

Reality, because if they'd done it differently, they could have, at the end, made us feel like those women were more justified.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I guess you know, in some sort of setup. I just didn't, I just didn't feel it. That's what my question, too, was also like Was I supposed to feel and dear to the women at the end? And I think so.

Speaker 1:

I think yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think so. But then my other question is to all these people who hit in the show with the high ratings is like, is there a whole bunch people out there who just really do feel basically opposite to me, you know, and I think there are.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I mean, I agree dude in, like here's. Here's like one thing I saw someone said, you know, so all teams six at the end was hilarious and was a miss opportunity for a morally gray shootout Between the leads in this mob justice group. The difference of you know, this is like a quote. I assume it's a quote from, like the detectives. Like hey, we get it. You took crime and punishment into your own hands, but you still kidnap and assaulted and murdered seven men. We can't have that, because who's to say you'll stop there Versus. Well, good job, ladies. Fuck those guys. Invite us in for the next one. Yeah you know, I mean like, imagine like they go to confront them and we get the like high octane, shooting through paper walls in a Snow, like dark snowstorm, and as they're like shooting back and defending themselves, they get to be or blare and they're coughing up blood and like they on, like, like, as they're dying, do their deathbed confession of what happened, and like I just think, if they made the case like you know how many of our babies we've buried, uh-huh, good riddance, yeah, like, and I'm I'd fucking do it again. Like that'd be like a morally great thing of like shit and maybe, if we're here to maybe if we had approached this differently there wouldn't have been a shootout and we could have like figured out how to like work with them to get lower-sensing yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think that they came out strong with I mean, I was hooked episode one and two. They came out with a lot of a Potential, interesting plot lines, outcomes, even maybe even bringing in old story lines into it and then they just really they shouldn't have done any of that and I would like it a lot more Mm-hmm if they hadn't. I think the the things that made it such a letdown for me because I can I can like Really actually deal with like a whole lot of bad writing and a whole lot of like yeah, dude, we try a lot of stuff like oh yeah. I enjoy it. Oh you loved with the terminal list. I can sit there and it's great. But the things I can't do would be this like fake baited setups from season one, where they just, they just played on it to. Force force a tie-in to the show, which is funny, too, that they even felt like they needed to tie it into true detective, since it's a show where every single season has been nothing to do with the previous seasons. So tying it in it all just breaks the wall on that if you don't give a payoff to it. And so if they hadn't done any that at all, I think there'd be a lot less gripes as well. As in the spirituality piece, and like the first episode we reviewed on this we were excited for like all right, like what it is. Are they going to let spirituality be real on this? Are they gonna use it? Well, and they just they came on way too hot with it, way too strong with it, and and in the end you don't even have to necessarily answer all the questions to Make your audience happy, but you do have to at least pay it all the right respect for the way you set up the, the way you set up your universe. And so they just set up this universe and and then to get everybody kind of hyped up for the first two episodes and then in the, the next four episodes Really didn't have anything to do with that universe as far as the yeah, the physics of the world they had created and the, and. So I think that I just don't understand why people think it's like such a great show. I think it's fine. Tv stand alone it's okay, it really, but put on with the true detective title, nowhere close to what it needs to be.

Speaker 1:

It feels like Netflix tried making true detective which should be a massive insult, something like HBO, yeah, and the, the.

Speaker 2:

The true thing that all the other true detective stories do is they give us a good crime story, they give us a, and they don't explain it all. In some of the episodes, like in the first season or in the third season, to there's, there's things that just like we don't know, and that's okay. But they gave us a really good mystery and the mystery in all in especially season one and two, like was being hunted down by a detective and when they were wrong about leads or they thought they'd found the murderer, these things we were right there alongside them, we were next to him, we were in the car with them, we were going there, we were pursuing the case and we were detectives with them figuring out what was happening. The mystery was there for us and unfolding and we got to be I think it really did get to ride, ride, co-pilot with the detectives, especially season one and three. You know, and you hit these dead ends and you got to take a turn. The story unfolds more. You got to go back to the beginning, start again, figure out what happened, and so that was not this at all.

Speaker 1:

I think again, you know the the biggest bad taste at the end of the map, at the end of the season, is like a Suicide is the right choice. Sometimes, like that just seems like such a aimless, empty thing, because it just makes like, guess what, if Navarro had just killed herself at any point in the season, nothing would have changed, mm-hmm. Yeah so like, what was the point of any of it? Yeah, like nothing would have changed if Navarro just offed herself at any other point in the season. Mm-hmm, season four of true detective. Mm-hmm to fat. Thumbs down from me. First time I've given anything. We watched two thumbs down. I don't even know if I give more. Be a stew thumbs down. I think I gave it one time down.

Speaker 2:

I give it cuz I was like there's worse shit. I've given it two thumbs down as well, because if it was just called night country, it might it get a thumb down the fact that more people somehow watch this dog shit mm-hmm over the finale of Game of Thrones.

Speaker 1:

that was dog shit, mm-hmm. I Don't know, dude, they're like you got to think like there's money in it. It's a bummer to four. Thumbs down worst rated thing on the Mickey Pat show by far so far, which is sad because yeah, dude it's sad to like invest that kind of time to just be like fucking suck. But, dude, here's some of my favorite things that I've read on Reddit. Dude, one of them what Like read? For some, I swear, reddit is like just like Like chatbots that just scrape everything that is in text that could be a meme, mm-hmm. And then they're just told make a meme with With something about this show, mm-hmm, like this shows called to detective night country, make a meme. And like. Reddit just has this massive pile of data of like Bots that just are looking at everything that's ever been used for a meme in the like. The jokes that come out aren't even like Relevant to the show, but one of the some of the best lines you know. So all team six, that was funny, but it's so I don't know why I'm so just pretty close to like. I'm tired of this motherfucking night in my motherfucking country and also, like everyone, just you know the rip it on essentially like the bad. Like writing this episode was like you. So Lopez at the end of the season, that's a wrap. Everybody. Well done, you'd be proud of yourselves, intern. So like. What was the whole deal with that ton? Yeah, he's a Lopez. Oh fuck, it was just like those. Those are my favorite comment. That's why I get out the reddit. Do you read? People rip through stuff like that. It just have like the you know funny, snarky comments, dude. But anyways, all that stuff, if you, if you feel like we do about my country, get on the reddit, go through the post. Don't get too wrapped up, you know, if you don't want to be negative or anything with like the critiques, but just read the funny-ass comments of people making funny stuff you know about, about the show as a whole. But that said, that got a sign off for us.

Speaker 2:

I really don't.

Speaker 1:

If you learn anything from this, like six part series, buy some true beer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's that's what we learned reach out to us here.

Speaker 1:

You know we're in the Colorado area, so reach out to us if you want some beer. We'll go buy some, we'll mail it to you. It won't be free of charge. You know we need to kind of cover that expense. You know the gas and the mailing postage. But all I said happy to mail you whatever you want to try, and If you can get it, you know, at any of your stores. Please, you know, try to do so, Because excellent beer that's what I've learned. There's not a single bad beer by true brewery.

Speaker 2:

I still can't say that I agree, get you some of that beer, and and till next time.