Crack open a cold one and settle in as we bring back the ever-entertaining Dean to our latest episode, where hops meet homicide in a tantalizing blend of craft beer reviews and "True Detective" intrigue. As we sip on the hoppy delight of Trve Brewing's Star Crusher IPA and Weld Works' Juicy Bits, we analyze what it takes for an IPA to break through the crowded market. All the while, we dissect the latest from "True Detective Season 4, Night Country," including the chilling aesthetic connections to John Carpenter's "The Thing" and the narrative's unfolding enigmas.
This round, we navigate the narrative twists and character developments of our favorite shows. We get candid about the supernatural versus the scientific in storytelling, and how this season's brevity could be affecting the depth of the plot in "True Detective." The conversation veers into other territories as well, including "Reacher" and "The Last of Us," as we evaluate what makes us stick with a show—or lose interest. It's a whirlwind chat that's as lively and layered as the IPAs we're tasting.
Before we sign off and direct you to our YouTube channel for more engaging content, we dive into the heart of the murder mystery that "True Detective" has artfully woven. Theories abound as we discuss motives, hidden agendas, and the tantalizing significance of names and symbols scattered throughout the series narrative. Join us for this episode that promises not just a deep appreciation for finely crafted ales, but also for the craft of complex storytelling in one of television's most compelling series.
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00:52 - Beer Review
03:44 - IPA Tasting and Discussion
10:07 - Rating and Discussing Different IPAs
21:13 - TV Episode and Character Development Discussion
32:16 - Supernatural and Missing Connections in True Detective
36:49 - Themes and Character Development in Episodes
41:21 - TV Show Murder Mystery Theories
54:35 - Promoting Podcasts on YouTube
We ride together we die together, that voice for life.
Speaker 3:Get busy living.
Speaker 1:Fuck that busy diet Gank first blast. Please don't entertain. Oh, you've got to entertain.
Speaker 4:Welcome to Brew's interviews with Make-A-Pet. I'm Mick.
Speaker 3:And I'm Pat.
Speaker 4:Each week we sit down with you to generous, to pretend we're certified Ciceroans and Cinephiles.
Speaker 3:That's right. So grab a cold one and join us as we review true brewing star crusher and true detective Night Country. Season four, part three.
Speaker 4:If you've been with us before, you know what time it is.
Speaker 1:Release the Kraken.
Speaker 4:There we go. You're going to have to time that up. Dude, it was all of us. None of us were on time.
Speaker 3:It was coughiness. The highly trained ear may have noticed that three beers were opened.
Speaker 4:That's because they were all double-fistened.
Speaker 3:He opened both at one time.
Speaker 4:Dean joins us this evening again. It's good to have you back, Dean, on the show.
Speaker 2:Thanks for having me.
Speaker 4:Yeah, we'll do a debrief episode as well with Dean. He went to shot show this last weekend, so we get to talk some cool stuff, vegas and all that. So Pat introduces to star crusher by true brewing.
Speaker 3:So if you've been following the series, you know that we're doing true brewery beer for the episodes of true detective, season four that we review, and this one is called Star Crusher IPA. And we've done three. This is our fourth one. We've done four of the true brewing this is our third in this series and they've been putting in some high thumb numbers as we go.
Speaker 4:The highest of any brewery, I think so far.
Speaker 3:They're doing good and they have not disappointed yet. So now we're into the IPA world.
Speaker 2:What was our first two? Were they IPAs?
Speaker 3:Nope, they've been. They've been all different each time, dunwich is a porter.
Speaker 4:We gave it four thumbs up. Wow, best porter I've ever had, and I've heard that from two other people that said I don't like porters, but if I'm going to drink one it'd be this one. And then our second one was the siren, which is their say so, and it was good too that one got two thumbs up.
Speaker 3:And so the can once again matte black all around with some wild art on here. And so, Dean, these guys are out of Denver and they are metalheads and they had their brew pub. They blast metal music when you go in there. That's just what's playing.
Speaker 4:Music City hot chicken. I was just going to ask if this was.
Speaker 3:Music.
Speaker 2:City hot chicken, because the only other brewery that I know that blasts metal music in Denver is connected to. Music City. So that's what they got.
Speaker 3:They got some chicken and they have some rowdy Graphics and art on there.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Cans and this one we have. I don't know if this is a. I've recognized the other ones as famous monsters or urban, historical, you know, mythological things. This has a three headed zombie skull skull.
Speaker 1:But growing out of each other.
Speaker 3:But I don't know what this is.
Speaker 4:Dude, it's, it's star crusher, bro. You can see the stars are aligning, I do see that On the can for an eclipse, and to me this imagery calls Hark back upon a classic. Which shame if you guys haven't seen it, but this reminds me of the special effects in the movie the Thing.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah.
Speaker 4:John Carpenter is the thing which, honestly, there's a lot of homage to in this season of True Detective, but the you don't. You guys never seen it. I feel like you guys would know. Okay, all right, well, we'll do a review of the thing for some throwbacks, but literally there's a scene in the thing where you see some faces splitting apart, like this, and it's yeah, it's same person, different people?
Speaker 2:I don't want to.
Speaker 4:I don't want to spoil anything. The fact that you guys don't know, I shouldn't say anymore. Okay.
Speaker 2:What's this little hole that we have in the throat here? I don't know.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you see that, I think it looks like it looks like one of those smoker commercials. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what they put their little voice box thingy to to talk to you through, anyways the art's sick. Yeah, it's wild art.
Speaker 4:Looks like something blasting through earth in the background right before it goes supernova. Yeah, it's pretty sick.
Speaker 3:So 7% alcohol by volume, about kind of about middle to high standard for an IPA. And what they have else on the camera? We've got their malt, the troubadour, the truth C 30, flaked wheat and Simpsons T 50. And the wayerman? Oh, my eyes just might need some reading glasses. What's going on here? Melanoid in I don't know what melanoid in is. These ones sound less like gun attachments than the last one. Yeah dude.
Speaker 4:The last one was straight up just decked out AR 15, 300 blackout. I like the hops in this one, though, the hops sound awesome Pacific Sun, matuka and cascade. But to my to echo, I'm not going to pretend like I know how to say something like that, but dude, 7%, bruton, denver, colorado, I got to say it tastes pretty good. Also, as with all their cans, rip the label off and you can recycle the can. Apparently that's that works at recycling companies, now I guess recycling plants. Sometimes I don't rip it off because I want the person at the plant to get that little bit of satisfaction, the little dopamine rush of hearing it go or they look at it and get some good beer recommendations True true, true, true as in True everything.
Speaker 3:Everything's true tonight. All right, ipa is the IPA world. It's saturated, so saturated, everybody's doing it. It's like even in King Supers, three quarters of the beer.
Speaker 4:IPA is. Yeah, it's kind of brutal. I feel like it's because you can really not pay attention to make a IPA. You know what I mean. Like brew beer too long, sits in the sun too long IPA.
Speaker 2:But I will say that if you find a good IPA, one that you think is actually good, that says something because a lot of them are very similar.
Speaker 4:Yeah, when you get one, you're like well, wait, hold on. Crispy, weedy little bitter a little citrusy.
Speaker 2:For me it's when I find a smooth IPA. But what?
Speaker 4:how do you even describe smooth Dean?
Speaker 2:It's, it's, it's not sharp. What, what do you want?
Speaker 4:Would you say a sour or sharp?
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's a different kind of sharp though.
Speaker 4:Yeah, agreed, you know, I see I like a crispy IPA. I don't know if I care about it being smooth.
Speaker 2:There's like a hoppy sharp, and then there's a sour sharp.
Speaker 4:I think a hoppy smart head of the hoppy sharp is more of a scent thing than a taste thing for me. Like it's like a wow, smells like weed.
Speaker 2:I mean most taste is sent, so that would just like dog food. Yeah, you know, that's the biggest dinger, that.
Speaker 4:I give to IPA's is if they taste, if they smell like food. They smell or taste like the smell of dog food and you know what I'm talking about if you've lived in Denver. That dog food factory down there you 100%, you're like pure as a plan your smell like this dog food.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, I love some purina bro.
Speaker 3:Oh man, that is wild.
Speaker 4:That is wild. I will say all right, first thoughts anyone, anyone got anything first thoughts before we go into the, push it through your Teeth test by first thoughts.
Speaker 3:Right now, or I'm drinking an IPA. Hmm and while that may sound simple, that's just that's all I've got so far, because it's not. It's so far. Nothing's Extra surprising about it, and in a good or bad way, immediate.
Speaker 4:Mm-hmm, I'm gonna ask you both questions. You have to respond immediately over each other speaking over each other, All right. I'm just gonna go through some IPA's here and you tell me if you think it tastes better or worse. Mm-hmm. Okay, hold on, I'm actually gonna pull up a couple, a couple big name ones.
Speaker 3:All right, so I was getting up.
Speaker 4:He's getting the big heavy hitters out while I'm doing that, you guys go or through some, some notes and other stuff that you're tasting through the really juicy bits is is a pretty top top tier, top tier.
Speaker 3:We'll see if you, we'll see if he adds it to his, add it to his list juicy bits, what, who is that?
Speaker 4:It's world works? Oh, you'll find it everywhere.
Speaker 3:I don't really think of weld works for IPA's, but I don't so I taste Not skunkiness, which is good, not too much dog foodiness, and I think that one thing these guys have been doing Week in, a week out is, if it's they've they've had some they're beers, aren't way out there with like crazy flavors, are not trying to wow you or do or or mess, mess with the, the thing that works. They just they take the foundation of whatever that style beer is and they brew it well and they brew it right. So that's what right now with this one. It's just I'm curious how it's gonna be during the push through your teeth, test what, what things might show up and the as it stands right now. I do feel like I've had a lot of other beers that taste very similar to this one Mm-hmm, but I've had a lot. I've had a lot more that taste Really bad, you know.
Speaker 4:All right, just right off the top of your head as soon as you know, just say it. Would you drink this over or Dell's IPA? No, yes. Would you drink this over voodoo Ranger IPA? Yes, would you drink this over voodoo Ranger juice for us IPA.
Speaker 1:I mean immediate. Come on, pat, come on. Would you say what you say, there's no different. What would you do?
Speaker 4:They're just disqualified. Point to the competitor Dean, would you say yes, no? I don't know, I'd have to have it right in front of me okay, do you guys feel like you know, your IPA is real a couple?
Speaker 3:known the ones you said so far, all right.
Speaker 4:How about the Lagunita's IPA?
Speaker 3:I'd have this, I'd have, I'd have this over that out of Petaluma California.
Speaker 4:Dogfish head yeah, it's what they're known for. I know it's like flagship of dogfish.
Speaker 3:No dice, dude. I think I'd still take this one, elysian I Don't know if I've had that one who brews that have you had all of these?
Speaker 2:do you? Do you know what you're reading right now?
Speaker 4:Elysian spaced us. Ipa is like one of their most popular ones.
Speaker 2:You'll see in a lot of oh yeah, okay, I have a bone.
Speaker 4:Yeah, well, that's kind of the only ones that really big ones. Yeah, those are the big fish. I mean, that was more yeses than no's. What about scoping?
Speaker 3:I don't know, I don't know. Scoping scoping's pretty good, I'd have to add. I'd have to have these two side by side to see about what I thought about school.
Speaker 4:I run a Kramos bought. Odell's IPA is our backup beer. We should have done it so we could compare.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I have some thoughts on this. All right, thoughts.
Speaker 4:Well, you can give those thoughts after the switch test, dog, all right, the switch test will. Should only a centrify this, those, all right. So, while I describe this switch test, feel long. Feel, feel free to sing along at home. Take a tablespoon amount into your mouth, dean. Do it while I give the instructions, because you need to talk about it while I'm doing it. Take a tablespoon amount into your mouth, oh.
Speaker 2:Sorry, you were talking.
Speaker 4:And then let it roll over the back of your tongue Down down the sides around your molars right, and then switch it side to side, and Then put your tongue against the roof of your mouth and Push your tongue forward to push the beer through the front of your teeth.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that tastes like an IPA.
Speaker 4:Did it bring out any more extra flavors? Nothing, nothing. That usually brings out the strongest flavors in the beer.
Speaker 3:I'm gonna do mine. Yeah, I think that that one was is surprisingly mild. Push it through your teeth test.
Speaker 2:I think this is just a straight IPA. I don't think. There's there's. There's no hidden, there's no, they're just they're just being straight up Mm-hmm.
Speaker 3:But when you hit that, if when you hit the swish test on other IPAs like if it's too skunky or those sorts things, they like it you can feel it like it's on your all over your tongue.
Speaker 2:It does a reaffirm how smooth it is in my opinion, Mm-hmm yeah.
Speaker 4:I will say my switch test brought up the the hops like way better, like the aftertaste right now is like yeah. I'm bored in the line, need water to switch it out. Kind of makes your tongue numb, which again you know it really will bring out the most central flavor to the swish test, that's an IPA, but I've had IPAs were like the main thing is like a Not as much hoppiness as it is, like you know, past said skunkiness or other ones that it's way more citrusy kind of Tastes, more like orange peel, yeah less life force, yeah, yeah, so okay, well, let's, let's give our thumbs Dean. As always, you're our guest. Go ahead, give us your thumb rating of the beer.
Speaker 2:Remember, I don't want me through this again.
Speaker 4:All right. Two thumbs up is like this is in my top ten beers. This would be like all around some of the best beer I've ever had. Wouldn't ever want anyone to pass up on it, even if they're not a beer fan. One thumb up is like this is good. It'd probably be the thing I recommend for someone as like a first-time try for this type of beer. Right Okay, it stands out above the majority of the other ones in this category. No thumbs. No thumbs is like. It's not bad, it's not Phenomenal, it's just an average. Whatever it is thumb down is, I don't recommend this to people who aren't really Fans of this niche type, like specific type of beer. I Wouldn't recommend it to someone to try for the first time for this Style of beer and I don't like it. Two thumbs down is no one should taste this. This is dog piss. This is garbage. Don't put this in a can and don't make people pay for it.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna give my rating and then I want to give an explanation. Okay, go for it. All right, I'm doing one thumb up, okay, thanks, Dean, irrelevant, because you are a guest. Okay, yeah, all right, thank you for that. Reason is I like IPAs. They're not my favorite beer, yeah, but this is one of the smoothest IPAs I've had and I really appreciate that. I feel this feels like one of the most like solid, foundational IPAs that I've had a Dean.
Speaker 4:I'm one of our homies and one of our friends. I'm like, hey, dean, weren't you on a podcast where you talked about how this Dark Crusher beer was it good or bad? I remember you talked about it. Should I get it? I'm not really sure if I like IPAs.
Speaker 2:Absolutely Okay. If you, if you are Introducing yourself or becoming accustomed to IPAs, this is a great start because it's smooth. Okay and you're not. You're not getting anything unnecessary. You're not getting anything that's deceiving. It's just. It's just straight up. It is what it is and it's smooth.
Speaker 4:All right, thank you, dean.
Speaker 2:Yeah, shout out to true.
Speaker 4:We'll see. We'll see what Pat's opinion is, and Then I'll give mine.
Speaker 3:Yep, I am doing One thumb.
Speaker 4:Wow. I know, pat, I was really expecting to Pat to do no thumbs.
Speaker 3:I know, I know this kind of goes back. Last week I wavered on the saison to between zero and one, yeah, and it's in the same same thing too. So many people have just just go out there and mess up IPAs They'll this one, I drink it, I'll drink it again, I'll enjoy it, I like it and so they did an IPA and they just. If you're someone who hates IPAs, you're gonna hate this, because it that's what it is.
Speaker 4:Yeah, you know but it's good, good, good beer, good ish, dude you know, if Pat was gonna say thumbs down, then I was gonna say Dean Psych, your vote does counts. That way, we cancel his out, because I'm gonna give it a thumb up to.
Speaker 2:The only time I could have been included.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, but yeah, I agree with everything you guys have said. I don't really have anything to add. I don't like IPAs that much. I could drink this, you know, pretty easily. Yeah, this could be my two beers, three beers of an evening, for sure.
Speaker 2:Yeah, if I'm, if I'm starting out, I'm probably going to drink something else, but if I'm on my second beer, it's probably it.
Speaker 4:I'll say this dude, this is a movie. Beer too, yeah like if I got a movie rented at home I have to put on or something.
Speaker 2:This is a campfire beer to me From the fire.
Speaker 4:It could be a campfire beer for sure. Yeah, I'm just thinking about, like, if I'm having two beers in an evening, you know, to bridge the course of like a two hour movie, I wouldn't mind it. Like being two of these, Be fine with that, alrighty. Well, hey, guess what If you can't tell by their spoopy music? Going into episode three, part three of true detective, so our beer here, true brewing, star crush. I got two thumbs up and one guess is high approval. But night country, season four, part three. Unfortunately, dean now must be quiet for the rest of the episode because he hasn't watched it yet he could. He can talk. No, no, he's not permitted. Just kidding, dean. Feel free to just don't ask like a hundred questions that would be answered if you just watched the show. But anyway, as part of the ready of night country, you see us with the police department in some as they refer to Hillbilly Redneck volunteers going out to try to find Clark. Clark is the lead suspect in the murder of the rest of Salal Station and with that Danvers and Navarro have officially partnered up again. Whether it is through, you know, it's really unclear how much they hate each other and how much they don't. They seem to get along quite a bit, but going through all of that, they find another lead as they go through the evidence of Clark's trailer and makes them question the loyalty of one of their own. Hmm, also, danvers stepdaughter Leah continues to just be a brat, but also Danvers continues to be a shitty mom. Honestly, as Pat said, I, when we were watching it, billy Jean, was just like what are they doing with this? I hope this pays off somehow and I was like you know what? That's exactly what Pat said Is that I hope, if this kid's story becomes relevant, great. But as of right now I'm starting to get skeptical. If it's just time wasted on the episode that could be spent elsewhere. Yeah, I don't want to be filler, but already, let's, let's get into the episode, pat Overall, you know, give me, give me some of your vibes and thoughts as we kind of go through the pacing of the episode. Again, you know, a lot of this isn't necessarily like a review of the episode, as much as it is just a breakdown and discussion.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and you know I always look at episodes as how they fit into the overarching season and how somebody might think through the pacing of a season and what they're putting out. And is this a eight episode or a ten episode? No, dude, this is a six episode. This is a six episode. Yeah, we had ten.
Speaker 4:Yeah, this season is only six episodes. We're halfway done. Yeah, oh no, which is kind of weird, because you're like, oh, they didn't have enough content to fill out ten episodes, like the other seasons, and then it's like, oh, but this episode kind of felt like filler.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I saw, like what is? I was going to say. This is, this has been a movie. This is episode three of a ten episode season. It's where, all right, pilot gets you going, there's mystery, we're introduced to characters. We're wondering what's going on, mm hmm. Episode two keeps it high energy, keeps the mystery, but moves the plot forward. Episode three, phil, we take it. We take a look at the plot. No, we take it. We take a little step back to some filler where we can do some character development, just some some little bit of story, whatever. But we're not hitting it super hard.
Speaker 4:But if this is a six episode or man kind of seems like there should be more important stuff.
Speaker 3:This should be kind of full throttle the whole dang time, yeah. So I mean, I felt like, yeah, it was just they. Just they pulled back, they slowed down and there's, the story did get moved along a bit, but not not a ton, and that you know, we'll see, we'll see. And so six episodes. I'm surprised. I'm surprised that they're going to have to. Really, the next three are just going to have to be got to load the base is at least the whole time. And one of them might have to be like an hour and a half or well, I heard, I heard episode six is 90 minutes.
Speaker 4:Okay, okay, that's what. Which is, you know, a good solid, like two episodes, easy. But yeah, you know I use the thing I'm going to dig on this episode pretty hard, oh yeah, and just that, like my, my ground, my gears. You know my pet peeves, but I think it was fine. Episode Like. It was still good TV in my opinion, still better than the majority of TV. I just finished season two of Reacher. I love Alan Richardson. He's a dedicated follower of Christ. He runs his own, like it's called, insta church on YouTube. Great guy Reacher. I love to hate on that show. I love to take big stinky dookies on that show. It was like uh, uh, what's the word? A ritual of my wife and I to just shit on Reacher every lunch break we had together and just put an episode on after we make lunch. Hate on it.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Now I feel really bad because I found out he's a serious strong believer in Jesus Christ and I was just like I love this man so much and I feel like a douche. But hey, this is his pride and joy.
Speaker 2:No, no, it's not even.
Speaker 4:It's not even his pride and joy. He's like. He's like it was fun. I like it.
Speaker 2:This is your post. Lunch dump Also. Yeah stop.
Speaker 3:Don't show that man sprinting.
Speaker 1:Oh, dude, it was rough watching him run. Listen, show him, I thought it was.
Speaker 3:CGI.
Speaker 4:I think it's CGI.
Speaker 3:You know how we were talking about how big he is? Hmm, he's he is. He is shredded out of his, his reign.
Speaker 4:His pecs could, like you could get whiplash if you laid your head against the back and he bounced it like seriously do some neck damage and so, yeah, show him picking up like cars and stuff.
Speaker 3:That's awesome. But then like the scenes when he would be running to try to get somewhere so stiff, like get that man a yoga instructor yeah, dude.
Speaker 4:Also just like I thought it was CGI, because it's like is he moving his?
Speaker 3:skinny jeans too.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And like just it makes him pretty flexible jeans these days, or non excuse anymore. Oh.
Speaker 4:I don't know, bro. I just you watch the season, dean, and you'd get back to us.
Speaker 3:It's pretty, it's pretty brutal sometimes I mean hip and back pain.
Speaker 2:Watching him I was like oh dang. Question about this, this particular episode.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Does this feel like it's in not knocking on the show, but knocking on this particular episode, because the show was incredible, but the last of us, the intermittent episode where there's a gay romance going on and episode has nothing to do with the storyline at all. Does that feel like what this is?
Speaker 4:doing right now, or is it going to tie it in? No, this feels way more focused, way better, way more push. And don't get me wrong, like the Frank episode also was the Frank episode is the same thing as episode eight or episode seven of the Last of Us right it's, or six, whatever that one is Frank episodes good because it builds the world and it immediately answers about a character all of us cared about as fans, and this episode definitely builds out the world more. But there is definitely things in this episode that I just couldn't look past anymore and I've been a fan of episode one, episode two, quite a bit. I've made fun of things in both episodes, especially sitting with my wife, like in the moment I know I pick apart stuff and we joke and laugh about it. This one was a little too much free Like. This one was like what about? Almost like CSI, stuff of like, when I was just like really, really, that's so like I got to suspend that much disbelief here. Go ahead, dean, what was your question? No, the question is like what parts of it? Yeah, so biggest ones, you know, let's just, let's just get the gears grinding right away.
Speaker 2:Let's get riled up here, all right.
Speaker 4:So my biggest beef is that you know the clock is ticking and this is a good thing that I like that the clock is ticking and that Danvers knows she's only got a couple days left before Anchorage PD or you know whatever down in Anchorage is going to take over the investigation. She's going to lose any ability and autonomy she has for it. She's trying to make a name for herself because she got set up here kind of as punitive punishment for being let's call it. Let's call it what it is. She's a little bit of a floozy, you know, and I won't say any more like aggressive words, but like we've already seen in the show she's got a reputation for if it's got too legs and a wiener she going for it.
Speaker 3:You might be in danger, yeah.
Speaker 2:It's like that one chick in the police department, or one time out, or yes, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:But anyways. So she enlists the help of you know her go to like protege. That doesn't seem any way romantic to me. I think it's teleplotonic and he's trying to get this mortician right, a mortician forensic specialist, out to essentially do post mortem on these bodies, and he's snowed in from a storm so he's like well, I could get my cousin, who's a vet, to come down and give us his thoughts, but it's unofficial and off the record because it's illegal to have someone who's not a Forensic specialist or mortician to do post mortem. Even doctors don't do post mortems, which is a lot of people I feel like don't know. Like if someone's dead, the doctor doesn't say how they died. The doctor says call it time, let the more do the reassessment investigation, because it's kind of a. It's a lot of legal pair like, yeah, well, I'll be a little Liabilities. There we go, thanks guys for hanging in there. Um, but anyways, this vet shows up and they're standing around. Look at these bodies. Indeed, you haven't seen up, but I will make a face here and I want you to tell me how I died. You see me, I'm naked. My fingers frost been.
Speaker 2:We should have left out the naked part, because I probably would have guessed that based on the face.
Speaker 4:No, no, no, no, yeah, I guess you could, yeah fingers, frost been a little bit of chewing on them, self biting wounds on the fingers. Yeah, and like a homie next to me has clawed his eyes out.
Speaker 3:There's five, there's like five dead people, yeah, and a pile, but we're all.
Speaker 4:Frozen. Let me finish the imagery before you ask questions. Okay, all right, we're all in a frozen pile of ice and snow together, like Contorted, and this is the expression you see on my face, and I'm like literally naked, leaning back with that expression on you died by saber-tooth tiger, okay.
Speaker 1:Okay, was it freezing to death? Did I die for freezing to death?
Speaker 2:No dude, no one dies freezing to death.
Speaker 1:Like I'm about to go, let me give it this one last good they're in the fetal position.
Speaker 2:It looks like it could be a broke back mountain situation, because everyone's together and they die in a ball.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's not even like. It's not even like broke back. It's like I don't care that you're naked, I'm naked and we're out here in the snow. I am so scared of what's coming at us that I'm throwing my hands up to defend myself and dying, like literally frozen in an expression of fear, screaming eyes, white, right, and so it's like this vet, literally. Detective Danvers is like what can you tell me about how they died? He's like Well, I've seen animals on the ice freeze to death. They curl up in a ball, you know, and then they go to sleep. It's peaceful, not fear, these men didn't die of freezing.
Speaker 1:They died of free fear and I was just like.
Speaker 4:I literally looked at Billy G.
Speaker 1:I was like oh, no shit dog. And I literally gave her the face of like one of these dudes that they focused on. I was like that, look like he died freezing, oh, and.
Speaker 4:Danvers like, rather than be like an opportune moment to have like a McConaughey, woody Harrelson, clat back to like Captain obvious stuff, like they did in season one, just like. Oh like, just like, okay like this is like that he can get the. Yeah, good art, didn't know about that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I would not have been able to get up.
Speaker 4:I was just like it didn't even line up, because she seems like a very capable detective outside of that. That's a real expert but also in this town small ask in town has a big mining operation going on. There's a hospital that's like the size of what would be seen in like a, a larger town, I think in the hospitals full of doctors and nurses running around a lot of emergency stuff, whatever right. But like we see scenes in the hospital and it's busy and it's fully staffed, it seems like Mm-hmm and I'm just like the hell is she doing, calling a vet in? Just go over the house. Be like hey, doc, I know you're off in four hours. Can you come over and look at the corpses? Yeah and it's also not like it's not like it's a secret thing. They're thawing out in the city's ice rack and like people just walking off the street to take a glance at them, like literally, bro, like there's someone like this, people just like walking in there like, oh yeah, so these are the bodies, these are all the dead guys, and I'm just like, oh, like, does not just be like whoa, whoa, whoa, we can't have the doctors coming over for, like you know, crime, we got a man, we got a vet coming.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 4:So there was that. And then the last one that I have beef with so far that I'm picking apart is, like Several more times they've mentioned has shown the dirty water polluted from the mine. Now I'm gonna be critical of, like why is there dirty water when there's clean frozen water all around you for thousands of them? You'd think we'd have solved the dirty water pretty quick here, but it's literally the ground is water. Okay, guys, just thought out. But, um, all I said, the dirty water is reemphasized several times and everyone's having their hallucinations have seen dead people talking to Dead people, hearing the voices of the dead, seeing a hallucination of a polar bear think that was a hallucination the orange being tossed back, all the, all those are when people are alone, and my biggest concern is that it's Like and right now it's not obviously hallucinations like it is left very open to be spiritual messages, literally seeing the dead commute, talking to the dead, and All that it could be that spiritual, could be that spiritually heavy. My concern is that they're just gonna use, oh, dirty water it gave you hallucinations as the scapegoat of all this stuff that makes no sense. Like really dirty water was Travis Cole Leading his ex lover out into the ice and he's been dead for ten years. Yeah, like what.
Speaker 3:That makes no sense. When we talk about the first episode, we got into a lot of like how this season Maybe getting into more supernatural stuff, and we talked a lot about how are they going to take it down Supernatural route, or they can explain it all the way, and because when you do too much heavy emphasis on the supernatural Mystery stuff, if you explain it all the way too quickly or too simply, then it just to values the whole setup mm-hmm right. And so I think that I think there's a very good chance that they could Slowly get away from all the supernatural pieces and just like you're saying, yeah, it's the water, you know, and it's the which is such a question, oh yeah, yep, so we'll see if they come out.
Speaker 4:It's done all the time bro. It's it's like all the time they do it and or it's a dream, right, yeah, like it's. Those two things are never good payouts to your audience who have invested and tried to solve stuff the first two episodes really focused heavily on season one, tying season one into this season.
Speaker 3:Where'd that go, this episode, you know, yeah, where there? I didn't catch any.
Speaker 4:And it's a crap. So the photographs of the crime scene in the tattoo.
Speaker 3:You know the spiral just right to newly reference right, and so they had that in there still, but then the and they don't need to pull back. They needed to pull back some and just not rely on that the whole time, but then they just like they just stopped that whole and maybe they had some very like obscure Easter eggs in there that some people caught. But for the most part I feel like they still should have had something to kind of engage us into the Tuttle stuff or something especially. Like you said, it's only six episodes. If they're uncovering this much greater, bigger connection and all this stuff, then they missed a chance to at least throw something in there.
Speaker 4:Yeah, and I think too, like now that I'm remembering more and more of Season One, like Season One ended with like all the Tuttle's basically dead, like the Colt was done, and so like part of me was wondering, like how, what is this Tuttle organization still operating, maintaining Shell company funding the Salah Research? Who is that? Because I don't know if a lot of people remember, but the final episode of Season One shows the dad of the children's Earl children and his sister, half sister. He's been dead a frickin long time in a shack on a bed, which was the last Tuttle that they were able to track down.
Speaker 3:And so is it just money, tons of money that was held in like has this lab research been going on the whole time onward? Someone that you know, through a trust.
Speaker 4:So you'd imagine there's got to be someone from Season One to connect it, make it make sense and be like oh, this is how Tuttle still the organization still allows, this is how the Colt still lives up here, right, or how it's involved. So, all that said, I don't, I don't really know, but it's kind of I'm a little skeptical. But I do think that there were still a lot of good parts in this episode, a lot of things I enjoyed. I enjoyed essentially getting the McConaughey Harrelson back and forth between Danvers and Navarro.
Speaker 3:Yeah, they're driving yeah, and with rather than having this.
Speaker 4:The religious but philosophically skeptical guy driving get Danvers, who's like the. You know what's their line is like. It's not going to be extraterrestrial werewolves, it's going to be logic and facts that reveal what's going on. We just don't know what it is. We're not asking the right questions. And then you have Navarro, who's like spiritual, still an investigator. I don't think Navarro has given me this stuff of like. She's not giving me the vibes that she thinks it's all ghosts, right and that, and that this is going to be like a demon.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 4:It's not that I think she still believes like the murder is a real person and it might be spiritually motivated, right, like someone, like maybe they killed some people or something and like it. There's a little bit of a culty witchcraft thing going on.
Speaker 2:But five people dead frozen. Oh, it's more than five.
Speaker 4:It's more than five, I think it's like what was it? It's six. There was eight at the station, six in the ice. A seventh was pulled out, dethod. He died at the end of this episode. The eighth guy, they believe, is the perpetrator out on the run on the young.
Speaker 2:They thought him out and he was alive.
Speaker 4:Well, he started screaming after his arm got cut off because they were trying to chainsaw all the guys out. Bro, you got to watch it. It was insane, but I thought that conversation was pretty good. The bat back and forth seemed fine. And then when Danvers asked, like well, what do you pray about? Navarro? Navarro said I don't, I listen. The third time she's like heavily, stated this consistently and you can see like shuts Danvers up, like Danvers doesn't go like a listen to someone who's not there, she doesn't say anything, she stops. You can kind of see like I almost thought I saw her like envious, Like gosh, I wish there was someone talking that I could listen to Um, especially when we see Navarro have her slip on the ice. Looks to be like she's back, she's in her uniform, but it looks like she's in Afghanistan where a military convoy truck is blown up and on its side and there's like some fire around, boxes around, and this little brown hand, in a like onesie, reaches out and says and it's, it looks like it's Navarro's child.
Speaker 3:I mean, uh, Danvers is child that she lost. Um, he's holding the polar bear.
Speaker 4:Yeah, and so like all that blending in together, you know it was like and here's the thing, dude, so many people are like this is dumb as shit, bro. There's too much spirituality, too much ghost stuff, too much. Whatever, I'm like, I'm here. I'm here for it.
Speaker 1:I'm okay.
Speaker 4:I'm really okay if it's ghost stuff, like I'm okay if it's pretty much in the same vein as the terror. And it's like no dude, this was, this really did happen or you know whatever like grounded in reality, like this is a brutal thing to happen. Also folklore, some some spooky folklore stuff going on. But I know, pat, what about you Thoughts on on this past one, anything from this episode that stood out to you?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think the the one, one of the parts that really was maybe the most revealing or best, one of the best parts to kind of carry the character story forward was the flashback to Danvers is telling a story when it's Pete right, her little little little guy who never gets to see his wife, her little helper Yep Peter Pryor, asks you know what happened between you and Navarro? Why? Why do you hate her? And she tells a story of the abuser and they the classic abuse story case where the police just couldn't do anything about it because she wouldn't report but they always knew there was stuff going on until one day went too far and he kills her. And Danvers tells him the story of it being a murder, suicide, and says when we got there he was dead. But the flashback that it's showing it shows both of them walking the room and he's alive, he's alive, and there's. Lindyxie, and they're they're drawing down on him.
Speaker 4:So Navarro too, in that flashback seems focused, like very professional, and I think Danvers' face in that flashback seemed disturbed, Like she's got her gun out pointed at him but she's looking at the dead woman a lot. Yep, I think I can't tell. Who do you think it could be either? I think I think the show's alluding that Danvers, Danvers. I don't think it was Danvers Really Cause why would Danvers be mad at Navarro? Clearly did. Navarro didn't rat out Danvers Right.
Speaker 3:I mean, I don't know Cause this is. You had the theory about last week and it still could be your theory about. You know, I think that one's trash. Now I think that let's just say there's parts of it that are true with, but in this case, in this case, cause what you said was where Navarro wanted to go buy the book, danvers wanted to cover something up, and so I don't know.
Speaker 4:I think it's going to be flip bro.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 4:I think, cause I was trying to, I was waiting and I was like what makes more sense? Danvers kills this dude, navarro covers it up. Danvers doesn't get any real punishment, cause. This is all. This is happening, while Danvers has already been punished and sent up here.
Speaker 3:Cause and she would owe Navarro. She would owe Navarro not to send her off somewhere, so I don't know. So what really happened, Navarro?
Speaker 4:snaps, danvers has to cover for her. Danver kicks her off to the state patrol, which I think that would be more likely and also the twist that we're not expecting. Cause Navarro seems. She seems mostly in control and less frantic than Danvers, but remember when she acted out and poured the alcohol down that dude's gas tank? Oh yeah, like she does little things of acting out, her like total, like dominating Kavik, while he's like whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Speaker 1:She's just like riding him out of like you can tell.
Speaker 4:You can tell you're like whoa whoa something just happened Like I think this guy's laws all control the situation. It's just like one of those things like she's got like little things that showed like review make me think like she might not be as stable or like single minded, yeah, and I use single minded specifically because we see her mom appear to be bipolar or schizophrenic or sisters Definitely schizophrenic.
Speaker 3:And she has some wild visions.
Speaker 4:What if Danvers I mean not Danvers Word of Navarro is like dual split personality stuff and there's some theories out there on the Reddit saying Navarro is the murderer. Dude, she doesn't even know it. Think about how she reacted when she saw her mom's necklace in the car and she's like what is this doing here? Tosses it out the window. Dude, what if it was like a necklace she was wearing in her other split personality and just hit it in the car so the other one wouldn't notice it? I'm talking some real Jekyll Hyde stuff. That's not my theory, but I do agree with you. I do that. I do think that flashback is going to be like super revealing of their characters, for sure to us.
Speaker 3:So I think this episode we've kind of said what we think about it, but you have some theories.
Speaker 4:I got my theory and I'm just going to blast through real quick. Right, let people analyze it again. This is compiled off of a lot of reading and lurking on the Reddit and just cobbling things together. But all right, one, those guys out on the ice team. You said they looked like they were afraid of a saber tooth tiger. They died of a saber tooth tiger chasing them. I think it's Kavik's dogs, I think. I think someone might not be Kavik, but someone used his dogs to. Essentially, once the Solol team was lured outside or whatever got them outside, the dogs were used to push them out. Excuse me, push them out further. And Someone was like take your clothes off at the thread of these dogs barking and biting at their heels and tell me bro.
Speaker 2:You see, you checks out.
Speaker 4:You see some freaking like sled dogs Ready to tear you apart. You wouldn't be taking your clothes off in the in the Arctic I would, yeah, like I'm just more scared of dogs than I am the cold. The other one they showed in like a X-ray and it's not really an x-ray but it's like the print does sit and grabbed and then rolled out and then held up behind An x-ray lamp. But it's a partial handprint, collected from the Solol station, I believe, and it shows a thumb, index finger and middle finger. But they say it's a partial print because it doesn't look like they got the entire fingerprints and they didn't get the ring and pinky finger and the opening scene. We see this lady Blair being comforted by one of her core workers in this crab Packaging plant and literally, as she's like, rubbing her hand. We see she's missing, missing some. She's missing her ring and pinky finger. And she's also. Her name is Blair, and the person that they suspect of committing the crimes is what's his name. That they're looking out on the ice for Clark Clark. Yeah, blair and Clark were both Up to no good in the thing. The thing, the original movie Mm-hmm Most everyone went by last names Mm-hmm, and Blair and Clark ended up being people who were highly suspect of nefarious things. So, like there, and they're kind of like showing a pattern there with some of this naming right, right, and it's definitely intentional right, because, like they've already done, like two, phil's philosopher Name drops, like that kid's name is Darwin Mm-hmm. And then there's like the lead of the Solol station. That was literally like Robert, something it was like straight out of. Yeah, you know what I mean. I can't remember what it was, but it was.
Speaker 3:It was like a name, right out of like a textbook, like soccer cheese or something. Yeah, robert's like on the nose.
Speaker 4:But, uh, alrighty. So then Sedna I found this one out on the reddit. This one's really due to the true detective reddit. Sedna is the Inuit goddess of vengeance in the deep sea. She's missing fingers because she was holding on to her father's kayak and her father Cut her fingers off so she would sink into the water and he could kayak away, leaving her lots of underwater imagery. In the opening of the show, which wasn't seen in the first episode, but you know, the opening is revealed completely for the second. You know every episode afterwards there's a lady sinking. There's a lady sinking and the garage that the protesters go into has graffiti of an of a woman sinking in the water, her hair kind of coming up by her in her eyes. And so Sedna being killed by this man wrongly unjust, fingers cut off Resembles the imagery of Blair, her fingers cut like being removed, probably by her abusive partner, mm-hmm. Whom who protected her before Navarro arrived? One of her co-workers, another woman, mm-hmm. What was behind their heads? In the scene where it shows one, the co-worker holding Blair, comforting her, saying oh, he came at and I hit him with the bucket, mm-hmm, and I don't remember. Behind their heads is a sign With a crab on it, but what are the words around that crab?
Speaker 3:blue King, oh yeah, blue king and blue Kings advertised throughout the. It's like also an advertiser in the hockey rank.
Speaker 4:And what do we see on the signs when we first see Earl children's in season one while he's mowing lawns?
Speaker 3:Yellow King's, not yellow king. This is long king, long King right.
Speaker 4:But it's a sign on a fence Used in reference to when Matthew McConaughey meets him, mm-hmm walks up to him. So I think in here We've already seen that Either Blair or Blair and this other woman are involved, because we also saw other woman here in the grieving for the death of the infant, the stillborn birth, with several other, like any women from the community in Yupac, and I think she's definitely involved. I think Blair might have replaced the role that Annie was playing for this like woman cult Mm-hmm. Cult of Sedna Mm-hmm. And I think what we're gonna get is like an inversion, right, like we've had a whole inversion. This series so far of like our leads are now no longer two men but two women Mm-hmm. Our Victims are no longer women, their men Makes sense that we're not dealing with a man cult, we're dealing with a woman cult. All right, and here's my last bit of evidence. I did type it out because I want to drop it. The actress who played Betty Childress in season one is referenced as a cast member for season four. Really yeah, and her name is not a Childress of our right. It's referred to as Betty Elizabeth Tuttle. So my whole suspicion is that she comes back as the sole heir to the Tuttle Foundation. Somehow I don't know how it makes sense, because she was pretty mentally disabled in season one, if I recall lady who's like in the house?
Speaker 1:Yeah, like make me feel flowers. Oh my, oh, really yeah okay.
Speaker 4:Yeah, so she's gonna be back in this season somehow. Maybe she was just putting the putting I don't know fake on, I don't know if I believe that no, it's a stretch, but anyways, my belief is that there's a lady cult, worships it, worshipers of Sedna, wanting to punish all these minors, all these Salal folk. I think the punishment for the soul all guys was not because they killed Annie, because they knew too much about the Organization from Annie. Like Annie opened her mouth, mm-hmm, and so the woman cult framed the minors, cut her tongue out. All that stuff, wow. And that the soul all guys had really found whatever the Tuttle cult cult wanted them to and now was trying to keep them from going public with it. All right, so who knows, right, who knows? And also the gesture of, of, like folding someone's clothes as like a semblance of like they're dead now I have some remorse over them dying out here. They weren't really Criminals, they didn't deserve it, mm-hmm, but we just had to. And that, like that mental Folding of the clothes out on the ice, mm-hmm, such a feminine thing to me.
Speaker 1:Hey, come at me, boys, come at me.
Speaker 4:Come at me, boys and girls, for assigning gender stereotypes to behavior of criminal psychology. But it's a real thing. Read books, literally. One of the things that a lot of women have done after smothering their children is going full their laundry. Isn't that fucked up? Oh yeah, anyways. So that's, that's my theory. We'll see if it comes true. It's also not my theory. It's like four theories from Reddit all wrapped up into one I like it.
Speaker 2:I think that uh, the depth that people have gone through and read it to analyze Anything, but just in this particular instance, pretty incredible, like there's some mm-hmm.
Speaker 3:Mm-hmm, I think season one is deeper. Agreed it needs to get on top of cancer treatment. Like you know, like the like, the amount of like focus that Reddit is cancer, so you know. Treat themselves, I know, but like, like, if you could focus that amount of like the energy that Reddit commenters put in mm-hmm, that could be focused into in harnessed for the greater good. Infinite power infinite, infinite energy. But these are some good theories, I think I'm they could be true To. They could turn out to be better than the real story three. They could be true.
Speaker 4:Yes, this is true. Anyways, thanks for joining us for true detective night country, season four of the show, part three, and true brewing co Star crusher star crush our crusher I almost said star city crusher. It was a good IPA has got two thumbs up from us and a thumbs up from our guests. So that's pretty good ratings. And this episode I still give this episode, like a Still give it a thumbs up. It was still good. The effects were great. Wasn't cheesy? No awful caribou CGI.
Speaker 2:You're telling me that the people in the ice wasn't cheesy? No, it looks like it looks real.
Speaker 3:You need to go watch a show.
Speaker 4:Yeah, dude, dean, it's good Okay.
Speaker 3:But they only got three. See three episodes left, so they better start ramping it up.
Speaker 4:They got. They got to put the pedal to the metal. We haven't gotten the big shootout. But I tell you what I think. My theory about the shootout being between the miners and the protesters Mm-hmm and someone going like rogue on the miners is becoming more and more true, I think it could happen and I think Leah could get clipped. Dude, I think Leah's gonna get clipped in some scuffle with the miners, which I would be okay with Because they're not really using or for much else.
Speaker 3:No besides pandering.
Speaker 1:Yeah, for real.
Speaker 2:So we'll see. Sounds like a dead person. If you ask me what you mean, our.
Speaker 4:Lesbian interracial couple is gonna be used as leverage to thrust the plot into a darker direction.
Speaker 2:They died in the last of us. They're gonna be murdered.
Speaker 4:Yeah, true, right, you're true, they will probably do that. Anyways, thanks for joining us. Ken Pat, you got any other sign off you want to give?
Speaker 3:No, get on YouTube, check us out. That's where we're throwing stuff up.
Speaker 4:You can definitely watch the podcast, listen to podcasts on anything else. That's also great, but YouTube is where all of our efforts at, because that's where we're getting the biggest response right now.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, so check it out. That's all I got on this one, so till next time.