Unlock the secrets of True Detective Season 4, Part 2 with us, as we celebrate our podcast's first anniversary in style! Mick and I are popping open a can of Trve Brewing's Siren and discussing everything from its farm-fresh aroma to the captivating artwork that graces the label. But that's just the first layer of the mystery we're peeling back. We also take a deep dive into the latest twists of your favorite detective series, exploring character dynamics in a small town shaken by murder, and dissecting the chilling cliffhangers that keep us all at the edge of our seats.

Grab your headphones and a Belgian Saison because it's time to explore the dark and twisted paths of True Detective's universe. Hear us theorize about the show's symbols and mysteries, including the enigmatic golden snitch, and how they intertwine with the narrative threads from past seasons. From questioning the motives of shady characters to scrutinizing the eerie dolls that keep popping up, we're on a mission to unravel every clue. And if you thought you knew where Danvers and Navarro's tumultuous relationship was heading, think again. We're serving up fresh takes on their entanglements and what it could mean for the series.

Finish your brew and fasten your seatbelts for a recap of the most heart-racing shootouts the series has delivered thus far. We're evaluating True Detective's penchant for blending supernatural elements with mind-bending plots, while also revisiting other gripping series like "The Terror" with its bone-chilling Arctic horror. As we speculate on the unfolding conspiracy and the looming presence of the Tuttle Corporation, join us for a session filled with anticipation, skepticism, and a thirst for answers that only a show like True Detective can provoke.

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00:52 - Brews and Reviews

15:53 - Belgian-Style Beer and True Detective

27:11 - TV Show Characters and Plot Discussion

40:26 - Danvers and Navarro's Relationship Analysis

51:27 - Unraveling the Symbols and Mysteries

56:01 - Analyzing Plot and Themes of TV

01:05:21 - Discussion on True Detective Season Shootouts

01:12:25 - Discussion on TV Shows "The Terror" and "True Detective"

Speaker 1:

We ride together we die together.

Speaker 2:

Bad boys for life, get busy living, fuck that busy dying Gang first, last, you're not entertained.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you're not entertained.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to Brews and.

Speaker 1:

Reviews with Mick and Pat. I'm Mick and I'm Pat, and each week we sit down with you degenerates to pretend we're certified cicerones and cinephiles. That is right.

Speaker 2:

So grab a cold one and join us as we review true brewing siren and true detective Night Country, Season 4, Part 2. And if you've been with us before, you know what time it is. Release the.

Speaker 1:

Kraken Synchronicity.

Speaker 2:

It was pretty. It's like we've been doing this for a year now.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, man, that smells good.

Speaker 2:

Can they miss? Can they miss?

Speaker 1:

I was trying to think over my head, and I, you know, I should just open up untapped to go look, but did we give Skullseeker also a four Thumbs? I think we did.

Speaker 2:

Damn, bro.

Speaker 1:

So true, brewing first brewery to get two fourths Thummer's out of us. That's crazy dude, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So once again we're back with true brewing and true detective. We have decided it is worth it, worth it for the brewery and worth it for the show that we're going to keep reviewing their beers and reviewing the show as a these episodes come out and unfold. I think it'll be fun to kind of go over sort of all the fan fiction and things like that and these in this season four they're kind of they're starting to and seeming to allude to the fact they are going to really bring some stuff full circle and funds things like that. So we think that it'll be enjoyable for true detective fans to kind of get to break down the what's been a 10 year journey at this point because it came out so long ago. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And you know, it's like one of those things like we don't really want to do an episode by episode breakdown if we don't really feel hooked by the show. But episode two still kept my attention, pat. Seems like it kept you interested and involved.

Speaker 2:

I think we should do episode breakdown of all of the show, 24 hour by hour, minute by minute, with the in. Every episode is going to end with the.

Speaker 1:

I've never watched 24 ever really, because so many people talked about it that I felt like I knew the whole show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know it might be too late now. It's too late now, probably to catch on to it. But enough about TV. We're talking about beer also, and we got true brewing co out of Denver, colorado. In their brew pub they have a music city, hot chicken and metal music playing. If you want to check them out and have some of what might be some of the best beer and some pretty dang good hot chicken while you listen to people screaming.

Speaker 1:

Also good news for those of you who aren't in Colorado they are opening soon a brewery in North Carolina, in Asheville, really, yeah, which is ironic because that's also the first place New Belgium opened up outside of our little local town here, and so with that it's one of those things where seems like Asheville is just going to become another pop in small brewery craft brewery town. But good news is is once that's done, I think they'll be a lot more widely available. Hopefully so.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully they don't dip their quality, though you know I don't think they will.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully they don't just like hook on to one thing. It like they're like yeah, so we're. We're true brewery, but now every beer is a version of the siren. Yeah, yeah and hint.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's fire. That do Belgium. I don't know if I have faith in that I do.

Speaker 1:

I do I believe they seem different. They seem to come from different cloth. Yep, they're different. For now they don't. They don't give their employees a bicycle at their five year anniversary. They give them a like blood sacrament, a brand.

Speaker 2:

A brand. They just rowdy. They give them a robe. Oh man, that's creepy, have you?

Speaker 1:

I mean all the pictures. They seem like totally chill people oh yeah, they seem so down to earth and normal and not like nearly as culty as I thought.

Speaker 2:

I was going to be. That's like we said last week about. You know some of the metalheads out there, so maybe some of the nicest people you ever meet. True, very true. But, siren, it is a saison and on the can, here we have once again some incredible artwork work and the full moon rising behind the rocky bone covered shore, and we're staring into the eyes of the dead looking eyes of a zombie, bride mermaid. You know there's no bridal things on there, but you know, just kind of like I think that's just a siren. Yeah, you know the thing from folklore, yeah but but there's a there's an element to sirens. It's always a little bit, a little bit grabby touchy. They're reaching out for your business and they're going to kill you. There's a skull in the water, there's some bones on the rocks, there's some foreshadowing what's going to come. But traditionally many sirens are, you know, portrayed in Greek mythology as these kind of beautiful, flowery mermaids on the rocks who call you in and kind of. You end up getting dashed upon the rocks, like although Dicius almost did if you didn't have his troop time up to the mast, because, if you don't know the story, when he was in the ocean he wanted to hear the sirens songs and he so. He made his whole crew shove like sheep's wool or something down in their ears so they couldn't hear the song. They could pile the ship and he had them tie him to the mast so that he could hear the songs and he said no matter what I do, you know, no matter how much I command you to go over to the sirens, do not do it. Keep a straight course, men. This is they were in the middle of that that, that thirst trap. November and they were trying to make it through, but he needed to at least hear what it was all about. And so, anyways the art on here he has this siren reaching her hand out of the water for you. You can tell she's coming for your soul in this picture.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did, and you know what, you know who's to say that's not up off the, in the Bering Sea, off the coast of Alaska, right Full moon, 30 days of night, rocky shore. You know, it could be. It could be the same locale, definitely. Could I agree. But anyways, I guess, before we take our sips, anything else you want to say Pat.

Speaker 2:

Well, what?

Speaker 1:

is what does it say song?

Speaker 2:

Well, it is a beer that was traditionally brewed by the Belgian folks back in the day, if I'm not mistaken, the French Belgians I'm not sure how that works, or French lost the word. Yeah, so the French Belgians. And anyways, the name says on is the word season, basically because it was a beer that was brewed in the winter.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I was going to catch a drink in the summer and they had trouble.

Speaker 2:

This beer was a breakthrough back in the day because they had trouble making beers self stable for a long time without them going, and so when the Cezanne's came around, there was something that they could stock up on in the winter months making it, brewing it, and it'd be ready for the summer and it'd still be good to go. And yeah, that's what I know about Cezanne's. I know it's a summer beer and it's the winter time and last week we were freezing our little little nads off in here and it's still cold outside today, but it's a 60 degree swing difference, oh yeah, so it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

It feels like it's time. It's like a negative 20 something to now. We're at like 40.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it feels like it's time for a little summer beer. A little summer beer action.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't was too warm for my layers, man, I almost had to take my vest off. Mm. Hmm, yeah, it's a. I will say I'm used to most Cezanne's. Cezanne, say me home, how do you say that in French? I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Why you usually do the good. I know it's like Cezanne.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't know. So, anyways, but I'm used to them being more sour oriented.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I think I think it's a son was one of the first sour beers I've ever had, like that was really categorized as a sour beer, you know it had that like almost vinegaryness to it and I really don't think this one's sour at all. I think this one is. That's not a bad thing, but it doesn't remind me of that kind of more vinegar fermented almost wine flavor that I feel like I associate with a lot of say so, and I think La Follier from New Belgium was the first sour I had. They considered it sour at the time but it was a say so and I believe Mm hmm yeah, it's a getting some kind of champagne you think so, just like because we said that a few weeks ago about the Pilsner Mm.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, yeah, about it having that apple flavor, yeah, and I don't know if I think the same here I think the it's less the apple flavor and more it's the it is still the crispy dryness of it, or also in the. It's just that, that feeling on my tongue, that kind of tingling. I have a tingly numb feeling on my tongue when I when I drink it.

Speaker 1:

So we'll see what the I just really don't think I taste that much fruitiness and I'm used to say songs being fruity, mm hmm. Again, the truth is here. I'm going to say this Mm hmm, it tastes balanced, mm hmm, and I'm going to it's. This is a weird way to describe a beer. Mm hmm, it tastes like a meal. Hmm, there's, there's something about it that feels like I'm getting a little savory, mm, hmm, I don't know some protein.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how to describe it.

Speaker 1:

Dude, like literally the sip of it makes me think like food meal, hmm, and I don't know like how us to describe it. It you ever see those like old school commercials where they joke about how in the future you just pour water on a little tablet and it's spring into like a full turkey roast mashed potato stuffing meal.

Speaker 2:

Mm, hmm.

Speaker 1:

For some reason that image is just coming to my mind as I taste it and it's not like all those flavors combined, but it definitely has like a. It just has a very full, robust taste to it. My opinion, mm, hmm, some people have described, say so and says spicy, like and I think by spicy as in like, you know, cloves and seasoning and spices you know around that kind of stuff like what you would spice mold wine with or something like that. Mm, hmm, I almost want to say that's kind of not mold wine or cloves, but I do think there's like a, a spice element in this. You know something that gives it that savory profile.

Speaker 2:

Yep, I agree, I think it does feel.

Speaker 1:

I think it's citrusy, but without being sour.

Speaker 2:

I don't know yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Do you feel like that? I feel like that's actually pretty accurate. A little bit of that.

Speaker 2:

I feel like it is a little bit of citrusy in there and I don't know. I just feel like I'm getting, yeah, like a very dry champagne-y type taste in my mouth too. But maybe the push it through your teeth test the old swish test will tell us what's going on.

Speaker 1:

Just the push it through. All right, folks, you know what to do. A tablespoon of mount, let it roll over all of your tongue, go down the sides between your molders and tongues, and then to swish it from side to side, and then put your tongue to the roof of your mouth and push that tongue forward to push it through the front of your teeth, get it nice and aerated. Now all I'm doing that Pat's going to give us his thoughts on it. What you getting there? Your face is looking confused. It looks like you don't know how to describe what you're tasting.

Speaker 2:

I don't, because it is like the spite, it's spicy on the back of my tongue. It feels like I've got some it like burned the back of my tongue, not in a bad way, just had some, had some burn going on there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know how to describe that dude. That was the main part, like the main part of my tongue. That tasted, something was on the far back part and the very tip.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know what, the way you're just talking for some reason triggered repressed memory of mine. Yeah, and all of this kind of sounds like we're describing the New Belgium holiday ale Like of what it was shooting for. I think this tastes to me like a holiday ale Like. This to me doesn't taste like a summer beer. This tastes like kind of Christmassy a little bit, maybe that like spiciness to it, being a lighter beer, having those kind of citrusy notes, but not sour, not an IPA, I don't know. Dude, I have no idea how to describe this. To be honest, I'm like perplexed. I've done this. Doesn't taste like any other, say son I've had and, yeah, spicy, I don't know. I'm literally at a loss for words. Bad, yeah, it's got me out.

Speaker 2:

Fill in the blank. I don't know. It is because the saison is technically a pale ale in the pale ale area? of things with its, and it's known for being having fruity, spicy and carbonated attributes. Yeah, they're just highly carbonated, and so I feel like this tastes like a lot of the beers I had while I was in France. Like this was the like. If you just went and grabbed beer off the shelf, this was the, this was it. I can't pinpoint the flavor, but there's even a flavor in here. That's kind of like the Padoo beer we had.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I mean, that's kind of what it was. Whoa dude, I just took a big, stuck my nose in there and took a whiff. Kind of smells like an animal, Like an animal.

Speaker 2:

Got it smells, bro. It's that later smell. You get like the yeah literally legit.

Speaker 1:

Kind of smells like livestock, like not poop, but like you ever smell like a goat or like a horse. Yeah, tell me that doesn't kind of smell like a donkey, bro, like the hair. Yeah, there's something.

Speaker 2:

There's something in there that's a little pungent not a bad way.

Speaker 1:

It's weird. It's like everybody likes their own smell. No, dude, that's uh. Wow, that smells is a whole new profile to it too. I didn't get that at all when.

Speaker 2:

I was taking a sip. We just emailed them and this is going to be the one day here. I don't know. I'm not saying anything bad.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I guess, dude. I mean I think it's just because maybe I'm used to saissons being sour in citrusy or a fruitier, so maybe I just need to reassess. But yeah, what you said about the padu padu, the padu padu, it does remind me of that a lot. Was that a saisson or was that just a cause? Cause, I remember that one having a little bit of a champagne-iness to it too.

Speaker 2:

It's a Belgian style Belgian style. It was a Belgian. Was it a Belgian triple?

Speaker 1:

Maybe I can't remember Padu, padu, all this French stuff. You can tell I'm uncultured.

Speaker 2:

I'm looking it up it's a Belgian triple.

Speaker 1:

Triple. Yeah, okay, cool, um, yeah, definitely has those notes. Maybe it's just Belgian beer, you know, maybe, maybe that's what we just need to rest Like. This is a Belgian saisson in most of the saissons we have, or not? Um, all, I said you're going to give it some thumbs, dude, or not give it thumbs, I don't want to.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to impression you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all right. Um, a beer that is yummy, but I certainly don't think it has any bad taste. The Swiss test didn't make it taste bad, just definitely brought out this the profile of different spices to me and overall, pretty mild beer. It's a light beer for sure, but I'm going to give it a thumb up and it's I think I'm giving it a thumb up just because I have a lot that I'm not sure on about it and there's a lot I'm not. I don't understand as I'm tasting it and trying to figure out and none of that is bad Cause. Maybe they're just nailing it, Maybe what it's supposed to be but there's nothing like you know, like how we tried the bears. Uh, when we did the bear, we did the Pilsner for um.

Speaker 2:

Anderson Valley yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I was like it's, it's pretty good, it's a pretty good Pilsner, but they seem to just be a little too hoppy with it. Like I found something I didn't like, even though overall it's pretty good beer. There's even though I'm still figuring this beer out there's nothing that I don't like, like I like the whole thing so, and it doesn't feel like a, it doesn't feel like half-assed. You know what I mean. So all I said while I'm still figuring out what the heck's going on with it I like it and I'm going to give it a thumb up because, at the end of the day, I can't think of anything bad to say about it. And it's not like I can think of a better, say, song. I'm not saying it's the best one I've had. I haven't had a lot. I say songs are usually kind of the sour as I skip when I'm looking for a sour beer. So yeah, it gets a thumb for me.

Speaker 2:

I'm going one thumb as well. I was one thumb up. I was tempted to go zero thumbs.

Speaker 1:

I was tempted to, but then I was literally thinking I have nothing critical to say.

Speaker 2:

I feel like the what is why it's why it's getting a thumb is cause I what I just said about how, like, most of the beers I had in France tasted just very similar to this and there's something about the like the French beers and the Belgian styles that just have a very I guess I said this before. Like you know, when you see an old dog not not a, not an old dog is about to kick the bucket, but you see a breed of dog that just looks like it's been around for a long time. Yeah, and it's like you know mountain sheep, dogs, and like you know not a shitsu. You know it just looks like they've had 10,000 years of time and experience. Like this thing stays the way it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what this is.

Speaker 2:

You know, this is just like I feel like this. They brood this in the way that it's just been around in this way for a very long time and they didn't mess it up. So I'm going one thumb, you know. So that's why I'm at.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm happy about it because I mean, it's just like one of those things like I, I'm rooting for true brewery. Oh yeah, I'm rooting for them hardcore. Because like, not only are they like the first brewery to like pretty much get the two, four thumbers, they just have a good vibe. You know what I mean and I want to. I kind of they're kind of a little bit of an underdog when it comes to like the big breweries. So, all of said, two thumbs up for the siren here at the Mickey Pat show. Go ahead and check it out. It's still in stock at most breweries, most liquor stores I see here in Colorado. So get if you can. If you don't have a near, you see if you can order it. There's a lot of online ordering of beers lately. So all right, pat, which is kind of interesting, that my transition for this episode. Right, it's actually the lyrics to the. Of course I'm not going to have it up right here, but do you remember the song for the intro of season one, true detective?

Speaker 2:

Oh, if I mean, I know I'll remember it right when I hear it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the it's called far from any road by the handsome family and you know the first line is a there's the fucking strum and it's like from the dusty Mesa. Her looming shadow grows hidden in the branches of the poison Creosol and I think, oh yeah, I like the last line of like the first course is in. When I touch her skin my fingers ran with blood at home, just like dude sounds to be like this man's falling for some siren in the desert. Oh, which he kind of is. You know that whole song's about falling like looking for a flower in the desert and dying when you find it. And all I said, episode two, true detective, seems like we're getting more and more into this allure of who is she that is awake? Is she the woman murdered, her spirit? And we get a lot more questions this episode than we do answers, but some pretty solid answers are provided, subtly, not in your face, and I'm pretty excited about those answers, cause while we're getting in this episode ready, there was just some information that I was able to kind of put together and piece together and I'm excited to talk with you about it. But let's, let's just kind of, you know, get into a review and I'll say this currently user reviews not very positive of this episode, which was surprising to me because I thought it was. Was it the best 45 minutes of TV? No, nothing really is there, right there it's. It's hard to be a memorable episode in a series often, and I thought this was a totally fine episode, but a lot of people are saying it was boring, the acting was bad, the writing was bad, and so I guess, before we get into our theories and kind of breaking down what we noticed throughout the episode what, what do you think like it's, it's obviously good enough, because I texted you about it and you were like, yeah, let's do it, let's do episode by episode breakdown.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm. I think that they're not necessarily wrong about some of the writing and acting and directing, what, what, where it? For me, where it's standing on, it's standing on the shoulders of season one. Okay, that's why I'm engaged, mm-hmm, because of my love for the season one and the things it's pulling threads on, I'm like I want to know what's happening, I wanted to see how this story plays out. But, that being said, like watching Compare if you're comparing it to season one, which is also just a very hard thing to do, because the reason why this show has been, is still on, it only has four seasons in ten years is really a big, a big impart because that first season was so dang good, hmm, right, so it's like it's gonna be hard to please and hit all the Hit all the things that you're wanting to get out of it with that sort of expectation and bar set and so the. But remembering back to the first time I watched the scenes of, you know, detective Rust being interviewed, smoking a cigarette, drinking a Lone Star, and when he's got his long scraggly hair and he's given kind of the story background to what happened and also kind of given Philosophy lessons on life time use a flash circle. Yeah and all that stuff, and you're like what the hell is going on? I really want to keep watching this. This is so like that. That gripping thing that was going on Isn't going on for me in this, which is okay, that's so interesting to me. But, but, the, but, the but, the oval overall arc and plot of Pulling what seems to be like maybe pulling season one into season this season. That's the part I am enjoying. So because if you, if you took out the, if you took out those pieces and just had it, had it had this show running as a standalone thing, it'd be, it would be good, a good TV show, and it might be actually doing better, because people won't be comparing it to season one, but but at the same time, it might be it probably just be another TV show.

Speaker 1:

See, I Guess I mean. All right, let me. Let me just say some things. Mm-hmm, I want to acknowledge one that I think my wife and I, billy Jean, while we were watching, both noticed a couple points where we thought, like, mm-hmm, that she's awful, she's an awful actress, or oh, he's okay, and I genuinely think that you know, unfortunately, but like, just to be honest, the, the sister to Navarro, is not a good actress. Hmm, I mean when she's like I'm not mom, don't make me go there. They medicated me as sucked. It was horrible. I was just like, like, but also, I think I I've just never really seen a lot of people do. I can't think of one person who did the angsty teen well, that I enjoyed and I so like the actress playing the daughter for Danvers, leah Danvers, played by Isabella LeBlanc. It's just a little too like there's no part of you that wants her to win like. She's just she doesn't get it and she keeps bringing it, the issue up at it like a time when it's like can't you see, as an adult, your parent is overwhelmed? Are you literally just bringing this issue up to like, you know, poke needles and push their buttons, which, don't get me wrong, danvers doesn't seem like a great surrogate mom or whatever. But All I said I do think there's Occasionally a bad actor actress in the show. I think for the most part, like, don't you? I think Jody Foster is great. I think Navarro is doing great. Like Her name is Kale or Collie Collie Rice. I think she's doing good. I'm not like the biggest fan of this. Like a depiction of I Don't know like it's not that. It's like I have a problem with how they depict Tina as a cop. It's kind of just like Maybe I'm in, maybe what I think of, like from my experience in law enforcement stuff, the standards and Acceptableness of like cops with tattoos and piercings is Different than what it really would be. Out in the boonies of Alaska right, she's a state trooper. We're still makes me think like they probably tell you take your piercings out during work, mm-hmm. But at the same time it's not like I have beef with it, all right, it really does disrupt the show. For me it's just like one of those things I was like I could suspend disbelief.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't know anyone who's been a state trooper out in Alaska right, you know so. Or in native populations, yeah, right, um, so all I said. I'm also a big fan of John Hawks and what he's been in and Christopher Eccleston who played a captain Connolly. He was in the show called the leftovers where he was this brother who was Given. He was like a pastor in this show where it seems like the rapture happens, and he's kind of like he's on paper like the Christian guy who should go when the rapture happens, mm-hmm, and he just really was an all-star in that show. He was great in it and I think he's fine here. He's kind of a little bit of comedic relief, mm-hmm, I don't get any problems. I thought it was fine, I thought that comedy works. But I also think, like you know, like you're talking about right on the laurels of season one, and I think that's you know really what every season has done. You know, and I think that's why season three was such a success, because season three was just like, essentially, like we get season one again, just a different story, mm-hmm, and in the end, you know, it's not as dark. And season two didn't work, I think, because it really felt like a very disjointed, unbelievable story, at least from the people I talked to about it.

Speaker 2:

Right, I've never watched it and with forced side stories, which you know, for instance, like with, in this one, the Danvers daughter Mm-hmm. Like is her side story gonna Come back in to matter at all? Like okay, the teenager snuck out and I have to watch these people, you know they're so count they make out probably had sex right whatever a store.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Whatever's going on here and just like the, because I've such like a panda radar, yeah, it goes off. I'm just like all right like. I don't care, yeah, and unless if this ties back into the story in a great way. Or is this just like you know?

Speaker 1:

you know, Just cuz right, yeah, and like I think it will. I think it will. I don't know how it will, but I agree with you Like it. Part of me was like what's going on here? Mm-hmm. At the end, though, what happened? She's going to lights and sirens at the end of the episode that she's just going to the crime scene like yeah, that's right, she's walking in or the new, yeah, the following room. Yeah, which you know. Maybe that's like the whole thing to like it's.

Speaker 2:

It explains how her got there and um.

Speaker 1:

Peter right.

Speaker 2:

Peter, yeah, how they're connecting and like yeah.

Speaker 1:

I still not sure if if a Leah Danvers is the sister to Peter's wife. Right, it also seems so out of Left field when Danvers shows up to Peter's house to like play with the kid and get some boots off and in right after telling Peter Like you're not going home tonight. Yeah your wife and kid and then she stops at the house.

Speaker 2:

I'm like this seems a wildly inappropriate for a supervisor either small town stuff or, like I would assume, in a town like that you have lots of cousins, yeah right. Yeah, lots of cousins like and and and and. Like someone's grandma is also someone else's is aunt to like 10 other people, right? So I don't know, maybe some family relation there, but it definitely hasn't been like clearly laid out for us, mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

I will say the other thing that, like, was a little hard for me to suspend. Disbelief was in this small town. This is probably the biggest murder case that has occurred. Or like, not maybe you, they weren't ready to call it murder yet, but like these dudes frozen in the ice, limbs sticking out all over the place, frozen six feet down, five feet down, and In the beginning the only person who seemed to be reacting with appropriate horror In fascination, trying to make sense of it, was Navarro and Danvers, mm-hmm. And then, like these other cops from the precinct, grab ass dudes. Yeah, they're just like oh taking selfies and I was like I don't think any of these dudes from you know the middle of nowhere Alaska Would not be like what the hell is going on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know what I mean I should all, they would all be perplexed by that and they'd all be like the two things, the things I see would happen, or one, they wouldn't be like tick-tocking it, yeah, because they'd be Alaskan boys who like know it. Yeah, maybe there's lots of tick-tocking and with Alaskan boys I don't know. But two, I think for any young cop To be on a scene like that, you know what they're gonna do. They're gonna be kind of half chubb to do their job. Yeah, you know, like excited, like oh my god.

Speaker 1:

I had an opportunity like oh, it's happening this is and this is the Super Bowl in the captain same we're not giving it to anchorage, that we're keeping it local.

Speaker 2:

Hell. Yeah. Yeah, I get to make my name and so there's a little bit of it. Would that was?

Speaker 1:

That's not how it would have happened, yeah but I mean it also like I didn't think it was bad. I just thought I was like, yeah, that's hard for me to believe as someone who has been around, like Dude, I've been around guys who just get excited because they get to write a report on a fight, because it's it, that's exciting. Mm-hmm you know, let alone being there and be like is this a murder? What the hell caused this?

Speaker 2:

right, you know. So all I said, just being totally scared out of your pants. Yeah, they weren't even scared, they're just like jacking around like it'd be freakin scary.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I was scared watching it. I'll be honest like and so that's why, like, it's kind of interesting me too when I hear people who are like this is boring, this writing is bad. I'm like this to me is way more intriguing as a premise right now, mm-hmm. Then season ones Hmm, I like season one a lot, mm-hmm. But season ones premise, initially in the first two episodes of prostitute murdered by Some crazy guy, put in a stick, dolls in tattoos, mm-hmm. Like that's not that new, right, but what does get eight Isolated, very dedicated People to their work guys to run out naked in the cold and then who is there to observe them? Die, mm-hmm. And then shows remorse, though by Properly folding their clothes and stuff. So Also, dude, when that one guy is screaming with his head out of the ground, oh yeah, that reminded me of the thing like that was like such a callback to the thing and that's probably one of my favorite horror movies of all time. Right, but like the way his head twists as he's like trying to like scream and move, mm-hmm. The only thing I wasn't clear about with that was that when that dude who someone pulled an arm out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, was that his arm.

Speaker 1:

That's why he's screaming. I could have tell, but I'm because the next thing you know, they reveal like when we come back from the Intro it's like he's in the hospital. They're probably gonna amputate both his legs. He's in a medically induced coma. No one's talking to him anytime soon. It's like holy smokes, dude. But I I mean it like chilled me. I remember my wife and I were both like we had like started muttering, I think, about the cops not taking it seriously and then when that dude screamed, like my butthole punctured up Straight up like what's going on. So I don't really have any other complaints. I think it's fine. I'm not. I don't agree with like the writing, the the overall statement that the writing's better, the acting's bad. I haven't seen they, especially when I just like watched Reacher season 2 and I literally watched that show out of hate. Yeah like I watched it with my wife during lunch to hate on it. You know what I mean. It was funny Well, like dude night agent.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Come on man.

Speaker 2:

Like it's a great show to come on after American Idol.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the writing and acting that versus this are like miles apart.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely. And and yeah, it's not the writing and acting of Season one, and that's okay, it is okay, that is a. That is a high bar.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's also a different writer too, like I know. I know like the guy who produced and wrote season one is still around helping produce this one and advise, but the writer is the also the lady who's directing Mmm. It's a like Personally now that we're kind of getting into the other stuff unless there's anything else you want to gripe about.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm enjoying it. I just think that I'm more excited about the big story than the tiny little story.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, me too. I think there's credit to give to this Issa Lopez who's running it with Nick. I want to give her credit to like it doesn't feel like fan service to me, like the callbacks and attention to season one details and plot lines doesn't feel like fan service yet. It might eventually, but to me so far it feels like she's she's paying attention, working with Nick to like the narrative he created and it's like there's a lot of subtlety that I think is like as a fan. There's a lot of subtlety that I missed that is connected to season one, that I like didn't pick up when watching the episode in a good amount that like I wondered and I was like I've heard that that's familiar. Why is that so familiar? It's probably season one reference and like I am sure enough it is, and so I don't know how do you feel about that. Like in the, in the direction that, like you know, you've already kind of pointed out, like you do, you are enjoying its references to season one and it is standing on those references a little bit. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think as far as the and this director goes, like she's been at it for a quarter of a century and she's just really kind of made a lot of stinkers. Oh has she? Yeah, so which is like there's been a couple like OK ones in there, like what Give?

Speaker 1:

me some, give me some.

Speaker 2:

I mean like you wouldn't even know of them, like you never even heard of them. You know, but then like to get handed true detective and handle it pretty well as well as it's going so far yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'd watch this before I watch season two.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah for sure, or the night agent. Anyways, ok, but part two right, you know we're delving in here into the Townsend Namex a little bit more. We get a little bit more insight on Danvers and Navarro's previous past relationship. I have a theory about that of like, why it seems not like we, like I'd hire you back, because in episode one I thought she kind of pushed her into the state patrol because she wanted her to have a career and she didn't think there was going to be a career for her and Enos. Episode two makes me think, like Danvers actually disdains Navarro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and Navarro messed up on something.

Speaker 1:

And what do you think it is? Because I have my idea.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I think it has to be around the Annie case.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it is. I don't think it's got anything to do with Annie.

Speaker 2:

I guess, and then, if not, that I don't, I don't know, maybe something with the my. Oh, maybe here's the OK. I do know that the lady who owns the mine hates both of them, but she hates Danvers and Danvers seems to have a diddled. The husband.

Speaker 1:

Diddled. Yeah, yeah, danvers, is probably the reason that the Kate McKittrick and her husband got a divorce.

Speaker 2:

And so then, maybe Navarro had a hand in like revealing, like she spilled the beans on it or like I don't know, maybe she's involved in that. I don't know. What do you?

Speaker 1:

think. I don't think that's enough. I mean I think that might be enough to get terminated. I don't think it's enough for Danvers, disdain for her. I think whatever happened with Danvers as kid if I recall correctly from the subtle one liners baby and dad or son and dad died in a car accident. I think with that Danvers over reported or something like that in the case to try to really punish whoever was at fault for it, you know whether it was a drunk driver that drove into or cause the accident, whatever it was. I think Danvers really was seeking vengeance and justice and Navarro didn't roll over with it and Navarro gave like conflicting testimony or didn't plant an evidence thing or something, whatever it was. And then that's why I think like I genuinely think, like Danvers doesn't hold Navarro responsible for her kid's death or anything. I don't think it's that level of disdain, but I do think she shows the disdain of someone who got in the way of her getting vengeance and something in her personal life?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, professional life.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, and so that's how I feel. I mean, and that's totally that's like honestly baseless, that just goes off of like their, the way they interact and insult each other as well as, like I don't think Danvers shows vehement hostility but definitely shows, like you know, essentially like a strolling flipper of the bird FU for getting in my way hostility all those years ago. So, like I mean, I again I don't have any hardcore evidence, but I definitely think that's the theory I'm operating on here is that Navarro good cop and just wouldn't roll over with Danvers to really get her the judge. She thought Danvers was probably going too far to get the vengeance which we kind of see right. We see Danvers lose her shit a little bit. Episode one on the drunk driver, a little excessively, yeah, which makes me think like that's a little bit trigger point for her. So thoughts on that, I think he could be right. Okay, right, what else? What else you got for this episode? You know we see a little bit more of their background. What else do you feel like we're kind of the ups and valleys?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that we see more of. We also see flashbacks of Danvers before the kid passed away. She looked happy. She was a different person.

Speaker 1:

Long hair Yep Danson smoking weed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pre. Where's asking for the manager haircut.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know.

Speaker 1:

And so pre highlights in the hair yeah, Like she was a blind.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she gets her hair highlighted and so. But we definitely saw like they do, they show that like she hasn't always been the way she is right now, and so I think you know that that gave us some good window into there and the there's some interesting stuff with the. Oh, the dad cop. What's his name? Peter's dad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, peter's dad, mr Hawkins, Hank Hawkins, yeah. I feel so bad that he's gonna scammed. He's gonna scam so hard. That's a dude. That's a dude in India who's never coming to America.

Speaker 2:

He just is like, oh like, he's sending money for the mom for the mom's medical bills. That sucks, dude, that hurts. And he's also maybe been lying about how old he is because he's only taking pictures he's taking pictures of himself from when he was older. Yeah, Because it's like hey, send pics, it's like you, like you know so the picture of him when he's younger. Yeah, so either one, that was like a boomer joke, you know type of thing you know like, oh, like he doesn't understand that she's asking for wiener they send pics of, like your goose.

Speaker 1:

She's like you know send more pictures of yourself and he's like, oh okay, I'll go take this picture off the wall and take a picture of a picture.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so either it's a joke like that he doesn't get it or he's like.

Speaker 1:

I mean, how many of them kind of went that way?

Speaker 2:

He's kind of like scamming too. I'm like I'm kind of older, like like once she gets here she'll have to stay, you know.

Speaker 1:

but yeah, so he's, you know, can you imagine going from like I can't remember what country they said she was from, but like, just imagine you're going like from like a northern Euro Asian nation, very like a, you know, slovakia-esque culture, slavic culture, I mean, like you go to America and you're just in a darker, colder, more north version.

Speaker 2:

You just have a photo on your wall of like of Laguna Beach, you know, and like Gucci purses and stuff and you get them. You're like what, this is America. Yeah, it would be quite the shock. So I. But with him there's something in his past too, like did his was his old, did he have Danvers job before? And he got demoted Cause like why does he have all those case files? He's not a super big fan of her, the case files are like he.

Speaker 1:

like he keeps them without being reprimanded. Yeah, he kept them after a flood. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Is what they said. Episode one yeah, but then he like doesn't need to turn them over.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, also, mom ran away. Mom's not dead, but mom left Peter and Hank, which is definitely seems like a sore spot. But there's a the way we've seen Hank kind of be like come on, go to hell, all right. But then when he finds out Peter stole the files and confronts him, gets a little creepy. He rebukes him with the slap. Then his eyes are like kind of cold and he's like kind of thousand yards staring at and he's pretty calm and demeanor. He's like blood is thicker than water, peter, don't forget that. She's using you. And then like it's in any leaves, right, and it's just one of those things of like wow, you would have expected that guy, out of all the people, to have be outraged, but he kind of resorted to some kind of like. Like that's kind of the way he was raised by whoever his dad was, you know.

Speaker 2:

But and in these true detective themes of like small town weirdness and long family histories and stuff like what does he know or not know, or like is he, is he just disgruntled and so he doesn't want to have the files, or is he, does he know more than what's going on and so he's like he's, he's a part of the spiral, people, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Spiral people. You know part of me thinks like that. This is almost stepping into, like Stephen King, levels of supernatural, you know what I mean, like this idea of an old evil, that that some symbols have power beyond what our brains recognize and comprehend. A literal symbol could sway the events that lead to the life or death of someone. Right, and it's weird because it's. I'm wondering how they'll apply it to season one because, yes, that spiral exists a couple of times this season one. But it's also something like you know, if Russ Cole spent time in Enos, alaska, and he knows the symbol from time here, growing up here, and we see that it is a symbol that is recognized spiritually as something that might be older than Enos you know what the hell does that mean Then it's kind of interesting to me, like how could that really make its way all the way down there? And then Can they essentially Rewrite, without Stepping on their own toes, the justification for Russ going down to Louisiana in the 90s, because the whole idea is like if he knew about this symbol, mm-hmm, you would think it would warrant a far more illicit reaction when it's found on the back of that hooker in season one and that he would have way more of a drive to like, discuss and be like. This is a symbol of pedophiles, right, like, but like what really happens is that was awful, what kind of accent? What really happens is that a you know, he takes it and acknowledges and he kind of sees it recurring Lee as imagery, and that's kind of about it. So to me I wonder, like, is his whole persona down in Louisiana gonna be represented as like Acknowledgement of like this thing exists and I'm just kind of hunting it. I'm hunting those who follow it, because and I say that mainly the Tuttle Corporation- mm-hmm the Tuttle Corporation is in season. One shell company Behind this organization that takes women and children and has and murder Sacrifices in one.

Speaker 2:

It's a school. It's a school they're right, supported by the organization I school, but even like mr Tuttle himself is in season one. Yeah, you know, like he, like the dude who's named after right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's it's mentioned up here with you, like you know, an NGO called Tuttle United which does everything and is funding the Salal Center, which is supposed to be researching For a microorganism that can reverse aging, cure cancer, which that part to me felt like way out of left field, of like no way they just revealed the crux, mm-hmm. Like no way they just revealed the golden snitch in episode two, mm-hmm. That seemed a little too early when that guy's just monologuing about what they were doing. Right, I was like that's a red herring Immortality yeah they're looking for immortality and they went crazy because the micro organism drove him insane. I was like, no, no, come on, that's not it. So I said, mm-hmm, the spiral, mm-hmm we see it repeatedly in this episode to scraped into the ceiling of this Voodoo witch trailer that this guy was living in to have his, you know, voodoo witch sex party at but, and the first time we saw it, though, was at the very beginning of the episode.

Speaker 2:

On the dude's head its forehead right on one of their foreheads.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, someone and guy who lived. They made a good point mm-hmm. When you're freezing to death and running from something, you don't stop To inscribe that symbol on your forehead. So who afterwards was there to go and do it? Mm-hmm, which I feel like.

Speaker 2:

They revealed it by the end of the episode. It's Clark, right, yeah, clark, but wait, it's just really lost. A lot of mystery for me.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it lost my mystery Red herring. Bro, it's a red hair. Yeah, just think of how many red herrings were in season one.

Speaker 2:

Or season three and here's. You know I was because one thing I wanted to bring up was like, even like, is Clark alive? And I think I'm hoping they find him dead, that we will a hundred percent. Clark will not be alive, like right away, cuz, like, cuz.

Speaker 1:

He cannot be the dude he's not dude, she's the dude, whoever she is right.

Speaker 2:

She's awake right, but but is she that? Is she, annie? Now dude, annie's driving her driving him insane.

Speaker 1:

You think, you think they'll go that far, into like a spirit is driving them.

Speaker 2:

No, no, just that, like that, clark was driven insane by this because then once again in another season, one tie-in is that we have the the creepy-ass dolls show up again. Yeah, you know, in like a real creepy yeah like Full-sized person stuff. Yeah, all creepy and my curious. And in the trailer we see the spiral and so they're pulling that.

Speaker 1:

There's pulling like a lot of Threads through, you know and the well, keep going well, I was gonna say the biggest thread, I think too, is introduced early in this episode, when we have rose amount of logging with Navarro about who, who's this freaking guy, barefooted Travis Mm-hmm why was she saying asking Travis what he wanted? He's clearly not alive, he's clearly a hallucination. And what we find out is like it's very common in Enos and it's multiple people this episode who say you know what happens here, people see the dead, people see the dead all the time up here in Enos. And Rose even says she thinks this is the place where the world comes apart at the seams and you can see the dead a lot easier here, because that that Fisher between our world and theirs is a lot narrower, mm-hmm. And I think With that too, she reveals that Travis is known as Travis Cole Mm-hmm, who is likely Russ's dad, especially when you see the way Travis Cole was cast and his appearance. Yeah, no, ain't Matthew McConaughey. His appearance in season one, mm-hmm. So with that, I think there's a good indication and I'll say this I won't be, I won't even be mad if Matthew McConaughey is not in the season.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm alright if it's just like teasing the whole time, but I do want to say like I think that was like I think this season will essentially reveal like a far larger plot, mm-hmm of the Symbol and its iconography with a, a cult that believes there's power in it, mm-hmm, and I think that will like help play into like answering more questions, to like season one and like the cult that we see there, that we really like end of season one. You have no answers. All you know is that they got one bad guy, mm-hmm, who was kind of just a henchman for the bad guys did Tuttle?

Speaker 2:

even get and take. No, did he get taken down years later? Cuz I don't know, dude, I don't even know, because the friend I think, if I remember right, they destroy.

Speaker 1:

They like they don't turn it in because they think if they turn it in, the people in power Will be the people they're giving it over to.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, I need to go back and look because we do get a watch season one because season one. They like to play with time, so much you know and they Obviously the interviews happening years down the road and in.

Speaker 1:

Matthew McComney loves to fold cigarette cards.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, into shapes and it's happening, and then they're playing this stuff back in time, but then they get, they get into real time, and then they finish, they come into real time. Then I just can't remember how the end of season one even ends with if Tuttle got what was coming to him or not. I can't remember it all and so I don't know are they gonna bring that character back in? Hmm, maybe that's already answered, cuz I can't remember the end of season one.

Speaker 1:

I just remember, essentially like they're leaving the hospital and they're like do we get all of them? No, but we got that one, yeah, and the whole monologue. On the beginning there was only darkness, mm-hmm. Yes, me it looks like the lights winning, yeah, and it's just like, okay, hopeful, hopeful, optimistic ending while Woody Harrelson pushes Matthew McComney out in a wheelchair to smoke a cigarette, mm-hmm. So, all that said, I guess I just I'm curious to see where it goes, but I don't think, I Think, if anything, this season will give us more support for the prosecution against the, you know, the, the Illuminati like Entity that exists out there of powerful conglomerate elites. I Think, I don't think total got brought down, dude Mm-hmm, because, especially if you think about this, even if total got brought down, his company's fine. This is clearly taking place present day and bigger. It's bigger than him and it's way bigger than him. They're funding a mine Mm-hmm. The mine is essentially keeping a town alive and they're also sorry they're not funding a mind. They're funding the research center those Solol research center to find a microorganism to reverse aging right, like even if total got brought down back in 2012. Whatever first season came out 14, 14, they didn't win yeah you know it's. They're still out there doing their thing right and so still covering up. And I think the biggest thing to that we'll find out is that Annie is not good Really. I think that's the biggest thing is like it's gonna be a crisis of faith, and the motive of our detectives Navarro and Danvers you're gonna find out. Annie is a villain and he had some kind of Cover of this social justice warrior stopping pollution and fixing climate economy, and I think she's evil because she has the spiral she brings in Clark. Yeah, Clark Gets the spiral weeps. He believes there is power in it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't think the spiral wasn't put on her. I don't think.

Speaker 1:

Clark killed her. I think Clark was. I think Clark realized someone more powerful. Whatever the entity behind the spiral is, the organization Killed Annie and he's been just struggling since because we get all the stuff like. He walks around naked. Yeah he's. He cries in his room.

Speaker 2:

No one bothers him, especially because here's the deal why was the tongue in the research center?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think the tongue got sent to Clark as a message. Just shut up. It's a double message.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we silenced her, she was like she.

Speaker 2:

They give him the tongue. I like that, whoever it is the big wigs Shut him up with, like they gave him the tongue you clip it right here.

Speaker 1:

Clip it. Let everybody reference this.

Speaker 2:

We called it right now, and and then I think that with that Part of that sent him into more of his psychos. He was, he was, he was sent the tongue. But then why was the tongue still with him years later? I think because he was going crazy and he held on to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, yeah, and there's gonna be things too that I just have to accept we won't get an explanation for, like the fact that he says she's awake, all power goes out, even two phones. Mm-hmm total EMP wipe, right. Also, who's running around in the beginning when the delivery guy gets there, but the phone still?

Speaker 2:

work and the phone still work and the phone still work. So like not like the power went off to the phones, but they're still. You know, it's like it was an EMP thing right, or it was spiritual.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it is hard because, like honestly I gotta say, the show's doing a good job at making me question where the line is between Scientific event, whether intentionally caused or Circumstantial, versus like that's a ghost you know, and because they do this thing, where they even in season one, the, the experiences that are supernatural, ish Can be an armor, explained through delirium, yeah, even rusts like stuff, more through delirium than Spiritual.

Speaker 2:

And so spiral birds, and so, and I was thinking of, I was wondering why the one-eyed polar bear showed up to Navarro, not Danvers, and that's, I think that Lens validity to what you said about she was involved somehow with she's carrying guilt for the boys death. Yeah, because the one-eyed polar bear clearly has to do with the one eye.

Speaker 1:

The boy calls his stuffed animal polar bear one eye.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and so like it has to do with that boy, so it's like there's something in there. I Just now thought of that because it's like so, yeah, good point, she's involved with him because it showed up to her. Why would she care about see a one-eyed polar bear? Yeah, and who is she that's awake, I don't know. Is it a Leviathan? It's about to rip out of the ground and like all the things, the fool and so yeah, but um, I don't know, they have this episode did, maybe slowed down a little too quickly, like adding the mystery.

Speaker 1:

There's still a lot of mystery, but they, I want one, they do you let me, yeah, I'm a challenge you in, yeah, and I'm gonna challenge you with one thing mm-hmm. The intro, the intro video we get this episode is way different than the intro from the first episode, Way more shown and revealed in this one. Mm-hmm, because of course there they don't want to spoil stuff in the first episode, like the title intro. That's what I'm talking about. Okay, if you watch that title intro, mm-hmm, I Would really challenge you. Can you explain what you're seeing? Can you explain? Because every season that title intro tells the story and you know way more about that intro by the end of the season than in the beginning. I'll say this like that intro. I Can't explain it yet. There's a lot in it especially that is very horrific in iconography of like mm-hmm. Some of that I was like, oh, that kind of looks like the animal bones from the, from the trailer. Some of it I'm like that we haven't seen that. That looks kind of like an altar, mm-hmm, whereas someone was just sacrificed right, I mean it's like.

Speaker 2:

That's why I'm like, and I think the mystery is like we get the red herrings, because the first season did this too where, like they quote unquote, caught the guy or found the guy, yeah, but the guy was just a Methed out tweaker, yeah, who's was semi involved with the cult, or you know like so.

Speaker 1:

And remember the church that had the Spiral on the wall and was like a broken down church. Mm-hmm, they find out that pastors traveling and when they go to talk to him right there, we're gonna find out. It's all. It's all this religious stuff, man, it's like a Christian religious sex cult. Mm-hmm, not not any real legitimacy. He just essentially says, like well, I never owned that building. You know, tuttle helped Fund it, right when they held the school on Sundays or whatever, right, it's a like. There's so many red herrings in these and ultimately season three is just a full red herring until a final episode. Yeah, when you find out she's alive. She's living her full life, mm-hmm, and they didn't report that they found her for the sake of letting her live her life as a as a new person, free and, like you know, out of a bad home environment, right, and so Everything you know, I think, is like right now, it's hard to tell what is real and what's not, and it feels like it's being Buttoned up too quick, but, that being said, they've done this to us before. Yeah, and I think that's the thing that will feel like silly about. Mm-hmm, we'll be like why did I think that that was an answer? Yeah, like I should know better by this point. Like that's definitely clearly not the answer. Yeah, but anyways, I don't, I don't know, I'm not again, I'm not solid on any of this because I think the shit has a really good job of like keeping things up in the air. You know, I'm predictable, but keeping it logical and sensical. My other theory okay, this is my other theory that I'm thrown out there now I'm a stick to it. I'm not gonna change it. I have my theory about Navarro, not in Navarro, danvers. Not changing that until I'm proven wrong. Mm-hmm not because I'm that confident in it, but just because I want to hold on to it. Yeah, and I want to be wrong. Um, every season we get the big shootout Mm-hmm. Season two had that foot chase shootout. We're like a shit load of cops got nice God, I forgot they got done and it was like the, the shooter lit up that bus with people on it. Oh yeah, it was like everyone was died, bro, it was, it was awesome. I said that I didn't. I haven't ever finished season two. I watched that like action scene because it's it's a lot of it is like a Big long tracking shots and I watch it every once. I'm like this was really well done, like this was clearly the best part of season. Season one had the they're really big shootout with the two meth heads. Mm-hmm, that had the like kids and women and the children I mean not the women, it was just the like children in the trailer. Mm-hmm that they were like looking to probably, I think I think it was put them into sex trafficking. I remember right, um, they were looking for the clients for him and there was like the big shootout with like trying to get those two guys. Season three was the native Vietnam vet, the native American who's a Vietnam vet. Oh yeah, we trapped his house because all the rednecks are coming for him, because they thought he was the kid diddler, mm-hmm, and he wasn't at all. Yeah, but he just knew he's like it doesn't matter, they're not gonna listen, mm-hmm, so I'm just gonna. I'll take as many as I can with me, mm-hmm. And that was awesome. That was a great one, you know had claymores in his house ready to just take people out? This season. I think I'm calling it now. I'm shooting my shot. Mm-hmm, excuse me, I think Ryan cow talk any cow talks, brother. Mm-hmm. I think he's gonna be swayed by what the memory of his sister is, as, like this activist who was Murdered by the mine, and I think the miners are gonna do something where they're like If this, and they're gonna grab their guns to go have a showdown against the protesters against the mine, and I think Ryan is gonna be like Torn between memory of sister and like more evidence coming out about the case that, like other miners probably did this, and I think he's gonna be like, no, you guys aren't killing anyone else. I think he's gonna be the dude who's like.

Speaker 2:

There's a big minor shootout. He's gonna be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's gonna be taking a stand against the miners and I think we're gonna have a scene where Navarro and Danvers Are gonna realize they have to put Ryan down. It's gonna be this weird like how we're trying to get justice for a sister, but, dude, we guys, we have to put this guy down because he's not gonna, he's not gonna turn you, he's not gonna roll over, and I think that would be like a very weird tension of like well, what's even the point? Now, why get any justice? Of all, the miners are been killed by Ryan. Ryan's dead. What's the point?

Speaker 2:

and miners can be rowdy. Do you know where the term redneck comes from? From your neck in red in the Sun, that is what we all think. It's actually from Virginia and coal miners, oh, who were unionizing and fighting against private mercenaries and national guards types, and the way they identified themselves was with red bandanas around their neck redneckers, yeah. So anyways, that's a super side story, but very interesting story. We may have to do a side put like oh yeah, we have to do a making pattern, cuz it's a. Anyways, rednecks, my or comes from miners. Miners are rowdy and they got guns, so we could have a big old minor shootout. We can only see they hate the police and Alaska like they hate Navarro, and Alaskans have guns.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, and they also hate the natives, like the locals in the village racial tension aspects.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah socioeconomic tension aspect. There's a Cops and robbers aspect.

Speaker 1:

There's it's like it's already looking like a wind river thing, right, oh yeah you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

did you see when?

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah, it's wind-driven, yeah for sure, and so all that said, that's my theory for the big shootout. This is because there's gonna be one come on. Hopefully it's every season. Yeah, alrighty. Closing thoughts.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Anything that we didn't cover, that you wanted to go over. Anything that you noted, I mean, still feels like there's a lot of things left out there up in the air. Yeah, I feel like Now.

Speaker 2:

We just have to let it unfold, because they've Like we were saying a second ago, episode 2 they've Already drawn us to a lot of conclusions. It's a pride just gonna up end. There's a whole bigger, bigger story going on here with Tuttle Corporation and nefarious activities, evil going on. And how many episodes is this? Do you have episodes of season supposed?

Speaker 1:

to be. I think every season is 10, okay.

Speaker 2:

So we've got a long way to go. There's a lot that can happen in 10 episodes.

Speaker 1:

I do remember, like every season, I'm like well, they've done it, it's wrapped up, and then I see like the episode number. I'm like oh yeah, it's just episode 6. Yeah, yeah, yeah which is, you know, I love true detective. So I don't, I'm not, I got no beef with it. But I guess I do want to shout out something to anyone who's listening who might be wondering like I Need something to kind of sustain me. I've already watched the other seasons. I need something to kind of keep me sustained or interested. Or maybe you're like, wow, I'm really digging this angle here of the supernatural. I have a Show recommendation, also an HBO, a one season show. It's very concise. There is discussion of a sequel season with a different kind of storyline, like true detective, where I would follow a completely different thing with different characters, but unfortunately never happened because of COVID, but the outsider, jason Bateman I Can't remember everyone else's name but honestly, phenomenal Supernatural detective mystery season Mini series show. I've shown it to several people. I've yet to find someone who didn't enjoy it. It's very creepy, incredibly unsettling and it's like it's. It's really. It really is like when you see it you're like, damn, that that's what this season of true detective is. It's this like line of supernatural or not. Until I have enough as evidence to believe as a and you're looking through the eyes of a detective and the outsider just nails it. And it's also about a Predator that goes after children, specifically children, and it uses children in order to destroy families and it enjoys watching Families be absolutely annihilated by the death of a child and so it's like it is great, jason Bateman phenomenal in it, but the the rest of the cast also really holds up the show. You know in their scenes and I don't want to spoil anything else about it because it is worth. The one, like 10 episode watch and I usually watch it about Once every couple years, just because it's that good. The other one if you like this arctic horror, inuit kind of folklore, spirituality stuff, you got to watch the terror guys. I know I talked about it last week. Terror is a great show Again, concise, one season, contain narrative Based on a true story and reports of that, like when you read the true story of the HMS terror and the corpses that were found afterwards. It's real, real horror and it's very supernatural and it's very hard to like suspend any supernatural Evidence provided for, like what happened to those guys. So both of those one season, concise stuff, 10 episodes each, I think very enjoyable, very well acted. I think the terror is like one of the best acted like one season stories I've ever seen, just in regards of like the cast is stacked, like. When you watch you like I recognize everybody. Like everybody in this other than the minor league guys. I've seen in other movies King's speech, whatever stuff like that a lot of British people, right, but both of those mystery horror set in different times, stuff, really good stuff. Anyways, pat, I'll pause it there because I want to. I want to let you kind of wrap this one up, you know, because I feel like you're a little bit more on the fence than I am.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I think that I Feel like I've kind of forgotten how much they send you on a roller coaster Now and I'm just I'm hoping they don't let it fall apart, you know, and if I hope they don't ride the name and the season one too much, yeah, it has to be because he hears the thing too. If, let's say, rust Comes on, mcconaughey shows up. If he comes in and solves the mystery, it kind of really takes away from the other characters like they're pointless.

Speaker 1:

They're not at all about the feminist agenda.

Speaker 2:

He just comes in as to get it fixed. Oh yeah, a chivalrous white savior or whatever, which I wouldn't be opposed to him showing up like this next episode and just being in the rest of it Maybe just because I would seriously destroy Eddie, like about a time that Navarro or Dan Briss gets. Oh, no doubt, no doubt and so. But, that being said, they're going to have, if the, if he's coming back around or being used at all, they're really going to have to use him strategically and sparingly to work it out or to set up a season five. That is just like the rowdyist right.

Speaker 1:

Here's the way they would make everybody watch season two. I don't know how season two ends, so I don't know who's why we're dead. Like literally, he shows up and like his mom baby, it's not his mom, but Rose is like Travis. What do you want, mama? It's me. Hey daddy, it's like she's like Russ and like as he looks, he's like he's like standing at the car smoking a cigarette, you know, two finger tosses it and as he tosses it, getting out of side of the driver's side of the car, colin Farrell from season two, right, like somehow they connected because something in season two we weren't aware of, outlines with the total corporation, and then everyone would be like, all right, wait, hold on. Maybe they've been referencing season two this whole time and we should go back and watch.

Speaker 2:

If I remember season two right, it'll have to get very supernatural for Colin Farrell to come back on the show Supernatural. No, I mean, I think he bites the bullet.

Speaker 1:

Oh, does he? I can't remember. It's Vaughn, it's Vaughn. Gets out the other side of the man, he's got a. Did he bite the ball and see the two?

Speaker 2:

I think so. Oh, who lived? I can't remember Rachel McAdams.

Speaker 1:

Rachel McAdams gets out the other side.

Speaker 2:

I can't remember, but yeah, I think that you know the. Anyways, we're going to have to use that very like carefully. Yeah, this is like all the all the fan fiction and articles coming out right now it's just like 95% focused on Matthew McComay's return or something. So they're going to have to. We'll see. We'll see what happens there and how it plays out. Tuttle Corporation that's got to be big, very big, scary thing. Yeah, because also the Yellow King was never found or dealt with.

Speaker 1:

But all right, I'm not going to get into it. The Yellow King is a very real life, larger than one show thing.

Speaker 2:

No, I know what the Yellow King. So what I'm saying is is like he can't be found.

Speaker 1:

Right, you know he's, he's a deity. Basically, if this is really the Yellow King right, and if it's.

Speaker 2:

If it's supernatural, yes, he's larger than life. If he's not supernatural, he's still larger than life, and that there's your sorrow. So I'm touching right exactly. So there's a a hope. I hope you show up next week. I'm what they're just they have. They have a lot of potential for these big, big stories to. They've got a lot to play with and I hope they did it well. I hope they find out.

Speaker 1:

I hope they find themselves in the, in the park, in the playground, having fun, because I think that's when the show's at its best, when it's just off the chains. All I said, though this is a long, this is a long episode for a single episode, right, but we really really did kind of take everything from episode one. Episode two references this season one, because our first thing was a first take on, if we were even interested in watching the rest of the season. So, for our cannot there the rest of our episodes when we're reviewing the show on with beer, you can expect them to be about like the last of us link this one. We just wanted to make sure we kind of put the picture together for everyone, and you know we're all on the same page as we're going forward. So, with that hope you all enjoyed. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the show. I'm looking forward to the rest of this beer. Yeah, true, brewing is slapping, bro, but anything else that you want to sign off with.

Speaker 2:

You know it, the show comes out Sunday night at 9 pm, so mountain standard, and so if you want to catch up and join up and, you know, listen to these as they come out and have watched the show, check it out. And the story is yet to be seen. There's only episode two, so I'm excited to see what happens and this will be a 10 episode. That's a long time. It's been a while for two and a half months.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, free content baby.

Speaker 2:

So it's a lot. It will be in there for a while. We'll be here till the leaves are popping out, but so, yeah, get caught up on the show and grab some true brewery stuff, because it's good.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, if you can't get it, just go on the website. They got merch Mm-hmm. They got sick hoodies. Oh yeah, I almost bought one today.

Speaker 2:

I was really close. I was like is it a hoodie that I should wear while I help lead worship at the church?

Speaker 1:

There is something you could get away with. There's something you can't, bro. There's like some that look straight up like Little ironic. Which is ironic, Like I hope they hear this and I hope they're not like oh, these lame Christians. Like I don't know what any of them believe, but I hope they hear this. They're like I hope they know we really think they're awesome.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure, all right, but anyways, thanks for joining us, ken. Yeah, till next time.

Speaker 1:

Till next time, bye, bye.