Prepare your taste buds and nostalgia receptors for a thrilling ride, as Mick and Pat take you on an exploration of True Brewing's Skullseeker beer alongside the iconic thrills of "Predator." Savor the rare ingredients and metal-inspired design of this Denver-based craft brew while we tie in the skull-collecting Predator himself. You'll get an earful of our love for matte black finishes, our reverence for beer aesthetics, and even our unique 'swish test,' all adding layers of enjoyment to your listening experience.
But what's a discussion about beer without its perfect cinematic companion? Relive the chills of "Predator" with us, from the thermal imaging scenes to the unforgettable final showdown. We're not just sipping on nostalgia; we're dissecting the film's blend of horror and action with humor and behind-the-scenes tidbits. Whether you're a beer connoisseur or a movie buff, there's a frothy mug and a seat at the bar waiting for you.
It all comes full circle as we wrap up with a discussion on the enduring impact of "Predator," analyzing its timeless storytelling and how it stands out against the backdrop of the franchise and modern blockbusters. Join us as we share our personal ratings, ponder the changing cultural reception of machismo, and propose incorporating the film's classic one-liners into your holiday traditions. So, grab your favorite beverage, kick back, and let's toast to the fusion of craft beer and classic cinema.
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We ride together we die together.
Speaker 2:The bad boys will like it.
Speaker 1:Get busy living, fuck that busy dying Game first, last, please don't entertain. Oh, you don't have to entertain. Welcome to Brews and Reviews with Mick and Pat.
Speaker 2:I'm Mick, I'm Mick, I'm Mick, I'm Mick, I'm Mick, I'm.
Speaker 1:Mick, I'm Mick, I'm Mick, I'm Mick, I'm Mick, I'm Mick and I'm Pat. And each week we sit down with you to generous, to pretend we're certified Ciccerounds and Cinephiles.
Speaker 2:That is right. So grab a cold one and join us as we review True Brewing's Skullseeker and John McTiernan's Predator.
Speaker 1:And if you've been with us before, you know what time it is. Release the Kraken.
Speaker 2:Oh, I'm foaming up.
Speaker 1:So, spoiler, I've had this beer. I had this beer last night, Came in a four pack and I was thinking to myself, while I was looking at the awesome art on the can, I was like Skullseeker, skullseeker, wait a second, maybe a perfect beer for the Predator movie, because the Predator is collecting dude's skulls. And so I texted Pat and I said bro, predator review, like we've been talking about, we can do it tomorrow. I got a good beer and he said game on. So I hope it doesn't disappoint Pat, because we've been trying to find a Predator beer for a while and I just I saw this one. I was like this is so metal, just like the Predator.
Speaker 2:It is, and I had a little sip and it tasted good. I'll take another one.
Speaker 1:I think I grabbed the can I? Knocked over, I got a big head of my beer.
Speaker 2:You grabbed the wrong one.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but Pat, I also, you know, I should disclose this to you. I'm very biased, to true, Mm. Hmm, trove.
Speaker 2:I think it's true.
Speaker 1:I think it's just which weird is if you Google it or you type it into like um, um Drizly.
Speaker 2:Mm, hmm.
Speaker 1:You have to type it T R, v, mm hmm, it's not one of those ones where, like, we just typed our name weird.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Um, you can't type it T R U E Because there is a different. There's different breweries that are like mm.
Speaker 2:Hmm.
Speaker 1:Or wineries, you know. So, um, yeah, this one, a true brewing Co. I found them a year ago in Colorado, maybe a little bit longer than a year ago, but I just remember they had some kind of really metal looking, kind of goth, emo, vampire beer that was in like the seasonal October beer areas. Mm hmm, I grabbed it on a whim and it was so good. It was so good and the can art just stuck with me. So I went back for some more and they were kind of running out but I was like, no worries, They'll get restocked. They got, you know, they got their own shelf here and then, dude, they never got restocked and I could not find them anywhere, like across Colorado. And I knew there was a tap room, mm, hmm. But I was like I just every time I thought to go buy a beer I looked for them. I could never find them anywhere. On Drizly they were out of stock in every single store, like I just I started putting in random zip codes just trying to find the closest one. It was never in stock, and so then I saw it just about a year later they're all in stock again right after October, into November and December. A lot of them are the same beer that they had in stock last year and I think they are like such a small batch craft brewery that I really do think they only like do a year, like an annual release, and once it's sold out, you got to wait till next year, that's it.
Speaker 2:Unless you go to their brew house or something.
Speaker 1:That could be total, total conjecture. You know what I?
Speaker 2:mean yeah, because I haven't seen this one around. I've seen it occasionally. I recognize the. You know the true with the V, but super cool looking can. I am a sucker for Matt Black.
Speaker 1:Oh really. Oh yeah, you're not a glass, but, oh my words, you're not a gloss.
Speaker 2:Back gloss black. No, matt Black man, I love it. I had a like a my motorcycle in college. I just bought rattle cans of Matt Black, just flat black paint, just just sprayed that thing up, murdered it out, as they say.
Speaker 1:Yeah, murdered out my two lives.
Speaker 2:Exactly, and so I like this. The cans just basically all black, but then they have a skull on the front with some swords running through it and the swords have a little bit of a Some Nordic yeah, and it looks to them a little bit of a shine like a holographic Pokemon card action. Only the blades, yeah, just the blades. I mean the cool you know, like the. It is a blonde ale with that skull seeker is written in gold. I like it. Super simple design, Just. I think you know skulls are like. Some people don't like skulls. Some people really are super into skulls. I'm kind of in the middle, I think it's all about the taste.
Speaker 1:Yeah you know what I mean. Yeah but the I think I do think a lot of school stuff is over, done, too much. I'm kind of like you know we were just talking about Danzig, song mother from one of their albums and that album I think is tasteful school art Like it's less is more, like shadowed, you know two tone.
Speaker 2:Yep, yep. So I like this can. It just looks cool, it looks like you're holding something awesome, and what else is this can have to say? On the back it says the malt is a troubadour. Truth, but truth spelled with a V. And then the hops, we've got Magnum Grunggeist Is that how you would say that? That those two dots above the you Grunggeist or whatever that's called? And Citra, it's a brood and canned in Denver, colorado. This one pipe can and 5.1 ABV and so pretty clean look. And the company true brewing Co. They're kind of a loop. You know there's not like a whole lot out there about them on the, on the interwebs, but I did some digging. It was just a little bit Shatter Fair was going on and they were, but the other websites kind of sparse. Usually that's my main source material for this part of the show. But they they opened in 2012. And the owner is named is Nick Nuns and he was a heavy metal fan for a long time as a teenager I think. He played in some bands and love metal and so he when he started this brewery he was, he wanted it to be for metal heads and so all their artwork, all of their kind of vibe of their shop. It's, all you know, lots of, lots of flat black, matte black going on in the place. Quite a few skulls too, and they're always playing heavy metal in the in the brew pub, and they are located downtown Denver and they have also a music city hot chicken serving food at the brew house. So not a not a bad place to go. Grab a good beer and a and some good chicken.
Speaker 1:It's kind of savage because I think music city has their own beer and it's not that good like they have their own branded brew beer.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, I'm just like does anyone even get that way? Yeah?
Speaker 1:You know this eight plus plus brewers the place you're serving chicken out of, yep, yep. But one thing I think you didn't know on the can that I thought was pretty cool here in the back, the perforated label all the way around. And what's that say down there, pat?
Speaker 2:What does it even say? Oh, this can is recyclable, that part.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, but above it it's more metal. Oh, rip the beer.
Speaker 2:Toss the label, recycle the game.
Speaker 1:That part, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Craig. Craig hasn't messed up in a long time.
Speaker 1:Now he's been a good boy, but we like I'll put some beer in my mouth and spit it down the whole way where we keep in them, but he doesn't have our tunes going, oh, and they'll be going in post.
Speaker 2:It's just. It's just harsh in the my, harsh in my mellow, as they say. But then music city hot chicken. I don't know if they're metal, maybe I don't know. They probably think they're metal enough to keep up with metalheads but they ain't metal enough they are. You know, maybe they are, Maybe they are. They're the nice metalheads like. SpongeBob like SpongeBob. Um, so that's the. That's the brewery. That's really all I have on the located in Denver starting 2012. They like metal and they like to collab with, like concerts and stuff and coming through the area and the music scene down there.
Speaker 1:Gosh, I will say this four pack for this. Take a guess how much it costs I don't know, is it 15? Is it some of them?
Speaker 2:are, but this one was this one, because this one doesn't, you know, I'd say this one. A fair price on this is probably like eight bucks.
Speaker 1:Okay, it was 10 bucks, yeah, 999 for four pack. But they're tall boys and they're craft brewery, very independent and rare dude. It's commodity. Yep, I tell you what I'd pay 20 bucks for their four packs. I would. I've paid 20 bucks for a season like all year around available new Belgian beer and I feel like a fool. Yep, you know, yep, but again new Belgium. If you want to sponsor us anyways, all I said let's do some sips and some swishes here. I've been kind of letting Pat get some flavors, taking my time because I already know I like it. But I do think, like, right off the top it does kind of remind me of like a little bit of mead, you know, it's a little soft with some sweetness and citrusyness to it. I think the strongest flavor is kind of a little bit of a dull honey sweet. What do you think? Kind of taste that too?
Speaker 2:Yeah yeah, just like with these blonde ales, you don't have flavors attacking you Like you'd have in some of like the dark stouts and things we've been trying to do. So for these ones it's just really mild, but the main flavor and there's some sort of like honey wheat Is this a wheat beer? I mean, I think, I think just about all, All beers are wheat beer yeah that's true. That's true, except for.
Speaker 1:Guinness. Yep, this is true, I don't know, man, you know you're the one that was supposed to research the ingredients in the brewery. You know I would say it definitely tastes me more like a softer honey wheat with citrus. And I think, like when it says citrus, I actually really do taste a very balanced citrus flavor here. It's not overpowering and kind of orange peel flavored Like. Sometimes the citrus is too strong and I think it tastes like orange peel and other times it's just not there at all, and I think this one's really it's there and you recognize it, but it's certainly not the only flavor. I wonder if one of the hops has that kind of honey flavor coming into it. You know, I mean, if one of these.
Speaker 2:Magnum or Hugen heist and Blondale generally. While it is a catch, all term for a couple of various styles is generally a beer in the cream ale and colch realm, and so I do, like my, my Colchis, everything interchangeable with golden ale. Summer ale. Blondale first came onto the scene in the late 1800s as a lighter alternative to pale ale, and so you ever.
Speaker 1:Do you have like a colch that sticks out in your mind? I remember I had like a raspberry colch once and I thought it was a very delicious pinky beer. I think it was maybe my Prost.
Speaker 2:I was about to say Prost Colch is my, the one, I like. I was like I was going to look up the name. If it has a name. Yeah, prost Colch is they do have a good one.
Speaker 1:But any you, let's do that. Good old swish test. Folks, if you've been with us before, you know what that is. But for all of you new listeners, all of our listeners in India and ironically, 2% of our listeners are in Israel I don't know. Just look that up the switch test. Take a little spoonful of your beer into your mouth, let it roll down the back of your tongue like you're teasing your gullet and you're about to swallow. But then you just let it roll off the sides, down between your molars and your tongue, and then get under that tongue and switch your tongue side to side, really kind of aerate, do a little bit of a push and pull with your cheeks and then let it kind of come back together just above your tongue, behind your teeth, put that tongue against the roots of your mouth and push the beer through your darn teeth and Pat, what are you getting? What kind of nuts are you getting? While I do the switch test, because it's impossible to. I'm working on my ventriloquism so I could. Yeah, at the same time. Yeah, I say it in the mic while I'm doing it.
Speaker 2:You're gonna get beer everywhere. Yeah, no, I think that I'm gonna say like the creaminess comes through, that's the main Like if there's. You know, there always seems like there's one flavor during the switch test. It's really accented, or really like shines through and that's just like if something like kind of like cream soda, just creamy that's what I was Like the taste goes away and it just tastes creamy to me. Yeah, cream of wheat, yeah that's the main thing.
Speaker 1:It is Like this Ironically, I think, with the switch test when there's a citrus note it gets stronger, like almost overpowering, and I do agree I think that is mostly just like a. It tastes like a kind of sweet foamy beer head. When you swish it around and really aerate it, which you know makes sense you kind of think swishing around would get most beer to kind of taste like it's head. But some beer, I think when you swish around, just you get all those unique flavors out. And this one, I don't know, I think it's pretty balanced, like there is no particular overpowering thing. There is just that nice kind of balanced cream flavor and I'm ready to rate it. I can't wait. Yeah, I'm ready. Pat, this is your first true beer. I will say I've had some beers by them that are like not misses but just not going to make a lasting impression. But there's other ones I've had where you know I've already said it like it made a huge impression and I wait yearly now for this to come out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I think like this is my full.
Speaker 1:Here's the deal. Look at the can.
Speaker 2:Look at the can again, I know here's the problem I'd say it's. One note that is funny is like you would never grab this can If you just had to like, blindly grab this to be like, okay, grab the beer, based off the picture and what it looks like, that you want to, how you want it to taste. It's like not, you know, like I don't know. I would no, no, no, no. But I mean like no, but I mean like to get this taste. Oh sure, like this was.
Speaker 1:This is some nightmare fuel beer. This is nightmare fuel. This is nightmare fuel.
Speaker 2:This is the dark stout, the dark stout like the you know the. You know the cold yeti winter. But I'm going to give it one thumb, Okay, but I'm borderline. Yeah, I'm going higher.
Speaker 1:I just want you to know I'm pretty fucking pissed, yeah, the fact that this gets the same rating as the holiday ill that is a cry. I know it's it's like true brewing. I know your metal. We can do some kind of blood sacrifice seance with Pat If you want. I don't even care anymore. I didn't mean that You're quiet. I thought I heard.
Speaker 2:No, I'm just going to say cause, like traditionally in my mind, like I have reserved the two thumb up spot for like five days I've had before. Like it's just kind of like like they're like top staples Like, but like I'll let you sit. If I had to drink this beer for the rest of my life and it was the only one I wouldn't be sad, yeah. So, that being said, I've got to bump it up to the two thumbs.
Speaker 1:Two thumbs, wow, wow, well, okay, so I'll I'll justify my reasoning.
Speaker 2:You know to as well you have to come in here with like a zero thumb or after all that talk.
Speaker 1:I don't like it that much. I just want to gaslight you, bro. No, just kidding. I like it a lot, of course, but the truth is, is that you see this beer? or any of their other beers and the artwork, the, the unique naming that you recognize of. Like what they're trying to say. But you're like, why are they spelling it that way? All of it feels the names to skull seeker, Blondale. You're like damn, the last Blondale I had was like field day or something. You know what I mean. It's like something nice and sensitive, like the Sunseeker yeah, Um, anytime you grab a can that looks like this, you're taking a risk, right? You're like wondering is it all marketing? Yeah, you know, um, and I think the reason I like it so much is because it feels like I took a risk and I was rewarded for it. You know, when I have true brewing co beer feels like they are like we know you're probably scared, You're. It's like that goth girl You're working up the courage to like ask out on a date and you're like she probably doesn't want to go on a date with me. Look at me, I wear t-shirts that aren't black and I wear baseball caps and you ask that goth girl, check out. And sometimes you get rewarded with the yeah, sure, you could pick me up at. You know, seven PM, I'm just like a weezer song.
Speaker 2:You know what I'm talking about? No, which one? Oh, about a walk. She has a walkman and she's a grunge girl, but it's like he's like he's got no shot with her and he's just living on a prayer.
Speaker 1:Just hoping that you can always shoot it, bro. Yeah, you got to shoot your shot, worst case scenario. You're right on you. You still feel good about it. No, anyways, yeah. So I think the beer is great, it's delicious, I think it hits everything it's going for. I think the marketing is perfect, though I've never seen branding as just enticing as well as looking like high grade artwork. And so with that, two thumbs for me too. So four thumbs on the Mickey Pass show for true brewing co's skull seeker, let it be known and go out and get yourself some while it's in stock at, you know, your brewery stores. I don't even know if it's, like, actually available outside of Colorado. So if you can order some, do it because it's definitely worth the order and, you know, cherishing the sips of it. I won't say I don't want anyone to be, you know, distracted. I'm not saying this is liquid gold. Right, but I am saying it's like it is definitely a beer that is way batting above its average dude 10 bucks stock up your more than a four pox cage right now, if you have a Mormon apocalypse cage in the bottom of your basement, filled it to the brim with this stuff.
Speaker 2:Bye, bye, bye.
Speaker 1:What is the difference between a normal apocalypse cage and a Mormon one?
Speaker 2:The Mormon ones are very legit.
Speaker 1:Like Mormons, own these or these are ones to keep the Mormons out.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, like, if a Mormon builds, it gets like builds a house for themself, they incorporate into the plans a very dope. Are you for real room to keep all the stuff in for the apocalypse? Cause they're, they're post rapturous and so they got to be ready for it. So without that we can't get all the way down there. But anyways, mormons got got good prepper vibes, but I also. I said weasel, I can't believe I did that. It's bowling for soup girl girl girl all the bad guys want. I do love bowling for soup 1585 is just a classic. I once had that stuck in my head for 24 hours straight. That is a different story for a different time.
Speaker 1:Okay, acid, moving on, get ready for not really going to be a review of predator let's be real predator by John McTiernan. This is not the predator, as Pat corrected me earlier to make sure I didn't misspeak. It's not predators, it's not alien versus predator, it's just predator. The original one with Arnie and Carl Weathers and yeah, with that great movie, most people don't even know it was directed by director, directed by John McTiernan. I think he's done some other good movies, right, pat Die hard, which was our.
Speaker 2:He did do die hard. Yeah, okay, he did. He did predator and then die hard.
Speaker 1:Solid batting Back to back. He was out of the park.
Speaker 2:Just hang it up after that.
Speaker 1:The lead of the movie. Easily, you know it's Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I would say in watching the movie the first time as a kid, like the first time I watched it, I did not think Arnold was the lead right away.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, not until like halfway through.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I feel like, when he's undoubtedly the only possibility to be the lead at that point. Okay, so this guy's the maker, okay.
Speaker 1:But supporting cast Carl withers. You know Apollo Creed. He plays Dylan, dylan you, son of a bitch. And Kevin Peter Hollis. A lot of people like who that? Well, that's the guy who played the predator Seven foot two actor. He also was King Kong at one point, but want to shout out to him because most people don't know who the dude under the suit is El Pedia Carrillo, bill Duke, jesse Ventura, of course, senator of some part of California, governor, not governor, but he, he was. He was a senator Maybe?
Speaker 2:no, it's not California, nevada, arizona. Wait, a guy who was in this movie was became the governor of Nevada.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:So Arnold.
Speaker 1:Schwarzenegger, governor of California at one point Jesse Ventura. Look it up. He's either the senator or governor of, like Nevada or Arizona, New Mexico, maybe Okay?
Speaker 2:It's some, some Southwest state, but still there was a. This movie was this is career maker. Good, you could become the you know in charge of a state.
Speaker 1:Uh, sonny Landham and Shane Black. Shane Black, ironically, went on to direct the movie Predators, which sucked balls. But uh, just watch the nice guys. That is a great movie by Shane Black. Um, anyways, the plos summary of the movie. Uh, if you can't remember it, because you only remember half the movie growing up from as a kid, it's a team of commandos on a mission in Central American, oh, in a Central American jungle. It's not described and that was intentional. Um, they find themselves hunted by an extraterrestrial warrior, which one thing that I will say next time. Watching it wasn't even sure that it was an alien until like way into the movie. Hmm, like, part of me was like it is the ghost of the jungle. All right, you know. I mean just flashing its eyes.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:And I guess also the plasma came apart. I don't know why I was. How was justifying around that? I was like maybe that's coming on me, ah you know.
Speaker 2:I mean, okay, out there something, while some like some wild thing and the we are, by the way, we're smoking cigars. Because Arnold Was, it is a some is a fervent, avid, ardent and trying to say, whatever he's a, he loves his cigars. He loves him so much that he just always has him on set, he's always smoking, while the time He'll even be smoking them, like in the scene of a movie, just because he wants to be smoking them. And it's not necessarily his character's role, but it always fits the character well. But I heard a story about a Carl Weathers and this On this movie set Carl Weathers like athlete, like healthy, not not gonna touch smoking, not gonna be a part of it, and Finally on this set of Predator, after a while sorts, nigger broke him down and he'd kept offering him cigars, kept offering him cigars. He's like, nah, I don't need that. And finally he like he accepted it. And then he and this was an interview with Carl Weathers like when he's an old man and he's like, yeah, I smoked that cigar and I've been smoking them ever since. Shame on you, arnold.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's great. Ironically, this movie Sitting at a 47 on the meta score. But a 7.8 on IMDB. So Think of that what you will. That's like some pretty drastic differences in scoring right when it comes to aggregate review sites. But the Predator man, alright. So getting started, pat, let's come and do what we did for diehard a little bit, since we both know we love this movie.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, you saw it for the first time way later in life, way later, like like six months ago.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and first time I saw it, mm-hmm. We were already talked about this earlier, but I'll say for all of our listeners, all of our kin, I saw it Wednesday. So if you're from America, you're probably familiar with like as a kid growing up, schools used to do this thing. I don't know if they still do it with the same kind of break. You know things have changed. But we didn't get a full week off for Thanksgiving, mm-hmm. We would get Thursday and Friday off and it was awesome because Wednesday felt like Friday, yeah, and I remember the Predator came on while I was at home on Wednesday night, staying up late, hmm, excited for Thanksgiving Day and all that. The tomorrow and Predator came on on AMC, which was channel 64 at the time, and just Seeing the movie at that age of like 2003, you know, just had a had a pretty big impact on me. Yeah, like what I wanted to do, what I thought was cool, but yeah, so so you saw it really recently as an adult, which I think was probably a totally different experience.
Speaker 2:I bet you never really found yourself afraid, like a lot of people are, the first time they watch this movie right, yeah, I think, cuz you know the as I watched it I was, I was trying to put it through a Lens of watching it as like a 13 year old or as, like you know, as someone who also someone who hasn't consumed media throughout the 2000s, 2010s now, and then now 2020s, like Just being an 80s movie. So, like Cuz, like growing up, even I remember, like my a Classic thing of my people and my parents generation would say that like when they saw the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz, it scared the crap out of them, like scared them bad, real bad, and they like they couldn't sleep that night after seeing it. And then you watch that stuff now and you're like dude, like it's a, it's basically like a Sesame Street puppet flying around. That's not scary at all. Yeah, right, and so now. But I will say this the predator Remains scary first time you see him?
Speaker 1:or like are you talking? Like the first time it's revealed, not just invisible, or what do you mean?
Speaker 2:I mean I'd say that Both, because one, the directing and the mystery of what is going on is scary. You just don't know what is Causing this havoc. Just the flashing, yeah. And like the complete destruction. There's no like Once he gets you, there is no fighting him, yeah. There is no like there's nothing to do. That plasma gun Just makes you go bye-bye and it like Okay, help me out.
Speaker 1:You know, like I said, it's I still had. I still really do see it in my mind from the view of a child, Like even though I've seen it probably 20 times. You don't really get much Scenes or indication of what it is or its presence really, until it gets Shane black Mm-hmm, his character right, like that's the first time you see it really grabbing, physically interact with the environment, because I know the camera zooms in on points like leading up to that and you're just trying to look for it in the jungle mm-hmm but you don't really, I think, see it right, because even then everyone thinks like the skinned up other team, mm-hmm is just from the Gorillas, because and even then I think in that part doesn't isn't the cloaking device still on? Like getting you like. You mean when it like when they see the guys hanging from the trees or when like Like the the first time you really see any of it.
Speaker 2:All you see is like a weird silhouette of a cloaking device.
Speaker 1:No, yeah, yeah, that's what I mean, but I don't think. I don't think.
Speaker 2:I think it's like forgettable that that things out there and I just like an animal in the jungle right until it kills Shane black and then when it kills them, that's when you see, like some humanoid, yeah, yeah, yep, yep, and then you know it's, it's on and the like wait, I thought this was a war movie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is a commando.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah and and it, uh, I think that's thing too that probably got people so much was like they when, even though I knew, because, like at this point lots of predator sequels had come out and I'd you know but I was still in my mind Kind of like, wait, is this like a High? Because we got the thermal imaging and like this thing, and I'm like, is this a any of some CIA plot line going on? What's going on? And in my mind I was like, is this a, um, just a high-tech enemy? Yeah, you know, even with, like the plasma stuff, like, is this a high-tech enemy? What's the deal? I'm like, really, even until the cloaking device gets malfunctioned and you see it, you're like, oh no, that's an alien, now it's like man, like up until that point, you just like you don't know that it's like maybe they're setting them out to test some kind of new CIA weapon, right? exactly, exactly, and you don't realize. It's like they're way in over there, way, way in over there. Yeah.
Speaker 1:I do remember, though, how you forget that there might be a horror element of this movie, like when they find the skinned up commandos. You're like, holy shit, damn, that's Like it doesn't. It doesn't feel like it doesn't feel like. Oh, I'm watching a movie where it's like CIA versus cartel. You're like, oh, that's like out of Freddie Krueger. Yeah, you know, that's nightmare, nightmare on Elm Street stuff.
Speaker 2:There was no chance, there was no hope. Yeah, there was nothing to be done, no mercy to be pled.
Speaker 1:It's just, it's just so visceral and they're really well done. You know, like like they're very wet rubber skin bodies, yeah. But then after that it's just, it's just CIA, it's just military movie. And then, like they just go into this gorilla camp, just start blowing up huts, just hip firing, just wasting these gorillas, Like they didn't. You're just like gosh damn, like were they really a threat and you kind of forget. It's like a hostage rescue from so for some CIA informants. And in rescuing the informants and stuff like that is when it kind of comes back to full circle of like the being stalked horror movie and it's it kind of slows down again. But the whole scene of Arnold and the gang attacking that like village hut is so just put, punch your lips out together, you know, make that kiss face while you're holding a fully automatic like M16 or minigun and just letting the guns blaze away. And it's got some of the best one liners of any Arnold movie. Which little trivia to Arnold. What is that? Improv the line stick around. When he throws his giant machete knife and pins the dude to like the wooden posts in the hut. Oh yeah, he's like, stick around. And like that is, to this day, one of the most quoted lines that me and my friends have between us for Arnold movies.
Speaker 2:Oh, that is hilarious. And the the this was prime time for muscle man 80s movies. Like. I mean, it's like it's become like a meme. Now to the scene where they Arnold and Carl, where there's slap hands.
Speaker 1:Yeah, dude, that's the best damn handshake in any movie and they're oiled up.
Speaker 2:They've been. They've been oiled up. Literally had to been like point oh, two seconds before this. Like they like, sprayed this, like you know, greased them up and like and action.
Speaker 1:You know, just like I'll never. I say that line out loud every single time I watch and like Dutch Dylan, you, son of a bitch, and like that grip dude.
Speaker 2:I think I wish there was. Maybe there is, but I wonder if there's a behind the scenes of like they had to have gotten a pump before they did that. Like they were like all right, you know. Like they're just over there with a little, like you know, 15 pound dumbbell. Well, they would it out like 1000 times before they hit that thing.
Speaker 1:They were known for getting up at like three or four am to do some pretty intense workouts and get a burden going and dehydrate themselves before filming, and then they would often be working out in between scenes oh yeah, just just to keep the veins out, you know. But my buddy had a really good Ethiopian friend in college and in one video we made together for promotional video we saw each other and we did like we like. We're wearing the right shirts. We went to like clap and like you can see, we're both like not that built Very obviously, and then we just cut right to that scene yeah, like our arms, and then afterwards is normal again and people loved it. People thought that was like one of the funniest edits.
Speaker 2:That's great, dude. That's great Because, yeah, it's like, hey, no shame in not being two of the most, literally the two most muscular men on the planet at that moment in time.
Speaker 1:No kidding bro, it's like it's like I'll never have arms that are 32 inches around. Oh my goodness, like that's bonkers. But anyway, also fun fact trivia about that. Jesse Ventura, who plays Blaine he's the dude with the minigun and Shane Black's character says Blaine, you're bleeding. He's like he says the most stupid thing. I got time to bleed, you're just like the hell does that even? mean? What do you mean? You don't have time to bleed like you're bleeding, you've been shot, and. But Blaine, played by Jesse Ventura, was the. Jesse Ventura and Arnold were very competitive at the time. Arnold saw Jesse do go for the role in audition. He's like this guy's perfect, immediately he walks in. He has this deep voice, this macho mustache just total man. But they were so competitive that they were often trying to punk each other during the workouts. So Jesse Ventura one time hurt like before Arnold, got to the gym, dumped a whole bucket of water on him and walked out right as Arnold was walking in to make Arnold think he had just done the most insane workout. Yeah, I just got in Arnold's head. Arnold, though, at one time was approached by Jesse saying hey man, let's have a measurement concept. Contest of our arms of our biceps and triceps, because someone had to come to Jesse and when they measured his arms they said, wow, you were a whole inch. You got a whole inch on Arnold. It was like it was like a one of the like you know, people who are on the crew and stuff tend to their makeup and all that. And Jesse was like, oh yeah, all right, sweet, so I'll get him with this one. So he does that. And when Arnold's like, yeah, all right, let's all right.
Speaker 2:Jesse, let's measure our arms. I think did they make take, did they make a bet on it? They did, they made a bet.
Speaker 1:And when they did it, arnold had a whole inch on Jesse and Arnold knew he could get Jesse to do like make a bet on or something, and he had put the, the assistant, up to it. He's like go tell Jesse that he has one inch bigger arms than me so we could punk him. It's just like one of those things like that's a long game, bro. That's savage, but anyway, cool stuff. I do remember being pretty astonished at the amount of blood, though in this movie. Like this is one of those movies that really like pushed it to the limit when it came to like blood effects in squibs. Also, like not sure how they did the whole all the way through Blaine's chest that you could see Like I'm still like not sure how they did that to this day Like when he first gets shot by the Predators Photon beam or whatever it's not that big of a hole, but when he's down on the ground you can see like a hole through his shirt and like it threw out his back or whatever all the way through. And I was just like Damn, like that's insane. I remember as a kid I was just like my brain has never had to comprehend something like this. Like that is a lot of blood. What the arm scene, bro. When Dylan's firing his MP5 up into the trees and gets blast off in his arm, slow motion falls still like all he did shooting the MP5. He's just slow.
Speaker 2:So, good.
Speaker 1:What about you? What are some of the violent, the deaths? Because, honestly, it's you know, once the gorilla camp is taken over, it's just getting whittled down, one by one, after the party splits up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I've very, which guy is, but it's with the girl and the guy are together, I think it's it's as they're kind of realizing what they're dealing with. You might be the first one to get, I think, that Shane Blacks right, and he's trying to help her. Yep, yep, yeah, he's trying to help her, yeah, and they're out like, they're like kind of solo, there's a way, and then he gets disemboweled. Yeah, he just gets messed up, and that's when you know it's on and there's that. You know that one. And then the sorry, freeze. Well, I was thinking about the. There's that part of the scene where, like I guess in my mind too I didn't think that, I didn't know that everybody was going to get smoked. So, like when Dylan died, I was like, oh dang, you know, like when he gets because he dies right.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, yeah, I was like like his arm blasts off and I think it's hitting again.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Like he gets yeah, he gets smoked, he just like and it's not even like a like a long dying scene, like there's no like drawn out stuff. These people are just getting smoked. Yeah, dude, and so do you remember Bill Dukes, is that the one?
Speaker 1:on the tree. He's hiding in the in the tree like the felon tree. He plays Mac and he and he's like got you now motherfucker. And as he's looking, you see the three dots on his forehead.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:And then the camera goes behind his head as it explodes like a balloon of blood out the back. Do you remember that one? Uh-huh, that was dude. That one was like Holy shit. It was like so much blood. Which fun fact, bill Duke is in commando with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Oh really which is ironic because they play Green Berets in this movie like a CIA team comprised of mostly Green Berets and in commando Bill Duke and Arnold have a fight scene and when they're fighting in this like classic 80s motel, bill Duke has this knife on his, like this Green Berets is going to kick your ass and Arnold's like I think it's green braised for breakfast. It's just like it kind of felt like a callback to this movie, but it might have came before this movie, but I just I just remember I was like Leonardo DiCaprio and the couch was like yeah, they were friends, they were green braised in another movie. I always thought that was a really cool thing.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, and then the when the spine gets ripped out.
Speaker 1:Oh, like the silhouette of it. Yeah, I think that's Blaine's spine that gets ripped out. Yeah, that's, that's after he gets his body.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's the like, the most clapped Like. I feel like that one's stuck with that. That's the scene that everybody saw for all the rest of the time especially the way it flop.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like it was like. It was like oh that's, is that a real backbone? Like is that just the back of a pig or something? Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I like that. I feel like that's the scene that stuck with it with everybody. Everybody can like. Everybody who's seen the movie knows that scene. It's burned in their brain.
Speaker 1:How about the guns, bro? Let's give like, do some justice to the gun porn here. You know like some really great guns. You know you got that like. I think this was the first movie I saw the backpack minigun in and just how that thing's just like. I still don't know how they did the special effects for mowing the juggle down, because they had everything fall like the right way, as they're like just shooting God knows how many blanks into the woods but, it really did look like that minigun was just mowing foliage at like the hip level, yeah.
Speaker 2:Cause in this picture of, like the entourage, we've got two MP fives, we've got a classic.
Speaker 1:I think it's an M 60 in the back.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah. And then we have a classic M 16 with the grenade launcher yeah, the M 203 right there. And then one of them has an M 16 with a shotgun on the bottom. That's right, yeah. And then we also have the backpack minigun, which is the most ultimate weapon of probably all history. Because I don't as a backpack minigun, does that get used?
Speaker 1:I don't know, but I mean like you know. I mean like is that a?
Speaker 2:weapon that's been used in warfare. At the backpack minigun.
Speaker 1:I could see that having been like. If only that technology was available in World War Two, that would have made sense. But like I mean because at least you're like got more range than the flames, right, but I don't know if like it was ever used in modern war. I will say, though, that Grenadier Forend with the like it's just got the holes in it that look like they're, you know, kind of heat shield, like for the M 16. That is the most like vivious gun in my opinion. Like that was always what I desired to own as a kid. Like I was like, if only I could get an airsoft or anything that looked like that, that would be the best vibe of all time. Just the classic stock. Even with that, like you know, not like a false like, not like the 30 round mag that it looks like in I don't know, maybe it is. Oh, no, it's got the 30 round magnet. Yeah, excuse me, but I just always thought that was the coolest iteration of the M 16. Okay, though, all right, so let's kind of get in to I'll say it like I'm not above you pointing out to me, like cheese in the movie, like things that you think don't work or didn't age. Well, because I definitely have complete rose colored lenses when viewing this movie Even today. Like I don't think I'm capable of seeing, this flaws.
Speaker 2:Right, I don't think like MP5s in the jungle, that's no go. Like I don't know, I've never been, I've never been a green beret, I mean like I don't know if I know of any people doing jungle warfare with, just with, anything smaller. Nine million, yeah, yeah, with anything smaller than you know, just a car need a brush gun.
Speaker 1:Yeah, made something that can really hit through the leaves.
Speaker 2:So you know there's that, but I mean it's such a classic gun and you can slap it when you load it.
Speaker 1:So also just the fact that they like one handed or dual wield. It is just sick as hell. Oh, yeah, yeah. Which, like I see that I'm like no way you could do that. But then I see Carl Weathers, biceps and forums and like he could do it though. Like yeah, wrap those straps around your forearm. You're good to go, baby.
Speaker 2:And you know, as far as cheese in the movie there's a. If you're watching it now for the first time, there's a lot of like nitpicky things, but anything that like took you out of the movie, like anything that was like. I think that didn't look good. I think all the thermal camera stuff did only because, only because I've watched so much thermal camera, yeah, video stuff Now, like I just was, like I was like, oh, they say they are, like they used glow in the dark paint on, like like it just looked. It just all looked like you know it, just it all looked fake, which I know isn't the case. But now, having watched so much modern like flare footage, that part did pill me out of it and I was like I don't even know what I'm seeing right now. But you know, I think that, if I'm not wrong, this was actually used like the first flare cameras that were out there. I don't know if they did Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:I think they Did a like a compositing trick because, if I remember correctly, the first, like thermal heat flare color Mm-hmm. I think it came out after the movie, but I'm trying to find, because I mean thermal images, like being able to see heat signature Mm-hmm through lens and filament, has been around for a while. But I thought I remember somewhere a fact that was like yeah, like man, portable Infrared thermal with, you know, varying range colors, of cools to warms colored, wasn't around yet it was like very, um, like what's the term? It wasn't portable, you know, I mean it was an emplacement, but I could be totally wrong on that. Ooh, prototypes of helmet mounted thermal imaging cameras were first publicized in 1992. So who knows I also don't care because it looked, I thought. I mean it's still to me, I'm like I Think it holds up decently fine. Like that's kind of what I would expect for the generation. The one thing that I always had beef with, though, even as a kid, it was how the scorpion come on some of them. They're only being like oh yeah, bugs don't show up on thermal imaging. All right, you know, like bugs are cold-blooded, you don't see them.
Speaker 2:There's, there's cold as the dirt? Yeah, they're. Whatever the temperatures, they're walking around.
Speaker 1:But fun fact for all of those who also Don't think the mud thing is real, cord or digital.
Speaker 2:What is the mud thing For someone.
Speaker 1:So in the movie Arnold is soul survivor. He's actually he's gone the.
Speaker 2:At this point, it's established that he's the lead.
Speaker 1:I think I can't remember if Only the chick got to the helicopter or if she got to the helicopter with one of the other guys that was injured. I Think just her, just her. Because I think, right, doesn't that guy get shot in the side of the head or something while they're running to the helicopter? Yeah, but she gets there and then Arnold leads the predator away because he realizes it's only shooting the people with guns. Right tells her he's like no, don't pick it up.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, cuz of the chopper, because it has some sense of sport or yeah, something yeah.
Speaker 1:There's no pride to be taken in killing defenseless things. And as this chasing Arnold, arnold jumps off this cliff down into this River, like Lake area, coming from a waterfall, and he swims out and he thinks this thing's tracking him through the jungle. No matter how he tries to hide, somehow it can see him and he's covered in mud and stuff as he comes out of the water way more than you would be Fell to. The muddy is clay water ever. But he comes out and he hides. He just like, is exhausted and lays against this bramble roots and he's trying to cover himself in the roots. And as the predator Jumps into the water and comes out, it's mm-hmm. Visibility cloak starts malfunction and it doesn't seem to see him right away, mm-hmm. And then, as Arnold's sitting there, he notices that a mouse is moving nearby and the predator Confuses it for him based on its heat signature and shoots the mouse. And that's when he realizes the mud is covering his heat signature. And With that I'm. A lot of people have always said oh, that's hocus-pocus, your body heat would warm up the mud so quick. Yada, yada, yada. And To that I say go watch quarter cruise latest. Well, I guess we're not the latest video anymore, but they have a video where they test it and they have a guy just cover himself in good old mud pit mud from Texas and hiding some like. Like just against the base of a tree, and everyone's using modern-day heat signature cameras, various View finders for it. You know whether it's the, the color graded thermal or just the infrared, white to black, and no one can find him. And in fact they think they see him and then they're just going in the wrong direction, looking at something else. That's kind of popping up on the, on the heat signature, and they only found him because his dog found him and sniffed him out. And that's what. Like modern technology, like today's hunting thermal cameras, and so I just think like Just goes to show like. No, there was, there's something to that like, and even as the mud dries on you, it doesn't heat up that much compared to like the resent surrounding environment. So I always thought it was cool and now I think it's even cooler and like a legit option. Like Are you gonna deceive a team of, you know, highly trained killers coming after you? Probably not. They're probably tracking you with more than just their thermals. But if someone tracking you with thermals from a drone or a helicopter and you got to lose them why. You know you're running through the woods and you got to break contact in I sight line, of sight, break it, cover yourself in mud and as they kind of try to find you again, they'll have a hard time.
Speaker 2:Because the predator doesn't have much of a nose. His lips are taken up all of the snozz area. So especially for getting chased by the predator, he can't sniff you out.
Speaker 1:Speaking of that, what do you think of the predator the first time you saw, like the design, the face, like the helmet is.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it just was like yeah, that's gross you know, it's just like like A vagina.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's gonna say.
Speaker 2:It's like it's like the most horrifying vagina who ha in in history, with tusks, multiple tusks, and fangs, mandibles, layers of layers and layers of teeth and things. But it's like, it's like it's got.
Speaker 1:I think it has like the worst color that fish have. You know what I mean Like. It's like that yellow, pale, freckled. It's just. Oh, the predators icky icky did, but tell me that's not some of the best like practical effects. You've seen, all of the mandibles and stuff in the mouth were actually articulated by the actor within the helmet really yeah, they weren't remote controlled, so he was like he was articulating all of it with his own mouth and chin.
Speaker 2:Wow because, yeah, it's. It's disturbing for sure, and like the, the dreadlocks, the fish nets. Why is it wearing fish net? I don't know, but it's scary. I Think it's wearing fish net because it's the easiest thing to hang skulls on, because that's what it's got, because I'm like it's got skulls hanging off of its fish nets, you know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and the predator too, like it to me. I've always thought of this and you might feel free to re rebuttal on me, but it always to me came off as like the kind of like hillbilly Alien. Like I'm gonna drop a shit ton of money on my gun and my Sights, my optics and I'll get my like, my nods, but I'm going out and like my most cost-effective clothes, like I'm just oh, these pants, they're from Walmart, you know? I mean it's just like it's just like go backwards hunting in the marsh.
Speaker 2:You know You're not wrong, so I'm looking at your got holy pants. You know, is it not a lot of gear going on as far? On the rest of the body?
Speaker 1:and I don't mean that in an insult by any means. Like you know, there's a lot of good old Creole southern boys who put all their money into their, you know, a reliable gun that can fire no matter how dirty the swampy water is, and good as good optics, good sights. But they like their fish nets. Yeah, they don't. They love their fish nets underneath their, their camel trousers. Um, anyways, right, the showdown, right, mm-hmm Arnold's got this montage, or setting up the traps, mm-hmm, you know, and it goes from Cat and mouse to mouse and cat. You know a little bit of Tom and Jerry reversal. What do you think first time, seeing that you know where you height? Do you were you like in the zone where you, like I was?
Speaker 2:sick? Yeah, I was, especially because They've. At this point in the movie, it's been proven to us that there is zero percent chance of survival To fight this thing. There's no, if it gets. If it gets gets you, you're done, you know. So it's like, oh yeah, which is? Which is the best spot to find the hero of any Story in?
Speaker 1:it's just there's. There's no chance. Desperate vinyl stand, yeah, go down swinging and so the that the final showdown.
Speaker 2:You know it's like I Love to any, any home alone style attack plan. You know setting up traps. You know outwitting your if you're, if you're physically Incapable, yeah, of beating this thing. It's time to, you know, start out thinking it. Just some good old and even then fashion into you know, rising to the occasion.
Speaker 1:They don't make it stupid, like it it's right. It catches on. It's like wait a second, he's got this shit rigged.
Speaker 2:And it's like come on, it's not. It's not like fighting a bear.
Speaker 1:No, yeah, you're fighting an intelligent being and it's like wait a second, you're down in this conveniently Kind of carved out trench. I don't think I'm going down in there. This is like oh man, it was, it was so good. I just loved it because it felt Felt very rewarding. When he does finally Get the kill. And Pat, how does he do it? How does how does Arnie beat the predator? How does he? I'm trying to get him down, I'm trying to even remember. If I remember I think it's the log. I think he does get the log to swing.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, hit into the predator, Mm-hmm, yep, yeah, and it swings and takes them out and then he's all bloodied and broken ribs, broken back probably. And then what's the the next most disconcerting thing after seeing it and seeing its nasty mouth, is it like laughs or talks?
Speaker 1:Yeah say something I can't remember if it's like actually legible Mm-hmm, but it's like mimic, you know the whole movie is Mimicking yeah that's how, actually, billy Sunny it was the actor for Billy Billy Becomes aware of it, and it's not because he has a sixth sense, but after he says a joke, like just after fighting the gorillas, mm-hmm him in a blame laugh and then, like a moment later, something is laughing his laugh out in the jungle and you can see it on his face where he's just like the fuck. Yeah, that's exactly my laugh and no one else really catches on to, because I just think it's Billy laughing Mm-hmm. But yeah, the the the predators got its fail-safe protocol. Can't let them capture my technology if I'm defeated. Mm-hmm and it pulls out its little. You know, touchpad, wrist pad, weird digital clock numbers, and it's yautja language mm-hmm and you know final hill. Mary tried to take Dutch out with it, but I part of me wonders if it really was trying to take Dutch out over. It was just like you get running game over.
Speaker 2:You won fair and square, get going and I'd say, like the it lended itself to. If I had one critique of this movie, maybe would be that there was Too much mystery, but maybe that's part of the best part about it. Like, maybe it doesn't need a multiverse, multi-layered, super big backstory Storyline. You know this was just a standalone story of, yeah, you know. So part of the beauty of it was that that it was just a movie about this interaction, this thing, and it came in totally like not undermined, but like it blew away your expectations.
Speaker 1:Because if you had seen any of the other 80s movies, you're like this is gonna be another Rambo or whatever. You know what I mean, which isn't a bad thing, but like when you're like, oh my gosh, it's not.
Speaker 2:You know the whole, the whole thing changes. You're like I still don't know what that was. Yeah, I don't know no way it's what's going on.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know, cool cameo to that they did in honor of the guy and working in this super hot rubber suit in the jungle. The actor was the helicopter pilot.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, he was the black helicopter pilot in the end Nice.
Speaker 1:But it was too like later on you know, there's like all this lore that comes out later on that like they actually knew the predator was out there and this gorilla jungle had not much to do with anything and they wanted Dutch team to go out there so they could like study it part of the CIA thing? Yeah, which I thought was like fine it could have, like it was like. More of that is revealed in like the second predator movie. It's predator to concrete jungle or whatever with Danny Glover. Mm-hmm but uh, all I said, I don't think there's a single movie that lives up to the original. The most recent one was called prey, where it was the predator fighting native Americans in French fur trappers.
Speaker 2:And so they went back in time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was pretty cool because it's like it shows the predator still using futuristic technology, but like Mm-hmm, it's like they he chose his equipment for the level of technology that the prey had. You know what I mean. So he's not using his plasma blaster or plasma caster, he's using like bolus and like Kind of darts and stuff. It was pretty cool. It wasn't like groundbreaking I think, but it was pretty good. The scene of the predator just fighting a whole camp of fur trappers was frickin lit it was. It was awesome because there's five.
Speaker 2:Predator movies, not including predator vs Alien once but that's I mean, yeah, so pray, so it's funny cuz. So first, so petter came out 1987, predator to 1990, so just three years later. But then the next one.
Speaker 1:We didn't get it for 20 years, yeah, till 2010, which was predators and Fun fact about that one Lawrence Fishburne's character was originally supposed to be Arnie, but schedule wouldn't work because he was, I think, still governor at the time. It's like I can't, I don't have to run a state, and it was. It was gonna be sick, though, like it when you see that movie and you're like, oh, that would have been sick if it was a Dutch instead of Lawrence Fishburne. Right, because Lauren Fishburne does fine with it, I mean.
Speaker 2:But but it might have, you know, it might have, like the nostalgia factor might have, the movie would have been like five times Better yeah, if Arnie had been able to be a part of it.
Speaker 1:But uh, yeah. So I got some trivia here. We've already mentioned some. But the visibility cloaking effect was achieved because they wore a big right, big bright red suit, because that's contrasting with the jungle. Of course you can't wear a green suit, mm-hmm. And it was removed using chroma key, leaving an empty area. The take was then so, you know, like back in the day, chroma key in and out, you just have a black spot Going across the jungle. So, to make sure it wasn't that, they repeated the take without the actors and in scenes using a wider lens. And then the two takes were combined to have that like weird silhouetted, like peripheral. I was wondering how they did that back to illusion. Yeah, it's because it turned out great. Oh yeah, really good, and it moves. You know, like it moves flawlessly. It doesn't look like green screen.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, it doesn't, so I was wondering how it. That's a good way to do it.
Speaker 1:Already got that fact about Jesse Ventura out there. The film was really hard and a lot of the actors got like a Pain and suffering compensation because they often had to deal with fever. Yeah, no, they got leeches a lot. They got snake bites, pretty rough humidity and bugs. The night scenes were freezing cold and With Arnold in the mud he was often like at risk of hypothermia because of how long he had to just be kicked in mud. And they would blow heaters on him, mm-hmm, and it would just dry the right, yeah, but it wouldn't like cool, they wouldn't warm them up at all, yeah, and he would drink what was known as Yeager tea, which is a schnapps mixture to try to warm him up, but he would.
Speaker 2:Doesn't actually warm you up, it makes you feel warm.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but that was. He would drink it so much to try to feel warm that he was drunk on a lot of scenes when he was in the mud. Arnold is on credit. Saying get to the chopper is his personal favorite catchphrase of all time in all of his movies. Even more than terminators. I'll be back All right After Dutch impales a bad guy oh I already said this with on a wooden post with his machete and says stick around, it was improvised. John Claude van Dam was originally the predator. A lot of people know this. A lot of people don't know this, but he was originally a predator and he's kind of a shorter guy and he was complaining so much from the red rubber suit that he was only on set for two days before he was let go for being small. And then Kevin Peter Hall was brought into, wear the red suit and kind of fill out the imposing figure of the predator. Of some more the predators, blood is a goopy substance combined with glow sticks and KY jelly Mmm. And then, of course you already mentioned Carl Weathers got addicted to cigars from Arnold, constantly having a box of them to share Some goofs. There's a lot of continuity errors and of course in like scene-to-scene, camera-to-camera Excuse me, cuts that don't always line up with where actors are standing or something, but who cares?
Speaker 2:the 80s.
Speaker 1:It was it's still happens today, but some cool goofs. Throughout the film. The team use items such as grappling hooks and claymore mines. However, they are never carrying these anywhere on their body Like, no matter what scene they're in you like.
Speaker 2:That's a classic old movie thing where they just like show them, have the gear at the beginning and then they all of a sudden have it later. Yeah, I bet actors nowadays miss those days because Now it's like they have to have it with them the whole time they're filming. You know like where it's like oh this, you have a giant mag light, yeah, and you got to make sure you take it from the plane crash. Oh sure and because in scene 40, which I realize the plane crashes in scene 2, but in scene 40, you're gonna need it for a little bit, and they're like so I have to have it the whole time and make sure I have it every time. They're like how about? I don't think, I don't think I.
Speaker 1:I don't think I anywhere, but they got 80s on some stuff.
Speaker 2:I just wanted to like it, just like how about we just Find one in the shed In scene 33, you know whatever like. Just like the.
Speaker 1:I was like another flashlight. Yeah, wow, that cigar really changes the flavor of that beer a lot. Oh yeah, that beer tastes Whoa Also. This is a really funny give, in my opinion. There are a lot of common house plants in the jungle, some still in their black plastic pots Nearly in, for example. When they start to go to the chopper, you'll see like Just, you don't really notice it because the scene so fast. We're running out of budget, we got to return these to Home.
Speaker 2:Depot after this guys.
Speaker 1:Well, like that's when you realize like they probably weren't filming in Mexico anymore, for those scenes, like those scenes are probably filmed on us, like On the yard of a you know stage, stage, yeah. When the predator oh yeah, I said this when he picks up the scorpion, its infrared image Shows the arthropod as warm and then cooling off rapidly after being stabbed. However, scorpions are cold blooded to begin with and have little to nobody Heat, mm-hmm, alrighty. So our thoughts on predator Pat. What are your thoughts on predator man? Does it hold?
Speaker 2:up.
Speaker 1:Is it still as good as everyone says it is? Is it overrated? You know? Think about all these other great movies that come out of the 80s and early 90s. You know, jurassic Park was only six years later. Yep, yep, and I think I think in some ways it does, like it's not gonna disappoint.
Speaker 2:If you've never seen it before, you're not gonna watch it and be like that was pointless or like that was so old and you know. Like, if it, in that sense it holds up over time, you can. It still tells a good story and you can watch it and enjoy it. I would say, like the, I think it's a good story. I would say, like the, where the place that holds in the heart of the viewer, if you watch it as a kid or you watched it when it came out, it's gonna hold a much dear, nearer-deer spot than if you watched it later on.
Speaker 1:Sure, sure, I'm, I'm okay with that, I think though, mm-hmm, you have to watch some of the other ones to see just how bad just to like make you be like damn that first one is so. Good yeah yeah, like you watch the elders was like how do they, how do they fuck it up? Like it's not that hard, mm-hmm. And apparently it is, I guess, shane Blacks, which is sad because he was, you know, he did the nice guys and then really went on this. You know, tour of I'm doing predators and or the predators or I can't remember what it was, and it's gonna be awesome. It's again like supposed to be like a rag tag of the first time I've ever seen it Again like supposed to be like a rag tag band of military experienced individuals fighting it and it just it was dog doodoo bro. It was just so not good, um, and so much like Did it make sense? And I also just don't think these movies are that entertaining when you put them in suburbia, like I think suburbia is great for like Slasher, horror stuff, you know nightmare on elm street and and scream and all that. But when you're like extraterrestrial alien with super high technology and he's getting, he's stuck in, he's stuck in the suburbs of you know Indiana, it's just like this is dumb, like this is not nearly. This is kind of boring, um. So, that said, though, I do think in my opinion it holds up really well. Um, I do think, though, that it is a generational movie and that, like at the time, men and women both saw it and were like how is this done? This is insane, this is, this is frightening, and I think, nowadays, every time I've seen a girl watch it for the first time in the 21st century, they're just like huh what. It's kind of gay that you guys like these big, sweaty, oiled up guys just saying one liners and I'm just like you don't get it Okay.
Speaker 2:Just understand.
Speaker 1:So, that said I, I'm still gonna give it oh gosh, I'm trying to take my rose colored glasses off I'm gonna give it a thumb up. I'm still gonna give it, you know, of course, a solid thumb, um, borderline two thumbs, just because of the nostalgia and the one liners. How well it delivers on a twist into the sci-fi horror from you know.
Speaker 2:Action movie, muscle man, machine gun holding movies. Yeah, yeah, I'd say I'm a one thumb. It's like one of those ones like if you there's no reason to not see it, you should see it. And, um, the earlier you see it, probably the better. Um, as far as you know how good it's gonna be for you and the, I don't think it's. Uh, it's and it's not. I'd say if I could put myself all the way back in there. It's not a two-thummer in that like I'm In the story and the characters that I'm like, so in love with the character. Like you know, like, like, I don't like, I don't even know, like when this movie came out, like how many kids were dressing up as dutch? Maybe a lot were, but a lot were still dressing up as luke skywalker. You know, I mean like, like the just the level of like um, this it was a good movie, yeah, but it's it's. It's not on. It's not not quite on the two star level, probably even when it came out it was. It was a great blockbuster film and unfortunately the blockbusters are Going by the wayside more and more every year, like I think the age of the blockbuster Is well past and now we'll get a good movie every now and again. And so like Uh, but this came out right in there in a time when they were just coming out with movies that it was like the cool thing was was like Everybody went to the theaters, saw this movie, enjoyed it, and Uh didn't have anything really bad to say about it. They were like I don't know a lot of people. They were wowed by it.
Speaker 1:I guess during the time there was, like you know. That's why the critic score is sometimes. Canterbury's, because yeah, because a lot of cricks nowadays are like phenomenal movie from the 80s. People didn't know what they had Times at like at the time. People like what the fuck is this movie supposed to? Be right, you know.
Speaker 2:Like maybe they weren't ready for it, maybe maybe they were worn out on, like the muscle man films, which is kind of how I feel you know, like superhero movies right now, yeah, don't invent a new superhero and don't come out with one and don't make another Marvel movie, because we don't give a crap right now, exactly.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know. Um. All that said, though, ken, thanks for joining us. We hope you all love the movie predator. We hope you all like to quote one-liners you know, this holiday season, have fun, throw a knife into some wood. Who say stick it out and yell to your family. At one point, you know, I will say, one of the funniest things I ever saw happen was, uh, during a Thanksgiving day, my uncle tripped and like, as he was going up the stairs and I was in front of him and he had been chasing me, but like he tripped and fell, and as I looked back at him he was like get to the chopper.
Speaker 2:I just like ran away from.
Speaker 1:And it was.
Speaker 2:It was just one of the like it's just a classic man, and would you?
Speaker 1:would you know the right time to quote it? It's, it's just appeases everybody, definitely so, alrighty. Well, thanks for joining us, hope you get some true brewing co beer and, uh, enjoy it and we'll see you next time.
Speaker 2:Until next time.